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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 244x326, eee2794d286e768cdcefef60d852b766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6907908 No.6907908 [Reply] [Original]

I want to grant a wish of yours. I'm in lethargy, making others happy may help me to feel better. But right now, I'm feeling so selfish.

>> No.6907917
File: 218 KB, 459x758, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u missed

>> No.6907923

No, I did not. That picture however reminded me of this one, so I did a quick search and I was interested how this thread would turn out, since I never make any.

>> No.6907926

What is this thread about?

>> No.6907930

He wants to send us to gensokyo.
i.e. he wants to kill us all.

>> No.6907932

I don't know, what do you want it to be about?

>> No.6907934

He wants to grant us wishes.
i.e. He's going to hold up an elementary school and set us all mail order brides.

>> No.6907939

Will I get to be touhou girl?

>> No.6907941

With enough willpower, it is possible

>> No.6907944

I want you to delete it.

>> No.6907947

Crossdress, take photos.

>> No.6907951

Did you draw that? If so, draw more.

>> No.6907957

The results would be me, reopening the thread. So instead of doing that, I'm just not deleting it. Same result, the thread is here.

I don't have proper clothes at hand. Nor a camera, why would I have a camera if I have no one to show the pictures I take?

>> No.6907970

No, but have the artist on Gelbooru.


>> No.6907985
File: 6 KB, 153x109, orinfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be my friend

>> No.6907987

Someone being your friend? He said wishes, not miracles.

>> No.6907990

How do I do that? What does a friend do? I love you already, but I don't think that's enough.

>> No.6907995
File: 12 KB, 202x183, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew you love me?How weird how can you love me because of one post I made?I don't want to be your friend anymore

>> No.6908004
File: 372 KB, 320x240, 1295444615549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be my friend too! :3

>> No.6908007

Okay, then we don't have to be. No hard feelings, I understand you.

>> No.6908014

Hm I wonder if people on /jp/ are serious when they say that kind of stuff I.e add me on msn or something

>> No.6908020

Got it, but I don't know how to be one.

>> No.6908028
File: 32 KB, 423x358, FatOtaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More accurate imagery

>> No.6908034
File: 81 KB, 580x580, 4f69123f190fc170141ead7cf129d3bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have before, its going kind of rough now tough. yRan made a last.fm thread a while back, and I started following his posts and fell in love. I contacted him on last.fm, anime list, youtube, steam, etc. but he keeps ignoring me. You have no idea how it feels, it hurts anon, to have your heart torn like this. All I want is for us to embrace, for me to hold him and caress him, but he wont even talk to me.

I have dreams about both of us crossdressing and playing video games, then having hot steamy sex in our private school dorm every night.

I'm sure that if I keep trying, he will accept my feelings. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.6908037

That would be a /jp/ meetup. Grabbing someone's hand from the sea of anonymity and pull them next to you is not a hard job to accomplish. What I want, is to make someone happy. So yeah, I'm serious till a certain degree.

>> No.6908045

It's people like you that make me terrified to reveal anything resembling contact information.

>> No.6908048

It's ok, there are plenty more 15 year old Canadians for you to molest out there. I don't think any of them are as obnoxious as he is though.

>> No.6908051

If you want to get in touch with some /jp/ users personally, you can always make a secondary account just for them with fake information about yourself, you know.

>> No.6908055

They'll track it back, somehow. You hackers terrify me.

>> No.6908059

Give me your MSN or something! We can be great friends!

Yes, I am serious!

Go fuck yourself dipshit, stop writing tl;dr stuff about me that no one is going to read, because of you most of the time I'm posting without a trip, you're harassing the wrong guy, facegod is not me, and I'm suggesting you to stop. You're pissing many people off now.

I'm not 15 and certainly not from Canada.

>> No.6908067
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1296346015061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want any other shitstain Canadian, I want my perfect Ryan. It pisses me off reading the comments from fujoshi sluts who pretend they are from Corea of all places, asking him to do something with them over the weekend. I should track her and pound her face in for even talking to Ryan.

>> No.6908068

You are just making excuses. Man up and make friends, even if it'll end up getting some hateposts. It's not like you have to share pictures or tell them your real name, your address, or anything.

>> No.6908073

>Give me your MSN or something! We can be great friends!

I don't have one.

>> No.6908074

It's not like I really get anything from having internet friends, so I'll pass.

>> No.6908076

If it isnt you, then it should not be a bother in the first place.

This thread went to shit pretty fast.

>> No.6908077

Don't worry OP! Next thread will be better.

>> No.6908090

Sometimes I think yRan is just some very sophisticated /jp/ troll that is completely aware of all the things he writes. He pretends to be 15 years old and created this stalker to have an excuse to post incredibly aggressive replies to her. However, his grammar shit is just too perfect for him to be a little kid.

Or maybe I'm just wrong. I dunno. Either way, he's funny and makes me laugh everytime he rages.

>> No.6908108
File: 567 KB, 1000x1200, b4b1331ba7c3eacdf65ab12b4d774776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is very much a real person, and I am neither female nor a stalker. I think he must have been watching one too many shows with tsundere characters to be acting like this haha, he'll simmer down and we'll go back to being well off. I just wish he'd talk to me more is all.

>> No.6908112

I don't know and I don't care. I do know is that every thread hes in he samefags the fuck out of the thread, just to troll.
I just report him and move on.

>> No.6908113
File: 79 KB, 848x480, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introverted 100%
Kill yourself, please, I never said I like you in the first place.

>> No.6908117

Depends on personal interest. I just like to communicate and even though I'm reading /jp/ all-day, I never post. So that's why I made this thread. It won't benefit me in any way, it may die in any moment, but it's a nice little experience for me. I like doing pointless things, at least the time is passing a bit faster.

>> No.6908126

obligatory email post

>> No.6908133

Okay, fine, if you really want to be my friend and want me to like you, you can try not being a creepy stalker.

>> No.6908156

You two can talk about it in a place where no one can see you. Your stalker has your addresses in almost every place as I see. It'll just end up looking like you are attention whoring.

>> No.6908163

Tell us what happened with you after you posted your e-mail here. Did someone contact you. Did anything happen?

>> No.6908164

Implying that he isn't just samefagging all over the place to get attention.

>> No.6908166
File: 122 KB, 720x500, 1295668239021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he or anyone else wants to talk: yranryan@hotmail.com

>> No.6908171
File: 397 KB, 177x238, 1294016476298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just joking around man, no need to take it so seriously. You already know my info, judging from>>6908113.

>> No.6908175

I achieved Satori.

>> No.6908173

Already did that twice.And twice only 1 person added me.And now I have 2 good friends who are really cool guys,not afraid of social contact.

>> No.6908176

I implied that I don't care what's true and what's not, I just don't want it happen. Also, I don't follow tripdramas.

>> No.6908181

Well, I'd rather not post my own msn shit here man, but you've just given more stuff to your creepy stalker to follow you with using that. I just paste that email into msn to add you right?

>> No.6908193

I like how he pretends to hate everyone here ever since that fateful day, but he simply refuses to leave this board.
My guess is that an usual /jp/sie got really bored one day and decided to create him.

>> No.6908209

Playing personalities would be pretty fun. I was thinking about making three tripcodes with three different names, introducing them to /jp/ at different times while giving all of them different personalities, interests and writing style.

>> No.6908214

>Introverted 100%

Where did you even find that out? Failed hard there and looks like its you making those stalker posts.

what is wrong with introversion anyways? Get the fuck off /jp/, you sound like a fucking normal. not like I expected much from a supposed 15 year old canadianeese.

>> No.6908223 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1296764612329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr, dipshit.

>> No.6908227

It's kind of pathetic when you won't even read your own posts.

>> No.6908230

Forget it, just delete this thread OP, it turned into shit because of newfags...

>> No.6908238

Yeah, I'm quoting one right now, AND HE SAYS SOME FUNNY ASS SHIT!

Just keep entertaining me for as long as you can, yRan. I don't care if you piss half of /jp/ off in the process.

>> No.6908267

Giving up hope is always too early. Pointing at others is unimpressive. They are not to be blamed, nor you are. But if you clear your name bar, shit may hit the fan less frequently.

I saved this one, I'll maybe get in touch with you in one day.

>> No.6908474

Fateful day?

>> No.6908475

Go to sleep, Ryan.

>> No.6908502
File: 71 KB, 500x500, get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go kill yourself, if you don't want to read what I'm posting then just filter, you motherfucking newfag. Get out of my /jp/.
