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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 144 KB, 600x600, falloutpixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6683083 No.6683083 [Reply] [Original]

What's the general Japanese opinion about the Fallout games?

I know it gets assloads of stuff on Pixiv, but who exactly is the crowd who's enjoying it?
Just the gun nuts? People who want to relive their HnK fantasies? What?

>> No.6683097
File: 225 KB, 900x635, 1288508380233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who enjoy video games?

Alot of US games see popularity with more than just the reverse weeaboos.

>> No.6683096

People that want to be the little girl in the little power suit.

>> No.6683098

Loli raisers. Same people that like Oblivion.

>> No.6683104

I wish Japan had any idea about the first two Fallouts.

>> No.6683119
File: 24 KB, 200x332, 1289095614268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would have never played them, I mean they barely knew about planescape and baldur's gate.

>> No.6683121

Last I heard

Fallout New vegas made it to the tops of the charts for both consoles

dunno about PC though

>> No.6683127
File: 216 KB, 400x300, 12132940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like it I guess.

>> No.6683143

Would make sense PC games would go thru the roof, what with the loli modding and all

>> No.6683146

Disregard this I'm a huge faggot

>> No.6683183

Since when did being a huge faggot cause anyone on /jp/ to disregard anything?

Also rape my face, cocks cocks cocks etc.

>> No.6683189

Since I'm also a namefagging retard.

>> No.6683204

I've been namefagging for well over a year do you think I care what I have to say? And that you're the first me to disagree?

Honestly I have no idea why I even bother with myself anymore.

>> No.6683230

Cause you're too much of an autistic narcissistic retard to notice that you being a namefag makes you hypocritical

>> No.6683231

I don't care about your namefagging but if you told me this was an actual doujinshi or anything that has a base around that I'd moist my pants.

I'd also appreciate source.

>> No.6683237


There you go.

>> No.6683239

Just art some artist on pixiv I think, the only fallout doujins I know of are the ones following the 4koma adventures of loli fawkes and loli charon, and I don't think we've seen more than the preview images of those scanned.

>> No.6683251

Why should I care what I do to enjoy myself, shouldn't I be impersonating white ren or something?

>> No.6683252

But google works the same.

>> No.6683255

I don't that is why I'm namefagging, cause /jp/ can suck my dick about it.

>> No.6683269
File: 275 KB, 530x648, 14138482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an artist on Pixiv. He's also made this absolutely wonderful image of Suika.


>> No.6683280
File: 247 KB, 722x1000, 15275187_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I see it my way.

Now back to loli super mutants, looks like the guy is doing a new fanbook for c79


>> No.6683285

Well, this thread comepletly lost me.

>> No.6683301

wait till someone cracks your trip then you'll understand.

>> No.6683361


F:NV is almost as good as FO2 which was almost as good as FO1. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Fo3 obviously.

>> No.6683371

tactics was kinda fun, but brotherhood of steel was meh at best.

>> No.6683402

Tactics was pretty bad if you played proper Tactical RPGs before.
It was even worse if you expected a proper Fallout game that cares about lore.

>> No.6683760

Well, I could always change it, and even then it's a secure.

Good luck to them though...

As for original thread, Let me give you some copypasta.

Sensitivity to Japan

Bethesda Softworks changed the side quest "The Power of the Atom" in the Japanese version of Fallout 3 to relieve concerns about depictions of atomic detonation in inhabited areas. In non-Japanese versions, players are given the option of either defusing, ignoring, or detonating the dormant atomic bomb in the town of Megaton. In the Japanese version, the character Mr. Burke has been taken out of this side quest, making it impossible to detonate the bomb.[119] Also in the Japanese release, the "Fat Man" nuclear catapult weapon was renamed "Nuka Launcher," as the original name was a reference to the bomb used on Nagasaki.[119][120] According to Tetsu Takahashi, responsible for localizing Fallout 3 to Japan under his company Zenimax Asia, the available actions prior to localizing "The Power of the Atom" and the ability to kill civilians almost got the game banned by CERO before it got a Z rating.

That is Japan's opinion on it.

>> No.6683776

There are no Fallout games besides the first two. All WRPGs suck dicks since BG2 anyways, so will you please stop deluding yourself and even more important stop further shitting up this board with your biased bullshit?

There are no good RPGs besides DS, VC and D3 all of them for the PS3. Facts are facts.

>> No.6683777

In a nutshell Fallout 3 was almost banned for referening the time when Japan was bombed by the US. Considering the fallout series AND Bethesda Softworks were both in America, and using nukes and such made Japan remember that shit, they didn't want it in their country until it was changed.

I could imagine the other games recieving the same treatment.

>> No.6683800

>My opinion = god tier your opinion = shit tier.

I'm sorry to hear about your autism.

>> No.6683817


The OP was asking a question. I simply answered with something I was able to support with the reaction from the third game.

And yes, there were more than two, as much as you hate it.

>> No.6683819

Casual detected. I bet you do really like your mindless guns battles


>> No.6683829

Stop making excuses. Fallout series died after the 2nd title. End of fucking story. What you were talking about is not about Fallout but Oblivion with Guns.

Oblivion != Fallout

>> No.6683840

There's nothing wrong with casual gaming. At least it shows that you're SOMEWHAT still attached to reality

>> No.6683861

Of course TES Oblivion is related to Fallout, they were made y the same company and they used similar gameplay mechanisms. It's a tactic so that way players of one game bleed into another game series that they believe is just as good (which in my opinion is in this scenario).

It's still Fallout, just a different way of playing it. Games evolve like this (and some devolve like it too).

>> No.6683869

So how has wielding your nchaku esque device eye toy bullshit been this day? You so normal tripfag

>> No.6683893

I can't even begin to decipher what you just said.

I only understood tripfag and normal (lol impossibru)

>> No.6683910

No, it's a tactic to save money by reusing the same shitty engine like 10 times

>> No.6683935

Because you are wasting time with games that actually do not exist.

>> No.6683938

Oblivion and Fallout 3 have been given may awards, mainly for story and gameplay, especially the flexibility of fate that you are given in both, a feature evident in both series.

Now, tell me again.

Tell me that tactic is shitty.

>> No.6683969

What the fuck does Gamebryo being a piece of shit have to do with some awards from some fucktards blog? Fucking retard.

>> No.6684004

>some awards from some fucktards blog

And thus I end it here. Since I'm either talking to a troll or a complete moron with autism that can't tell the difference between IGN and blogspot, I'm dropping it and giving you an 7/10 for the length of trolling.

Good day.

>> No.6684010

Wow. People still take IGN seriously? What is this 1999?

>> No.6684348
File: 366 KB, 824x986, falloutken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of retards. Why are you taking a troll's bait? Don't you know better?

In any case, I really wonder how the game's dialogue would "work" in Japanese.
I swear, if some fucking raider goes "IT CAN'T BE HELPED" I will flip my shit
