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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7044484 No.7044484 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an old-fashioned neet thread?
Or is that against the rules now too?

>> No.7044494 [DELETED] 

What/when exactly is "old fashioned"?

>> No.7044495
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Not allowed!

>> No.7044498

No new tripfags for one.

>> No.7044506

Aren't threads like these one of the reasons why /jp/ was created?

>> No.7044509 [DELETED] 


We dedicate an oxen to the One-Eyed God.

>> No.7044510

Recently, neet threads were brimming normalfags and their so-called morals.

>> No.7044517 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 164x317, wtH_being_shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yeah, guess i'll ask a question
so should i buy pokemon white or should i save for a nintendo 3ds? if i save for the nintendo 3ds i might not be able to get Victini...but if i do get a 3DS i won't be able to buy any new games for a LONG time since i have no job...

or i could use my money to buy stuff for my laptop since PC master race...hmm, what the HELL should i do guys?

>> No.7044519

>This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion. This [unfortunately] includes figurines, visual novels, Touhou, etc.

>> No.7044527

Ask /vp/

>> No.7044534
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Self-righteous normals shitting up NEET threads is an old tradition though.

>> No.7044533 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 162x316, wtH_being_smexy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the event ends in a month for victini
>this money is from birthday money
>i might buy a tablet and headphones and NX gift cards

>> No.7044537


/vp/ is full of disgusting, rude people.

>> No.7044540

I remember moot saying something about not want any ronery (I categorize threads like these as such; because they eventually turn into them) threads on /a/, and that they should be in /jp/.

>> No.7044541 [DELETED] 

near the end of the month is when nintendo 3DS is released, which would be an upgrade from my DS PHAT

>> No.7044544

We aren't Japan/General anymore.

>> No.7044548

>I want /a/ to become "ANIME & MANGA" again. Keep the random shit out of it. No more ronery~ threads, no more bullshit.
That could imply that /jp/ is where that kind of bullshit should go to, but moot is moot.
And if I remember correctly, last time someone mentioned those rules, someone else said they wee for /jp/ - Japan/General, and not for /jp/ - Otaku Culture. Guess they should only be followed when they favor you, right.

>> No.7044549

I got myself a job. After 3 years.
So, how should this make me happy now?

>> No.7044559

Money, is what I'd say, but that wouldn't make me happy.

>> No.7044563


>> No.7044564

That's not how it works dude.
You get a job so you can afford stuff.
If empty materialsm doesn't cut it for you, then well, nothing really.

>> No.7044593

Flipping burgers isn't a job you know.

>> No.7044626

Don't feel bad OP.
People just don't know how to take it easy on here anymore.

>> No.7044680

Today I woke up at 2PM. It was very quiet and a bit chilly in my room, probably because I turned off my computer before I went to sleep. I drowsily stood up and stumbled to the window and opened my blinds. Through the window, in the neighbor's front yard, I witnessed my neighbor's daughter practicing gymnastics. That scene made me realize that spring had finally arrived. I began thinking of the months to come, the great weather, the return of birds to the area, the smell of the blooming flowers. One thing that I wasn't thinking of, however, was the fact that I was having this realization while watching this little girl in her front yard. She must have seen me gazing, because she packed up the pads soon after and went inside. I blew it off and turned around and walked out my door into the kitchen to get some food. My choice was a large piece of dark chocolate cake with whipped cream and chocolate ganache. The remnants of the birthday cake my mother baked for me. When I returned to my room I put some water on the kettle for some tea.

While I was in the kitchen my mother explained to me that she'd be going on a cruise in a few months and that tonight she was going out to meet my aunt. She also informed me that she would be leaving some money for dinner. I think for dinner I'll get some KFC and eat it earlier than my normal dinner time, maybe around 6PM, and then lay in bed with my laptop and do any combination of writing, posting on /jp/, listening to music, and playing games. I'm excited for my mother going on vacation, partially because that means she finally trusts me enough to leave me alone and also because this house is simply so peaceful when it's empty.

Do people really find this lifestyle depressing? I couldn't be any happier with my life right now.

>> No.7044689

u mad?

>> No.7044733

Enjoy it while it lasts. The lightness of being neet might fade sooner than you think. As the years drag on and you've done all the things you like for 10000 times, you're bound to get bored.

It's still better than the alternatives though.

>> No.7044765

I've been NEET for about five or maybe six years, ever since I was 16 in 2006. Things aren't getting boring for me. If anything, they're becoming more interesting.

>> No.7044792
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That's pretty much where I'm now. I sleep most of the day and spend the rest browsing /jp/, reading VNs and fapping.
But I guess I'm good as long as I'm free from loneliness and depression (and financial problems). Life isn't that bad.

I guess you're a natural.

>> No.7044835

Can one you recommend me some highly time-consuming jrpgs?
I actually enjoy grinding and the pointless accomplishment type of stuff.

>> No.7044838

one of*

>> No.7044844

I have a question to all NEET shut-ins. How did you manage to enter this lifestyle? Did your parents just want you to be happy, so they allowed you to live like this?
I am at home in front of my computer all the time enjoying myself except when I'm at school. I'd love to live like this, but it seems like my mom would never allow me to drop out.

>> No.7044860

Any korean MMO.

You're very eloquent, I have to say.

>> No.7044865

What happened to this place? Where are the true neets that shit on the floor?

>> No.7044867

Very supportive parents who helped me get on permanent mental disability. It helps that I am actually quite insane, with years of medical history to back it up.

>> No.7044868
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HEY you're underage you shouldn't be here!!!!!!!

>> No.7044883

I want in a university, but was majoring in something I really had no interest in. It wasn't a bother the first few years, but eventually I just became entirely apathetic toward working for a goal that I placed no value in. I became suicidal for the simple reason that, while I didn't mind living, I couldn't take the stress of having to move forward in life when I didn't know where I wanted to go.

Confessing this to my parents, I dropped out, moved back in, and have been a shut in ever since.

>> No.7044890

That list makes me feel unsure anon; It's kind of messy, the spellcard rules make it impossible for characters to kill each other in danmaku, to which all battles starting from eosd are forced to be like the most technical game mechanics don't really apply so don't bring that crap in.

>> No.7044903

I'm currently playing Rune Factory 3 on my DS right now and I'm loving the shit out of it. Maybe you should give that a try.

>> No.7044907

Have you tried the SMT series yet? I personally really enjoyed Persona 3/4. I don't know about playtime, but Neptunia looks very cute.

Basically just haven't done much since graduating high school in '09. I was forced to at least take online courses, as opposed to being around other people on campus. After failing enough classes, my parents might have finally given up on it. For now, my NEET lifestyle will be maintained until the next time I actually have responsibilities thrust upon me.

>> No.7044929 [DELETED] 

Why do you even want a Nintendo DS?
Portable consoles are for people who actually go out
And you...Yes, YOU , you sicko...
You probably do not even leave your room!
Just download the emulator and be happy with it
PC master race always bro!

>> No.7044938

Please talk about your loving ds. Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.7044942

I had Shin Megami Tensei on my list for some time. Which would you recommend to start with?

>> No.7044947

>implying European people go out of school at 11 o'clock pm.

>> No.7044955

One of these times you wish you could mod your own separate class. Well he might start an autism revolt if he gets rid of that guy.

>> No.7044956

I didn't know you could do that for DS...
You know, with the touchscreen thingy and all.

>> No.7045022

I just ordered an SNES to USB adapter. I plan on playing a lot of SNES games on my TV. I might try some Genesis or NES games too.

>> No.7045051

My dad sends me money each month.
Enough for a mediocre apartment, food and the occasional fig.

I guess he considers it a small price to pay to have me out public sight. God knows what he says when people ask him where his son is.

>> No.7045055

The adapter is for the gamepad, right?

>> No.7045084

Yes. This way I can use sturdy-feeling Nintendo-made SNES controllers for my PC. Cheaper than buying a new gamepad too.

>> No.7045134

Being NEET isn't fun anymore, I want to do things, actual productive things, but I just cant anymore.
It makes me feel like shit when I hear my Mother complain about it. Its like every time i try to do something productive, i just end up putting it off more and more, and end up not doing it at all. My mother has noticed it, and she asked me if I want to go see a psychiatrist, but I told her no. I small social problems, but nothing too serious. I just wish i could get off my ass and do something again. When I sit at home, I always have to distract myself with games, or anime or whatever, because when i do think about how shit my life is/will become, i get the urge to kill myself.

>> No.7045182

That feel, I know it.

>> No.7046799
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To everyone in this thread who wants to change their place in life, take it one step at a time. It's good to have goals but if you can't have goals, then enjoy the process of finding a goal or path. Enjoy things! Exercise, eat and sleep well, and try to do at least one productive thing a day. If you feel as though you can't get a job at this moment, or school seems daunting, then start out by taking on responsibility at home. Become the KING OF DISHES or look for ways to repay your parents for their kindness, god knows you've got the time!
I know it's easier to hide and to indulge in things like games and stories. I do that every time I manage to escape from my duties. But there is pleasure and reward in the work of this world.

>> No.7046804

Female NEET here, it's much the same except that whenever I chat to a guy from 4chan over AIM and he finds out I'm a girl he starts asking me for nudes and so on. Unfortunately for them I stopped camwhoring when I was 18 and look back on that time with a mixture of repugnance and shame.

>> No.7046818

How do you deal with the guilt of being a burden to your father?

>> No.7046827

Not a neet but I'm excited for pokemon. 3DS seems like a waste of money until it gets some games. So maybe a year or two.

This is a huge month for gaming now that i reflect upon this.

>> No.7046850

I've only been NEET for about a year now. After I finished my masters I was scared shitless of actually going out and finding a job, so I've been staying at home leeching off my parents, but they do not seem to mind. I can't get unemployment since they'd find me a job much too quickly, and have not signed up for unemployment. I've told them I have been saving up unemployment checks for when I move out and I can support myself right off the bat. It's going to bite me in the ass later on, but I'm living now and in the moment, I dont care.

I have no spending money whatsoever, so all I can resort to is pirating software, /jp/, and sleeping.

>> No.7046925

I felt good reading that.

>> No.7046950

If blogging wasn't already against the rules, it should be.

Also, for anyone between the age of 18 and 26, not having a job or going to school in itself is well within the parameters of normalfaggotry and encompasses about three quarters of 4chan.

>> No.7046982



>> No.7047170

hey guys, if or when you leave your place what do you say when people ask you "what are you doing now?". As in school or job?

>> No.7047182

pretend you're self-employed computer repair lol

>> No.7047213

I woke up at 6pm, lay in bed for an hour thinking about how I'll have to not go to University for another year, then got up and turned my PC on. I checked Nyaatorrents for the Itsudatte single, still nothing. I decided since it was Friday I'd go and get some Chinese food, the lady in the shop decided to make small talk. She asked me what I was doing, I said I was still in school. She wrongly assumed I was in a year below the year I lied and said I was in. I ate it at home and felt pathetic afterwards, since I wasted my money on food again. I laddered a little on Starcraft 2, and caught up on this season's anime. At around 1am I found the Itsudatte single had been released on Nyaatorrents. I was elated but decided not to listen to it, since I'm a pathetic Chris Chan fan and was listening to the new calls that had been released. I then played Minecraft for two hours. Then I went on Omegle to pretend to be a 17 year old girl for about four hours. I then went back to Minecraft for a while. Finally I listened to the Itsudatte single and posted this on /jp/. It is now 9:05am and I'm about to go to sleep. All in all a productive day!

>> No.7047215

I always say I'm still in school. I look like a 14 year old at best, a 17 year old at worst right now, despite being actually far older. If you can't say that just say you work nights. That'll explain the bags under your eyes.

>> No.7047289

Get a job.

>> No.7047397

My father lives and works abroad in a wealthy nation with no tax, so I remain a neet.

>> No.7047418

NEET thread?

Just wanna say I love you all

>> No.7047424

Love you too.

>> No.7047428

It hurt for a long time and I was certain I would cut it one day and make him proud. I don't really careanymore, I think.
Maybe I'll give getting a job another try next year.

>> No.7047636

During my second to last semester of college I stopped caring. Missed three of my finals even though I knew the content for all of them. Made up my russian final, but that's only because the teacher called me asking if I wanted to schedule a make up.

None of them were even challenging classes. I had taken much harder ones and done better on all of those finals.

I hadn't talked to any of my family for about 6 months before then. For some reason ever since I started school my dad liked to fuck with how much money he'd send me. He'd only send money for tuition and even then it'd be late a few weeks. Well he's my adoptive father. My real father killed himself when I was 5. My mother died when I was 12 of cancer. She owned a small business that cleared a million in revenue when it was sold. Dad still didn't send living expenses or even help pay for my rent. I worked part time since junior year of high school so that was how I paid for books, food, rent, and utilities. Remember once when that ran out and he refused to send money since I wasn't careful with it. Had to call my grandmother for money after I went a week eating tunafish and anything else I could find in my apartment.

>> No.7047642

Cut to my final semester with all my classes planned and everything. Figured that what happened last semester was just a fluke and I'd be fine during the new year.

Problem was I never went to class. I remember my thinking at the time. Oh no one ever goes on the first day. I have a week of absences I can have before I lose a grade. Well it's too late now.

Dad sent tuition and my living expenses aren't that much. $600 a month for rent and I'd taken to eating every other day so maybe $60 a week spent on food. Didn't consider myself a neet until time for next semester rolled around. Didn't go then either.

My lease expires in August so I figure I'll join the air force or some other military branch by then. Maybe go back to college if I ever start caring again. Until then vns and anime.

>> No.7047656

Ah should be, "I wasn't careful with it".

Working in high school taught me to be fucking frugal with my money. Also not to be a jerk to anyone in a service oriented industry.

>> No.7049244

I too feel like this anon, i enjoy living with my parents far better than being normal. Although i would move into a small house if i had the money or even a job, but i can't bring myself to move away even if i wanted too.

>> No.7049252

ITT: closet normalfags.

Get the fuck out, you goddamn scenester kids

>> No.7049270

Ah yes, the well-known "NEET scene".

>> No.7049728
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fucking homus

hikikomori is where its at these days, the neets are just bandwagoning now that theres a recession

>> No.7049787

neets, are you even trying? hikikomori master race reporting in. neets are the lowest members of the family only above normals. unless you're a true neet, you aren't even worth talking to.

>> No.7049795
File: 481 KB, 760x1007, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I know NEETs usually don't have a lot of food, for anyone who likes Chipotle, they're running a buy one get one free coupon right now. Normally you need to watch some video on Facebook, but I saved you guys the trouble and screenshotted the coupon itself. I don't mean to sound like a spammer or advertiser, but it's truly a good deal and I love you guys. I hope you have a printer.

>> No.7049808

I really should have read. Each coupon has its own code.


You don't need an account to watch it. Still a good deal I think.

>> No.7049835

The employees like never check the code anyway. Also, save yourself the trouble of watching the video. http://chipotle.inomod.com/

>> No.7049845

Oh perfect, that one changes the code each time. Thanks!

>> No.7049850

Hey guys, help me out a little here. The degree I should apply for when finally quitting the NEET lifestyle, should it be electrical engineering or computer engineering?

>> No.7049882

This depends what you like doing more. Generally, Electrical Engineering is more involved with physics, power transmission, and playing with electricity/magnetism. Computer Engineering will deal more with computer architecture logic (think binary operations) and maybe some light dabbling in programming. Depends on how the school does it, though. My school had Electrical and Computer Engineering under the same general major with a few minor variations in classes. Best of luck to you and I hope you find something you're interested in.

>> No.7049992

No matter how hard I've tried I can't sop being a neet, this world won't let me.

I apply to many different jobs, no one ever calls me back.
I go to school and they tell me to come back in 2 weeks, I come back in 2 weeks and the classes I wanted to take are full.

At night the sunrise comes too soon. I can't get everything I want done.

In one week I read 10 200-300 page books, this is the first time I've counted how much I read.
I plan on reading a few books on Nazi Germany and WW2 general this week. So far I've got three 1,000-2,000 page books . I'm also considering reading either Edgar Allan Poe or William Shakespeare, by this I mean reading all their works.

I recently got a gym membership and have started trying to build muscle, so far it's going well I've managed to put on 7 pounds and I feel a lot better in general. It helps with the crushing depression I get.
I started seeing a doctor 5 months ago for the depression and he put me on 3 types of anti-depressants, I take a total of 4 pills a day every morning. The doctor says I need to start sleeping during night and stay awake during the day, but it's a habit I can't break (don't want to).

that's it for my /jp/ blog

>> No.7050000

It's hard to make up my mind about it without having tried either of the fields, but what I'm thinking is that I'm afraid of CE getting too abstract and hard to comprehend since it goes a little beyond the physical world, while with EE, I don't think I'd be that interested in stuff like analog electronics and signal processing.

>> No.7050044

EE/CE is a pretty broad field, and you can usually get away with not needing a whole lot of exposure in every subject. Maybe at most, you'll have an introductory course in each set. If you really aren't sure, I would suggest starting with EE and if you didn't like the introductory courses for any of the paths, submit a major change to CE. Most schools allow this and the overlap between EE and CE shouldn't make too huge a difference if you can choose what you want to do in the first semester or two. Luckily, at my school, EE/CE was all considered to be EE until you chose your specialization areas in your 3rd and 4th year, and they were pretty flexible in how it worked out. Another thing to consider is that EE is generally more math heavy than CE, and CE is more concept and problem solving heavy. I am pretty bad at memorizing formulas and the like, so I actually did better in CE, but my degree says EE on it.

>> No.7050054

What's the difference between CE and CS? Anything?

>> No.7050059

I know that feel, signing up for classes can be a pain. Sometimes you can be waitlisted or just audit the classes till the professor lets you in, but I have no idea how that works since I don't like talking to professors to begin with.

I have also felt that going to the gym has pulled me out of depression and done wonders for my self-esteem and confidence.

>> No.7050068

Can't you all continue this in /adv/?

>> No.7050081

From what I understand, CS focuses more on the even higher abstractions and practical applications of CE, whereas CE will focus more on the architecture, logic, and designs that CS is based on. It really is gray area that shares quite the amount of overlap, though. In the end, it really depends on how the school chooses to split it.

For example, in CS you may need to create your own compiler or OS. In CE, you may design processors or RAM.

>> No.7050090

Where are the lovely people from /jp/ gone?

I miss everyone.

>> No.7050097

Bump because fuck you, /jp/

>> No.7050099

Gone with the Rika threads.

>> No.7050128

bump for cancer.

>> No.7050140

FUck democrats. seriously. you faggots make me sick

>> No.7050153

So i see /jp/ is still filled with /a/ and /v/, holy shit. I think /jp/ is is done for. It died in a really weird way... who would of thought /jp/s own destruction , was not /b/ or moot, but a random vn from manga gamer. I guess most of /jp/ left, so there is no need for me to be here, ill check back in a week.

>> No.7050165
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>who would of thought /jp/s own destruction , was not /b/ or moot, but a random vn from manga gamer.

>> No.7050167

Something kills /jp/ every few months. Relax.

>> No.7050185

I noticed /jp/ decreased significantly in quality during 2009 and never recovered, but since then I haven't noticed anything, so it baffles me whenever someone says "thanks to [incident], /jp/ instantly went to shit". It did? How is it different from last week?

>> No.7050208

As far as I'm concerned, /jp/ was never good. Same thing could be said of all the boards on 4chan that aren't /lit/ and /tg/.

>> No.7050213

You have been here a bit longer than me, but Its obvious that it is not the same /jp/ from 1-2 weeks ago. A lot of /jp/ers left and also went to other websites. I check bun and tohno chan. The user base is completely different in my opinion from that of last week.

>> No.7050221

Seriously. I want an explanation. What VN? How is it making /jp/ shit?
I've been working a lot during the last 1 1/2 weeks

>> No.7050244

I assume he's talking about koihime musou, an oldish VN that was apparently translated recently, but I don't know why he would think it's killing /jp/. A lot of people on /jp/ get super excited every time an old VN gets translated, because they can't read Japanese so it's pretty much like a new release for them. It's nothing special, and happens every few months or so.

>> No.7050247

Manga gamer released Koihime_Musou, So as usual a bunch of /a/ and /v/ came to /jp/. The problem is they started to troll and brought over there horrible threads about Piracy, Manga gamer was also trolling and our bad tripfags made it even worse (sudo,wth) /jp/ kinda gave up and didn't do anything about it, they usually do something to get people out of the board, plus we had miedo. this time, we kinda gave up and a lot of normal users left. thus our whole user base is different. Its very awkward.

>> No.7050259

Nothing on 4chan really changes in units as small as "weeks". We have bad periods and good periods, but it all averages out. It takes years for the average overall quality of a board to actually change.

>> No.7050278

The random threads also increased, Also people dont seem very /jp/ish, from the way they type, to how they act.

>> No.7050299

>A lot of /jp/ers left and also went to other websites.
You have no way of knowing this. Those two sites have always been different than /jp/.

>> No.7050326

I went there and asked, they said they didn't want to put up with this shit and left.

>> No.7050338

Yeah, that sounds plausible.

>> No.7050357

You were completely correct. When I asked if they accepted the coupon the bubbly girl behind the register responded with a cheerful, "Yep!", and held out her hand for the coupon. She didn't even look at it and put it underneath the counter.

After one of the burritos though, I'm not sure I'll eat the other one tonight. I'm stuffed.

>> No.7051282

Damn, I didn't realize /jp/ was currently experiencing one of it's "the end is nigh" moments, I've been away and only popped in check VNTLStatus.

>they usually do something to get people out of the board
We do?

>> No.7051703

>the end is nigh

Eh... people have always been saying that. /jp/ is just going through a slump.

>> No.7053067

I had a weird dream last night.
I dreamed I was 'successful' with a job and girlfriend.

>> No.7053074

Well at least we will always have original users that will probably never leave /jp/ unless they died or something. The spam here isn't that bad when the other boards decide it's time to pick on /jp/ again.

>> No.7053083

Sounds like a nightmare to me.

>> No.7053095

That would be a nightmare for me too, well maybe being a complete normal and having a girl friend but I'm ok with the having a good job part as long as it isn't too stressful.

>> No.7053096 [DELETED] 

Been NEET for 6 years, then my parents finally kicked me out.
Now working in a dead-end job without any future. Just wanted to say, I'm very envious of every single one of you.

>> No.7053103

I will be this way for the rest of my life, I may get a job at most and maybe by pure luck I can live on my own someday but overall I will always be the way I always was. I honestly can't see myself any other way. My life has so many things wrong about it and is a dead end road but something tells me this is way I was meant to be. My life has been a successful failure. A failure on the surface but a personal success when I just look at myself as a whole.

>> No.7054212

>dead end job
I keep hearing that.
You make it sound as if there are jobs that are different.

>> No.7054252
File: 665 KB, 1920x1080, nhkvector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this vector/wallpaper a week or so ago. Posting here because of this image >>7044534

>> No.7054456

Last August, I decided to do all I could to turn my life around. I gave myself one year for this last try, and if I would still be miserable after that, I would finally allow myself to end my life.
Half a year passed. I went trough hell to get a job again, a better apartment and I'm also going to therapy again. I still feel like shit though. If anything, things have gotten worse.

August can't come soon enough.

>> No.7057923


>> No.7057933

Drank a pint of cheap bourbon yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, nursing a hangover today.

>> No.7057965

>NEET is a government initialism for people currently "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". It was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China, and South Korea
No wonder NEET is in English, it's a term from England! This dispels the association it has with it being a jap term. Feels better this way, I think honestly.

>> No.7057993

Went to education advisors today (Conexxions).
I read the screen it said NEET next to my name.

Im in the process of evolving from NEET, Wish me luck.

>> No.7060951

Any one knows why we have so many non-/jp/ posters on board? Where everyone is now? I don't want to be left alone ;_;

>> No.7060965

True /jp/ faithful will be right here refreshing until the very end.

>> No.7060979

What happens the day comes that pressing F5 brings back 404?

>> No.7061046

We all move on with our lives, put our personal burdens behind us, embrace our latent talents, and become successful, happy and well-rounded people?

Or just move on to another website more likely.

>> No.7061125

I drank over a liter when I turned 25. Woke up on my bathroom floor not knowing wtf I did and with the worst hangover ever. That was when I saw the end.

Sure I work now, but is manning a register and pushing in carts really a job?
I miss the old days of not doing anything.
I went to college just for the sake of saying I went to college apparently.

>> No.7063140


>> No.7063159

Just quit my job today.
Now back to lazing around all day and making a half ass attempt at studying to get into college.
Feels good man.

>> No.7063166
File: 120 KB, 692x1878, 1299551065745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rift and the ocassional dwarf fortress fort are all that occupy my day. Every once and a while when I do my weekly shopping I might pull an anime off the shelves at random and watch it.

>> No.7063188

Congratulations my friend. I know the feeling of quitting one's job for the sake of embracing hedonism. Welcome back.

>> No.7063373

True NEETs don't bother replying to these threads, unless to sage it.
