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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7126722 No.7126722 [Reply] [Original]

hi /jp/
i just finished muv-luv and unlimited and heard that the patch for alternative is not up anymore because of the official release. Is it still up somewhere?

>> No.7126731

There was never a full patch, only a partial one. I'm sure it's around somewhere. If not I can upload it for you.

>> No.7126736

thanks a lot
that would be great

>> No.7126750

dont do it. i played the partial thinking the next one would be soon. then this official release stuff was announced and given the current speed of official releases, even with a full script already done I'll be waiting years for it.

Better not to start it then having to stop half way.

>> No.7126770

That doesn't work if you've already read the first two.

>> No.7126789

yeah that really doesn´t work

>> No.7126804

Nah, it works. Age delayed the fuck out of this game when it was first announced. You just get to experience how the fans at Japan feel!! It's オルタまだぁ~ all over again!

>> No.7126816

The japanese had to wait 3 years for that.

>> No.7126828

I'm pretty sure stopping at the end of one game of a two part series is less frustrating than stopping in the middle of a game.

But if OP wants the partial patch I've uploaded it to mediafire:

>> No.7126837

don't play this unless you really like cliffhangers and being cut in the middle of something awesome.
Alternative is a good game and deserves better than being played at hiccups.

>> No.7126853
File: 31 KB, 640x480, [Anime-Legion]_Akane_Maniax_03_[754422AC].avi_snapshot_05.21_[2011.03.16_03.08.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if there was a real muv luv animu?

>> No.7126873

i hope we don´t have to wait 3 years for the english release

>> No.7126878

They are still going to release Extra and Unlimited first to see if it is worth releasing the big prize. 2016 is a reasonable estimate providing anyone still gives a shit.

>> No.7126883
File: 101 KB, 491x550, thanksixrec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7126891

>They are still going to release Extra and Unlimited first to see if it is worth releasing the big prize.
Which it won't be. And then Ixrec will either keep his word and leak Alt's translation, or he won't, and either way all parties involved will have wasted a ton of time.

>> No.7126899

I have a hypothetical for you /jp/: if age sold the translation, without JastUSA or Mangagamer faggotry, in a patch and left us up to our own devices, would you buy it if the price was reasonable and it greatly moved up the release date?

>> No.7126906

I don't care what they do if it means translation sooner than later

>> No.7126908

isn't that just asking for the original game to be pirated? No one is going to pay for the patch -and- a full price game except those shitting money.
For someone who professes to care about the industry, can't say it's a good way to go about it.

>> No.7126916

But wouldn't it require very little investment for a quick buck? The translation is free for age if Ixrec is being truthful.

>> No.7126931

wouldn´t it be easier to finish the work on the partial patch if someone knows how to do it?

>> No.7126943

What is this official release thing ?

>> No.7126950

ixrec should have finished the patch
people would have bought/pirated the game either way
if it´s a japanese version with an english patch or a english version
I, for once, would have bought the game if it´s as good as i hope it is

>> No.7126956

I have a hunch age doesn't give much of a shit about this and Ixrec is going to wait until he gets it through his head that the main reason there's no western VN market isn't piracy, just that Japan couldn't care less. At which point they'll send him a c&d for good measure.

And to those thinking there's no reason to take a free translation and make some quick money, keep in mind age is well aware both of the thundering success official VN releases have in the vest and the hell some retards with too much time on their hands could raise. If you were age would you waste a lot of time and risk becoming the next target of BAN SICK JAPANESE GAMES for what, 50,000$ worth of sales (and that's a a very optimistic figure).

>> No.7126959

it means all patches have been removed from their website and no one is working on the patch for alternative because they are negotiating with Age

>> No.7126969

>thundering success
>official VN releases
I can't tell if you're joking

>> No.7126986

Why would they charge extra for the translation? They could just include it with the game itself.

>people would have bought/pirated the game either way
>if it´s a japanese version with an english patch or a english version
Exactly. I don't see why people don't understand this.

The fears of eroge being the subject of some crusade in the West are as unfounded as the fears of Rapelay turning men into rapists.

>> No.7127003

that hasn't stopped them from going all turtle mode and blocking foreign ips from eroge company websites

>> No.7127069


>> No.7127083
File: 97 KB, 1024x600, vU8jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7127112
File: 41 KB, 298x403, I am waiting too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7127133

Is the tranlsation up to Operation Ouka or is that just for trolling purposes?

>> No.7127141

he finished the translation itself. So I guess his amaterasu cronies got dibs on english MLA, while the general public peons have to wait for SUPPORT AGE'S OFFICIAL LOCALIZATION OF THE MUV LUV SAGA

>> No.7127148
File: 15 KB, 80x80, Ginji80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait for another leak!

>> No.7127155

Ah, then lets just hope the whole localization business gets solved quickly then.

>> No.7127156

you're implying people on amaterasu would want to leak it to us, which is laughable considering how they're the same people who shitpost "autism" and so on.

>> No.7127159

Or break down quickly, Ixrec said he will release it if we have another "support JastUSA's localization of Nitro+ games" on our hands.

Such an innocent time, to care about type-moon again...

>> No.7127220

all this talk about alternative
i can´t wait for an official release

>> No.7127226

I will never wait again, love and hope was lost on January 13, 2011 and will never be returned. You broke my heart Ixrec.

>> No.7127239
File: 219 KB, 1174x336, Snap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bros, Ixrec has all under control

>> No.7127240
File: 7 KB, 228x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmentally friendly fan patch = <1 week wait
Useless official release = 52 to 156 weeks to wait

>> No.7127248


>> No.7127252

i´d rather donate some money to ixrec and buy the japanese version than wait for some official release in a couple of years

>> No.7127302


>We know nothing
>March 18 2011

Sure is negotiations. Christ he needs to stop wasting his and our time already. I could understand if there was a localization company or whatever raring to pick it up when he dropped this on us,but he doesn't even have that.


>pirate the japanese version

Fixed that for you.

>> No.7127304 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 806x652, otosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oto-san mata ne~

>> No.7127353


>> No.7127385

mikoto was my favorite

>> No.7127397

Papa, gambatte~

>> No.7127402

Fuck, it's the neko-loli one.

>> No.7127469

I'm always amazed seeing how spoiled you kids are.

>> No.7127671

no spoiled kids here
only people waiting for alternative

>> No.7127691

amaterasu defense force is finally here, guess they took their time

>> No.7127765

i thought the same thing

>> No.7128079


>> No.7128480
File: 60 KB, 600x600, youre-fucking-retarded2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me:"God i can´t wait for this to be transl-"
>Ixrec:"The game is goimg to have and official release"
>Me:"But is only one month to go..."
>Ixrec:"So what?"
>Me:"You sure have got a lot of money for it, didn´t ya, you fagg-"
>Ixrec:"I don´t get any money because i want this to be releashed ASAP to help people that want the game in english"
>Me:"And why didn´t you finished the translation and waited one or two month before and official release instead of using a retard excuse and not thinking with your brain that something like Demonbane could also happen to this as well?"

>> No.7128487


>> No.7128505

He will leak if they pull another Demonbane. Read his replies on his blog more carefully.

>> No.7128540

>He will leak

>"I'm doing this for the industry! Never mind that leaking it would make age lose pretty much half of its purchases, as long as people suck my cock, I'll even contradict myself and my word with a japanese producer!"

>> No.7128545

You should demand a refund if he goes back on his word.

>> No.7128548

He is still retard for making that decition in the first place though

>> No.7128559


He just get into a situation when he´s fucking retard no matter what he does.

>> No.7128585

My profit is not the point here, the point is that the airs he's putting on and the incredibly retarded situation he put himself into just to show he cares about the industry and isn't the pirate he actually is.

>> No.7129213

He doesn't care about industry. He cares about delivering quality patch with decent speed. Some part of original Alternative like voiced-only scenes near the ending, movies, and cockpit user interface are impossible to subtitle/edit without age's support.

When he translate and release immediately, people accuse him for being speedsub hax. So no wonder he doesn't mind adding 2-6 months delay for Alternative. More than that and he'll release a leak.

>> No.7129280 [DELETED] 

Tell you what, /jp/.
I happen to have in my possession a completely translated Alternative.
If you don't make any shitty threads for an hour, I'll leak it.
Otherwise, I'll delete it. (I'm done reading, so yeah.)

>> No.7129324

>voiced-only scenes near the ending, movies, and cockpit user interface are impossible to subtitle/edit without age's support.

Is there any people complaining about that .txt pop up during movie scene ?

>> No.7129349

You should know by now that Ixrec acts in order to get as many people as possible sucking his cock. Not having things like that diminish the potential of that number. He must have gotten it into head that trying to strike a deal with age would have gotten their entire staff to suck his cock somehow though.

>> No.7129361

but now everyone hates him for delaying the translation.

>> No.7129368

He has his dedicated circle of cocksuckers to keep him going for the time being.

>> No.7130580

not me
it would be better to just release the english patch for the japanese version because if they really translate those voice-only scenes into english they would be bad anyway.
Same with anime translated into english -> it sucks

>> No.7130801

fed up with this official release shit
patch was just a couple of weeks away from being finished

>> No.7130810

>He doesn't care about industry.
that's not what he said when he explained that he wanted everyone to pay at least for "muv luv fucking alternative"
see what the problem is? He's constantly switching stance to what's more beneficial for him
>doing this to support western market
>actually no, just to deliver a great patch
>even though this implies delays
>but don't worry I'll leak the patch fucking over age if they want it to be a great release
>after all, we're the ones in control
>what? release dates? we aren't in control at all shut up

>> No.7130856

but people will pirate it either way
patch or no patch
official english release or japanese version

>> No.7130859

It was worth it for the full patch.

>> No.7130992

yeah right

>> No.7131017

I'm all for supporting the industry here in the West, but rather melancholic that this pretty much means waiting who knows how many years for Alt.

>> No.7131192

whatever happens he's going to look stupid. if we have to wait a long time for an official release everyone will hate him for causing delays. if the translation gets leaked he's going to look like a moron for having caused needless drama. what the fuck is wrong with fantranslators? are they all retarded?

>> No.7131229

Shoulda sucked some cock instead of bitching.

>> No.7131293

There aren't delays. They are time needed for the release.

>> No.7131340

i have everything complete and ready for release, but the fanbase isn't ready. they have to wait several months, dying of anticipation first.

then i'll release it. i sure hope my staff won't get sick of my shit and leak it. "wink nudge"

>> No.7131369

lol kid

>> No.7131382

No, it's time needed for releasing a licensed game.

>> No.7131399

It's delay from "end-user" perspective.

>> No.7132587

bump for justice

>> No.7132705

If mangagamer doesn't release within six months, I swear on my mother's grave that I'll leak for you guys.

>> No.7132778

would be great if that was true

>> No.7133109

those are called delays. we could be playing the translated game by summer. as it is now we'll be getting it somewhere between next year and never.

best case scenario he finishes and no one cares about what he starts translating next so he's forced to release to maintain the cocksucking.

>> No.7133545

Did nagato release the hacking tools publicly? If so, do you guys think it'd be faster for someone else to translate the rest of the game or wait of the "official" release?

>> No.7133555

Those are an early version for Extra/Unlimited.
You'd need to rework them to work with Alternative.

>> No.7133562

What do you mean by "those"? So the hacking tools for Unlimited are out there but not for Alternative? How easy would it be for someone to rework them?

>> No.7133565

Don't waste the effort, guys, Ixrec's translation is good.
Like I said, I'll leak it if they delay for too long.

>> No.7133582

So, I'm dying to ask.. have you played the whole thing yet?

>> No.7133586

You don't remember him posting on /jp/ many months ago being like "Hey guys, rUGP isn't so unhackable" or something very vaguely like that?

>> No.7133592

see >>7127083, he even shoved it in your face

>> No.7133603

When I asked him if he played the whole thing, I was intending to further ask his opinions on both the quality and impact of the translation. Since I haven't read it, I assumed that screenshot was simply from the partial patch. Am I incorrect in this assumption?

>> No.7133608

yes, that's from the final chapters

>> No.7133618

So what's the latest update on the deal with age? Has Ixrec even contacted mangagamer yet?

>> No.7133714

You should try reading the thread before replying to it

>> No.7134544

why should mangagamer release alternative?
like someone said before, they would release extra + unlimited first right?
so isn´t that 6 months deadline already highly unlikely?

>> No.7134993

what was the deal with voices in koihime musou? would that be an issue here? what about the JAM project song in alternative?
