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File: 95 KB, 651x451, miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6848016 No.6848016 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, so Rance has been failing to get it on with Miki for 7 strait games? Did they act like acquaintances in Sengoku Rance?

The original Rance 1 has been translated: http://www.mediafire.com/?0j5k9t6ssshxchv

Rance 1/Alicesoft General thread!

>> No.6848029

"assault" is literally an option by "talk"?
Oh rance.

>> No.6848046

Rance would rather rape someone than talk to them.

>> No.6848050

He's definitely gonna get her in Rance 8. I mean, she'll be the only girl with pink hair available!

>> No.6848055

Thanks, now I have something to do when my internet gets turned off.

>> No.6848058

However, this being Rance 1, he seems like a complete newbie to the whole thing, and really can't rape anyone at all.

Rance: *selects Assault*
Girl alone in building with him: "Bring me rare item X and then we'll talk"
Rance: okay...

Even the girl just saying "I have a lover already" is enough to deter him.

So far, besides the defaut Sill, the only girl he got to assault give an immediate Bad End with "Rance lost himself to lust!"

Oh the irony...

>> No.6848076

But he never rapes! He just shows the ladies what they're missing out on!

>> No.6848136

fucking christ,i keep getting error messages when i try to run rance 2. What I am doing wrong? Picked the wrong language in applocale or something?

>> No.6848255

Let me know if anyone with translation reaches the second floor of the mansion. I'm suspecting there's a bug there preventing me from going upstairs, which might have been caused by the translation patch so I'd want to see whether someone else succeeds or it's just me.

>> No.6848263


You're not that guy who had problems with a key earlier today... are you?

>> No.6848278

HOREY FUCK it's been translated?

>> No.6848283

But... Rance has raped women before the events of Rance 1...

>> No.6848304

no. rance forgot all about miki.

>> No.6848318

is there a walk through any where?
how long is it?
also how is rance 2 doing?

>> No.6848328
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>> No.6848335

Wow, are any other Rance games translated besides this one and Sengoku?

>> No.6848342

its like i went into a time machine.

>> No.6848350

I wish Kichikuou was translated, but none yet.

>> No.6848354
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>> No.6848378

Does that guy appear in other games in the series?

>> No.6848388

You can't avoid seeing him in Sengoku.

>> No.6848394

which rance game does he make that warrior girl walk around in a revealing outfit and then gets kicked out of his village or something? and which ones are about zeth and leazas?

>> No.6848399 [DELETED] 

I've heard that in Rance 6 Rance gets turned into a girl and raped, is this true?

>> No.6848494
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Hyper weapon!

>> No.6848510

>which rance game does he make that warrior girl walk around in a revealing outfit and
rance 6, sanakia
>then gets kicked out of his village
supplementary material

>> No.6848513

Oh damn, it's like a fucking time machine in this thread.

>> No.6848516

Lia was such a bad queen back then.

>> No.6848542

why are you guys saying this?
I'm missing something here

>> No.6848555

Some people have played these games before it was even translated.

>> No.6848557

because it feels like you went into a time machine just to go play some really bad looking vn just to get off, just think abut it, back then, they HAD to jerk of to 2d porn this bad.

>> No.6848558

Yes, I am. The key isn't in my inventory and I picked it up. I wonder if it's a bug in the patch or something or I am missing something.

>> No.6848572

>just to go play some really bad looking vn just to get off
Or maybe you want to play it because the Rance series interests you, and you want to see how it started.

>> No.6848585
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Houston, I think we have a problem.

>> No.6848591

well im talking about when it was released, sure im gonna read it just to see how it all started but back then people bought it for a porn game.

>> No.6848624

Come to think of it, since child porn wasn't outlawed in Japan until 1999, I guess that means games from 1998 or earlier could have come right out and portrayed children with nothing to worry about

>> No.6848628

Well, the RPG elements somewhat stand up to the stuff of its day like Dragon Quest, though it is superlinear.

I just beat the game, so you're probably just missing something. It's annoyingly linear at times so just read the walkthrough if you are stuck.

>> No.6848629

Actually doesnt Rance prefer to have consensual sex?

then agian he might have changed alot since back then

>> No.6848635

But Rance doesn't fuck lolis...

>> No.6848642

Well, in all honesty, after playing the early games, Rance will normally go for consensual sex all the time even when he can just overpower the women.

>> No.6848643

I can't get anyone to tell me about how to leave the first city. I got the info about the thieves' lair and all, but there's no leaving the town. What am i supposed to do?

>> No.6849008
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No we fucking don't.

Move to a country that isn't assanine about legal age.

>> No.6849011

Well, duh? Would you punish a pet who's been obedient or would you reward it?

>> No.6849077


Go to the park, the left side of it.

Click south, you should be able to work it from there.

>> No.6849101

Nope, he only turns into a girl in Rance 7, and that's just a nonstandard game over.

Yeah, I'm sure you and everybody else here knows that, but it never hurts to tag for spoilers.

>> No.6849483

Rance doesn't technically turn into a girl in 6.
He gets transferred inside Sanakia's body, and he gets raped by himself.

>> No.6849493

>F/F lower than M/F
What the fuck?

>> No.6849513

So does that mean I can go to Spain, have sex with a 12 year old prostitute and get away with it?

>> No.6850328

I think that's considered "sex tourism" so you might get arrested when you come back.

>> No.6850348

It's pretty hard to be arrested for something people don't know you've done.

>> No.6850361

Ireland's the only country that discovered the pureness of sex between two young girls.

>> No.6850675

I believe Hunty is the the female to appear in most games without ever getting fucked by Rance (AND to remain a virgin too).

>> No.6850810

I'm stuck.
I beat the girl at the coliseum and got the queen's quest but I can't enter the haunted mansion.

The walkthrough didn't help. For some reason I can't enter the prison despite molesting the maid and getting the key.

>> No.6850839

You've got a lot of stupid shit to do in order to get that key (took me a while to get it).
>32. Go out the hall and go to the prison. Ask the guard girl about HIkari twice and the guard should fall asleep. (if she’s not falling asleep that means you haven’t talked with everyone yet). 33. Now go into the room where the prisoner is kept. "Ask" the prisoner her "name" three times and she will tell her name. After hearing her name go back to casino. 34. "Ask" the unfriendly casino girl her "name" and Rance will ask if the prisoner is her sister. She will give you some reward for helping her sister if you do “Talking” and “Hearing” with her. 35. Go back to the prison and the prisoner girl will thank you and well and give you the straw. 36. Go to that maids room (the one you’ve got the key from and H-ed). Try to do that cleaning with the straw and you will get the option to take a fruit that you find while cleaning. Take it.
>43. You still can’t enter Hien’s residence, so go to the hacker girl on the southern part of the city. Talk with her and you will give her a fruit you got while cleaning the room. As thanks, she will give you the key to Hien’s residence.
(I felt bad for assaulting the poor girl in jail)

>> No.6850844

32 works. 33 does not. It says I didn't get the key.

>> No.6850857

The jail key doesn't work?
I guess it's a bug then.
Get out off the castle and try again once more, maybe?

>> No.6850866
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For reference

>> No.6850878

Done that. And the fact it has got its own scripted dialog makes it hard to believe it could be a bug.

Was the key really the one from the dusting maid or is there a second one?

>> No.6850890

No, there are two keys in the castle. You get the key from the maid, and that allows you to go north into the room with the girl stealing bread. If you leave her alone without raping her, she gives you the key to the jail, I believe.

>> No.6850902

To that point of the game, there's only three keys : the two in the Thiefs' Lair, and the maid one.
I don't know how you could miss them, so I'm guessing it's a bug.

>> No.6850912

>>6850890 If you leave her alone without raping her, she gives you the key to the jail, I believe.
I missed that one.
You could always try it.

>> No.6850915

That was it. Thanks

>> No.6850948

Where do I get the walkthrough?

>> No.6851008

How to save game?

>> No.6851033

Go to your camp.

>> No.6851176

Man, would love to play the old Rance games in English. But is the translation properly proofread, guys? Any bugs caused by the hack?

>> No.6851336

I only have Japanese walkthroughs.

>> No.6851344

Search the Alice wiki on google.
Bookmark it.

>> No.6851371

Why would I do that? The Alice wiki walkthroughs only work for Sengoku. The other games are incomplete and it doesn't even have anything for 1 or even 02.

>> No.6851410

That's interesting because I'm looking at the walkthrough for 1 right now

>> No.6851424

They are explained on the "readme"

They aren't gamebreaking (just graphical glitches), you can finish the game without it crashing.

I haven't noticed any odd translations/phrases I found odd in English, but then again, English is not my mothertongue

>> No.6851428

It's not in the walkthrough list that's for sure.

>> No.6851440



>> No.6851445

Go bury yourself in some hole now.

>> No.6851464

And why? 02 has no walkthrough still. 3 doesn't. etc etc.

And why are you even fucking autistic like this? Is your ass pained that you can't read Japanese?

>> No.6851471

>3 doesn't

>> No.6851545

Rance 4 is the only Rance game with no walkthrough or story synopsis. You just don't know how to read.

>> No.6851565

3 isn't complete
6 isn't complete
5d is just a game mechanic guide
And again 02 has nothing

>story synopsis
>implying that shit is part of the discussion

>> No.6851580
File: 12 KB, 140x205, 04_pack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rance -光を求めて-
This right? Also, it works with the freeware version on their site, right?

>> No.6851587

Pick the Windows version zip.

>> No.6851614

It should. Those are the only copies you can get of those games nowadays.

>> No.6851623
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Specs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incredibly high
Thanks Alice! Yes, I know, I am pretty buffed.
I am not only a foreigner, my computer is from about 30 years in the future. Isn't it cool?

>> No.6851642

You can use the synopsis as a guide.

>> No.6851650

wow alice was cute even back then

>> No.6851659

>6 isn't complete
Are you a fucking idiot? It even lists post game shit.

>And again 02 has nothing
Its the same same as 2 with a graphics update.

>> No.6851707

How can I get the Rance 2 remake to run? I downloaded the Alice2010 compilation which starts up fine on applocale, but Rance02 refuses to work. Did I download the wrong torrent or something?

>> No.6851711


Oh come on, if you're going to call someone fucking retarded at least glimpse at the link. Several sections say (in progress).

>> No.6851715

They started working on the second didn't they?
Isn't it done soon?

Also, will that translation work with the remake?

>> No.6851722

It's a translation of the remake.

>> No.6851723

I am still stuck at the beginning after sleeping in the inn.
>8. Go to the armor shop (right before inn). Talk and hear few things from selling girl. She will tell you that there is passage into outside the city in south western part of the city. Don’t go there yet as you will be killed (most likely). Will tell about the information hacker in the south eastern part of the city (above graveyard and right before leveling up building).
I can't seem to do this ;_; Am i missing something?

>> No.6851725


They still have hacking issues for the second one, they've decided to move onto the third.

>> No.6851742


Which part? cannot get to the info store?

>> No.6851760

You gotta be fucking kidding me, they said they were going BACK to the second one after they got the first one completed.

>> No.6851765

Yes. The selling girl is referring to the weapons store, right?

>> No.6851773


When i played through i got told about the info store by the girl in the item shop (The one in the panties), ask about the theifs

>> No.6851776

Item shop instead.

>> No.6851809

Didn't someone already hacked 2 and posted the screenshot here?

Maybe they should find that guy.

>> No.6851848


They did and even put a rar file with the menus translated.

Dunno what happened to him

>> No.6851859

So can you not have sex with the depressed, suicidal weapon shop girl? She's so /jp/...

>> No.6851873

>>6851859 depressed, suicidal weapon shop girl
Best girl.
Too bad Rance is too afraid to screw her.

>> No.6851993

It's fun, because Rance was always such a tsundere.
His character developement is a really nice developement to follow.
But it's still nice that he has always had a tsundere core.

>> No.6852124

Just thought I'd say, if you have sex with sill by

>Touch Breasts
>Touch xxx
>do it gently

You learn the healing spell.

>> No.6852157

Any chance it's on the archive?

>> No.6852198
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>> No.6852234

>woman designs the mc's character
>expect him to not be tsundere
really now?

>> No.6852237

So if you do normal procedure sex, Sill levels up? lol

>> No.6852244


No, Rance learns the spell, don't ask my why or how.

Also I found if you do the exact same thing but replace missionary with from behind you use magic missle when you use magic.

It seems you can only have 1 spell at a time.

>> No.6852402

The guy is apparently doing both at the same time. He alternates between them when he gets bored of one of them.

Though with the hacking issues, he's about given up on 2 for now.

>> No.6852419

That makes me frustrated.

>> No.6852523

Touch xxx
do it gently
Touch Breasts
From behind

Magic Missile.

>> No.6852551

it's good to see some Rance translations underway

did they manage to crack the Rance 2 remake?

>> No.6852668

Finished the game.

The ending is pretty good! There's already almost everything from modern Rance here: tsundere Rance, heroic raping, hyper weapon lines, obligatory Kanami abuse,...
Lia is surprisingly evil.
The music were very good (despite not having My glorious days).

>> No.6852681

>surprisingly evil

>> No.6852691

Thanks to the dude who made the translation.

>> No.6852703
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>> No.6852708

That was a figure of speech, I didn't expect her to be THAT evil.
Only crazy like in the later games.

>> No.6852721

That fucker managed to deal me 70 damages in one hit once.
The combat system is so ridiculous.

>> No.6852743

The only one that's actually kept her in check is Rance. And after Rance convinced Maris, she does so as well in his absence.

>> No.6852903

Wow, what kind of shitty computer do you have? Mine were all 1 and my computer is an old Aptiva IBM from 1997

>> No.6852917

I didn't recognize Kanami in the park at first so I was just assuming she was some random sex girl then suddenly she pulled a Yuffie on me and I was like "Whoa it's Kanami!"

Even better is that she's essentially the final boss as far as gameplay is concerned. Ha, back in the days when she used to be a competent ninja!

>> No.6852930


>> No.6852953


That double hanny was more of a threat than kanami.

>> No.6854159

The music is really nice


>> No.6854207

>we are now advancing to Rance 03 because the hacking of Rance 02 has had some problems.
My guess is that they have trouble putting the translation back into the game and they don't want to waste resources on that until they figure out how to do it

>> No.6854208

Fucking dungeon key, I couldn't get it for 3 hours straight because I always raped the thief girl before leaving. I never thought I could be wrong.

>> No.6854578

They should pikced up a proofreader or two.
Some of this stuff is a pain to read but I'm still thankful of them doing Rance 1

>> No.6854774

Like thought instead of 'taught' and misplaced 'is'.

>> No.6855205

Maybe someone should offer their english skills for a v2 translation patch.

>> No.6855248
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>> No.6855534

Well, damn.

>> No.6855603 [DELETED] 

According to the walkthrough I have to buy panties to give to the mouse from the item store, yet every time I go to the item store I can't buy any panties. Anyone know what to do here?

>> No.6855611

In the empty room in the castle, move the boxes twice in a row to get the jar. Show the jar to the mouse, and he'll ask you to get Miki's panties. Try to get Miki's panties, and she'll throw you out of the room. Only then can you buy the panties from the store.

>> No.6855623 [DELETED] 

It worked thanks.

>> No.6856647

Can't get key in the mansion =/

>> No.6856756

Lots of fuckery in this game.

>> No.6856765

Well, that was pretty high tech back in 89.

>> No.6856770

did you see the girl on the wooden horse in the storeroom yet

>> No.6856787


>> No.6856791 [DELETED] 

You can download it for free off the Alicesoft site.

>> No.6856811

does anyone have a good guide and translation for yokubari saboten?

also does anyone have a link to the sounds track?

>> No.6856823

I meant the Hien's residence

>> No.6856990

So download the game from the archives then this just patches over?

>> No.6857005

The game is bundled with the translation.

>> No.6857061

Wait, so you don't have to get the original game from Alicesoft?

>> No.6857460

How do you get the participation ticket? I've already given the panties and helped clean the maid's room. Talking to the king and queen hasn't done anything for me.

>> No.6857960


Have you asked them about the participation ticket?

>> No.6857983

I've talked to them and asked every possible question. I don't see any option which is related to the colosseum. Do I have to talk to someone to know about the ticket?

>> No.6857993
File: 43 KB, 640x400, R1Kanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get the ticket, you have to go back to the colliseum and talk to the gladiator champion girl. Might have been something about how she'll let you fuck her if you beat her in the championship match. Gahahaha

>> No.6858003

Err. that is after you talk to the gladiator girl, talk to the king and he'll give you the entry ticket

>> No.6858017

So how do you get the bronze haniwa statue? The walkthrough says you talk to the two thieves raping a girl, but nothing happens.

>> No.6858065
File: 101 KB, 460x640, 1291497075669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, I thought that was Ainsley in that thumbnail for a second.

>> No.6859476

Wow... they really DO need proofreaders.

>> No.6860111

Uho, dated but nice game. Thanks.

>> No.6861088


>> No.6861302

Looks like their translation is terrible.
I hope they some better translator, and a proofreader for Rance 2.

>> No.6861447

Proofreading is probably the problem. Not sure about translation problems tho.

>> No.6861996

The translation and even the English in most of the game really wasn't as bad as the last few posters have made it out to be. They could probably use a proofreader to solve these small grammatical issues before they release their next translation, but I read through it without many problems at all.

>> No.6862027

There was never a time when I couldn't understand what was said, but that might not have been the case without my very basic knowledge of Japanese structure...

>> No.6862358

Pretty much enjoying the story. Feels like a flashback.

>> No.6862367

>do it gently
>Touch Breasts
>Touch xxx

Also got me the Healing spell

>> No.6863552

Why don't you email them about the proofreading stuff?

They have said this isn't the final version and they need more people, even if they can't translate (mind you, this is something the guys they hired for beta/bugtesting should have noticed but then again they might have been focusing on that, bugs).

>> No.6864790

Makes sense. Now if they get people who's got the time and knows Japanese, it would be awesome.

>> No.6864833

I'm wondering why Miki is even IN the first game, did they really plan the whole demon king thing right from the start?

>> No.6864848

Jesus fucking christ son, I've only actually played Rance 1 and Sengoku and even -I- know Miki has always been the Demon King.

>> No.6864872

Which is never actually revealed in the first game, hence why I was wondering if they planned several games in advance or just threw her in on a whim.

Sometimes I wonder if the people on this board are even capable of reading.

>> No.6864887

Miki and Kentarou are from the game Little Princess.

You are terribly clueless about the ranceverse, right.
Here's a cool link: http://sites.google.com/site/bbshut/home/rance-data/

>> No.6864903


>> No.6864922

I don't think Miki and Kentaru got it on yet, have they? If those two haven't fucked yet it's obvious Rance is going to get her, probably in the last game.

>> No.6864946

he's supposed to be her boyfriend no? my guess is they put off having sex till after they've dealt with the demon king to avoid the possibility of her accidentally triggering the awakening.

>> No.6864955

>implying Rance won't fuck her and make her his slave before she is on demonfied.

If that's his plan he has a rude awakening. She's as good as Rance's after the events in Sengoku.

>> No.6864971

Rance actually asked Kentarou and it was confirmed they're still virgins because they are pushing it back to after dealing with her curse

>> No.6864974

How you figure? She kills Rance if you're not careful with her. It's not like Rance hasn't TRIED to rape her, his options seem to be either wait till she's undemonified, or kill her and rape the corpse.

>> No.6865001

Imagine if you will, a "Reunion" in Rance 8.

Rance acts depressed, Miki asks if there's anything she can do because she's still guilty over Sill, and luckily for us Rance knows she's just what the doctor ordered.

Kentarou's watching the whole time in the other room, jerking off and sobbing.

>> No.6865012

shoot, nokosaged by accident.

>> No.6865017

Miki isn't that gullible you know, she's unnaturally polite but that doesn't mean she's gonna have sex with him just cause sill's an ice cube.

>> No.6865021 [DELETED] 

>Miki isn't that gullible you know

I beg to differ.

>> No.6865028

So beg.

>> No.6865029

Hey guys, I was working on the 02 translation before everyone disappeared (they were telling me they needed the hackers/ image editors for another project) and I also worked on Rance 3 before, I have a 15% done, fully running version here.

Is there anyone working on 02 or 3 right now? If so they might like to look into what I already have here.

Also, the translation of 1 looks pretty damn bad, the line in the OP post pic looks like it was done with Google Translate. I'd really wish 02 and 3 get better translations because unlike the first game, they are actually good.

>> No.6865031

You underestimate H-game logic.

>> No.6865033

The remake?

I don't care how little it is, give it to me!

>> No.6865039

the logic tho, is that rance hasn't been able to do it with her for 7 games. She's pretty much one of those untouchable characters that everyone wants to see H of.

>> No.6865046

The circumstances were never as ripe as they are after Sengoku.

>> No.6865052

The remake, hence "02" rather than 2. Who is working on it right now? We were using VASTT to edit the script as .xml files and it seemed to reinsert fine so far, I don't know about images (the entire menu was done with images, rather than text).

>> No.6865075

Dun really see it, if it did happen because of it would feel to uncharacteristic, and somehow I doubt Alice Soft would do that and would rather make it dramatic.

Seems to me it's more likely the next game will have Rance out to find a way to thaw Sill and will cross over to him having to undemonize Miki or something to achieve that... or maybe just kill her.

>> No.6865082 [DELETED] 

Rance 8 will be about Rance and his daughter, so who knows what's going to happen with Miki.

>> No.6865111

I'm pretty sure they kind of reset her. I may be wrong but I think she hasn't been in the last few and was sort of brought back for Sengoku, I may be recalling it wrong.

It doesn't matter anyways. You said it yourself, everyone wants an h-scene with her. Rance is just fanservice. Can you really think of any girls from Sengoku that everyone wanted to fuck that you couldn't? They're just saving her to string people along and have a girl Rance has to work for, it's going to happen eventually, Sengoku set it up pretty well. Rance said he's going to fuck her, some I'm sure it will play a role in most of the games up until he does.

>> No.6865119

His daughter?

>> No.6865125

Reset, his daughter he made with Queen Pastel.

She has shark teeth too.

>> No.6865158

>Can you really think of any girls from Sengoku that everyone wanted to fuck that you couldn't?

Ranmaru? Omachi?

Miki losing her virginity to Rance is about as bad as Hornet getting raped by Kayblis.

>> No.6865166

Well Ranmaru isn't going to be in any other rance games and if she was Rance would be fucking her.

Just accept it brother.

>> No.6865170

Yes I can, Omachi.

Don't recall that.

>> No.6865173

Point is that even if it is a sex romp, yo udon't get to fuck EVERY character.

>> No.6865191

daughter? there's dark rance who is his son, and the kid he had with isoroku, where did the daughter come from?

>> No.6865207



>> No.6865251


So the same person/ people who did the first game are working on 02 now? That's... pretty unfortunate.

>> No.6865290

They have put 02 on undefinate hold because they know no way to hack it.

You might have the key for them to restart that project.

Just contact them:

>> No.6865302

Sounds like somebody never played Kichikou Rance.

>> No.6865326

>Kichikou Rance
Kichikou's canonicity is debatable at best.
Also, several characters have been rewritten since then (pretty much all of JAPAN for example)

>> No.6865346


They did find a way to hack 02, so they are translating it now. Other than a need for some English grammatical cleanup, I don't see the problem with him translating the game. He is German from what I understood, so assuming English is not his first language, some grammar problems are understandable (not suggesting someone who speaks English as a second language can't speak it properly).

I imagine the quality of translations will improve as he continues to get practice and more help in translating these games (plus he has stated that the patch released for Rance 1 is not the final patch and he will clean up problems with the English).

>> No.6865373

I believe the people I was working with were actually a bit further (at least the text wrapped up neatly), but I guess they also dumped it because of the image editing. They were always like WE'LL DO THIS LATER SHUT UP when I asked.

So how could I restart it if I can't even hack? All I ever did was translate.

If you are doing 3 (there is no "03", it has never been remade) I can give you what I have here, but I'd still prefer if that game would get a better translation. It has the best (IMO) storyline of any of the RPG Rances which shouldn't be ruined.

>> No.6865403
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I'm not part of the team but they seem pretty receptive about any help they can get and they are basically focusing on 3 after having trouble with 02 (and probably not wanting to do 2 only to have to redo it again for 02).

And Rance? Getting translated by a fellow German?
Who would have guessed?

Then again, we are the European equivalent to Japan (even when it comes to porn)

>> No.6865417

That and My Glorious Days is just the national anthem of East Germany with cooler instruments.


>> No.6865427
File: 114 KB, 478x600, DDR-RANCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know.

If I knew how to hack it I'd translate all of Sengoku into German... or I'd make a joke translation using East German characters

>> No.6865429
File: 111 KB, 640x453, DDR-RANCE-MAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6865430


Then why not apply to current translation project as editor or even co-translator? I believe the translator of Rance 1 mentioned someone at hongfire who was assisting him at translating some parts of the game so if you are native English speaker, knows Japanese and wants to improve quality of the translation surely they would be happy to have your assistance.

>> No.6865446

Well, if they want to I can give them what I have, point out what needs to be done (there's an issue with it being impossible to insert spaces in lines that have a number inserted in them, like "you found 5gold!") and if they will translate on I'd love to be at least able to proofread the translation.

Also, I'm German as well, gahaha.

>> No.6865450


They got the tools to hack Rance02 now. It seems some Russians managed to hack it.


>> No.6865479

Note how it says "extract and reinsert text".
We were that far half a year ago, and it also wrapped around the text box properly. The problem is editing and reinserting the images for the menu items (I'm not even sure if that was all).

>> No.6865495

i can't bring myself to play this game because of retro graphics. someone punch me.

i still have some vns to play before so it's not like it hurts my plans, but it makes me feel like an asshat.

>> No.6865512

It's okay. The first Rance is painful to look at, especially the monsters. The good news is that you do not miss anything at all as it's nothing like the other games and barely even considered canon, so you can just skip it.

3 has fairly poor graphics in the dungeons and fights, but the event CG isn't that bad. 2 was remade to look great and 4 looked fine even back then.

>> No.6865527

I love the retro grphics, except for the MS paint monsters and some cg (especialy those with Rance).

And the music is great. I'd like to have a rip of the soundtrack.

>> No.6865528


Not 100% sure but I think they didn't had problems with Rance02 images, it was .ain file that they weren't able to hack themselves for a long time. They had problems with working on Rance 1 images though because it uses some kind of antique format and I believe it was said that Rance 3 uses it as well.

>> No.6865551

1 doesn't look that bad graphicswise.
Did you even play Ultima when it came out?

I agree that it's skippable but I wouldn't reccommend doing it even if it's just to see how it all started out.

Use the walkthrough if you are really lost.

>> No.6865553
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I loved those in 3, it has this whole 80's style to it without looking just plain horrible as in the first one.

>> No.6865569

>Did you even play Ultima when it came out?

I did, as well as all the early Sierra adventures and whatever came out at that time. I don't blame people who wouldn't play those because of their graphics today.

I did play through Rance 1 for completion's sake, but I wouldn't recommend the same to anyone who doesn't care as much about having played through all.

>> No.6865580

Huh? Kichikou is not and never was canon, but multiple elements of it have been imported into canon, such as Lelia being pimped out to Xaver/Demon Nobunaga, although not quite as blatant.

In any event, Reset is canon now.

>> No.6865591
File: 31 KB, 638x399, milly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu doesn't look horrible.

>> No.6865598

True but it still feels odd.

>> No.6865607

I wonder if he plans on tapping her in the future.

>> No.6865611

I'm white and what is this

>> No.6865679


>Even the girl just saying "I have a lover already" is enough to deter him.
>But... Rance has raped women before the events of Rance 1...

Nobody said Rance is smart.

>> No.6865689

How does one get a fire tree leaf?

>> No.6865698

Examine the books in the haunted mansion.

>> No.6865701 [DELETED] 

Keep checking the bookshelf in the mansion.

>> No.6865905

he seems to have sex with the "I have a lover already" later according to the chart

>> No.6866147

To an extent, Rance respects women's wishes, especially if they're married or have a lover in some cases.

Oh, and that woman that gives you level ups in the level stores, that's Virus, Rance's soon to be personal level goddess.

>> No.6866295

His teeth look suspiciously normal there.

>> No.6866934

Sharkteeth didn't really show up until much much later after all.

>> No.6867400
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At least Virus gained a name. Rance's system goddess doesn't even get one.

>> No.6867811

he still ended up fucking that level up girl tho

>> No.6868382


>> No.6868532


>> No.6869181

You can in Rance II, if you reach a certain level it lets you rape her, after that you cannot gain additional levels. He also has some consentual fun with her in Rance IV.

>> No.6869212

If anybody has some free time, knows enough about Rance and can read moons, the character chart on this page would be handy if finished. http://sites.google.com/site/bbshut/home/rance-data/

>> No.6869457

What i'm suppose to do in the haunted mansion? I already went to every room, even the 4 in the 2nd floor, have seen the "ghost girl"? being raped 3 times, and now i don't know what more should i do.

>> No.6869466 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 634x393, hauntedbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, i can fap to this.

>> No.6869662

did you get the hammer and break down the wall on the second floor?

>> No.6869683

I did. I also went to the item store with the item i got in the library, had sex with the girl there, and nothing else.

>> No.6870272

After breaking down the wall you need to read the diary in the third room, move the clock and enter the kitchen, enter the hole in the kitchen and talk to the girl in it, and then you can enter the castle and have Maris lead you to Lia, which pretty much finishes the game.

>> No.6870423 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 635x398, ranceending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks. I couldn't find that hole. And yes, after that it was just follow the events.

>> No.6870445

Since this IS an Alicesoft general thread...

Sometimes I don't see the preview for the next unit I'm fighting in BBA, leading to wasted stamina and resets. Is this intentional, or did I mess something up?

>> No.6870944

>He also has some consentual fun with her in Rance IV.
She also strips for you whenever Rance hits certain levels. I managed to get her down to a band-aid.

For someone with a boyfriend, she's kinda promiscuous with Rance.

>> No.6870962
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A golden shower with Rance? Who could resist!?

>> No.6870985


you only see the enemy every other turn. some characters have a skill that lets you see them every turn.

but it is usually very easy to guess. most of the time they just throw the guy/gal with the highest HP at you. they throw curveballs once in a while though.

>> No.6871115

Yeah, like when I thought I was facing a nerfed tank and got one of those fucking riflemen.

>> No.6871208

What does the MX-DOS do and how do I use the BGM?

>> No.6871839

This. What do the items do?

>> No.6871915
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>> No.6872845

Bumping for this.

>> No.6873147

The BGM, MX-DOS and "just looking" (which you can also buy) are all red herrings, obviously.

The boyfriend is never mentioned again once she is the level god Willis. Guess she either no longer hangs out with humans, or it was just changed. Rance 1 is barely canon anyway.

>> No.6873160

No. Actually, Virus still is with her boyfriend.

The boyfriend just doesn't know that Virus is now a goddess.

>Rance 1
>barely canon

>> No.6873166

Did you even play Rance 1 and any later games? The characters behave all differently, Rance can use magic, the setting is different (Lia's castle should be in Leazas, not HURP DURP OS WAR LAND) etc.
The events from Rance 1 are never mentioned again later, only that Rance took Lia's virginity and she since wants to marry him.

THAT is lolwut material.

>> No.6873174

Ack, what? Her official romaji spelling now actually IS Virus (must be fairly recently, when I first started using RanceWiki it still said "Willis")

The spelling in katakana isn't even the same, virus is ウイルス and the level god is ウィリス.

>> No.6873178
File: 131 KB, 800x600, ランス02_20110127_152348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Her official romaji spelling now actually IS Virus

>> No.6873185

See? I always thought it was supposed to be Willis. But at RanceWiki they also changed it so I'm assuming they used "Virus" in some recent material (like Rance Chronicle or something)? Or maybe whoever changed it just was full of it, who knows.

>> No.6873270

So what if Rance could use magic in Rance 1 and just stopped using it? He could also use shield techniques to a professional level but doesn't really use it anymore. IIRC, Rance can use magic, it's just that he doesn't use it that much and it made his level crap with it. Like a Level 0 with magic skill as the explanation.

The characters do act like they do in the later games, especially right after in II. Rance still hits women in the head, Rance still doesn't just fuck everybody, etc.

The Rance in 1 is different from the Rance in the very late games because Rance has grown up (timeline-wise, it's been what, five years?). Even the Japanese fans say he's been growing up.

>> No.6873274

They use Virus because that's her name in Rance 6.

>> No.6873374
File: 58 KB, 640x480, ALCG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, only it's really not.

The Rance in the first game and Rance II are nothing alike, once the second will be translated you will see.

>> No.6874636

I've played both games. They're pretty much the same. Still hits Sill. Still hates other dudes.

Also, check the name of Virus' bgm.

>> No.6876919


>> No.6877113

>The BGM, MX-DOS and "just looking" (which you can also buy) are all red herrings, obviously.
So those are fake buys like "just looking"?

>> No.6877435

Are the people translating Rance 02 and/ or III around? I'd really like to proofread the translations.

>> No.6877477


I think you have better chance to contact them by going to Hongfire.

>> No.6878681

That or sending them an email

>> No.6879519

Would be awesome, bro.

>> No.6881397
File: 29 KB, 640x400, Bgr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gahahaha, bump.

Oh, and to whoever was asking about the haniwa statue, someone updated the walkthrough. It says you need to be level 12, but I coulda sworn I got it at a higher level.

>> No.6881407


Just wondering, what does the haniwa statue do?

>> No.6881436
File: 32 KB, 640x400, Bread2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks the Haniwa Flash attack, sometimes used by the different hannys and some guy at the coliseum tournament. Gahahaha

>> No.6881668

Nice, thanks for the info

>> No.6881704

Just beat Senna's route on BBA, and god damn, Kunagi got absolutely 0 mention beyond "Huh oh well nothing to give a shit about, time for a new waifu" at the end.

Senna had a whole sequence devoted to what happened to her on Kunagis route, so I assumed there would be something of her in the Hell Hole.

>> No.6881721



In futanari mode

>> No.6881772

anyone else got that annoying city blood glitch ?

>> No.6881776


All the time, I usually just went to that college where sill was since I found that easy to get to, that fixed it temporarily .

>> No.6884108


One week baby!!

>> No.6884806

Wow, that's pretty long.

>> No.6884810

Not really

>> No.6886291

I don't remember a /jp/ lasting that long though.

>> No.6886305

We've had month long Rika and AT threads before.
