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6609933 No.6609933 [Reply] [Original]

Yasu is a bright ray of light upon the world

>> No.6609940

Yasu is a fucking retarded insane faggot but you "lolyasu so kawaii" faggots are too stupid to see that.

>> No.6609946

No, Yasu just has a vivid imagination and you are jealous of it.

>> No.6609953


Yasu has more friends than you

>> No.6609961
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Yasu is a miracle of the universe. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6609964

At least I have a penis.
Nice throwing arm there, Natsuhi.

>> No.6609973

At least my friend isn't just my imagination.

>> No.6609975


Women do not have pennises faggot.

>> No.6609979

Deal with it nerds.

>> No.6609981


You are in /jp/. He is.

>> No.6609982

About that...

>> No.6609986

I would've liked to have seen more of slutty (Gaap) Yasu.

>> No.6609987
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If your imagination was as wonderfully profound Yasu's that would be not a drawback at all. Should have listened when they told you to tap into the limitless power of imagination as a kid.

>> No.6609997
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7 completely different beings give this thread their seal of approval.

>> No.6610004
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You had Gaap around since EP4. Is moe Yasu what is needed now.

>> No.6610012


This is a terribly incorrect statement.

>> No.6610019
File: 124 KB, 600x422, 14530916_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling Yasu a slut. Yasu is a nice and pure person who lived forever alone, and even so did her best to keep going and be positive.

>> No.6610025

George, Battler, Kinzo, Jessica, and Krauss yea Yasu is a slut.

>> No.6610026


You missed a couple of biology lessons didn't you?

Unless you are trying to say Yasu is male. Allow me to laugh if it's the case.

>> No.6610029

> Yasu

>> No.6610030

Virgin never got anywhere with her.
Guy never came back.
Died of joy before he could do anything.

>> No.6610032


No, here in /jp/, women have penises.

Have you never read any Umineko doujinshi?

>> No.6610033

How badly fucked physically would you be if you lost your testes as an infant? Would you end up looking like a girl or just look androgynous?

>> No.6610036

I miss sluts in Umineko. What happened to delicious Rosa X Battler wincest? Even more Rudolf hitting on things would be preferable.

What ever happened to "Without Lust, it cannot be seen". Asmo! Get your cute lil ass in there!

>> No.6610039

>Unless you are trying to say Yasu is male. Allow me to laugh if it's the case.
The general consensus seems to be that Yasu is male, but lost his genitals thanks to the fall. This fits well with what clues are given in episode 7.

>> No.6610042

Why is Yasu such a hero?

>> No.6610044


A fat faggot who only cares about himself and his own desires. Plus I doubt he would be too often with Yasu to make her not feeling alone.

Yeah, the first person who cared about her, made her horny and then left forever.

Only at the very end. Yasu was totally screwed by then.

Neither a full time company. Only saw what she wanted to see. Plus being they went school together and she never cared.

Did I missed something?

>> No.6610046

"Hey Yasu, now that nobody else is around let's get all friendly-like. I'll show you my space shuttle if you know what I mean."
- Krauss

This is canon. See episode 6.

>> No.6610055


I can't see how the clues say Yasu is male. Yasu's main love interests are male, her weakest relation is with Jessica. She hanged with female servants and was supposed to sleep with a female servant.

And seriously, do you think R07 is gonna have this much homolust?

/jp/ consensus doesn't imply a thing.

>> No.6610058
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That'd certainly explain why Natsuhi hates her.
Well, other than the original reason.
Dammit, Natushi deserves better.

>> No.6610061


Made up scenes do not count.

>> No.6610062

>And seriously, do you think R07 is gonna have this much homolust?
I honestly do

>> No.6610072

>And seriously, do you think R07 is gonna have this much homolust?
Sorry, were you reading a completely different EP7 from the rest of us?

>> No.6610077
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>> No.6610085


Sorry, Lion's gender is as ambiguous as Yasu's.

>> No.6610087

Not really. Japan seems convinced Yasu/Lion is female. Only the English-speaking fanbase is convinced that she's a guy, and that's because they made their decisions based off of spoilers.

There's no way Yasu is male. Intersexed at best, but probably female.

>> No.6610108



Stop using that word.
"Hermaphrodite" or "Androgyn".

>> No.6610111
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>implying a eunuch who has no clue of his gender lusting after males = homolust

>> No.6610112

But intersex is the proper term.

>> No.6610121


Why is Nappi as Battler mother's idea still alive? There is the chance she even isn't Jessica's.

>> No.6610131

It's not "Nappi as Battler's mother," it's "Battler as the man from 19 years ago."

Which makes even less sense, but whatever. Japan likes their evil Battler; they were landslide voting him as the culprit in Most Suspicious polls even up through EP5 when it was said in red that he wasn't.

>> No.6610139

>Japan likes their evil Battler
>Japan likes Battler being sodomized by the rest of the cast
Japan doesn't know what they want

>> No.6610145
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Good thing a Yasu thread is up. Does anyone have a clean, nice One Winged Eagle? Google is only providing shit.

Have a cute Yasu exploitable in return.

>> No.6610151
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>disneyfied Yasu

>> No.6610154

Shut up fatass

>> No.6610158

Fucking Japan, they know nothing. I for one never suspected Battler.

>> No.6610165

Stop drawing Yasu as Lion in Shannon's outfit, damn it. Yasu would have been fucked up from the fall which make him/her a sickly child, and you think they would have the same physical appearance, right down to the hairstyle?

>> No.6610168


I think its more of they want him to be evil.

>> No.6610169


>Shut up fat. I bet you watch Disney princess' movies and fap to them while crying forever alone.

>> No.6610173
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>> No.6610182

probably because Natsuhi's pregnancy is as much of a mystery as who Battler's mother is
And she deserves a GOOD END. She was a miko for god's sake!

>> No.6610183
File: 660 KB, 1069x700, 28b41aa3b70d3c338e239ab789cd9092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hard to make up a desing for Yasu you know? That's why people tend to use Lion's, Shannon's or Claire's.

>> No.6610190


Losing testosterone production shouldn't do anything to hair color. Some facial features would change.

>> No.6610201


that is if Yasu's a male. which isn't confirmed.

Hell the majority of Japan thinks Yasu's a female.

>> No.6610207

I think there's probably nothing more to it that Natsuhi getting miraculously pregnant after 6 years. I bet it won't be explored further.

>> No.6610210

I showed great strength of foresight in naming my Shannon and Kanon folders Shannon-kun and Kanon-chan.

>> No.6610211


Why are americans so obsessed with traps?

>> No.6610219


The one who deserves a good end the most is Gohda. I mean the poor fucker only loved to cook what the fuck did he do to deserve getting killed?

>> No.6610225


Easier way to be gay but pretend you are not.

>> No.6610240
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Fucking. This.

>> No.6610249

Poor guy. Alongside Nanjo, he's the one who needs money the least and he shows no inclination towards being batshit insane (whereas the cousins were totally okay with crazy deathmatches.)

He already has a well-paid job, can't that guy catch a break?

>> No.6610251

Yasu deserves a good end more than Gohda.

>> No.6610257

>Alongside Nanjo, he's the one who needs money the least
Nanjo needs monemy to pay for the operation of his grandaughter (probably)

>> No.6610268

Being dropped off a cliff as a baby doesn't change your hair color.

>> No.6610270

I hope he gets to hook up with Beelzebub, or Be-on or whatever she calls herself.

>> No.6610275

You're the second to say hair color when I said hairstyle. Even if you say their appearance didn't change despite severe injuries that likely drastically altered development, they should have different haircuts.

>> No.6610277


I think she called herself Besune or something.

>> No.6610288

It's Berune.

>> No.6610289


If Jessica can sing Tsurupettan in any world Yasu can keep the same hairstyle.

>> No.6610347

Okay, sure. But drawing her looking exactly like Shannon doesn't make any more sense.

>> No.6610356


No, but is fun. You never tried to draw Yasu I suppose.

>> No.6610719
File: 350 KB, 350x776, 19 The Sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasu/Lion/Shannon/Kanon/Beatrice/Gaap/Claire is obviously the third gender.

>> No.6611554
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>> No.6611856

>those hips

>> No.6612190
File: 212 KB, 500x500, lcgehs477K1qdegnzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan basically wants Lion to be female because they don't want to lust over Lion and be gay and/or ship Will/Lion and don't want it to be gay. Personally, I think the implication is strongly intersex.

Also, fuck yes Yasu thread.

>> No.6612212

Am I the only one who's kind of taken aback by, when you think about it, what a pile of giant shit Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo were to Yasu? Yeah, they were cordial to her and Kumasawa taught her how to tie keys to herself and shit. But they stripped her of the chance to have a normal family and live a normal, happy life, and put her into constant lonely servitude from the age of six on to give her rapist father a chance to feel better about himself. And hey, if he does figure out who she is, they'll just cross their fingers and hope he doesn't rape her like he did her mom!

If I was Yasu I would have smashed some fucking faces in when she found out the truth they were all standing there smiling at her when she's asking them if they all really knew all along.

>> No.6612281


I agree those 3 especially Genji were a bunch of assholes to Yasu whether their intentions were "good" or not.

>> No.6612302

She had nowhere else to go, being an orphan and all.
And her life wasn't bad at all, she isn't fucking Takano or something.
You guys go whiteknight for nothing, Yasu didn't have such a bad life.

>> No.6612399

I picture Yasu as a "sickly Lion with short hair", but no one actually draws her like that. ;_;

>> No.6612421

There is no way Yasu's hair color is naturally blonde, otherwise the whole "I'll give you the blonde hair he likes" speech is pointless.

If anything, Lion dies her hair.

>> No.6612440

Well, the speech also says "I'll give you the personality he likes", and Yasu's Beatrice had basically the same personality before and after Battler too. You could be right, but it could be seen as "take these aspects of myself, separated from me" rather than making them all up whole cloth.

>> No.6612524

Dokkyun Heart is apparently a canon Jessica-song as well, according to Episode 7. Or Will happened to watch the anime in case it had any more clues, which considering how the Meta World works isn't that far-fetched.

>> No.6613730

It's not pointless at all. Remember that Beato was depicted with white hair at that point in time, so she would need to be "given" blonde hair as part of her new form.

>> No.6613783
File: 146 KB, 700x394, 04_01h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to point out one thing...

When did you start assuming you knew for sure Lion and Yasu are ACTUALLY the same baby?

Yasu believes Lion is her, sure, because they're opposite existences. HOWEVER, this gender stuff is total nonsense. Yasu is very, very clearly a girl and Lion is pretty likely a guy. And who survives a fall from a cliff as a BABY without immediate medical help? That'd be a miracle, but Yasu exists in almost every kakera. Also, don't we have a baby unaccounted for? I propose the following simplification.

Lion is the son of Beatrice II and Kinzo, the baby who Natsuhi accepts at a chance of a miracle. He has blonde hair like Beatrice and is Kinzo's son. HOWEVER, Yasu is Asumu's Battler and a girl. When the 19-years-ago baby died, Yasu was taken from Asumu at birth and was going to replace him, but was sent to the Fukuin House instead. Explains everything, even the hair-colour controversy and why Ryuu never shows us a Yasu sprite.

What do you think, everyone?

>> No.6613786

Go to somewhere else, we don't ignore obvious facts here.

>> No.6613793

>Also, don't we have a baby unaccounted for?
No, this is the most retarded idea the Umineko fanbase has ever gotten into its collective head. Asumu had a miscarriage. The "other Battler" died at birth.

>> No.6613797


I see no facts, just loose ends that the current thought processes don't explain.

>> No.6613802

You probably haven't even read all of episode 7. Go back to animesuki.

>> No.6613824

>When did you start assuming you knew for sure Lion and Yasu are ACTUALLY the same baby?
Because episode 7 said she was. Is this classic idiot speak like "YEAH WHO SAID THAT BERN THAT'S RIGHT EPIC WIN TROLL SHE SURE GOT YOU"?
>That'd be a miracle, but Yasu exists in almost every kakera.
[citation needed]. Bern said Lion only exists in one kakera she found. She didn't note whether or not Yasu lives every time.
>Also, don't we have a baby unaccounted for?
No. Asumu's kid died while Kyrie's was taken.
>I propose the following simplification.
What you are about to suggest is not a simplification. More like another one of those crackhead theories that came about after episode 6 because "SHKANONTRICE MAKES NO SENSE AND CAN'T BE TRUE!"
>HOWEVER, Yasu is Asumu's Battler and a girl
Ignores the fact that Yasu had some kind of intimate relationship with a girl, ruins Beatrice actually being Beatrice.
>Yasu was taken from Asumu at birth and was going to replace him, but was sent to the Fukuin House instead.
>Explains everything, even the hair-colour controversy and why Ryuu never shows us a Yasu sprite.
No it doesn't. Explain Nanjo's, Genji's and Kumasawa's stances then. Makes zero sense. And even Kinzo is supposed to mistake this person who looks nothing like Beatrice as Beatrice?
>What do you think, everyone?
I think you're a moron.

>> No.6613841

>More like another one of those crackhead theories that came about after episode 6 because "SHKANONTRICE MAKES NO SENSE AND CAN'T BE TRUE!"

Not the guy you're talking to, but as it was presented by the fandom after Ep6, it didn't. It makes sense NOW, but not a single person before ever suggested it in a way that made a lick of sense after Ep6.

>> No.6613849

I think there was like one guy who suggested the whole imaginary friends thing. You're right that it was mainly the multiple personalities thing that made less sense, but that didn't make the weight of evidence much smaller.

>> No.6613860

>emphasis with capital letters
>gap between quote and reply
Seems like you're the same one he's responding to to me.

>> No.6613872
File: 102 KB, 400x552, yasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounded cute.

I can't believe someone kept that, haha.

>> No.6613874


That's actually a standard, you know.

I do it all the time, myself.

(To note: >>6610032 is the only other post I've made in this thread.)

>> No.6613884

/jp/ thinks Yasu is a guy? What?

Oh, right, they haven't read EP7.

>> No.6613885

>Yasu is very, very clearly a girl and Lion is pretty likely a guy.

Yasu is intersex. Because of the ways they were brought up, Yasu identifies more as a girl and Lion identifies more as a guy. Problem solved.

>> No.6613887

Looks like Joey. Hot.

>> No.6613888


Thanks, anon! Saved.

>> No.6613896

So "she" buys increasingly large pads every year beginning around the time she decides to start puberty? Seems like a lot of work to go through...

>> No.6613903

What about episode 7 shows that Yasu is a girl, or whatever else you are suggesting? The reason people think Yasu is a male who had his genitals lopped off is because of a scene that hasn't been translated yet, but has still been read. So that point is invalid. How else can you explain Yasu thinking he/she has a body that is unable to love, and yelling at Genji for saving such a worthless furniture body? Yasu was already trap-like genetically, the injury just made him even more like a girl. He would definitely identify more with being female than anything else, but he still doesn't have a vagina.

>> No.6613913

Between Kanon and Lion, I think we can safely say Yasu's body is naturally flat-chested, so sure, why not. Battler did note that Shannon's body was very different than how he remembered.

>> No.6613922

Yasu=female I think. But was probably really ugly when younger...

>> No.6613926

What is the point of making Yasu and Lion gender ambiguous if they aren't SHOKKU gender ambiguous?

>> No.6614548

>How else can you explain Yasu thinking he/she has a body that is unable to love, and yelling at Genji for saving such a worthless furniture body?
A female can have her genitalia badly damaged by a fall aswell you know? Just saying...

>> No.6614770


That explains why Japan thinks Yasu as female, they still haven't read the translation.Makes sense.
Better trust all those proficient readers who used a shitty translator which couldn't even get sentences to make sense.

You guys know from such a fall the damage has not to be visible, right? She could have her uterus all messed up. Even George talking all day about how many kids they will have could be a hint.

>> No.6614991 [DELETED] 

Again, the parts of Japan that insist that Lion is female do so because they lust over Lion and don't want to be gay. They also don't want the Will/Lion pairing to be gay. It's pretty much that simple.

>> No.6614997

Again, the parts of Japan that insist that Lion is female do so because they lust over Lion and don't want to be gay. They also don't want the Will/Lion pairing to be gay. It's pretty much that simple.

It's actually kind of annoying how the fandom portrays Lion in general in that regard. Lion in canon, while gentle and polite, is also assertive, smart, confident, has a sarcastic streak, and doesn't take any crap from Will. You'd think from the way Japan tend to portray him that he can't do anything but cry and melt in Will's arms and blush while making flowery lunch boxes in pink aprons or some shit.

>> No.6615009

So because he's assertive and confident he must be male? Eva must have an 8 inch penis then.
Look, I'm not saying he should be female, but as lons as there are hints to Lion possibly being both, denying one option is as much retarded as denying the other. You're no really better than them.

>> No.6615038

No, it's not that - I actually do think Lion is both, but skews as identifying male because of the headship position and such. It was more like a side note about being annoyed with how Japanese fandom likes to characterize Lion in general, regardless of gender. I mean, I can see where it comes from - the last scene where Will protects him - but Lion is generally a strong, sharp, level-headed person when he's not being trampled on and murdered by sadistic witches.

>> No.6615240

>being annoyed with how Japanese fandom likes to characterize Lion in general

I have to agree with this. I was even taken back a bit by Lion's character when I read the patch.

>> No.6615314

If they can turn Ange into a brocon, they can turn Lion into a frail, blushing little princess, I guess.

>> No.6615450


>Again, the parts of Japan that insist that Lion is female do so because they lust over Lion and don't want to be gay. They also don't want the Will/Lion pairing to be gay. It's pretty much that simple.

And the part that wants him to be male mainly wants some bromance in their Umineko.

Totally agree with the rest of your post though. But just try and say a character Japan didn't turn into a frail princess blushing 24/7.

>> No.6615673

>But just try and say a character Japan didn't turn into a frail princess blushing 24/7.

Rosa, Eva, Kyrie, Gaap, Beato (pre ep5), Bern, Lambda, Featherline Auau?

>> No.6615703

That's terrible, dog. I bet you don't even recognize Doyora's stuff when you see it.

>> No.6615731


Rosa, Eva, Kyrie, pre EP-5 Beato, Bern, Lambda I have seen. I give you Gaap and AuAu.

>> No.6615939


They can also turn Battler into some poor weak uke who gets manhandled by Beato or Erika or most of the males (minus *lol* Kanon)

>> No.6615982
File: 455 KB, 849x861, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni_beatrice_ushiromiya-battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because Battler is some poor weak uke who gets manhandled by Beato or Erika or most of the males.

>> No.6616448

"I have seen" is pretty different from the "24/7" Lion gets put through though.

>> No.6616566


Don't compare the tons of art Lion gets with the few stuff there is for Eva, Rosa or Kyrie.

>> No.6617399

Lion is actually Raiden. He survives in one Kakera as he manages to avoid drowning.

Kinzo is so impressed with his good job, that he makes him the next head.

>> No.6617452

It's ambiguous for a reason. But honestly?

Lion's sprite is the only Ryukishi "female" that's flat. Even Rika and Maria have small breasts.

That pretty much spells male to me. inb4 hurrdurr ryukishi art or somebody posts alchemist art.

>> No.6617608


>Make an ambiguous character.
>Try to have people having a hard time deciding if male or female
>Give the character boobs because you can't absolutely have a female character without boobs.

Sir, you are oficially retarded.

>> No.6617997

Just like Rika, right?
