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File: 272 KB, 670x750, f57c0bda124bbec6c11727c6bf073626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6799768 No.6799768 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know where the old thread is.

So what do you guys think of the fanart contest? Personally, I think it's full of QUALITY.

Link to fanart contest thread:

>> No.6799820

no seriously what were you expecting out of day one anyways?

>> No.6799843

QUALITY and lol trolling.
At least some people have a sense of humor though.

I like how the rewards are smaller than the CC tournament ones though, Luck > Talent.

>> No.6799853
File: 302 KB, 500x875, 15628788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more Winberrl fanart.

>> No.6799856

My favorite submission one was the two official arts of Lily and CS cut and pasted onto a stupid background.

>> No.6799860


>> No.6799867

The reward for the CC tournament was 500 RT and some other random stuff. The art reward is 2000 RT.

>> No.6799877

Sup Wulfgar

>> No.6799884

Uh, no? The first place was 5000Rt.

>> No.6799908

I'm laughing at the art thieves being caught and called out. Unfortunately, the only good ones I've spotted were stolen...

>> No.6799910

Needs more MS Paint, I'm being serious

>> No.6799942

....dammit, you just gave me a great idea.

>> No.6799970

i wonder if they'll mind posting porn fanart.

>> No.6799988

They didn't state in their rules that it wasn't allowed. Knock yourself out.

>> No.6799995

Well, they don't have to in the contest because it's probably somewhere in their Terms of Service.

Have fun being the first person to get banned by CyberStep though!

>> No.6800023

Definitely entering with Mina's Destructor promotion.

>> No.6800024

I don't know what the hell is up with CyberStep. Ever since they went live I've been having all sorts of problems that I didn't have before.

Shit like lag, disconnections, and freezing during the loading screen is very common now. These 3 things never happened to me before.

>> No.6800029

>implying they would ban players over something so simplistic


They barely even gave a slap on the wrist to the GM impersonator clan.

>> No.6800036
File: 139 KB, 800x600, img.php..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.6800060 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 800x800, 110113-crim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800091

CB bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.6800098

The rules straight up say keep it work safe...

>> No.6800113


CBJP Garulabird cooking spaghetti

>> No.6800257
File: 246 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110111_1915_07_522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me, actually! I think my love for winberrls is second only to Wulf's.

>> No.6800272

As a Shino with Eight Vulcan, Viper shield and Red Squealer Arm, what stats should I go for?

>> No.6800285

So is it still fun with rt cash shop exclusives?

>> No.6800322

A bunch of good bots are still UC.

>> No.6800364

Everything is snowflake

>> No.6800407

That Winberrl ass....

>> No.6800432


Nightmare fuel

>> No.6800442


>> No.6800471

such as? So far only the ones from the latest betas are out... everything else is rt.

>> No.6800479

Accel Saber

>> No.6800492

Shino, Nagi, Red Squealer (drop), Jikun (with lag), Seraph Crim, Destructor,, Winberll among others.

>> No.6800515

I've been seeing a whole lot of hopping accel sabers lately...

>> No.6800605

and botcopter

I saw kampfer today raising a couple of them in the lvl5 rooms

>> No.6800659

it's still rt only...

>> No.6800670

JPCB has 3 new accessories.

Where are my fucking accessories Tempura?

>> No.6800681

You get her as reward for the tutorial missions or leveling up IIRC.
That's how I got mine for free.

>> No.6800722

>>6800659 >>6800681
You get a winberrl from rank-up reward, I believe. Either that or from one of the first 2-3 missions.

>> No.6800736

Goddamn, can't get that new bot out of the garapon in JP, got 5Rt already.

>> No.6800976


>> No.6801195
File: 496 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110113_1642_55_914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrust vectoring owns the swimming pool etc.

>> No.6801358

what's that booster and what does it shoot?

by the way, any opinions on that two tower booster that shoots missiles?
I only tested it in training but seems better than the leg joint missiles. They have less force, the int is worse (1000 vs 1600) but they're faster. And it shoots a mininum of two missiles (if there's only one target then both are locked on him) and up to four.

>> No.6801397
File: 18 KB, 250x250, T0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro

>> No.6801448

jack gadget, psygun.

also all LGJs suck except dancing and dual laser pre-nerf

>> No.6801521

>>6801358 >>6801448
Yeah, Jack Gadget BS, not a very strong weapon but also the only(?) way to get 3 weapons on a swimberrl. Although I'm going to take it off anyways because it isn't cute.

>> No.6802038
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>> No.6802321


b4"autism!" "omg autism" butthurt, a BRD insult

>> No.6802446
File: 206 KB, 602x572, 1293424493508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802712

in one of the previous threads someone said that the ouka mission will sometimes drop ouka. Is this actually true?

>> No.6802732

>over 200 replies of plagiarism, mspaint, and tracing

It's a good thing they only included first and second place, because they'll be lucky to get even two decent entries!

>> No.6802881

He said the Ouka mission would drop a flag. Which I find unlikely.

>> No.6802960

I have an inquiry sent out to cyberstep that is required to complete my RT transaction with them. It's been almost a week now with no response from them. Whereas the original e-mail that was unimportant in comparison was answered in the same day. Why does this happen to me? Waiting drives me crazy.

>> No.6803029

Lily Rain is hard to MS Paint

>> No.6803496

can i turn crimrose N into seraph, or only standard crimrose?

>> No.6803511


Any crimrose can become a seraph so it doesn't matter what type the original crim was.

>> No.6803673
File: 182 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110114_0044_36_166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803786

>friendly AIR bot has 1 HP left
>I give him my Repair Kit, he needed it more than me
>I accidentally shoot him with my Blast Bazooka as he's about to pick up the kit and kills him with 1 dmg

I'm terrible!

>> No.6803802

lol enjoy your upgrade material

>> No.6803816


>> No.6803889

I forgot to log in.

>> No.6803899

That's terrible!

>> No.6803900

Looking at the submissions there is soo much fail. I wish I had a scanner I wouldve drawn my baltheon and trollberrl

>> No.6803940

You might get a rare cosmos or a rainbow chip from it. It sure as hell is better than 1000UC.

>> No.6803989

Bazaar soon, fellow stalkers.

>> No.6803993

Who are your sources?

>> No.6803998

CBJP Wiki.

Follow the punchline, damnit. You're supposed to say "Oh really? When?"

>> No.6804048

Oh, I thought you were talking about CBUS.

>> No.6804065
File: 194 KB, 175x424, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6804077

Got any info on the current prices? Looking around is a pain in the ass, but I'd like to sell some crap.

>> No.6804080
File: 363 KB, 800x600, img_cache_t_180984_2_1294352099_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Japanese people have drawing in their blood?

>> No.6804342

What do you want to sell? I usually sell tune up items for cheaper than others, but I still get 200k off of unwanted crap every bazaar so you could use my prices.

>> No.6804501

I still don't know what the bazaar is.

>> No.6804534

I have a bunch of 3 slot weapons, some 8 vulcans, handy mags, probably somethign else. I also have 2 3s lasers, but I don't think anyone will buy those now.

>> No.6804545

Oh, and finally someone contributed a decent fanart.

>> No.6804565

Selling those might be difficult due to people dumping their stocks during bazaars. I consistently see good 3s weapons for 5-10k, unless they're 3s stardusts or something, where they go for much higher.

Selling consumables is usually more profitable.

>> No.6804569 [DELETED] 


Why does OP link STILL have disallowed characters such as & when it should just be &

>> No.6804580
File: 272 KB, 800x600, 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont see any.
But judging from the past winner, it is like heaven and earth comparing the JP and the US,

>> No.6804582

I don't see anything "decent"

>> No.6804594
File: 240 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110114_0808_40_755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so pretty

>> No.6804600
File: 519 KB, 800x600, 736736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're being a faggot

>> No.6804637

>Implying that doesn't suck ass, also.
Less samefagging, Cross.

>> No.6804661
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>> No.6804694
File: 582 KB, 800x600, notsureifstolen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was just posted and after seeing all the plagiarized work, it's hard to believe that this drawing isn't stolen. Can someone help me confirm this?

>> No.6804712


Who cares?

>> No.6804719

Nothing from IQDB. Is there anything similar search sites for pixiv or so on?

>> No.6804727
File: 80 KB, 1014x669, bazaar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day a month, you get to sell any drops (and only drops) for UC.

Check this guy out; ~1200 guide circuits for sale. Not even Kanbara is this autistic.

>> No.6804728


Saucenao. I got nothing from it. It's not like the CB devs won't be checking for this on their own though. They don't need a bunch of nerds crying on their forum about who stole what.

>> No.6804734
File: 84 KB, 701x419, 5WH623HOCXJJ3SHX5OAIHUGSRFN2DTE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we're all jelly. So jelly. It couldn't possibly be you're not as good as you think you are. All that badass katakana in the background. It's like you're actually from Japan!

>> No.6804738

There's always tineye, but i didn't get anything off it.

>> No.6804765

The fact that you keep replying proves that I'm right.

>> No.6804791
File: 118 KB, 1026x728, ererfvcsfef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not stolen.

>> No.6804792
File: 31 KB, 639x454, 1184854856572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or that you're just too butthurt to accept otherwise.

>> No.6804805
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 2608234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All signs points toward genuinely original.

Though I can see why it would raise some alarm.This is Japanese-style art. Much different from the American variety. I would like to see something more American, or else it's just more of the same. Would be cool if CBUS players could come up with something unique in style.

>> No.6804815
File: 22 KB, 236x399, 1257459550012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I drew my destructor western style how does it look?

>> No.6804819
File: 239 KB, 458x792, neko_miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visitng the bazaar reminds me: where the heck are all the drops that should have made it over to the CB EN? No long burner, no ballistic shooter, none of the 20-30 accessories we should be seeing as common drops, nothing? And both of the CS-chan quests aren't here so we don't have any of her drops either, even though she's right in the garapon.

>> No.6804848
File: 480 KB, 1600x1200, 1257469114578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a destructor.

THIS is a destructor, armed with particle projectile cannons for fighting LND units.

>> No.6804929
File: 85 KB, 730x576, 730px-Droidekapromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Droideka troll bot
30 WLK out of the box
small Baltheon-like shield, can move (non-dash) normally while active

>> No.6804952
File: 82 KB, 600x790, 1152935647620xc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titan on the field.

You are all clusterfucked.

>> No.6804962

Don't you mean "Epoch" unit?

>> No.6805048
File: 239 KB, 800x600, fanart contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I win. Spoiler warning.

>> No.6805158

does the mighty byne from shop have shield arms?

>> No.6805173

Mighty Byne has shield everything.

Except head.

>> No.6805203

I wish there was a way to test bots in a closed map with a few NPCs before you buy them in the shop.

I want to test that hovershark but I don't want to buy him and end up hating him.

Also, destructor or snailbot?

>> No.6805237

They really should have test rooms for Rt bots, yeah.

Also Snailbot is more of a joke / very-situational bot, while destructor/destructor CN are powerful arts.

>> No.6805392

destructor + snailbot legs

>> No.6805600

snailbot has good parts (dem legs man, dem legs), but his core weapon is a bit lack-luster; it only really works on maps with nice wide spaces and/or high cliffs like glacier night and green field; good range missiles and lots of them, but they fire in high arcs and don't do much individually.
