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6945686 No.6945686 [Reply] [Original]

So why are you still alive?

>> No.6945692

Because I cannot help but think that there is an unknown reason for existence. And you cannot prove this otherwise.

>> No.6945697
File: 153 KB, 800x868, finalsolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6945704

it's not that hard to kill yourself, damnit.

>> No.6945706

Can you post the original, without text, please?

>> No.6945711

It is a lot harder than most people think..

>> No.6945716

Rope and a high place to fall from. Done.

>> No.6945722
File: 265 KB, 619x535, Remi truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vergesst es Leute.

>> No.6945733


Or REALLY high place to fall from.

>> No.6945743

Once I did jump from 2nd floor, nothing did happen, never going to try it again, but it was fun. (not with suicidal idea, it was part of martial arts I was training) .

>> No.6945744

Because I'd rather be a bodhisattva.

>> No.6945753
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if you're too pussy to kill yourself like this guy you don't deserve to go to gensokyo

>> No.6945769

It looks like an accident

Because my brain and heart still functions.

Oh, you meant why didn't I kill myself? I'm too cowerd to talk to people; the hack should I have the courage to commit suicide.
also, I'm not done with this life just yet. Not until the world ends.

>> No.6945774

It wasn't Akaido , was it?

>> No.6945791

You should really improve your grammar and spelling.

Also, how does one accidentally bring a fuel can to the 4th floor, set it alight and fall backwards out a window while being FILMED?

There aren't very many legitimate reasons to be lighting anything on fire while holding a gas can and leaning precariously against an open window. While being FILMED.

>> No.6945798

I believe we concluded last thread that it's pointless since everyone is immortal.

>> No.6945799

the "Is it night?" "No" arrow should lead to a sleep before it goes back to wake up. You can't wake up if you're already awake.

>> No.6945803

Some people sleep during day and wake up at night.

>> No.6945806


>> No.6945808


>> No.6945809

keine schlechte idee
es gibt so vieles für das es sich zu leben lohnt

>> No.6945835

Read what I said, dipshit. You can't wake up if you're already awake. Go back to sleep needs to be another step on the chart

>> No.6945864


That's not even it's biggest problem. Even assuming that one was immune to bleach, if the user of this chart fails to find any new methods to off themselves, they become trapped in a cycle that disallows them any sleep, ironically succeeding at killing the user of sleep deprivation without completing the cycle. Also, it's saved as a gif, and is only one frame.

>> No.6945876

And lack of sleep can't kill you at that.

>> No.6945884

The author of that chart clearly hasn't read SICP.

>> No.6945883

you are a retarded fuck. the image has no complicated shapes and a limited number of colors. .gif would be the most compact way to store this image. How can death by lack of sleep be a bigger problem than lack of sleep? that makes not fucking sense you moron. You become trapped in a cycle until you find a method of suicide? that's the point, the goal is to get to gensokyo, and everyone knows the only way to do that is to free yourself from the real world. The entire fucking point of a diagram like this is to provide a structure to follow until a goal is reached. So if you don't reach the goal then the cycle has to continue until you do.

>> No.6945897

I think he wants to say that :
You wake up
It is NOT night, graphs says to wake up.
But you are already awake. So up to 16 hours ( well, might differ because of definition of night and stuff) you will be continuosly awakening.

>> No.6945903

Proved - you will most likely just collapse and get sleep, no matter where you will be. Even drinking litres of coffee and cola won't help with that.

>> No.6945907

Even without collapsing you will have constant microsleeps.

>> No.6945964

So it is impossible to die this way.

>> No.6945983

Usually if you have the strength or willpower to do either of those things you have the potential to fix your life

>> No.6945998
File: 50 KB, 420x420, 1272716346593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portal thread
>no refrences to `this is my gensoukyou`
>no methods
just, sweet, sweet trolling

>> No.6946002

well perhaps he was just being careless with his cigarate. no one said he WANTED to light anything.

>> No.6946011

Portal threads are nonsense.

As I have said and will say forever more, you cannot fucking break through ancient septuple bounded barriers powerful enough to separate dreams and reality.
Trying to do so with a tiny ritual and a piss-poor sacrifice such as yourself will only have your soul be shredded by the boundary and your body eaten by Yukari Yakumo.

Enjoy no peace in heaven or earth, you idiotic suicidal cunts. To bypass 7 divine ultrabarriers you need to weaken the differential ratio of reality and thought enough to create a single temporary hole, and that's way harder than simply killing yourself.

>> No.6946012

I would like some methods too.

>> No.6946049

While true, it's very unlikely he would accidentally set it on fire as already stated, because he would have to have a good reason for having a gas tank up on the fifth floor while smoking in the first place.

>> No.6946062

There is also the problem of gensokyo being just some made up village in an obscure video game made by a tiny drunk asian man. And the game, albeit fun, is plain out silly, it's pretty much about little girls shooting bullets at each other for little to no reason.

>> No.6946079

You will be suprised how careless some people are.
I don't know what he needed that flamable tank for (perhaps he has an oil oven?) but people smoke in all kind of places.

>> No.6946081


>> No.6946089

Balamb Garden 2: Weeaboo Boogalou

>> No.6946104

You can always ask your God for "gensokyo plan". But on topic discussion is actually working methods to getting there, not what will be "later"

>> No.6946117

There are still many things that science can yet explain. perhaps if enough people believe gensokyou is real, it will be so.

>> No.6946125

No. Real World Humans aren't Warhammer 40k Orkz.

>> No.6946132

Hah, there's something wrong with my heart (absurdly high pulse, random pain) and unless I man up and see a doctor soon I won't even have to kill myself.

>> No.6946139

I am not sure I follow. are you implying that because many hold to heart the lagends of the RP warhammer, it would turn to real if people fate had any real power? but know this, there are much more who believe the world is as it is. So if that was the point of the argument, it is invalid.

If that wasn't the point of the argument, well, can you enlighten me?

>> No.6946163

i once did it, nothing happened. tasted like shit but somehow i didn't feel like puking even after putting a toothbrush in my throat (this magic drink is also supposed to help induce vomiting), i eventually gave up on everything and went to sleep.
anyway you probably need much more than a spoon for anything to happen.

>> No.6946167

But one would not be filming such a person for no reason.

>> No.6946168

>So why are you still alive?

I want to stop being a loser. I want to believe I can be better.

>> No.6946175

I was just refering to your
>perhaps if enough people believe gensokyou is real, it will be so.
In WH40k universe, orkz canonically have that kind of power. It's called "WAAAGH!!". It lets them do shit like shooting guns that are our of ammo and to continue driving a vehicle after its engine has blown up. If an ork would be big and orky enough, and if he believed he could breathe in space, he could.
But I digress, my point is, the laws of the universe in real world do not subdue to the will of man. People cannot make it different by simply believing it is different.
And while there is no proof that it's absolutely, definitely true, there is even less proof that it's not. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.6946176

I can guess some guy walked down the street, saw someone at the window, thought it would be interesting and started filming.

Look, there are plenty of deaths by accident. the chance of them being filmed is low, but the number of those deaths make it no wonder that some got captured in a film.

>> No.6946177

I need to do this my way. If I die, then they win, and I can't let them win.

>> No.6946179
File: 51 KB, 800x800, theHELLquestionmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the HELL happened here...

>> No.6946183
File: 2.44 MB, 320x240, 1284068375378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP
>go to /jp/
>make suicide thread
>get 300+ replies
>repeat errryday

>> No.6946193

also you'd have to not drink anything other than that which is pretty fucking hard cause the more salt you consume the more thirsty you get.

>> No.6946195

I'm an atheist, so I get your point; but there is as long as there even 0.00001 chance for that legend to come true, I will keep my hopes up.

>> No.6946198

You forgot >No one dies

>> No.6946215

Then support OP&everyone posting these, and help to find working method to "drop dead easy!"

>> No.6946334

guys guys guys
(and any girls)
I was just browsing /k/

>> No.6946335


How about consuming extremely large amounts of watermelon rind. I heard it contains some kind of chemical that increases blood flow. Just eat like 20 entire watermelons. Theoretically, it might even have an effect similar to Viagra, so even if you don't die, it'll still do something interesting

>> No.6946403

But girls like us do not use guns, and we live in places where such manly things are banned! Is it possible that you are MALE reading our board?

>> No.6946412

I approve of this experiment.

>> No.6946494
File: 176 KB, 800x800, 4862e962d0a48fd393b5aa2b2b70f70a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly, there are no boys on the internet.

But guns are cool. Like Reisen.

>> No.6946537


>> No.6946561

I wish Reisen could shot to me.
But now we have to find solution without guns and high buildings!

>> No.6946564

fuck, that expanding shotgun ammunition is fucking evil.

And, the most efficient method I've come with is to set yourself on fire and jump off a plane while drinking cyanide and shooting yourself in the head while airborne.

>> No.6946728

Bumping for better future in Gensokyo.

>> No.6946833

sage for /v/ shit

>> No.6946880



Well, you shoot things to kill them, man.

>> No.6946895

And you teleport to gensokyo so you can shoot danmaku whole day! I wish someone would actually post something working so we could take it easy.

>> No.6946908


>> No.6946995

/jp/ by killing yourself there is a possibility you will reborn as a ghost,
but would it be worth it?
you would not have a body and you would probably be sent to Sanzu river...
Here is an advice!
Live your life to the fullest
only the strong ones will get to Gensokyo as little girls or whatever you wish for!

>> No.6947009 [SPOILER] 
File: 592 KB, 1000x750, 1278657474731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will reborn as a ghost
>but would it be worth it?


>> No.6947132

gross. go away.

and did ever thought that most of suicidal people would like to life but are have problems that cant be solved/will die soon but in terrible pain/ are ill and they cant be helped/ or even really want to be little girls but for some reason cant get therapy and many other things that normals dont have problems with?

>> No.6947137

He's a far better poster than you.

>> No.6947149

Thern daydream about being a little girl and having friends, there is nio reason to be miserable.

>> No.6947163

no i didnt mean autism or bawwww (but extreme depression could be included since it will get just worse anyway and its painful)

>> No.6947193
File: 39 KB, 252x252, bernkastel-dance-buri-akuwaraia1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will not go to Gensokyo.
When you die you become a corpse.

>> No.6947223

Don't be so negative.

>> No.6947230

In Touhou, the supernatural existed prior to the dawn of technology, and it continues to exist after Gensokyo's creation. If people go to Buddhist Hell when they die in Gensokyo, it's because they went to Buddhist Hell on the outside as well.

>> No.6947233

Go back to bed, Bern.

>> No.6947255

So you don't try to break the barrier - you try to get it to make an exception.

Remember, the Great Hakurei Border is the boundary between the believable and the unbelievable - between that which humans are willing to believe in, and that which they dismiss as nonsense. So if you really wanted to pass to the other side? You would convince the world that you are a fabrication. Those who remember you must believe that there never was such a person as "you" - that your existence was an elaborate prank, that the person they met was just pretending to be that person. When the world actively disbelieves in your existence, you will pass from the category of "common sense" into the category of "nonsense". And if Gensokyo exists, if the Great Barrier exists, it will move accordingly to encompass you.

Of course, you can only do all of that if you're still alive. Dying just makes you dead.

>> No.6947295

Only weaklings die when they are killed.

>> No.6947320

Cowards die many times before their death. We should all be in Gensokyo by now, alive and well.

>> No.6947362

/just portals/

but we never get any successful method

>> No.6947406 [DELETED] 

Remember, the Great Hakurei Border is the boundary between the believable and the unbelievable - between that which humans are willing to believe in, and that which they dismiss as nonsense. So if you really wanted to pass to the other side? You would convince the world that you are a fabrication

First and foremost it's a barrier between previously-contiguous spaces. The bit about being between illusion and reality is more of a secondary thing. To get to Gensokyo, you have to physically cross the barrier.

>> No.6947421

>Remember, the Great Hakurei Border is the boundary between the believable and the unbelievable - between that which humans are willing to believe in, and that which they dismiss as nonsense. So if you really wanted to pass to the other side? You would convince the world that you are a fabrication

First and foremost it's a barrier between previously-contiguous spaces. The bit about being between illusion and reality is more of a secondary thing. To get to Gensokyo, you have to physically cross the barrier. Either force your way in with magic, get Yukari to let you in (unlikely for non-monsters), or find a weak point and slip in, which seems to be how most people do it.

>> No.6947446

I have doubts about this, but even if you're right and causing oneself to pass into urban legend would not create a weak point, the solution would really be "explore the Japanese countryside to find the abandoned Hakurei Shrine".

Which sounds fun in its own right, if a little difficult for shut-ins like us to execute.

>> No.6947482

ZUNs canon and reality - you die from suicide you go to gensokyo and get your hat+dress. rest are secondaries, fanon and normals afraid to die.

>> No.6947495
File: 45 KB, 252x480, soysauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUNs canon

>> No.6947514

>he hasn't read perfect memento

>> No.6947582

at secondary like you

>> No.6947838
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>> No.6948023

Hakurei Shrine would be a great place to start, but the Japanese authorities have had it removed from all the maps. Good luck. You might have luck poking around known boundary edges for weak spots. Any place where the air doesn't feel right. You can get detectors that specialize in this sort of thing, measuring the local force of gravity, fluctuations in the geomagnetic field, values of certain constants, etc. but they're pretty expensive and of dubious value.

>> No.6948418

Yare Yare daze its on 5th page~!
