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6853256 No.6853256 [Reply] [Original]

Urobuchi Gen thread.

>> No.6853274

Look, I'm going to say the same thing I explained to /a/. My friend came by today and forced Madoka Magica down my throat, 2 episodes worth, even after I told him I didn't like Shaft.

Go watch some real good magical girl shows for once, like Sailor Moon, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, or Full Moon o Sagashite which deal with death, betrayal, and despair commonly and stop mooning over this piece of garbage where the only thing going for it is theater of the absurd.

But no, like those who are on /a/ you have the intelligence of rats so you're completely taken in by the dancing eyeballs and think that makes this show great.

>> No.6853284


Why were you in /a/?

>> No.6853288

What if you're like me who rarely watches anime and is only watching this because it is the magical girl show of this season?

>> No.6853293

>like those who are on /a/ you have the intelligence of rats
I like how you started this post with "I'm going to say the same thing I explained to /a/"

>> No.6853301
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Everything in Madoka is shown through Fuminori's perspective.

>> No.6853309

I too get unreasonably angry when people like things I don't.

>> No.6853319

My friend left like an hour ago, I was pretty dissatisfied by what I'd watched so I went to /a/ to tell them to stop mooning over this show then come back to /jp/ and see the same damn stuff here? Goddamn it, it's like everyone is 15 years old and thinks anything with Theater of the Absurd in it is great.

Probably doesn't help that I find Theater of the Absurd to be entirely pointless and stupid.

>> No.6853329


But why were you in /a/?

>> No.6853337

Apparently he went there to tell them to stop enjoying things.

>> No.6853349

But I like Shaft, I like Aoki Ume and I like magical girls. Why shouldn't I watch it?

>> No.6853351

Seems like it didn't work out too well, though.
Kind of reminds me off Ryan-level trolling.

>> No.6853354


Because you aren't allowed to have fun.

>> No.6853357


I liked Fate/Zero, but the translation work is too damn slow.

>> No.6853359

I'm trying to enlighten people by telling them that what they're enjoying is a mere shadow of what they could be spending their time enjoying.

It's not wrong to point out the mistakes of others in the hope that they change their ways and find something more valuable now is it?

Sorry that I have not been using sage.

>> No.6853373

Even a train of thought like "you're enjoying the wrong things!" alone is already is so fucking hilarious and outright retarded, I don't even know what to say anymore.
Do you go around telling scat-fetishists to stop getting off to their porn, too?

>> No.6853374

It's not like the people here have anything better to do with their lives, though.

>> No.6853376
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>> No.6853380


This image is dumb. Why would someone say this during a chess match? I think you must be a bit dumb, man.

>> No.6853389

Maybe the angry kid hates pawns?

>> No.6853395

That's Sudo for you

>> No.6853396

Shaft is garbage.

>> No.6853398

For the same reason that if I found someone reading ... I dunno, 'School Nurse'
and thinking it's the best thing ever that a more valuable use of their time would be to read Tale of Two Cities by Dickens.

It doesn't help that almost all of Shaft's shows so far feature heavily on Theater of the Absurd, which I HATE. I find it all pointless nihilistic garbage that shouldn't be liked by anyone.

There are far better ways to spend our time than reveling in the absurd.

>> No.6853402

Everyone is so angry.

>> No.6853410

Anime goes in /a/. Reported, and everyone not giving a shit, discussing animu is reported too.
I'm up for discussing Urobuchi's eroges, Django was pretty funny for example, but really you are just trying to stir shit up by "BUT IT'S JAYPEE RELATED BECAUSE OF THE WRITER". No, fuck off. With such a retarded argument almost every animu should be here because many of the seiyuus are the same in both but using different aliases.

>> No.6853411

It's obvious that he was having a gentlemanly discussion with his opponent during the game and things got heated.

>> No.6853413
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You're both visibly upset.

>> No.6853414

>Shaft is garbage

Instead of that, try this:

>Why can't I like any shows by Shaft for once

See? Not only is it a more accurate statement but it's not obnoxious and it doesn't make you look like an idiot. Everybody wins.

>> No.6853421

>which I HATE
I don't

>> No.6853422


If you enjoy School Nurse more than Charles Dickens that doesn't mean you have bad taste, it just means you like School Nurse more than Charles Dickens.

But, noooooo... "smart" people are always looking for ways to think they are better than the "dumb" masses. So they say you're not as cool as they are because you don't like what they like.

There is no such thing as good or bad taste. Just different interests and preferences.

>> No.6853426

I already know why Shaft is garbage and why all of their shows are as well.

>> No.6853434

I like about 75% of all the shows SHAFT ever produced and you can't stop me.

>> No.6853431

>There is no such thing as good or bad taste.

Nobody actually believes this.

>> No.6853442


Hey guys I learned a new term in my community college class time to shove it down everyone's throats so you'll think I'm smart

>> No.6853444

We don't do that shit here. Gb2 Animesuki/Gaia if you want to be all PC.

>> No.6853448

Hrrm yes. The theater of the absurd. An apt comparison. But tell me: are you aware that you should put a gun to your head and blow your brain outs?

>> No.6853452

I have a bachelor's in film fatass. I think I have more to say on the subject than you do.

>> No.6853455


I have a doctorate in rocket surgery.

>> No.6853457

So angsty and artsy

You're so cutting edge

>> No.6853461


I guess it's human nature to think you're better than someone else because you like different things than they do.

>> No.6853465




>> No.6853470
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>> No.6853471
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>he has friends

>> No.6853477

Time to educate the plebians on the 4chans. It's a heavy burden. But with my bachelor's in film, I am compelled to be a tool, so tis a burden that I must accept. *Drinks wine from coffee mug while typing in nothing but stained briefs*

>> No.6853487

Only children and idealists think otherwise.

>> No.6853489
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I have a secret to tell you. It's a good one. On /a/ they prefer to discuss things while they air. The more popular shows of a given season are frequently posted on other boards as well.
Now is that getting worked up about?

>> No.6853498


>Quit liking things I dislike
>Quit disliking things I like

Do you see how dumb that makes you look. It makes you look so dumb it's not even funny. So dumb.

>> No.6853499

Like I'd trust anything Kyubey says.

>> No.6853495

>Urobuchi Gen
Sure is overrated hack

Saya: meh
Kikokugai: shit
Fate Zero: passable
Madoka: shit

>> No.6853508

I'm a hard edge realist. Equipped with my bachelor's in dumb bullshit, I can pierce the lies of the world and see the cold hard truth within. Dust in the wind. Theater of the absurd. Now, listen to my opinions on magical girl animes.

>> No.6853535
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I only brought it up because he claimed I only knew some term from a community college class.

And yes, after you study art for awhile you learn that our perception of art is NOT arbitrary. You can even google this if you like. It's well known and the basis of all art education.

So no
You are not correct. There are standards of judgment for art and literature. You can say they're related to neuroscience if you like but I know nothing on that subject, all I studied was art.

If you like something like 'school nurse' it simply shows that you're poorly educated. If you took the time to study you'd find that Dickens is much more rewarding than trash romance novels.

Theater of the Absurd, and I'm sorry to keep using that term but IT'S EXACTLY WHAT MADOKA MAGICA IS, is destructive art for no purpose, it espouses nihilism, and offers nothing but soulless emptiness.

I suppose if you were emotionally stunted you would eat that shit up but normal self respecting people will have none of it.

>> No.6853538

It's pretty cool that you got a bachelor's in Jerk Off For Four Years And Get A Paper In The End Saying You're Qualified To Jerk Off and somehow managed to come away with the fact that

a: there are Objective True Criteria upon which brain thoughts can be judged
b: you are qualified to know what they are

>> No.6853541

I'm calling it now: that thing is a minion of Tzeentch.

>> No.6853547

Basically come back when you've got a phd kid and maybe I'll begin to give a shit.

>> No.6853550

If you're not emotionally stunted then you have no business watching anime.

>> No.6853553

I have objectively good tastes so I post on boards about anime and porn games.

>> No.6853573

I enjoy Madoka. There's nothing wrong enjoying something some people consider mindless crap. That is like saying I can't like bottle tea and I'm an uneducated pig if I don't sip Earl Grey.

If a want to watch an art film, I'm just going to watch one, not rant about a show which doesn't pretend it is artsy and doesn't try to elevate itself as an artform.

>> No.6853574

I'm not the only one who sees gorespammer in here doing this thing, and spamming /a/ with Gen/Madoka threads and trolling/reverse trolling, right? Hasn't he done this over at /a/?

Oh, he has.

>> No.6853582

Frankly, if you care about what other people think of your watching habits, you shouldn't be online.

/jp/ is slow. Nobody really cares.

>> No.6853595

B-But I don't care what other people think!

>> No.6853601

Saya > Kikokugai > Phantom > Vjedogonia > Django > Jouka no Monshou

Should read his actual novels one day, they look pretty fun.

>> No.6853603
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>I'm an uneducated pig if I don't sip Earl Grey.
I would say the opposite. If you prefer the taste of bergamot to tea, you deserve your bad tastes.

>> No.6853617


>Quit liking things I dislike
>Quit disliking things I like

Do you see how dumb that makes you look? It makes you look so dumb it's not even funny. So dumb.
