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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6837848 No.6837848 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to apply to be a meido, /jp/?

>> No.6837855
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>> No.6837854

Shit sucks because apparently if the old meido stuck around she would have been promoted to mod. Then we would have had no worries at anytimes.

>> No.6837856


>> No.6837859


>> No.6837860

AoC is a man

>> No.6837864
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I would, but I'm terrible at writing applications.

>> No.6837866

Yes but I like to stick to the fkajfklajfdkalfn

>> No.6837868

But she still was a SHE for us.

>> No.6837870

No because within a couple of months I won't browse 4chan anymore.

>> No.6837871

I would, but I'm honestly convinced that Moot hates me, so I won't even try.

>> No.6837873

I've forgotten how to write over the years. I think it'd be pointless.

>> No.6837874
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>> No.6837889

I hope /jp/ Quality Control becomes one.

>> No.6837890
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>> No.6837895

/jp/ only needs a meido when /a/b/v/ start their shit.

>> No.6837896

You are the worst poster on /jp/.

>> No.6837898

You'd fail the required physical needed to get the job.

>> No.6837900

I hope so too.

>> No.6837903

I get the feeling that the new mods are going to be a problem.

>> No.6837904

AoC is a retard. So is our current mod. By the way, if you're on why haven't you purged this thread?

Oh who am I kidding? I don't care

>> No.6837910

i don't know what the HELL a meido is but I'll be applying for janitor ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.6837913
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_10_[858BB188].mkv_snapshot_07.03_[2010.12.12_09.04.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not.
Pretty sure you don't need to be in shape to sit at the computer for 12 hours a day. I have literally nothing better to do, I'd be the perfect janitor.

>> No.6837917

Yes, you are
Nero is a bitch
Mitsuba is the worst Mitsudomoe

>> No.6837923
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Stop with your filthy lies!

>> No.6837930

Of course.

>> No.6837946

Original HELL here, no I'm not =__=
Too busy with MMORPGs, but if you do get accepted keep on pretending to be me, thanks

>> No.6837955

hahaha oh wow.

>> No.6837957


Ideally, I'd want to set up a /jp/ Q.A hotline, although I don't think I'd trust it to not get abused eventually due to 4chan's nature, so I'd just always be on IRC (which I believe is one of the pre-reqs anyway).

>> No.6837971

>Anonymous: Janitors are not to disclose their position nor present themselves in an official capacity. Doing so will lead to immediate termination.

>> No.6837974

You guys do realize that the entire 4chan will have huge amounts of people applying right?

>> No.6838006
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>> No.6838023


That's referring to actually going YEP I'M THE JANITOR GUYS LOOK AT ME, on 4chan itself. The old meido kept up a blog that a few people knew about, and you could reach him/mods on IRC.

>> No.6838026

well ofcourse a million applying for /v/ and /b/ and that. but for smaller boards maybe 100 at most for something like /3/ & /po/

>> No.6838031

Janitors are global, anon. You are supposed to work on all boards.

>> No.6838036


But then he'd have to delete his own posts for spam....

>> No.6838044

I couldn't imagine being a janitor or a mod.
Responsibility is not something I want to have when I come on this site.
Maintenance is not something I want to do when I come on this site

I'm fine with taking it easy.

>> No.6838048


That's mods you're thinking of. Janitors are board specific. If they weren't then they might abuse their power and go constantly wipe out boards they don't like just for shits and giggles. Even if they only lasted a day doing so, it'd be disastrous and make moot look incompetent for hiring unqualified people. E.g janitors are not trusted enough to be given much responsibility, and everything they do is carefully monitored... it's not a free ticket to shape the board in your image; if your board thinks you're doing a bad job and the 4chan team agrees, they can let you go.

>> No.6838049

I'd feel morally compelled to delete my own irrelevant shitposting and off-topic whining, so no.

>> No.6838050

I don't think he would keep doing that.

>> No.6838070

The power to delete all tripfaggot circlejerking threads I see?

How could I pass up the opportunity?

>> No.6838074

Holy shit moot is going to get so many requests he's not going to get to any of ours

>> No.6838095


moot reads all his email and meido has not been replaced; he'll be keeping us in mind when he's looking since he specifically needs to fill in an opened slot here.

After all it's not like every board needs a new janitor, just a few old ones and I'm guessing all the newer boards need them. It looks like moot was holding off on picking up fresh meat janitors until he had completely decided which boards he was going to keep and had added in ones he saw fit.

I just wonder if he'll pick up new janitors for the yet-to-be-made boards that he's pregnant with. I'd guess no since janitors need to be extremely familiar with the board and what belongs; if the board itself is new then it's not concrete yet on what the users there want.
