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7087094 No.7087094 [Reply] [Original]



Sorry if I'm slowpoke, but you guys gotta check this out, I laughed so hard despite the current earthquake and playing dead space 2 for seven hours straight.

>> No.7087098

Not falling for another spambot.

>> No.7087122

Poor China.

>> No.7087128

not spam. it's a touhou 13 MMD video featuring Sakuya. you know the drill.

>> No.7087152

This is pretty funny. It's what she deserves for just sleeping on the couch all day.

>> No.7087155

That video hit too close to home. Pretty much an accurate showing of my life.

>> No.7087168

>laughed so hard

Sakuya-san ;_;

>> No.7087199

Why is Remi such a bitch?

>> No.7087223
File: 75 KB, 512x384, 1234110345614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little half spirit can't be this good of a troll

>> No.7088775
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and i expected youmu to sympathize for Sakuya in the end

>> No.7088780

>playing dead space 2 for seven hours straight

You should've beaten it long before that.

>> No.7088814

Bunbunmaru Shinbun! Bunbunmaru Shinbun!

>> No.7088821

She ain't Heavy, she's my imouto.
Oh wait, she is Heavy....

>> No.7088835

I laughed.
Don't worry Sakuya, I still love you. And you got an awesome Touhouvania game.

>> No.7089243

Up again.

>> No.7089335

Oh the irony, Sakuyafags keep calling Sanae a slut when Sakuya went for a 1night stand at the bar.

>> No.7089346

I laughed out loud every time Sakuya got pranked

>> No.7089394
File: 44 KB, 245x212, 1298570754813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every secondary laugh about these sakuya-jokes?
It's far away from being funny and i don't get it why sakuya should be a playable character in every single game after PCB. And don't come with these "popularity-polls", you know it's ridiculous.

>> No.7089415

It was pretty funny when Youmu barged in and threw Edward Cullen out of the window

>> No.7089424
File: 13 KB, 248x250, kaguya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks only Sakuyafags call Sanae a slut

>> No.7089429

At least try to avoid showing the fact that you're just a buttmad Sakuyafag.
