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7222515 No.7222515 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /jp/ what are some really good bitter/dark VN's? I have been searching but there has been nothing that has topped 装甲悪鬼村正 (Soukou Akki Muramasa)

>> No.7222541

Bible Black felt pretty damn dark to me.

>> No.7222571

I second that. The rape scenes of Takashira are messed up.

>> No.7222574

Chaos; head and Saya no Uta

>> No.7222593

Is Demonbane real deal? I am wondering if I should get it when it is released later this month.

>> No.7222596

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno.

>> No.7222601

>when it is released later this month.


>> No.7222611

Extravaganza has a nice amount of despair, but I don't think it matches the sheer volume of crap Muramasa (both the game, and the character thanks to her curse) puts you through.

I suppose that's why the ending where Kageaki goes "Fuck this" and does whatever he wants was universally well-liked.

>> No.7222612
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Demonbane is getting released the same day as Duke Nukem For-never.

>> No.7222622


Guys by bitter/dark I meant depressing in a non-key sort of way. Pretty much from the get go of Muramasa everything is already pretty shit and the main character is even an anti hero (he constantly renounces himself as a hero). Also a lot of characters die even some of the main ones, sometimes off screen. Thats the kinda stuff I'm looking for

>> No.7222636

>he constantly renounces himself as a hero

Then he ignores it and ultimately goes off to do heroic crap anyway. Then zenakusousatsu kicks in and woe is Kageaki.

Re: BLADE ARTS, so good.

>> No.7222637

Swan Song
G Senjou
Seiken no Ignanock (for feel).

>> No.7222643
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Please just stop it and go away.

>> No.7222672

They have to release it one of these days, if nothing comes of the Nitro+ and JastUSA marriage the industry will die outside of Japan.

>> No.7222687


Demonbane is gonna come even with jast being lazy. The real question is if there is gonna be any more games after that

>> No.7222701

Use http://vndb.org/g745
Avoid http://vndb.org/g744

>> No.7222730


When I look for the tag I get
Tag deleted

This tag has been removed from the database, and cannot be used or re-added. File a request on the discussion board if you disagree with this.

>> No.7222811

Sumaga and Muramasa will be released afterwards with no mind numbingly retarded delays and all of them will sell well expanding the industry in which games that get licensed are actually released. This is the future I believe

>> No.7222813

Pygmalion the dark romance is my favorite deppressing visual novel.

>> No.7222835

There are like no happy ends in this game.
Mook's gorgeous though.

Isn't a lot of N+'s stuff up your alley?

>> No.7222905


Yeah I have played a few nitro+ games. I'm just trying to expand my horizons beyond one company. I will check out Pygmalion though since iv never heard of it.

>> No.7222928

Virgin Roster is pretty bad actually.

>> No.7222936

Phantom of Inferno, or just Nitro+ in general, your pick

>> No.7222941

Its because the company that made it died after only making two games.

>> No.7222947
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Hey, Necro... did you watch the game?

>> No.7222952

tivo'd it to watch before class tomarrow, but I heard the wings are putting on a good show.

>> No.7223353

I feel for you, OP. Nothing have been able to top Muramasa for me since I read it last Winter. Good luck in your search.

>Mook's gorgeous though.
You mean the visual fanbook, right?

>> No.7223420
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Tsukihime is pretty dark

>> No.7223781


Thanks. I will continue searching, anymore recommendations are appreciated. There has to be a more bitter/dark VN out there.

>> No.7223828

Let's see, have heard they are some of pretty depressing stuff, but havent played them yet myself:
Rasen Kairou 1&2 and anonymous, they are all from same writer I think and are said to be damn depressing.
Mugen Kairou 1&2 are so too I think.

for bit less depressing titles but still atpoints depressing:
Ikusa Megami Zero can be quite downer at times (if game would have ended at the end of ch5 it could been pretty good utsuge), also Baldr Sky only if you go with only bad ends in it can be quite depressing.

>> No.7223950

Coμ isn't really dark but it shares some of the same themes with Muramasa, you'll like it if you like morally ambiguous situations and characters. Especially in the last route.

Nijuuei is pretty much one of the most violent eroge out there, think Shigurui in eroge form

Sayonara wo Oshiete is probably the most fucked up eroge.

I also thought that Lost Colors was a pretty good utsuge, not ero though, but this one is pretty obscure.

Then there are the usual Kusarihime, Yukiuta (writer did the awesome Grisaia no Kaijutsu recently but this one isn't that much of an utsuge, Angelic Howl was pretty fucked up though), Phantom of Inferno, Swan Song

>> No.7224172

Wow I thought only extravaganza and gore screaming show were the supposedly only depressing black cyc titles. I had no idea that Ikusa Megami was a utsuge, I will check it out.

I could find most of the games you listed on vndb except for angelic howl, is it rare?

>> No.7224195

Angelic Howl is just the name of a pretty fucked-up event in Grisaia, I guess I wasn't clear enough.

Oh and if you are looking for something that could top Muramasa you should stop, seriously.
It doesn't exist.

>> No.7224209


Damn. I knew that Muramasa was good but I didn't know it was the best. That writer did hanachirasu as well I think. What was his name again? Because he needs to write more, he is like Urobuchi 2x

>> No.7224265


Fun fact: He also voiced Shishiku.

>> No.7224295

I know this is going to be taken as trolling no matter what I say, but give Subarashiki Hibi a spin if you feel like it. I'm not suggesting it because of the DEEPness (in fact feel free to ignore those parts without thinking too much about it if they're not your thing), but because the bullying and everything that surrounds Takuji is pretty dark and depressing, if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.7224352

Ayakashibito, kinda.

>> No.7225113

Thank you for the name I have been looking for it. Did he do anything else besides muramasa and hanachirasu? And I was going to play Suburashiki this summer as more as a mindfuck/philosophy thing which im also into.

>> No.7225127

>Did he do anything else besides muramasa and hanachirasu?
Kaigen Seito in the Nitro+ general fandisk and Janenhen supervision, that's about it.

>> No.7225152

Saya no Uta seconded

the whole VN invokes nausea at every turn

>> No.7225437


May I ask one more thing. Why is Sayonara wo the most fucked up VN? I try finding info on it but there is only a little and the people who do talk about it say it is quite disturbing.

>> No.7225485

It's a trip in the psyche of what is probably the most fucked up protagonist ever.
A very big part of the game is focused on his imagination, his phantasms and fear.
There is also the prominence of the red color in the art, since the entire game is spent in the sunset period, that give a really uneasy feeling.
It's something you have to see for yourself.

>> No.7225585

Looking for the most bitter VN and find supposedly one of the most disturbing, this should be interesting. Anyway thanks everyone for the recommendations. I have only lurked on Ixrec's site for visual novel info but they mostly talk about the WAB series which im not too much a fan of. I haven't posted on here before but you guys seem like a great source of information, again I appreciate the recommendations and will check them out (cept for semen inferno).

>> No.7225604

oh one more I could think, chaos;head B-route/end is quite depressing too

>> No.7225648



Select and buy as needed OP.

>> No.7225713

Is this true? Where did you get this info?
