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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7146119 No.7146119 [Reply] [Original]

Gensokyo portal support line thread!

>> No.7146128

am i rolling? or am i asking?

>> No.7146126

What is 'Exit Bag'?

>> No.7146146

You are rolling meanwhile in the same time asking

>> No.7146145

Hello, portal support? I'm having trouble taking too much medicine. After my second bottle of pills I just start puking them out, and now I have ass ripping diarrhea so any new pills I swallow shoot out my backside in less than a minute.

>> No.7146147

You can find instructions in internet! There is even video on youtube.

>> No.7146168

hello? operator? hi, its marc from oregon asking for some help.

I was wondering if during the food poisoning, when I start to vomit, should i just keep puking and die slowly or maybe just see if i can choke myself on said vomit? which would be better?

>> No.7146181

I want to die a very painful death.

>> No.7146194

Urrrr... pfff, pfff,.. hellooooh, is dis portal support? pfffghfff, do you have... cake? because... uhhhhh... THE CAKE IS A LIE! HURHURHURHURHURHURURRRRRRR

>> No.7146196

Right, I was hoping it would be something cool.

Go to bars and have sex with 3D women, soon enough you'll catch a disease such as AIDS and die slowly and painfully.

>> No.7146209

If you fucking Penny Arcade retards call me ONE MORE TIME...

>> No.7146229

When you will be vomiting you will lose a lot of water, so it's very important to don't drink anything - it will speed up teleportation process. If you want to choke yourself with vomits then try doing it before going to bed - you will have greater chance if you will be sleeping!

>> No.7146238

Hello? Support line? I'd like a quick portal, is such a thing possible or does it have to be a slow drawn out process?
Also does the amount of suffering have any bearing on the outcome?

>> No.7146239


>> No.7146243

I will die in the next few days?

>> No.7146245

Try to portion them!
If you will take too much in short period of time it's natural you will return them! You can try to get some tablets used by people with motion sickness and add them to mix!

>> No.7146257

I figure this thread is as good as any to ask.

Has anyone on /jp/ tried to get into Gensokyo by doing LSD or some other drug? I'm thinking of trying it.

>> No.7146264

Lets put a ustream link on this!

>> No.7146265

Look for DMT

>> No.7146270

>Food poisoning
Yeah, no. I used to get it every couple months or so all last year. Was terrible but honestly not fatal unless you passed out from the stabbing stomach pains and drowned in your own vomit/shit pool.

>> No.7146273


Can't get hold of that stuff I'm afraid. Only coke, hash, weed and possibly LSD.

>> No.7146277


>> No.7146294
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1281100264341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I portal to the Palace of the Earth Spirits?

>> No.7146301

They will help you to get there in Gensokyo migration office, all you need to worry about is opening portal and deciding what kind of touhou you want to be.

>> No.7146317

where can I find some legitimate suppliers of cyanide

>> No.7146320

Cyanide? You don't need that to teleport. Just go to any pharmacy and buy loads of random crap, mix it all together. Now drink it. Enjoy your gensokyo.

>> No.7146323

what if he by coincidence discovers the hourai elixir?

>> No.7146327

>Pooshlmer tech support thread parody

>> No.7146334

Real Life mode: Doll of Hourai

>> No.7146335

Well, atleast he could fap to Remilia forever.

>> No.7146340

Protip: Most of countries have pharmacies where you need to have prescription or at least know name of medicine you want to buy. So "buy as much as possible" won't work with pharmacist working there.

>> No.7146353

>this thread

Constantly bitches about how "ronery" and misunderstood he is? Check.
Pretends to have a mental illness? Check.
Glorifies suicide? Check.

When did /jp/ become infested with so many fucking emos?

>> No.7146355


Wait, are you a professional pharmacist, or portal maker?

>> No.7146357

Fuck off, livingfag.

>> No.7146362
File: 109 KB, 1250x1425, 1275088550608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's perhaps the most uninsulting insult I've ever heard.

>> No.7146375

Why don't you take up drinking, smoking and wine, women (men-if that's your bag) and/or song? Worked it's arse off for Richard Burton and Oliver Reed It can get you to Gensokyo with the broadest smile upon your dial too.

>> No.7146378

I love how some people don't realize they're replying to an overused pretentious fad thread.

Now kindly spend more time in /jp/ before making a fool of yourself again, or better yet, leave.

>> No.7146386

>Joke's on you, I was just being ironic XD

How's that fedora and Iphone suit you, hipster?

>> No.7146392

If you're complaining about something that has been on /jp/'s daily dose for weeks then you don't belong here.

Goddamn hipsters.

>> No.7146411

This is "oc". I made this picture today.

>> No.7146418

Bleach portal sounds fun but i lost the instructions, anyone care to aid me in this predicament?
