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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6677997 No.6677997 [Reply] [Original]


So, where the fuck is my seraph promos?

>> No.6678109

tempura at his job

>> No.6678382

Not really.

>> No.6678384

can i be butthurt with you guys? im from MoD.

i could get 20 bux, buy a akila for my stardust and roll gara #01 5 times, hoping for a shaden that i hate and a few other mecha to be useful to me.

right now im considering playing anything else. not even nice stuff garapon have, and all the mecha that i could ever be interested on is worthless.

why would i roll for a 2 slot stardust if the material to tune it costs 50 bux?

>> No.6678439

We can all be butthurt together.

>> No.6678465

I dont see how people could have problems with soloing cactus hard. I went in with my 760 cost air first and didn't even get hit until the boss where I let myself become careless just to get it done faster. Finished in one go, no robots lost, like a good 2+ mins left in timer.

>> No.6678503

Everything but the Garapon prices really aren't that bad. Sad that the only way for me to get my xraptor is by garapon though.

>> No.6678526

any good mecha right now is garapon only.

and garapon doesnt have a half the mecha we want. no brick, not even ivis to troll us, and there are so many LND mecha missing. i think the domi was tehre because they knew people would run 20 bux to get their cardhopper.

how can a akila compete with that? shaden sucks with all due respect the booster isnt all of that, and my gwain had akila part as well.

if i would get some rt it would be only after some confirmation of change to come. even if it is just a bimonthly remake of the garapon rolls.

>> No.6678542

> i think the domi was tehre because they knew people would run 20 bux to get their cardhopper.
Joke's on them; I'd be surpised if the card nerf wasn't implemented already. If it isn't, it will be soon.

>> No.6678545

>shaden sucks with all due respect the booster isnt all of that

why are you so wrong

>> No.6678551

im almost sure it was. my lazer was tracking horribly when i first mounted it on a crim.

>> No.6678559

i already have 30+ fly mecha. i had the shaden booster, and quite frankly that one use only buff really didnt helped.

maybe if i didnt had a seraph crim i could consider him good. her wing buff was less costy and about as useful.

oh snap.

>> No.6678581

The standard Aquila is horrible. Shaden has much better stats/capacity, and also has Broad Radar.

There is only one use for Shaden BS anyway.

>> No.6678596

Quick question, what's that giant gold glowing sword I see every now and then?

Can you buy it?

>> No.6678599
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no i dont use akilas. why would you speak of akilas? i dont have any RT to buy akilas.

the only use for a akila would be its legs anyway. extra booster is usually a really good buff to HP

>> No.6678600
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>> No.6678614

either slash blade or divine blade.

if it is a staff, its a haku boss drop.

>> No.6678616

why didnt they release ouka


>> No.6678736

I think you get it from questing

>> No.6678806


DOS just had a event. miso showed up and spawned the usual chaos shenanigans.

dos lost. badly.

>> No.6678849
File: 619 KB, 800x935, sturbanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm upset because I was hoping for a half off pricing. I got spoiled from the 6 week half off sale in Japan and honestly believed that would be standard pricing for bots in the US. There I bought Saggitary Maxis, Izuna Kamui Nagi, and Destructor Girl all for around the equivalent Rt of $12.50. Here that would cost me $25 (trading out Saggitary for Sturbanger .... OH WAIT STURBANGER IS GONE!) Goddamn it.

I'm actually more upset for the missing Sturbanger than I am over pricing. I'd gotten my hopes up but I understand economics blah blah blah, with the game new they know people will shell out cash for the Rt advantage and I can just blow the same amount of cash on chibi-garapon and no matter what I roll I win and I'm happy. But the lack of Sturbanger PISSES ME OFF FIERCELY.

>> No.6678995

It happened on all factions. WIZ won.

>> No.6679093

Twenty-five whole dollars, gosh. That's like, nearly a million.

>> No.6679097

It is when you haven't worked IN 3 YEARS!

The fact I even have $10 is astonishing.

>> No.6679101

Oh, AND I have items to buy in Grand Chase, Cosmic Break, Pangya, and I still need more outfits and songs in im@s and Live for You. Stretching a few dollars is necessary.

>> No.6679118
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Ganbate Chloro~

>> No.6679158

RIP cosmic break. You were a fun flavor of more than three months.

Sorry Tempura, but I was expecting atleast half the price of cbjp.

>> No.6679163

>Oh, AND I have items to buy in Grand Chase, Cosmic Break, Pangya, and I still need more outfits and songs in im@s and Live for You.

Chloroform, I understand the fact that you're not employed right now; it's a tough place to be. However, if you're looking for sympathy, that was pretty much exactly the wrong thing to say.

>> No.6679202
File: 98 KB, 500x264, Icy 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not shelling out 20$ for a chance to win some bot I want. If I was guaranteed this bot, I might. The chance of not getting it and blowing away cash is not my idea of fun.

Getting rid of the garapon and having the bots in the shop would make more sense, or at lease move some into the shop and rotate them each week with the ones in the garapon.

It's a fun game, runs on a netbook and keeps me entertained on trips. The problem is this whole cash thing hit it like a ton of bricks. The userbase is tiny, you can't expect them to shell out all this money on something they have never played right away.

>> No.6679211

I'm not looking for sympathy actually, I'm in this situation for no fault but my own. I'm simply explaining why to >>6679093
that $25 is a lot of money.

>> No.6679213

CB has been leaps and bounds above other companies in content, feedback, and community. If Nexon listened to players about tokens, it'd be autistic to think that they won't lower prices or offer a good conversion rate.

>> No.6679229

What the fuck is this now? No UC to Rt?

... Everything is more expensive here in the eng version.

Back to jp server.

>> No.6679253

>rotate them each week with the ones in the garapon.

Hey... That's a pretty good idea!

Put a fucking huge UC price on those bots and we are all good.

But CS will never use something like that because gib monies hue hue hue

>> No.6679414



What do you guys think?

>> No.6679438
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>> No.6679463

I thought cben was shit from the beginning.
cbjp is better.

>> No.6679560

I don't really care. I'm not good enough/non-laggy enough to get into top 10 most times (I like AIR, so lag hurts) so I can't use any of the so called "better" bots anyway.

I have my chibi and pirate crim from the beta rewards so I'm happy with my current amount of moe. I didn't bother tuning up stuff before either because it makes me unable to hold weapons or have damage reducing skills. I feel sorry for you guy who fuck up tuning and can't buy new parts without RT.

>> No.6679599

By tuning up, do you mean leveling up with cardridges?

>> No.6679628

Yeah I don't really get why everybody is complaining about the cash shop. The UC bots offer enough variety and there is no `pay-to-win' bot right now (atleast until Ouka or Ivis come out). The only possible reason to complain is if you're some min-max obsessed autist who needs a 40 tec/40 fly bot.

As long as UC -> Rt comes along eventually so I don't have to spend 6 bucks a month on air loops I'll be happy.

>> No.6679667

No, damage reducing skills are the cartridges. Tuneup are the things you go collect items for and use cosmo harmonics and what not in that machine to upgrade various parts with slots. I'd rather have them than triple paralyze exploding handguns that have 500 cost and reduce all my stats by 7

I don't understand why people would want 40 fly and then be unable to reduce any damage they took while having a huge cost.

Well I can understand wanting 40 fly because I had a cross raptor and those can get like 36 fly without even turning them up just by using the right parts.

>> No.6679703

reposting my butthurt, now in forum post form. still 0 replies even though I'm way more eloquent than that canaan fag.

>> No.6679706

well im sorry i dont pay to look cute. maybe manly, but that sounds gay. gayer. whatever.

the shop bots are quite good by themselves, unless you are AIR user. the blimp is somewhat nice but nearly uncustomizable. akila sucks as he barely makes out of low tier. he just lacks TGH and HP, not really solved with the adition of a second booster. adding the lack of a seraph crim, air users have about no top tier mecha they can easily get.

a gwain can take sagitarius rounds and keep flying. shaden has been praised for its booster, but i actualy think it sucks. nonetheless, they are huge tgh and fly bots that can dish out damage because they can survive the mob.

sagit I can deal around 90 damage per attack. toybox can track air somewhat poorly, but its main missiles have a huge AoE and nice damage. hound dog is mid tier, maybe his garapon can be better, but byrne is top tier. a byrne was the only mecha that remained useful within its role when ivises camed along. there is just no equivalent for AIR.

and god save you if you want support. pulsardio is nice but he is really bland unless you have too many toyboxes on the enemy side.

oukas arent that good. she does have a nice swipe but will always be overshadowned by ivises and byrnes. and cardhoppers. and zookahoppers.

>> No.6679713
File: 331 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101223_2204_06_989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'll miss you, Anon.

>> No.6679714

I wouldn't have thought the situation would be this bad. There's nothing to buy with UC.
UC is completely worthless now, this is really sad.

>> No.6679727

Freudia and Rina in the back.

>> No.6679732

even if they still cost 100rt I would be happy as long as they're out of the fucking lottery machines

>The only possible reason to complain is if you're some min-max obsessed autist who needs a 40 tec/40 fly bot.
or maybe because you want a specific robot and don't want to waste money gambling for it?

>> No.6679761

i could play for a long time without a specific mecha.

i can live without gwain, akila, or even the brickgales, and shaden never did something for me. even that other round table bot that had nice parts. x-raptor also did nothing for me, and any mecha jetter version is still plain and weak. no good tgh, about average fly, bad tec. and why do i want a jet kick? couldnt it have a bombing attack like mach knight?

i cannot play at all if i will ALWAYS be the underdog. if i were land and there were no way to get byrnes or ivises, i would be a butthurt maggot spamming vanishing jinkuns and hoppers whining about RT not favoring me.

wich is what i am doing on air. have you tried killing a byrne with one puny lazer? my ammo is more likely to deplete that it dying.

>> No.6679765

cbjp has a new bunnygirl bot.

>> No.6679768


>> No.6679786

Pix pls

Also what does the crim dakimakura that one guy was talking about look like?

Just shoot it when it's already low on HP

>> No.6679787

What the fuck is their problem? I have bills too. Why can't we have a compromise between what I'm willing to pay for on a non-essential item (the game) and what it takes to run their servers?

They think they can charge us more for a video game because they're in America now? That only works in Australia.

>> No.6679793

fucking epoch

>> No.6679850

I have a hundred bucks ready to spend, but the mere thought of not getting what I wanted after a $100 is extremely discouraging. I'm hate gambling and this absolutely puts me off.

I'm not going to be suckered into their gambling scheme. I think it's a dishonest way to make money.

If there was a trading system this wouldn't be a problem because then people could trade their bots and stuff to get what they wanted. That would be interesting. But the way it is right now, absolutely no way.

>> No.6679852
File: 349 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101223_2238_45_089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rina's crab legs scare me.
Also, how lewd!

>> No.6679855
File: 834 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101223_2237_08_943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just joined in this match. Not sure what was said before to start something.

Incoming drama.

>> No.6679887

When CS chans blow up do they incur a cost for their side?

>> No.6679928

I know they do in the GM transformation events. I imagine they do in their normal/player form as well.

>> No.6679943

Somebody's using my nude Lazflamme skin? That's pretty gutsy.

>> No.6679944

So if you could get three of them you could really fuck with a side in a battle huh?

>> No.6679948

Some weapons are just too much. Ranged tuned raid/assault rifle or ABR? Now you have airs that can take potshot at arts while easily being fast enough to dodge art fire.

No tune ups? Enjoy having to move forward to chase enemies because of your shorter range but never get to them because they're faster than you as well.

>> No.6679972

Art tracks enough. Way too much if you ask me to the point where some missiles can change direction in air and still hit you.

Also they'll have to come to you eventually if they want to get kills and win. Just stay near areas where they can't be at range to attack you.

>> No.6680025
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101224_0211_33_442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugoi damage, onee-chan

I was pretty pleased that my Strawberry MKII finally grew up enough to help me get game warrior again. I don't think I've ever done over 3000 damage with them though, let alone almost 6000 ;_;

>> No.6680032


>> No.6680153

Is hotglue moving to jpcb?

>> No.6680204

I'm currently considering it. I'll give English CB a couple of weeks to see if they add any UC to Rt options or potentials for so.

>> No.6680209

Apparently someone has a pair of Luminous Wing AMJs. They already spent at least $400 on virtual items. What the fuck? I'm can't understand why someone would do that.

>> No.6680213

Judging by the massive ragequit from 4chan userbase, I'm sure they will at least do something.

>> No.6680215

There are some people who just have a lot of cash.

>> No.6680220

/jp/ should make an mmo and extract 400$ from players. It's obviously viable.

>> No.6680254
File: 174 KB, 948x1173, 1292844131277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I build my shino to be as good as all the other shinos?

>> No.6680272

Easier: make an RO private server and sell "donation" items

>> No.6680342

Or they could just not care since all of you are not even customers anyways.

>> No.6680348

Hell yeah, it could be touhou themed and the items could be funny hats.

>> No.6680363

But they are more than half of the userbase.

>> No.6680373

lol. iHop is already rolling with luminous wings. just saw kaikai and taetae with the wings on their hoppers in brd lobby.

seems people will do anything to try to win

>> No.6680379

if half the userbase leaves and they still get the same amount of money, that's even better for them.

>> No.6680381


How so?

Those wings don't give any bonus whatsoever aside from 1 slot.

>> No.6680389

That means they spent $200+

>> No.6680394

You get those wings by spending $200 on RT. A pair for $400.
It's not the wings that help them.

>> No.6680404


I know that. But you can just charge smaller amounts of RT either way instead of a $400 lump sum.

Same thing, smaller scale.

>> No.6680409
File: 565 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101223_2257_55_469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air is fine. I imagine the best possible air right now is Izuna body + Aquila legs armed with mini zook and limited plasma or blaster depending on preference. The biggest problems with air right now are that Destructor core bazooka is fucking huge and impossible to dodge even when directly overhead and the fact that Winberrl is given out free. Winberrl is more anti-air than anything else in the game and if you get caught by the drawguns you are dead unless you have air loop. As an air you can escape from pretty much everything but not those god damn Winberrls. Saggitary Maxis is annoying but if you catch them unaware and just circle right over them and they can't do shit.

>> No.6680428 [DELETED] 

I have Frau Adone and I got back my Stark Jegan today.

I'm satisfied with this till March. Honestly I wanted Gwyain and Swimberrl, but this outcome is more than nice already.


I think Cyberstep can possibly compensate for the game pricing if they actually had supplementary merchandise, like figs. Thankfully they're selling the dakimakura at Comiket.

>> No.6680432

have Frau Adone and I got back my Stark Jegan today.

I'm satisfied with this till March. Honestly I wanted Gwyain and Swimberrl, but this outcome is more than nice already.

Now, ONTO COMIKET! I think Cyberstep can possibly compensate for the game pricing if they actually had supplementary merchandise, like figs. Thankfully they're selling the dakimakura at Comiket.

>> No.6680439

Less users means less players, meaning stagnant userbase meaning people will not stick around as long. This is a negative situation, as even though who have put cash into the game will leave if enough extra people leave.

I'm considering shelling out on a $100 round, but then again I'm planning on buying a new computer too, so probably will use the money on that instead. The only thing I'd be buying is tuneups for my crim (which I'll need seraph for first) and destructor. Nothing I can't do with those, my winberryl and Jikun, just slightly worse off.

Er. Of course I'll have to wait for Ivis spam to appear now.

As for packet, I managed Cacapetus Vacation by flying over the gap and shooting over the wall for the most part, it managed to kill the majority of them. When the boss arrives, the other small fry DON'T respawn so kill them first and attack the boss later.

Got to do a couple more arena runs to finish Packet up! Remember to check up on her even when you haven't finished a request, sometimes she has "Rare talks" you can talk to her about!

>> No.6680440

Hotglue should act like the top clan they are instead of crying and ragequit.
Most people buying shit is completely null on arena, I don't see any reason to ragequit as long as they add some UC to RT conversion.
I'm sure you fags could stay the top clan even with UC bots only.

>> No.6680441

does the flag given to the beta testers have anything special?

>> No.6680443

Does anyone have the Ika Musume skin/poly edit for Squidol?

>> No.6680445

Also, BRD are using shotguns on air to kill powerpoints fast. I thought the blaster fix worked last time?

>> No.6680450

Eight Vulcan. Short boost. Quick Land. Boost run.

Play it like an ambusher or fire support. Don't bumrush with it.

>> No.6680459

>Hotglue should act like the top clan they are instead of crying and ragequit.
Now you're just making stuff up to attribute to Hotglue.
A few people went back to playing on jpcb. A few people voiced their complaints on CB forum.
Other than that I saw a record number of them on and some even had garapon moebots.

>> No.6680475

>some people will do anything to win

In my case, I just wanted win the moebots.

>> No.6680481


Soviet Air Force Crim!

>> No.6680483
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This is an abomination.

I wish I was better at this, so I could create a somewhat amusing skin. All I'm left with is frustration and disappointment.

>> No.6680485

Good reimu, you look kinda cool.

>> No.6680503



>> No.6680516

The only thing I hate is that Asuras cost RT.

I wanna be mecha-shiva, damnit.

>> No.6680624
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Is it me or does BRD and DOS have been clan names. Like ararararufufu and Moe Justice.

>> No.6680693

>does BRD and DOS have been clan names


>> No.6680710 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 800x600, firepillar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well good job beating us and yes maybe Bait was bragging a bit much. Also, honestly over all in a clan match I'm sure you guys would win every time as things are right now. Most of our players are very great individually but we lack experience playing together as a team, and we have a severe problem in that none of us are really dedicated to playing support bots. It's extremely hard to deal with good players like you and florette when you're surrounded by winberrls meanwhile our team doesn't have them.

Also keep in mind that our best players happen to never be on(they ussually get on later then you typically play) when you guys decide to stack against us, and you also have way more members over all. Toohi, Bait, and I are all pretty good but Ad hominem, syaton, and zesan are all definately better. And yes I realise, there wasn't many hotglue in the match during that specific screenshot but your pubs during these matches were much more organised overall, and far more useful than yours. You should pat Namae on the back because (s)he was doing an excellent job for you guys with that winberrl.

Still it's fun playing against you ocassionally even if theres a bit of drama from egos clashing. That one happened to be a great match, good job getting 5k damage in a 15v15, it's definately something to be proud of. Heres another fun time we shared together- it's that random arcantus where I fire pillared about 7 of you coming out of a tunnel. Not intending to start any drama, more-so in case you're curious who exactly I am. Maybe one day our core group will all be on and we can have some nice clan vs clan practice.

>> No.6680726
File: 229 KB, 800x600, firepillar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well good job beating us and yes maybe Bait was bragging a bit much. Also, honestly over all in a clan match I'm sure you guys would win every time as things are right now. Most of our players are very great individually but we lack experience playing together as a team, and we have a severe problem in that none of us are really dedicated to playing support bots. It's extremely hard to deal with good players like you and florette when you're surrounded by winberrls meanwhile our team doesn't have them.

Also keep in mind that our best players happen to never be on(they ussually get on later then you typically play) when you guys decide to stack against us, and you also have way more members over all. Toohi, Bait, and I are all pretty good but AdHominem, syaton, and zesan are all definately better. And yes I realise, there wasn't many hotglue in the match during that specific screenshot but your pubs during these matches were much more organised overall, and far more useful than yours. You should pat Namae on the back because (s)he was doing an excellent job for you guys with that winberrl.

Still it's fun playing against you ocassionally even if theres a bit of drama from egos clashing. That one happened to be a great match, good job getting 5k damage in a 15v15, it's definately something to be proud of. Heres another fun time we shared together- it's that random arcantus where I fire pillared about 7 of you coming out of a tunnel. Not intending to start any drama, more-so in case you're curious who exactly I am. Maybe one day our core group will all be on and we can have some nice clan vs clan practice.

>> No.6680762

>have better*

Blame the ADD and lack of sleep.

>> No.6680764

Apparently I can invite to Hotglue now so if people want to transfer over from Notglue I can do it. Right now it's just me and Redux. So whenever we're on you can move over.

>> No.6680766


Just so you know, Namae didn't join until the match after that because Tara personally asked him to.

Also, I happen to have a screenshot of the lower end of that leaderboard. There's no more blue on it.

There is literally no excusing the karmic raping you got after bait's shit-talking.

>> No.6680772

Get rid of the ribbon. Call it Fred Flintstone's severed head.

>> No.6680779

>we lack experience playing together as a team
This is massively true. DOS needs to have a better way of countering air swarms; every time I see our arty getting basically firing directly up and missing with everything because they're trying to hit things at point blank range.

>> No.6680783

What happened to Hope?

>> No.6680789


Chloroform has two accounts

>> No.6680791


>> No.6680798

More like DOS pubs need to stop using jikuns and suiciding.

>> No.6680811

I'm not Bait and I can't control the things he says, I just want you to keep in mind that our clan is still in its infancy whereas yours is well established. We also have better players who were absent during these matches, and the two of you would not have been able to do what you did that game if Adhom and syaton were there. Though in a full on clan battle we would not win against you, this I will admit. We have a long way to go in terms of teamwork if we were to want to try and take a game from you in a clan match.

You and florette did a remarkable job carrying that game, I'm not trying to deny it. It would have been impossible to win that without your crazy damage and Florette supporting you. It was honestly an epic match and while I'm mostly speaking for myself, I honestly enjoyed it even though you managed to pull off the win.

Also I hope you're not mad about the time I made fun of you for catching 4 out of 5 howitzers from my destructor on your crim, it was mostly joking really. It was just kind of funny, thats all.

>> No.6680828

Hey, I only bring out my Jikun on random maps! A-and it's not suiciding when there are no allies around at all ever at your spawn!

>> No.6680834

Chloroform has 3 accounts.

I'm done grinding on DOS and I have a few more matches left on BRD and I'll own all the limited edition Rt bots for UC (though I'm sad they have no slots) in DOS, BRD, and of course, WIZ. I'm surprised they're still available. So I'll still be derping around between BRD and WIZ for a couple days.

>> No.6680877

Was wondering why I hadn't seen you around much. Eh, probably the timezone difference too.

>> No.6680884

Jikuns on random maps are either the most fun or "Oh god why did i spawn here"

>> No.6680897

Surprisingly I do pretty well with my destructor on random. Most of these randoms give you good perches and as long as you don't get pulled off (DRAWGUNS FFUUUU) you can harass fliers pretty easily. That tunnel map gets you raped vs land, but any air is also raped by you since they can't dodge at all...

>> No.6680901

i heard you roll dual shield, and just use the punch.

>> No.6680903

Random Arcantus is one of the most random maps. And the results are very random too. I had two random arc matches recently with the same team. A team full of froglanders who couldn't even hop yet. I got 4th both matches.

>> No.6680921

I don't know why hotglue likes to throw shortboost on everything. Short boost + eight vulcan is seriously inefficient.

>> No.6680959

So why is BRD annihilating everyone in epoch so badly? I thought WIZ is the best.

>> No.6681011


WIZ is both the best and the worst. Too many awful players jump into the epoch and lose. BRD and DOS have a higher ratio of good to bad players. At least we will get to play on a new map every time DOS wins against BRD and WIZ takes their old one.

>> No.6681019

There's also talk of BRD alts on WIZ to jump into Epoch with nothing but 4000 point cost robots that don't do anything but die. Dunno if true or not.

I DO know BRD have been raping powerpoints with shotguns on Heavy Air ala the first beta blaster tactics. I've seen them kill DOS powerpoints before I as a heavy arty even GET there.

>> No.6681020

"Hey guys let's go offense!"

Epoch already full with retarded players.

>> No.6681200

What do you recommend on a Shino?

>> No.6681201
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>> No.6681212

Damn, should have bought limit removers instead of so many moebots.

>> No.6681282

Anyone have shimapan shino skins?

>> No.6681600
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>> No.6681603

I suffered this last night. It was horrible, in less than five seconds powerspot destroyed, it's impossible to defend against that.

>> No.6681742

Give... me... Ivis-chan...
This.. this is the only thing I need.

>> No.6681766

That will be $600. For a 50% chance.

>> No.6681807

Just finished Packet's 3rd episode. D'aww.

...she didn't have to blame me for everything.
It's not impossible, you just need to rush your powerspot with 2-3 destructors and stand TO ONE SIDE of the powerspot so you hit them directly in their line of flight rather than missing them strafing. It'll kill them fast enough and you'll keep the powerspot AND kill them, a double bonus.

Bear in mind your other arty will run off afterwards and they'll go back and kill the powerspot anyway, so yeah.

>> No.6681851

there's another flaw, no one cares about the powerspot

>> No.6681874
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>> No.6681879 [DELETED] 

spent like 20 dollars and rolled twice. Didn't get anything I want. I'll hold off rolling more until they implement UC -> Rt

>> No.6681882


How is that not awesome?

>> No.6681927
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>> No.6681932
File: 487 KB, 806x627, dos not so good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you help me just a tiny bit?


>> No.6682169 [DELETED] 

Hey DOS dudes, we have a DOS central board at bit.l y/colsnake.

>> No.6682268
File: 315 KB, 1024x768, CounterStrike Source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Cosmic Break duel


>> No.6682399

Wasn't there a robot whose core(?) attack could form a shield? I'm thinking about saving some UC to get one. I bet it'd be useful in epoch.

>> No.6682405


>> No.6682412

>Cyberbots Match 2 (Blodia vs Helion)
how is this relevant?

>> No.6682836

we called it the blimp. its the baltheon

the shop version will maek a shield in frnt of you. the garapon surrounds you. melee can still kill you

>> No.6682840

I guess everybody is abandoning this game then? Or maybe it's just a bad time....

That has to be it. If not, I hope people start coming back after CS changes the Rt prices after sucking the rich people dry.

>> No.6682858

I'm probably not going to play until they lower garapon roll prices

>> No.6682886

after jan 3rd there MUST be changes or im only logging in with a crimrose whose name is "why tempura, why?"

i will only consider money on the game after xmas anyway. maybe.

>> No.6683062 [DELETED] 

Is this thread on autosage?

>> No.6683065

But they're already low! They're at 40% and 30% discounts right now. Which means it'll get more expensive, not less.

>> No.6683186

garapon price is right with 5 rolls for 20 bux.


>> No.6683260
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>> No.6683266

ganbare, Chloro ;_;

>> No.6683281

I had $20 which my aunt gave me for Christmas, 1 roll for chibi-bot (got Crim-chan), 100 for Destructor Girl, and .... a blue ball. Delicious.

>> No.6683306
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Why in blazes are any of you blowing your Rt before the seraph promotions come out?

>> No.6683384


>> No.6683420

supposely she will eventually be avaliable for UC unless you want a different hair color

i dont mind hair color, but i know htat a month from now the upgrade will be avaliable for 100rt or so with no UC equivalent. i can wait.

>> No.6683423 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 630x654, christmaslazchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a cute Christmas Laz-chan. I feel like it will be a waste to not give it out.

The file is here if anybody wants it.

>> No.6683430 [DELETED] 

I made a cute Christmas Laz-chan. I feel like it will be a waste to not give it out.

The file is here if anybody wants it.


>> No.6683433
File: 297 KB, 630x654, christmaslazchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a cute Christmas Laz-chan. I feel like it will be a waste to not give it out.

The file is here if anybody wants it.


>> No.6683436

I never wanted a seraph crimrose to begin with.

>> No.6683441

Too bad the game is dead

>> No.6683449

>game is dead
>still 800 people on

>> No.6683480

I don't like this game anymore now that it's become pay to play ;_;

>> No.6683492

oh it will die. xmas sales are already going to be a disapointment. if some money gets in it will be because of some butthurt people that got tired of facing the CC winners and those 2 BRD that "invested" 400 bux on the game to have the wing set.

>> No.6683512


its pay to WIN. you are cannon fodder until you get a nice set of garapon mecha. the shop mecha are only to ensure that after your luck buttrapes you, you can still put 10 bux and go out with a mid tier mecha.

>> No.6683544
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My Sword Wing and starter Crimrose are working pretty well so far with store-bought gear.

>> No.6683597

You're exaggerating the overpowerdness of garapon shit. Most of it is novelty. The good stuff is hard to get.

>> No.6683666

my point exactly. i cant pay for the garapon now, the good stuff is yet to get on it

>> No.6683672

They've already payed for the servers by themselves.

>> No.6683818

I am pay-to-moe. This is the only path.

>> No.6684112

DOS's last planet

We blew up the first power spot.
We have a 20,000 leave over their 2000.

Spent all that 20k attacking their players instead of blowing up the power spot and knocking them out for good.

So we lost while they still had 1500-odd something points left...

WIZ so autistic?

>> No.6684122
File: 145 KB, 1040x804, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.6684125

They only had around 1000 points left. WIZ lost because of the people who were suicide rushing the PS alone instead of finishing off players.

>> No.6684154

BRD here

So close..

>> No.6684159


If they die they lose like 100 cost while we lose 750-1500 depending on the robot?

>> No.6684174

>WIZ so autistic?

When WIZ players are at their best they are absolutely brilliant. At their worst, they're absolutely dreadful. The fail part about it is that there is no in between.

>> No.6684176
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feels very bad man

>> No.6684181


>> No.6684185

>If they die they lose like 100 cost while we lose 750-1500 depending on the robot?
Which isn't a problem when they only have 2,000 points left. Instead of killing 20 players a bunch of people decided to go full retard and tried to kill the power spot again.
