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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6713056 No.6713056 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/

What's the weed situation like in Japan? Any connections, lots, or is it just impossible?

pic related, it's where i keep my weed.

>> No.6713063
File: 148 KB, 550x550, 1288707282375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6713067

It's illegal as fuck, and most Japanese consider it worse the meth and heroine.

>> No.6713069

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


/jp/ - Japan

>> No.6713073

I know it's fucking weird.

>> No.6713080

Japans not a place for doing drugs...legally anyways.

>> No.6713076

It's illegal in Amrrrca so they had to follow suit.

>> No.6713079


Oh shit OP, I think I know you in real life! What are your initials?

And don't lie to me because I've seen that dresser, and your weed stash.

>> No.6713083
File: 9 KB, 400x400, Fuck you, Nekata Munetsugu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your other thread is on page 1

>> No.6713090

weed is otaku cutlture you kisama XD

>> No.6713094

weed can't grow there so it's overpriced and hard to find. also srs bznss to the cops.

i would try to smuggle...
good luck bro.

>> No.6713096


>> No.6713116

It's WMT

What's the verdict?

>> No.6713119

>i would try to smuggle

Didn't Paris Hilton get banned from Japan because of that?

>> No.6713118
File: 23 KB, 361x201, Yukkuri_MarisaReimu (Custom) (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although this is a troll thread, I'll bite.

Marijuana was outlawed in the American Takeover in the post WW2 Japan, which involved enforcing the Cannabis control act. Although Japan had a hefty hemp industry pre-war, that was destroyed. Modern Japanese laws are still influenced by these, and as such are oppressive as fuck, although there are repeal groups out there, it's really not worth it unless you can find a way to keep it secret.

>> No.6713132


Oh wow.

Don't worry, I won't tell your family you browse /jp/ and get off to drawings of little girls...right now.

>> No.6713137

She did it with cocaine, but the fact remains she tried to smuggle drugs in to Japan, big のの.

>> No.6713144


lol, where hasn't that bitch gotten banned from?

>> No.6713149

Hah. Nice. Whoever-you-are-nameless-troll. Brofist for /jp/.

>> No.6713158


I have that exact box! I store my false eyelashes in mine, though. My girlfriend has the red version.

>> No.6713170

Didn't we just have a weed thread like an hour ago?

>> No.6713181

i have that 1-up too
nothing in it though

>> No.6713186

I usually don't spend an hour on 4chan at a time.

>> No.6713188

OP, I've got the power to ruin your life by making a phone call - how does that make you feel?

>> No.6713199

Pretty damn good, man.

>> No.6713203

nice dubz

>> No.6713213



>> No.6713225

So please find the other thread and make your question there instead of keeping this one alive. Don't be stupid.

>> No.6713226


Brb, calling your mom.

>> No.6713237


Girls on /jp/ that AREN'T imaginary?
Though you're a dyke, so technically a guy.

Or maybe you're a transvestite/cancer patient.

>> No.6713239

I have kept weed in a similar container. Mine was a red mushroom though, instead of 1-up green.

Japan has the highest price per gram of weed in the world-- last I checked, it was approximately $60 a gram.
Generally purchased through yakuza who won't deal with gaijin or blacks who will.

>> No.6713247

The former of the latter two of course. I thought it was the standard on /jp/.

>> No.6713253


>> No.6713267


Actually, I'm a female, and yes, I'm a lesbian.
I don't post on /jp/ very often, I live on /ck/, where I'm better known as Bellerophon.


>> No.6713273

OP, did your mom recently change phones? The number I'm trying isn't working. It's a 360 number, right?

>> No.6713276

>Actually, I'm a female, and yes, I'm a lesbian.
You say this like anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.6713281

Yes it is, stupid.
Nice fucking try, asswipe. Fail troll is fail. :D

>> No.6713284

Get out.

>> No.6713288


I don't expect anyone to give a fuck. I'm just correcting non-believers. I don't give two shits if people care or not. I'm not some fucking femanon, looking for a hookup.

>> No.6713289


>:D in /jp/

Get out.

>> No.6713295


>> No.6713299

I also don't give a shit about your justifications. Shut up.

>> No.6713296

The weed in Japan is awful outside of Hokkaido. It's also insanely expensive and has high penalties. Don't smoke in Japan is my advice.

>> No.6713300
File: 27 KB, 756x564, imbeinganewfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713305


You cared enough to post about it, love.

>> No.6713309

I half-agree. Don't buy, grow your own.

Also, I have a hard time believing there's good weed in Hokkaido but considering some of my favorite musicians come from there, maybe I shouldn't be so doubtful.

>> No.6713311


>> No.6713313


Seriously, you have the exact same weed case and the exact same room AND initials as the guy I know. So unless it's just a really big coincidence, don't be a dick.

>> No.6713315

Someones got to tell the faggots off.

>> No.6713318


>> No.6713326


I'm not being faggot. You're the one keeping this going.

>> No.6713329

The beatles didn't do weed

>> No.6713337

/jp/ just got PWNED by a lesbian YOU GO GIRL

>> No.6713344

12/30/2010 - the day /jp/ got trolled by a lesbian
Nevar forget

>> No.6713347

>I'm not being faggot
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you can blog about this later on?

>> No.6713356


I don't blog. Who'd read it?

>> No.6713360

I've never heard that before....
I have a hard time believing they didn't at least get in on some bhang while in India.

>> No.6713361
File: 339 KB, 430x600, 1285970507140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post ends in 13337

>> No.6713367

>I don't blog
>Actually, I'm a female, and yes, I'm a lesbian.
I don't post on /jp/ very often, I live on /ck/, where I'm better known as Bellerophon.

No one gives a fuck. Shut the hell up.

>> No.6713378

Wait, are you suggesting the Beatles came from Hokkaido?
Now, I *KNOW* I'm not high, so my reading comprehension is as on the ball as it's gonna get....

>> No.6713377


You sound a little samefaggy.
Also, greentext fail.

>> No.6713371

bitch u mad? lol

>> No.6713380

Report everyone.jpg

>> No.6713390
File: 156 KB, 287x304, my face when I've been trolling this entire thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6713393

There is not a shred of evidence that they actually came from the UK.

>> No.6713395

The Beatles did drugs, I'm not sure what kinds though, Paul McCartney and George Harrison were arrested for cannabis however so there's that.

>> No.6713401


>> No.6713403


>> No.6714170


You clearly cared enough to reply. You fucking obtuse fat basement dwelling moron; but that goes without saying.

>> No.6714181


Well SOMETIMES there needs to be a thread that isn't about gangurotohou2.5Dlolikoreanmmorpgs

>> No.6714183

Did you bump this thread just for that? Good God, let it go and take it easy.

>> No.6714194
File: 27 KB, 320x320, horse birds going to sleep because the remaining 4 players quit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714246

unless you want to have a baggie of weed up your bum I wouldn't bother. Japan is more fucktarded about drugs than even the US.

>> No.6714269

>Paris Hilton got banned from Japan.

Lucky bastards.

>> No.6714370

This thread is ultimate

>> No.6717018


>>6714170 is not the lesbian from earlier. I'm talking to her on MSN right now.

>> No.6717098

OP they'll probably sell JWH-XXX (a synthetic cannabinoid) at some of the smartshops that sell quasi-legal psychedelics

>> No.6717120

Believe it or not, you'll actually have an easier time getting meth. It's the most common drug over there.

>> No.6717143

>look at me, I smoke weed errrr'day, so I know how to have fun, I'm superior to everyone else. I'm not addicted at all, even though I need to bring this shit everywhere with me even when I travel

>> No.6719050

