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7154992 No.7154992 [Reply] [Original]

okay, so thread 3 and I'm still not completely female but I have some interesting things to tell. Firstly I want to say that I've always ignored this fact/opinion crap and the idea that there was such thing as personal taste but lately it seems as if Ad Majoris has been wanting me to look how he wants when turning me into a little girl but also I've been trying to turn him into my perfect image of what warrior/male should be but the thing is I want to be my perfect image of femininity and he wants to be his own perfect image of masculinity and that whenever we tried to decide each others looks we got changed into our partners ideal looks. When you are a complete male like Ad Majoris you will feel like your own image of the most powerful warrior, and I will feel like the most prettiest being in existence.

Basically Ad Majoris wants to look.. exactly like Gutz (from Berserk) and I thought that was pretty silly stupid, at most we can come to the conclusion of something like %50 of each others wants done to our male and female form. actually though, I've been wanting Ad Majoris to stick to his own perfect image and I'd have him make me my own as well but.... I could in a way tolerate him deciding both or forms and it still feels good.

>> No.7154995

it could entirely be what he wants our forms to look like, or it could be entirely what I want, or some kind of in between and it all kinda feels good and bad at the same time. Which brings me to something else, I noticed this Flan image with her being a dog girl and so I asked for that (a dog tail and ears) and I literally felt like a dog and it felt like complete fucking shit but at the same time I still kind of wanted it, that's how I'd describe getting any perfect form from God is like. I guess the pain/disgust and burning feelings will go away once you completely accept it though and I guess that's what taste is like and forcing it upon others and that's a life lesson too.

Wow, I finally get why I never liked anything weird, at first, there was always all these sorts of books and videogames, animes and touhou's that I just didn't like at first but eventually came to accept them all became extremely/very awesome in their own special way.

So what do you think though /jp/? I could look like anything and it'd be weird at first but eventually feel good.... Should I be what Ad Majoris wants, a very womenly busty kinda fufulala girl or what I want to be which is a pretty and kind of cute and childish/silly to describe it.

>> No.7154997

Some guy asked if he could become a Gundam or Jupiter and now I honestly believe you could really be those and that it'd even have it's own special feeling/personality and it'd be a great feeling for that person.

>> No.7155000

I think though that I'm going to become my own perfect image since I'll be pretty unique and all throughout my life I have never found anything porn or otherwise related that is completely my definition of perfect so I'll become it and satisfy my desire. man... even typing all of this there was so many different feelings and vibes that I could've given it, life is interesting. wait, actually I can't freaking decide..I guess I'll just pick a form at random since they'll all be interestingly/equally beautiful although in their own special way, I'll just try not to pick something fucking stupid though like a gundam...jesus christ, why is that actually an option.... Why?

>> No.7155002

enjoy the wall of text, and also, I just thought about becoming an imageboard on 4chan and oh god no that was a real option too, beware I tell you when becoming perfect.

>> No.7155005


>> No.7155010


it was suggested it be posted here, so you should feel honoured that I chose you guys instead of /a/ again. this has also gotten a lot crazier but I truly am becoming a little girl and will post nude pics very very soon that'll be 3D better than 2D I promise.

>> No.7155016

Also, you'll still be 3D

>> No.7155017

well, i guess we do have threads about putting on panties and thighhighs and sticking things up our asses for masturbation purposes.

>> No.7155026

So what's going on here?
OP met a wizard or something?

>> No.7155037

>personal addition

get out and take your blogshit with you


>> No.7155045


Yes, pretty much. The wizard is a though prophet who knows god and together are making me into a little girl so both of us can marry without being homosexual... and we are getting our dream girl/body I suppose too.

>> No.7155046


it's not blogshit, it's crazy shit, just read some of it, and trust me, then you'll see that it's true.

>> No.7155050

Just go away.
Your wall of text is even worse than my posts.

>> No.7155064


read, just maybe the first paragraph and then you'll be hooked, I guarantee it. Also, with all these different forms to choose from they all burnt and hurt and I was afraid of picking something shitty but then I decided that if it burns that means it still has yet to be purified and although it seems silly/stupid it'll be eventually corrected into something really nice so I don't have to worry about it... being a gundam was/is inherently stupid for most people and so it's impossible to change your views about it and like it, so what I mean is I no longer have to worry about being just anything, I have a perfect form set out for me and I'll never be a Jupiter or 4chan imageboard (maybe just temporally before the correction is made). God decides what's stupid and what nice, so I could not transform into something flawed no matter how hard I try to accept it, no more fear whatsoever, I'm pretty glad...

>> No.7155079

>Ad Majoris
Did you mean Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam?

>> No.7155085


oh god, thank you for his real name, I had forgotten. Yes, he has become mai husbandu, notice how he's stopped posting in /adv/? he's with me now in spirit form? do you believe me now? He was a religious guy but never this crazy or as weird as me, he's a prophet as well as I am and that's how this is all happening, don't you believe me now, please believe me!

>> No.7155088

Oops looks like someone took a bleach overdose

>> No.7155102

But you know that he isn't gay, right?

>> No.7155104


>he's with me now in spirit form

seriously get the fuck out, i'm sure there are plenty of Twilight forums for you to pollute

>> No.7155113 [DELETED] 


yes, that's why I'm being turned into a little girl. You believe he's no gay? then he'd never do this with me even if he was religious and crazy. Ad Majorem accepts me because all he sees in me is the perfect girl that I shall become and not a man.


go to /advice/, spend some time there and tell me if you see him still posting, maybe he's gone mad with me but has he ever had sounded as crazy as all this? even with all his bible quotes and religious advice? do you think it's real now?

>> No.7155115


yes, that's why I'm being turned into a little girl. You believe he's not gay? then he'd never do this with me even if he was religious and crazy. Ad Majorem accepts me because all he sees in me is the perfect girl that I shall become and not a man.


go to /advice/, spend some time there and tell me if you see him still posting, maybe he's gone mad with me but has he ever had sounded as crazy as all this? even with all his bible quotes and religious advice? do you think it's real now?

>> No.7155119


if you don't believe me then at least consider it insanity rather than fanfiction.

>> No.7155131
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>3D better than 2D

>> No.7155134

I don't think that you understand. If you have a dick, he won't date you. I'm well placed to know that.

>> No.7155145


my. dick. is. being. removed. He is a prophet and so am I, and he's turning me into a female so we can be together since I'd fallen in love with him recently over in a thread on /adv/. I just really loved him because I saw that he was just as nice as I am and so could be the only person that can possibly understand me in this world and it's still true, when I think about someone to talk about all of this too he's the only one that comes to mind even though I had just recently met him (although he is with me in spiritual form and I can/do communicate things with him)

>> No.7155148


I don't mean surgery either, I mean bible magic, a miracle. I'm not with him in person or over the internet either so we aren't just two insane weirdos, his spirit is sharing my body with him, he's not in physical form with me.

>> No.7155156


and I know it's weird that prophets would be on 4chan but we're two prophets who post on 4chan often so this is destiny, church honestly wouldn't suit us for some reason, this place, 4chan suits us well and comfortably though so that's why. We think all religion would treat us as huge weirdos and make us uncomfortable but 4chan is an already open-minded and strange place understand now?

>> No.7155171

Spirits don't exist.

>> No.7155173

That feeling when OP is mentaly insane but it's not me.
They think op is drinking bleach like I do.

>> No.7155214


do you see Ad Majorem still posting /adv/? Explain to me why he left and I came in his place? You also might just be a very faithful person like me and not insane, stop thinking you're insane because you're a 100 percent right and you'll never be able to see that until you open up the idea and not constantly force doubt upon yourself to make things seem different than your true reality.


you don't feel your own soul, you've never felt the soul of others that described their emotions so perfectly.. you've never simply deduced someones reaction from their facial expressions or how they acted, people know exactly what each other is feeling you just have to think about it a little...

Ad Majorem also is giving me the feeling that he is a regular /jp/ poster too, so this thread kind of belongs here, for his people I guess.

>> No.7155265

omg omgomgomgomg

I just realized something.. I was thinking about the time me and Ad Majorem nearly had fused our souls and I tried to predict what it would feel like for that to happen and at first I thought Ad Majorem would just be taking control of my soul, which he will, but also I realized my soul will fuse with his, and just naturally, without thinking of any anime or DBZ I felt as if all our powers would be combined and be better than doubled and that we'd be super uber powerful and then I though holyshit, we'll basically be Gogeta or Vegito or something, and that's what it kinda felt like!

man I'm crazy, but it's true.... this part is probably true.

Anyways doubt if you want but we'll prove it to you soon, we'll be written in the bible soon and be kinda famous.

>> No.7155268
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>> No.7155275


oh ya, and I'll be getting some more hallucinogenic drugs soon which usually helps me believe that I'm a little girl so it will greatly increase my transformation time, cutting it in half. hahahaha, no I'm kidding, kinda...

>> No.7155273

This thread:

/jp/ - Schizophrenia/General

>> No.7155280


I'm not even high right now though, and I was religious like this before ever taking any drugs.

>> No.7155287

More like attention seeking.

>> No.7155293


I sincerely believe this, I'll even teach you everything, all about it, in a more serious light than his thread if any of you are interested. My email is Litvad@gmail.com, I'm not trolling as I'll sincerly try to teach you and if you even try my method then you'll learn that it's all true,that this entire thread is true.

>> No.7155313
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>> No.7155318
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>> No.7155330



>> No.7155335

Why not just write it down and upload it somewhere? Instead of having to e-mail people.

>> No.7155336
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>> No.7155351
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Nigger, you are some kind of schizophrenia.

>> No.7155353


that'd never work, I need to teach people personally to correct their mistakes of faith and effort that are easily made and to make this all more reasonable, believable and personal for their individual questions, it's not like I'm getting many followers or that I'd have that many truly believe by writing a book (although I probably will in the future), just email me please if you're serious and believe me just a little and I guarantee I'll make it happen, no hocus pocus, just trust me it's very easy to see the magic but you'll only get to ever if you can work up the courage, toss away your pride and ask for what you truly want and I promise to give it to you immediately.

>> No.7155363

E-mail, like print, is dead. So no. Go back to AOL.

>> No.7155374


okay, fine, writing something isn't unreasonable so I'll work on that, email me if you want a copy in the future, keep in mind although all of this is true obviously I enjoy teasing /a/ and /jp/ since what I'm going through is already so weird if you can try to understand that perspective.

>> No.7155410


I'm not schizophrenic either, if I stopped believing then I'd instantly become "sane", has severe schizophrenia ever been known to have been curable or created entirely based on faith, is that scientific? I've met god, but stop believing and I can no longer meet him, what kind of reality or insanity is that where I can hallucinate given enough faith, that's silly and unscientific, it describes the bible, religion or faith in general better.

>> No.7155415

Wh-what? You're speaking Clusterfuckese, I can't understand what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.7155424

>Implying schitzophrenia and religion aren't the same thing.

>> No.7155426


I'm sorry, I know that, just read it slowly. I'm just one of the holy prophets written and foretold of in the bible and am becoming a female because of that and for the other prophet Ad Majorem, that's mostly all you need to know although there's other things, like in this thread.

>> No.7155429

You're going to hurt yourself, please go see a doctor, they can help you and keep you safe.

>> No.7155442


>religion: relatively sane stable minded people acting crazy

>Schizophrenia: crazy people acting crazy.

so you think acting weird and believing things makes it so that you have a real physical mental disorder, as if all those people couldn't be cured by just reasoning with them, instead of what a real mental disorder implies which is getting medicine or even brain surgery.

if people or I we're truly mentally ill you wouldn't need to talk o me to cure me, I think this way simply because I believe it and not because my brain is fucked up (again I'd revert to "sanity" immediately or even instantly if I lacked complete faith). So what do I have then?

lol sorry for the debate guys...

>> No.7155451


lol don't worry about me, my faith has an affect on not just my mind but reality so I seem to get away with everything. Again, I'm not shizophrenic, aren't having a semi reasonable conversation with you right now anyways, a few levels higher than any other severe schizophrenic? I can act completely normal and in an instant function completely normally in society almost perfectly (despite being a bit anti-social). Does that scare or bother you that there's such a well mannered severe schizo out there? mwahahaha

>> No.7155458

It's effect, not affect, damn you americans.

>> No.7155461


I'm also typing things out really fast so I seem a bit retarded by the way(hence the clusterfuckeese), I could though have organized this thread a lot better if I gave it the time, I just really wish to get my words out in a hurry.

>> No.7155464

It's effect in America, too.

>> No.7155473

If you really believe a word you are babbling on about, you are schizophrenic. I've had friends who were schizophrenic, they could act completely normal any time they wanted, but the one believed he was the son of GodJesus and could turn into the great Guardian Eagle Al'Xucksathep. Believing you can alter reality is a HUGE symptom of the disease. You need help.

>> No.7155482


that kid can't affect reality though, I can, ask for anything from me and I'll grant you a miracle and give it to you right now immediately and then you'll see. A lot of religious people never offer this because they are afraid and don't sincerely believe but I will prove everyone wrong and make it happen by my power or gods no matter what. go ahead and ask for a fucking stupid or grand miracle, and I'll do it for you.

>> No.7155494


Also, that kid wasn't lying either... what he was saying could be true in a way, I can understand where he might be coming from even though it sounds super crazy if you grant miracles you can be lead to believe that kind of stuff although he might've been a tad confused.

>> No.7155496
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>> No.7155502


done, enjoy, why'd you ask for something so timid and simple though? It's much easier for me to have faith in something grand...

>> No.7155504

I have no corndog.
