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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6840547 No.6840547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder.

>> No.6840556


>> No.6840555


How so? /new/ was purged because of its racism, not its mediocrity.

>> No.6840559

/jp/ has a reason to exist. If /jp/ is deleted, moot will only be in the situation he was in before he split /a/.

The equivalent to doing what he did recently would be deleting /a/ and /jp/. That isn't happening in a million years.

>> No.6840566

Shut up, you fucking Wap.

Before and now are far different.

>> No.6840568

There was an announcement yesterday in big red letters that there wasn't going to be any more board deletions.

>> No.6840572

No, it was deleted because the users weren't stupid liberal faggots like moot.

/new/ - discuss the news, except don't mention news I don't like or I'll delete the board.

>> No.6840574

You mad you lost your stormfront board?

>> No.6840578

And why don't you explain in your broken grammar how the differences between then and now alleviate the situation in which moot found the /a/ split necessary in the first place? You don't go to /a/ or /jp/, most likely. You wouldn't even know.

>> No.6840579

/a/ is even worse now than before the split.

>> No.6840584

That's how /jp/ views it. moot probably views it as a huge improvement. Remember this is a guy who mostly frequents /b/. If /a/ has really degraded in moot's eyes, the reason for the decline would not be seen as the split. moot would view deleting /jp/ as the last thing /a/ needs.

>> No.6840588

Must be nice to use those ad hominems those a sarcastic post.

>> No.6840590

Not according to moot, he'd rather have /b/ shit and underaged posters than us vile directionless pedophiles.

>> No.6840591

It must be nice not to know what ad hominems are.

>> No.6840593

moot, you fucking fag.

>> No.6840597
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Angry because you got banned from /int/ after saying jew?

>> No.6840601

>>it was deleted because the users weren't stupid liberal faggots like moot.

I really don't think so. Too many of the threads were completely ruined by real stormfront posters, stormfront wanna-bes, and stormfront trolls. The antisemitism was just ridiculous, and anyone pointing this out was immediately accused of being a JIDF front, etc.

>>/new/ - discuss the news, except don't mention news I don't like or I'll delete the board.

But very little news was in fact discussed, more's the pity. In any case, if the moderators and/or moot are so concerned with deleting things they don't like, how is it that you (and your ilk) are still able to post here?

>> No.6840598

Are you next?

>> No.6840604
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>> No.6840612

And you trust m00t?
captcha: rance, acunt

>> No.6840614

"your broken grammar"
"You don't go to /a/ or /jp/"
"You wouldn't even know"

Sounds exactly like ad hominem, to me at least.

>> No.6840622

it was deleted because moot needs to make money to support the site, and he needs to clean up his name to attract investors. you can't really blame him for that.

>> No.6840623

The problem is moot should've actually had moderators CONTROL the board's discussion, not just say "hey guise, talk about news however you like, but if you fuck up again I'll delete it again!" because yeah, it's OBVIOUSLY going to blow up on 4chan.

>> No.6840627

You can always trust moot about not doing something.

>> No.6840628

Which only goes to show how little moot cares for the wellbeing of this place.
/new/ got deleted for the racism? Did he even visit the board before making this statement?
/int/ is hundred of times more racist than /new/ could ever get, and they don't even have an intelligent userbase to make up its blatant retardation.
No, I guess I won't be that far from the truth if I assume that /int/ is populated by 15 year olds with neither the intellect nor the vocabulary to articulate their arguments about "master race" or whatever else. And if it wasn't enough, that place gets even shittier on weekends when Nipfaggots flock in and hijack every thread about East Asia.
It's /int/ that should've been pruned, not /new/.

>> No.6840629
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Don't worry.

We'll make a board for you at 4chon

It'll be okay

>> No.6840632


No, an ad hominem would be "You are a fuckface", you fuckface.

>> No.6840632,1 [INTERNAL] 


No, an ad hominem would be "You are a fuckface; you're wrong."

>> No.6840632,2 [INTERNAL] 

ergo your wrong bitch

>> No.6840632,3 [INTERNAL] 

An ad hominem is just any argument that attacks the other person instead of their argument.
