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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 130 KB, 666x666, autism mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7002500 No.7002500 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with new mod?

Common /jp/ threads get deleted while obvious >>>/v/ are left. Is he just because /jp/ is "raided" or we are going back to autism?

>> No.7002504

I want Meido to double penetrate my ass.

>> No.7002507

Don't even try this.

I made a thread complaining for the same thing.

It got deleted.

Nazi mode is ON, I guess.

>> No.7002509

I got banned for making an anime thread, but apparently western video games threads are just fine!

>> No.7002510

Maybe we could start a revolution, like the arabic revolution.

>> No.7002515

It was fine until your thread got deleted, huh OP?

>> No.7002520

>I got banned for making an anime thread

And you expect anyone to support you here?

>> No.7002522

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.7002523

Don't you see I have Yukari on my (our) side?

That means it's some /v/ mod who should just go away since raid is over.

>> No.7002534

No, it's not fine when we have western games, troll threads and only /jp/ threads left are regular reposts.

2/10 trying too hard. Complain threads - always related.

>> No.7002535

Not at all, I'm just saying that having double standards like that is bullshit. The anime thread I made was actually civil and didn't have people arguing like most /jp/ threads, by the way.

>> No.7002542

>The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

Do they?

I'm affraid they don't.

>> No.7002543

Its called a NEW moderator, they're not broken into whats normal and what's not, be patient

>> No.7002549


They've had in excess of a month, and they're more than comfortable swinging their banhammers around.

Honeymoon is over, call shit performance what it is.

>> No.7002548

At least if we shit in their boards, eventually they'll grow tired of deleting the same threads once and again, and baning thousands of times the same people, and start listening to us.

And if they don't, well... guess they'll have more work to do.

>> No.7002553

I don't get why you think that throwing a fit like this is going to change anything. This never works.

>> No.7002555

/a/ fucktard /a/

>> No.7002556

We need a mod and 2 janitors who are /jp/ regulars and get the rest if the staff to leave us alone.

I miss AoC.

>> No.7002560

Was it the Madoka thread about becoming the little girl?

>> No.7002561
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We need another board for, actually, true /jp/ culture, and again, another separated board ONLY for touhou. Then we would have:

/a/ - Anime & Manga
/jp/ - JAPANESE culture
/th/ - Weeaboo & Touhou / general

>> No.7002563

Just like the Shogun thread belongs in /v/, fucktard. It's not even remotely /jp/-related.

>> No.7002564
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Bunch of samefags all complaining that they can't post anime/nsfw/blatantly offtopic bullshit.

Cry me a river.


>> No.7002567

Maybe fusion /a/ and /jp/ again, and then another board for touhou and umineko.

>> No.7002573

Just no. There's not enough discussion of either topic to warrant its own board. And /jp/ is going through yet another trend. World of Tanks is out, that maid-fucking game whatever it is is in.

>> No.7002574

Wait, I think I have it.

Merge /a/ and /b/ with /jp/, and a separate board for /v/.

>> No.7002575

I'm not complaining, it's just not right to allow one off-topic thing and not another.

>> No.7002580

Can we have an opinion from the experts on what otaku culture is?

>> No.7002583
File: 34 KB, 251x220, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the meta thread?

Okay, "ism" right after the letters "a" "u" and "t" in that order should be an automatic ban filter, IMHO.

Yeah, I know, those can suck, but just on /jp/ it'd improve the quality of the posts greatly.

Especially since most of the problem posters here are on family routers that they can't just do whatever they want with whenever they get banned.

>> No.7002585

I don't know about other people, but at home I had full control over the router as I was the one with the most technical knowledge.

>> No.7002586

Japan, in general? I mean, everything about japan.

Including anime an manga.

Now ask moot what does "otaku culture" means.

>> No.7002588

I just woke up; I don't see any really good deleted threads on the archive.
Plus, I see a nice Yuuka and a nice Yukari thread intact, so it can't be that bad.
So, which good threads got deleted?

>> No.7002589

Yes, simply pick anything at an otaku convention in Japan or anime "con" here (besides the furry and other /b/ shit of late).

Hence the original board title.

I mean, duh.

>> No.7002591


I also control all bank accounts and whatnot.

I wear the pants at my home.

>> No.7002592

So we'll start calling people aspies.

Wordfilters do not improve the quality of a board. See /v/.

>> No.7002594
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I think it's everything Japan outside of what /a/ covers which, you know, was the entire reason for the split to begin with.

Sounds about right to me.

>> No.7002598

If anything should be word-filtered it's 'u' on its own. Just imagine the amount of u mad and chav spelling posts would get filtered.

>> No.7002600

Filter "u mad" yourself. Suddenly, 9/10 shitposts disappear.

>> No.7002601,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before 404/threadban

>> No.7002601
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Trust me, there are none. People like to complain when they don't get their way or when others don't see eye to eye with them.

I personally noticed a lot of /jp/ meetup and animu threads 404ing tonight/this morning.

>> No.7002606

There were actual /jp/ meetup threads? Not the "I wish to be your trap wife" threads or is that what you mean?

>> No.7002611
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The ones I saw were just straight:

>/jp/ meetup

threads with OP pictures that I couldn't recognize/animu/manga. I don't even know what the OPs in those are trying to get started...

>> No.7002615

Ohh, I get you now. I thought you meant /soc/ type stuff.

>> No.7002616
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>> No.7002619

People still think this board is about japan?

>> No.7002620

/jp/ is a dumping ground for shit that could easily go in other boards. /v/ regularly has VN and Touhou threads that are actually civil. MMO threads are already posted there, obviously, so those don't need to be here. Idol threads could go in /s/ if you're just going to image dump, or /mu/ if you're actually discussing the music. Random doujins could go in /a/. I think if a thread vaguely falls within those categories and doesn't turn into arguments/trolling it should be left alone. Otaku Culture is an awful board title, because it's so broad that there's no real meaning.

>> No.7002621
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/jp/ meetup

>> No.7002629

>that maid-fucking game whatever it is is in.
But CM3D is in a way, sort of a spiritual sucessor to 3DCG, even though they don't do the exact same thing.

Also, you can't convince anyone that eroge isn't /jp/.

>> No.7002634

It just hit me how retarded it is that this board is work-safe while one of our main topics are eroge.

>> No.7002634,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not on my watch!

>> No.7002636

I don't think it's worth to make a fuzz about it. But I don't see why the -Arcade- thread with -shmups- and -fighters- got to go wheras all while that whole "lolol western developed shogun" thread is still here.

But yeah, I suppose the moderators/janitors are capable of learning. So yeah, unless it happens repeatidly I can't say I care all too much.

>> No.7002638


Don't mind me.


>> No.7002644

It's work-safe board so ergoe+"lewd/rude"+ecchi shouldn't be on /jp/. Also we had thread about this some time ago, and some people don't like it, but still feel that they fit to otaku culture. Really as far as I can accept nearly anything these things should be removed from this board.

>> No.7002645
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>I don't see why the -Arcade- thread with -shmups- and -fighters- got to go wheras all while that whole "lolol western developed shogun" thread is still here.
I agree with you on this, but it got derailed pretty quickly.

>> No.7002649

I wasn't suggesting it was off-topic, but that making topic-specific boards would be a bad idea. Maintaining one large community like /jp/ is easier, and more vibrant than several smaller ones like /3dcg/ /touhou/ /vn/ and such.

>> No.7002638,1 [INTERNAL] 

Meta and fail.

This thread should have deleted just like the ones above it were.

>> No.7002654

Among all the janitor applications, they just had to pick the zealot who will delete everything he doesn't like.

>> No.7002657

On a sidenote. Let us imagine 4chan if every janitor application was chosen.

>> No.7002682

If you don't know what /jp/ is about you really don't belong here.
It's basically for stuff that doesn't belong on either /a/ or /v/ (touhou and eroge).

Before you post ask yourself:
Is this about the Japanese language? Then it belongs on >>>/lang/.
Is this about Japan, the country? Then it belongs on >>>/int/
Is it about anime and manga? >>>/a/
Is it about a non doujin (or non ero) video game or a non Japanese doujin video game? >>>/v/
Is it an explicit porn dump? >>>/d/ >>>/h/
Is this about 'I cosplay as naruto and go to sakuracon! GARUGAMESH!'? Then you're not actually an otaku. Being an otaku is a bad thing.

Generally if you can relate something closely to being 'otaku' in nature, then it belongs here. I know people are going to jump on me screaming 'if you say you're an otaku you're not one', you're forgetting that not everyone who uses the word to describe themself is a gaia visiting pocky munching teens, similar to hipsters who call themselves nerds.

>> No.7002685

/jp/ doesn't need so much deleting expect really obvious trolling like "u mad?japan got nuked", translation threads and occasional raids or evident /v/ threads and I believe everyone on this board agrees with that.
Then later in order to deletion NSFW content or other things.

>> No.7002688

It looks like he picked some retard from /a/ who's desperate to fit in. We did just fine moderating ourselves via elitism, with the occasional help from kindly meido. While I don't care about the occasional retarded 'hurr hey i'm from /b/ why does /jp/ even exist lulz' or stuff that belongs on /lang/ and /int/ being deleted, masturbation/meta/neet lifestyle threads are a sacred tradition on /jp/.

>> No.7002701 [DELETED] 

True story man only threads that is up is Umineko, Touhou and Maid 3D is the only threads that is up. Some faggot is trolling hard on this board.
We should get new /vn/ board to have less cancer on this the /jp/ board..

>> No.7002718

Yes, only threads that doesn't get deleted are Umineko, Touhou and Maid3D. M00t should create new board(/vn/) to make /jp/ less cancer radioactive.

btw if you visit umineko/touhou/maid3D thread on regular basis it means your a faggot.

>> No.7002724

We have a board for video games, keep your Touhou shit there.

>> No.7002733

/jp/ being a worksafe board is to prevent it from being all shameless porn dumps.
Being a blue board gives us the oppurtunity and ability to be able to discuss R-18 material, in a sort of civil and or mature way.
Though scrap mature, because we are all manchildren here, but I bet you see what my point is.

>> No.7002743

I do, and thorougly agree.

>> No.7002749

That's true, but sometimes I want to post something pornographic to show a point, such as recently we were discussing traps, I posted a spoilered picture to share my fetish, which we were discussing, and I still got a three day ban for it. Porn dumps are bad, but downright condemning all pornographic stuff is annoying. That said I'd rather we had no porn than just become a porn dump board like /a/.

>> No.7002753

If /v/ wasn't /b/.2, sure I would accept that.
Gave it another chance this morning and what did I get?

"Times when your mom is retarded xD" thread;
"Hey guy I'm from highschool xD :D :D, etc" thread;
"The best tripfag in /v/ is? :D :D :D xD" thread;
"LOL DOUBLES U MAD xD?" thread;
"Runescape thread!!! Posted this on /b/ :D :D Join our /b/ chat!!! ^___^" thread.

and so on.
I miss the times when there were only fanboy fights.

>> No.7002756


It's not like /jp/ is any better right now.

>> No.7002759

>Is this about 'I cosplay as naruto and go to sakuracon! GARUGAMESH!'? Then you're not actually an otaku. Being an otaku is a bad thing.

Because cosplaying Naruto and going to Sakuracon is a good thing, and so is Girugamesh, right?

>> No.7002761

a/ stopped being a porn dump board now with that shitty mod over there handing out bans like they were going out of style for even a spoilered nipple slip.

Though he still keeps dubs threads and troll threads, so he maintains the status quo of /a/ still being godawful. Gotta love those mods.

>> No.7002762

Actually, /jp/ is better right now, since Meido finally went to work. What do you think this thread is about?

>> No.7002767

Not my point. Those people describe themselves as Otaku. They think it's a good thing.

I wish I knew what these mods were thinking. They allow this pomf bullshit and doubles and crap, but delete off topic yet mildly interesting stuff. I guess it's just to encourage a site full of retards who click ads.

>> No.7002769

Right now we don't have any actual discussion thread and every one is afraid to make one or they get deleted.

>> No.7002771

but runescape is cool...

>> No.7002771,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a janitor, it's a mod.

>> No.7002778

So what if I know that I'm an otaku and call myself that while actually not giving a fuck whether people think it's good or bad?

>> No.7002780


You're posting too much.

>> No.7002780,1 [INTERNAL] 


As far as mods go (usually showing up like once every few days or basically fapping on IRC and only responding to urgent shit like raids or CP)... he's actually pretty good if you look at all the deleted threads.

We don't even have our new janitor yet (he should be in full swing within a few days, they are doing orientation of their new staff atm). If mods, who usually ignored this place 99% of the time can half-ass actually fulfill a janitor role, them + an actual janitor = /jp/ will be decent. Or shitty for you if you're a shitposter.

>> No.7002781

Not caring what other's think of you in that respect is fine

Last thing we want though is for people to either misuse otaku when they've only watched a big 3 because it was on cartoon network, or think its a good thing to be a social degenerate

>> No.7002783

We got another hotgluer janitor.
/v/ threads will be protected and every "not /jp/ related go back to >>>/v/" post will be deleted.
Though, I guess, the new guy is bit better, since our late Meido also endorsed random animey screencap threads.

>> No.7002790

I was fine with the screen-cap spam, /v/ spam, not so much.

>> No.7002796


I'm not fine with either one, really.

>> No.7002800

ITT: Total War haters.
I for one interested about the japanese opinion about it and its historical accuracy.

The thread stays, deal with it even if it's just loosely related. There is a difference between the usual /jp/ related shitposts and threads with prospects of new content or fresh and meaningful discussions.

>> No.7002801

Nobody cares, not /jp/ related
/jp/ meetups should, of course, be excused

>> No.7002807

>japanese opinion about it
Oh look, /v/ shitposter who still thinks that /jp/ is about Japan.
And he tell us to deal with his shitposting, such bravado.

>> No.7002813

I don't even get why people can't go to /v/. I've been there a few times and they seem to have good vidya-related discussion. Shit like Cosmic Break, TF2 and WoW don't belong in /jp/.

>> No.7002821
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>prospects of new content or fresh and meaningful discussions.

The possibilities are endless!

It means we can have football threads now. /jp/ (3 or 4 people, as is usually the case) seemed really into it last night before the thread got deleted.

>> No.7002829

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

1. All things otaku welcome!

>> No.7002833

Oh look, /jp/ shitposter who thinks /jp/ is not about japanese culture outside of anime & manga.

Only if they're about japanese football or japanese viewpoint of football. Also, you're talking about HANDEGG.

>> No.7002838
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>> No.7002839
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But....Most of the people here hate japan I think.

>> No.7002840
File: 24 KB, 240x327, 1292823010745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since you've gone out of your way to play the otaku card, let me fill you in on a little secret.

Sports otaku exist.

Which means we can hold a mock draft and have fantasy league threads. According to you, at least.

All things "Otaku" are welcome, after all.

>> No.7002843

It was funny when Rune Factory 3 was released, both /v/ and /jp/ constantly had general threads, exactly the same, with the same people posting waifu discussions and all that shit. Actually, /v/ threads started first, they even made the undub but croatia and other shitposters fell the need to constantly repost them here.
Wrong football, faggot
/jp/ is otaku culture, not Japanese culture.

>> No.7002846

You have decent logic, but it wouldn't be called /jp/ if it meant all sorts, now would it?

if you want sports, there's a board made for it, don't go too cross-board

>> No.7002848


# All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, etc. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post errant material.

# For all Pokémon related discussion.

Now, technically, Pokemon belongs in both boards. What great rights Pokemon has!
In reality, because /vp/ is a subboard of /v/, Pokemon belongs in /vp/, not in /v/.

Think of /v/ as a subboard of /jp/ in this regard. Some video games may very well pertain to /jp/, but they belong in /v/, as /jp/ is the umbrella board to catch everything that doesn't belong in the more specific subboards.

This isn't a hard concept to understand.

>> No.7002849
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>> No.7002850

Hey, have you heard, there is a VIDEO GAME board, you can post all your VIDEO GAME threads there!

>> No.7002856
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That would be awesome. It's always good to dream.

>> No.7002860
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Fine, I mean handegg. You mean divegrass then.


Moot's an asshole that didn't want to give us /dg/. Also, I'm sure you've heard the "/v/ - Venezuela" argument so I won't bother repeating it.

>there's a board made for it

I think you just backed yourself into a corner there, man.

>> No.7002860,1 [INTERNAL] 

Indeed it is a surprise to see the mod coming here everyday at least once. He is not doing a great job though, he allows a lot of threads that are not related. Oh well, better than nothing I guess.

>> No.7002871

No, please repeat the /v/ - vuvuzela, i'd love to hear it.

and seriously, why would you post football here, its more related to /sp/ than /jp/

>> No.7002878

I don't like Japan i hate Japan why would i come to a board "about Japan if i hate Japan?
/jp/ is not about Japan if it was i would gladly join /b/ during the Nukes raids, but /jp/ is not about Japan, i hate Japan
My grandfather is dead because of Japan


>> No.7002882

Generally we discuss things that pertain to the otaku stereotypes, such as comiket, doujins (including the most popular doujin: Touhou), VNs etc, that aren't anime and manga.

>> No.7002883

I don't know about him, but all I read "If I hate a board, I will spam it."


>> No.7002888
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>Fine, I mean handegg. You mean divegrass then.

>> No.7002892

Only that such board does not exist
There is no board about Japan.

>> No.7002898

We just say that, to look cool. Also, you can dislike the whole picture while liking certain parts of it.

Only if it's about the japanese league. The board will decide whether there are enough people to support a discussion or not.

/jp/ was created to keep the random japanese shit, mainly touhou, out of /a/. The name was changed to Otaku Culture to shield us from raids and to emphasize that the main function of the board and also to redirect people with specific issues to other boards where they have a higher chance for a discussion/answer.

>> No.7002903

>We just say that, to look cool.
"We" are not you.

>> No.7002904

But if it did, you would spam it?

You know, I hate sports, why not spam it with LMAOHANDEGGGAYSWEATYMEN spam?
I hate cars and driving, why not spam /o/ with pictures of car crashes?
I hate pictures of risque 3D women, why not spam /s/ with 2D hentai?

>> No.7002909

If /jp/ = Japan, then by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards:

/an/ = Netherlands Antilles
/ck/ = Cook Islands
/co/ = Columbia
/mu/ = Mauritius
/tg/ = Togo
/tv/ = Tuvalu
/rs/ = Serbia

>> No.7002919


Yeah, AoC was a decent janitor.

>> No.7002923

Sounds like a troll to me, there isn't a SET standard that the board /name/ has, wuth some exceptions, one being that /jp/ otaku culture is otaku culture of the japanese entertainment sort, but also the sort that doesn't fit in /a/.

I would sincerely hope moot doesn't need to name /jp/ /vn/ or doujin board or similar JUST to hold the hands of the people who need things that exact.

>> No.7002926

I have a personal grudge against Japan if you didn't noticed
My dear Grandpa who was very dear to me, died because of Japan.
So please, leave me alone.

>> No.7002935

>/ck/ = Cook Islands
You lost me.

I though you were adressing the boards to country names but /ck/ is still about cooking

>> No.7002936

Your grandpa was probably a huge faggot and had it coming either way, but I guess coping by blaming entire nations is easier.

>> No.7002939

Sir, this is the internet; don't reveal weaknesses or people are going to jam salt and lemons into them.

Its also not a place where you can ask for pity, especially 4chan, and lastly, not something you can use to somehow strengthen your arguement.

>> No.7002939,1 [INTERNAL] 

>autism mod.jpg

It's funny 'cause I just got banned for 'autism post'.

>> No.7002943

point in case

>> No.7002947

Wait, your grandpa was dear to you and was killed by Japan? How old are you? 70something? Or was he murdered by a Japanese person recently? If that's the case then Japan didn't kill him, otherwise I could make the case that Portugal killed Madeline McCann

>> No.7002950

You know what else was very dear to your grandpa
*grabs cocks*

>> No.7002950,1 [INTERNAL] 

This one?

>> No.7002973

I think renaming /jp/ again is a good idea, though I doubt it'd work in the long run. In the whole 4chan there isn't a single board dedicated to talk about actual japanese culture, just about certain aspects of it. Nevermind /int/, it failed horribly despite the good start.
The most people with deep knowledge about japan or its niche aspects are either here or in /a/ and moot doesn't want /a/ to be shit up with anything other than anime & manga. The origami board is cool, but you can't have one for everything like at wakachan.

>> No.7002950,2 [INTERNAL] 


Yes, first ban in a year of shitposting.

>> No.7003022

I think /jp/ being ill defined is fine. It's like /b/ was in 2006.

>> No.7003030

/jp/... like /b/.. I think that says it all.

>> No.7003022,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if it is the mod or a janitor now but this guy is seriously random.

He deleted this: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/7002948
And ignored this: http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/7002900

>> No.7003072
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In 2006 /b/ was great. I don't expect you to believe me though.

>> No.7003157

PJ has already proved that her parents killed her, but were silenced by our Prime Minister.

>> No.7003167

For the last time, there are no new janitors yet. I have no fucking clue why anybody thinks otherwise.

And yes, I'm a whiny applicant.

>> No.7003175

No, nothing alike. The spam in /jp/ lately might be like a few old /b/ threads though.

>> No.7003177

There are 9 pages on /jp/ and threads 404 every few seconds
He tells that there are no mods.

>> No.7003178

Well yeah, that's what I thought. Oh well. I always hated the media attention for that. People go missing every day, but some upper middle class white girl is front page of the news every day for a year.

>> No.7003191

i have a idea. permaban arc

>> No.7003197


There are many more shitposters that are worse than he is. He isn't even all that bad. All he does is shitpost in awful threads.

What bothers me is that he bumps them every time,

>> No.7003201

who is "arc"?

>> No.7003214

We should have sucked moot's cock over facebook so that he would take a look at our applications.

>> No.7003215

Do you even have a facebook?

>> No.7003217

It gets even worse when one of those parents is responsible for the approval of a nuclear energy program on the UK.


>> No.7003222

You didn't get accepted Anon, deal with the truth and face facts.

>> No.7003233 [DELETED] 
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starting to lose faith in humanity.
Why don't these people realise why she is doing a high contrast shot?

>> No.7003236
File: 142 KB, 744x1505, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to lose faith in humanity.
Why don't these people realise why she is doing a high contrast shot?

>> No.7003240



ヴァンパイア騎士 ♥


桜蘭高校ホスト部 :')

ガゼット ♫
Nevershoutnever. ♫
Christopher Drew Ingle. ♥
Bring Me The Horizon ♫




夜神 月
鈴木 亮
シエル ファントムハイヴ
日本 ♥
錐生 ゼロ
須王 環



I'm not in the business of facebook. But can someone please confirm that she used google translate for this 'about me' section on her facebook?

>> No.7003256

Every time I go on facebook I get mad at something, let's not turn this into a normal hating thread.

>> No.7003258
File: 155 KB, 500x500, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out. Now.

>> No.7003263

It's a fucking list of shit like Bleach and Death Note. She most likely just used wikipedia to find the right Japanese names.

>> No.7003272

Yeah, I know, sorry. Just another reason to avoid that horrible site.

I assumed so. I have no idea why she is speaking Japanese, she knows no one who speaks Japanese, nor does she speak Japanese. It's funny, if you asked her these questions she'd just say 'i dunno lol'. Ah well.

>> No.7003272,1 [INTERNAL] 

New mod bans for Rika threads. He's retarded.

>> No.7003599

>128 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7003599,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think the mods/janitors ban or delete enough. It's great that they're deleting shit anime threads, but I wish they'd go further.

>> No.7003599,2 [INTERNAL] 

Show proof.

>> No.7003599,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why is /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.7003599,4 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that >>7003550 is still around just shows how retarded the new mods are.

>> No.7003599,5 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that this thread got over a hundred replies demonstrates that /jp/ is a shit board.

>> No.7003599,6 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has been even worse in the last few days. Its Wednesday here and it seems like the weekend.

>> No.7003599,7 [INTERNAL] 

Not any more, baby!

>> No.7004009

You're just making things worse. It's clear they're outsider mods who still try their best to keep us clean, but all you do is complain all the time.
There is no way to please us, and the only result is that they will ignore us all the time now.

I feel bad for the moderation, they don't have it easy. Specially when dealing with ungrateful fucks like us.

>> No.7004019

Mod has deleted about 50 threads and banned like 15 people today, this thread remains, though.

>> No.7004026

He's using it to learn about the board.

>> No.7004033

Such is the burden of being a mod/janitor. If they can't deal with that properly then they are not suited for the position.

>> No.7004062
File: 270 KB, 640x640, 1284520986079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods need to have a thick skin to resist tricks by one or two people trying to troll the mod into quitting. One tricked tried on bakabt forums was to post a complaint, get a new IP address and post a differently worded complaint, repeat. That way, it would look like a groundswell opposition of many people against the mod when it was just one person.

>> No.7004121

>mod wasn't already a /jp/ browser
oh man that would be hilarious

>> No.7004193

Does moot even give a fuck about what people think of the mods?

>> No.7004193,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do mods even give a fuck about what people think of them?

>> No.7004496

>Does moot even give a fuck
I think you already know the answer

>> No.7004506

Shitty mods

>> No.7004506,1 [INTERNAL] 

No, they aren't. These seem board-specific.
Remember that thread a while back about how "your resident mod up and quit"? Here you go: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6908422

This is clearly a local guy. All the bans I've gotten from him have been /jp/-only. Other mods would just globalban.

You could see a similar thing in the OP of this thread, before it got Ghostpurged: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/13959665

>> No.7004581
File: 172 KB, 493x493, uncle mugen with delicious corndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know guys... we are not in position nor do we have right to complain since... were not paying a single cent here. moot and friends does all the hardwork which includes finding funds to run this site and maintain the hardware needed for this site.

Complaining will not get you anywhere nor they are obligated to listen or respond. They have the right to run the site whatever they wish... period.

So learn to take it easy... you don't like /jp/?... you can always leave...

>> No.7004594


You first, drug-peddling whoreson.

>> No.7004599
File: 24 KB, 251x251, 1298095800.11101304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004602

That's really funny coming from you.

>> No.7004747

Comment was deleted for reasons unknown, but I'd just like to reiterate that Mugen is a drug smuggler responsible for the death of at least one subordinate.

>> No.7004766
File: 17 KB, 200x220, 1293505873748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, what? Details.

>> No.7004766,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread sure got deleted quickly after that.

>> No.7004766,2 [INTERNAL] 

The "mod' was deleting shit all around this thread. It should have been deleted along with that other shit that doesn't belong on /jp/.

Threads we disappearing as soon as they were posted yet this thread was allowed to proceed. You were all owned by the 'mod'

>> No.7004766,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's not unheard of from mods to leave some meta alone in order to get some feedback.

Also, moot does care. He yells at mods when he gets enough mails. Then again that was from way back before the archive, so don't know if it has changed since then.

>> No.7004766,4 [INTERNAL] 

The feed back obtained from these threads is from the wrong people, Most of them are shitposters and have no idea as to what properly belongs in /jp/. Most of them just want /a/ or /v/ two.

>> No.7004766,5 [INTERNAL] 

my tastes > your tastes

>> No.7004766,6 [INTERNAL] 

asshole mod

>> No.7004766,7 [INTERNAL] 

lol saegrimr

>> No.7004766,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7004766,9 [INTERNAL] 

Murder all homosexuals.

>> No.7004766,10 [INTERNAL] 

i'd stick my penis up a masculine man's asshole and ejaculate inside
not gay tho

>> No.7004766,11 [INTERNAL] 

Disgusting, can you kill yourself before you infect the W with your terminal homosexuality.

>> No.7004766,12 [INTERNAL] 

ok can i suck your dick first tho

>> No.7004766,13 [INTERNAL] 

You make me fucking sick, filthy god damn homo.

>> No.7004766,14 [INTERNAL] 

umm what part of "not gay tho" don't you understand

>> No.7004766,15 [INTERNAL] 

Umm.. what part of kill yourself don't you understand, faggot.

>> No.7004766,16 [INTERNAL] 

How does it feel to be sexually repressed to the point of taking it out on others gaylord?

>> No.7004766,17 [INTERNAL] 

you haven't whipped out your cock yet tho

>> No.7004766,18 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhh can you go back to tumblr now?

>> No.7004766,19 [INTERNAL] 

Are you going to answer my question?

>> No.7004766,20 [INTERNAL] 

Why would I bother, you're a disgusting homo.

>> No.7004766,21 [INTERNAL] 

Is that a no? Don't be shy dude.
