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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6606702 No.6606702 [Reply] [Original]


Despite the autism meme, I think most of us here have this instead.

>> No.6606706

Nope, this is the one you are looking for:

>> No.6606711

Nope, sorry, it's autism.

>> No.6606719

>Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
>emotional coldness
But don't we have waifus? Or am I mistaken and /jp/ cycles through a waifu a week?

>> No.6606720

I am 100% autistic

>> No.6606722

you mean like /a/?

Fuck no. I love mai waifu.

>> No.6606735

>though feels a strong desire for close relationships

>> No.6606736

Those "diseases" are all the fucking same, seriously. Keep on searching and you'll find 10 more of the same kind.

>> No.6606738

I have a waifu, but I have a deep suspicion that my feelings for her just aren't the same as other Anons. I don't feel the deeper connections that they do. I don't know how to explain it.

>> No.6606739

I'm sure we do but AvPD doesn't have the same ring to it as "autism~"

>> No.6606746

None of us here can tell what we have unless we go to a qualified shrink.

>> No.6606748

>But don't we have waifus?

>Schizoid sexuality

>vulnerable to erotomania

>Erotomania is a type of delusion in which the affected person believes that another person, usually a stranger or famous person, is in love with him or her

>> No.6606757

Doubt it, people love to blame some disorder for why they suck at life, but really, if /jp/ was attractive, I guarantee most would live normal, odiously irritating frat boy lifestyles.

>> No.6606764

Avoidant and Schizoid are commonly associated with each other. They're practically the same thing.

>Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts
I lucid dream to spend time with my waifu ;_;

>> No.6606765
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>> No.6606771

If I became attractive, I would seduce little girls.

>> No.6606772

>if /jp/ was attractive
Are you implying some people are born with these personality disorders, despite of how they look like? Ok.

>> No.6606773

If I was attractive, I would be the little girl.

>> No.6606782
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>/jp/ cycles through a waifu a week?
you are mistaken, I swore eternal allegiance to my Mistress.

so, how it's called the pathology where someone feels love for an inanimated object?

>> No.6606788

how did the whole /jp/ - autism meme start anyways?

>> No.6606793

Can't we just say that we're losers? I don't see why we should need to try justifying it with some complicated psychological description when the basic fact is that we're defects who constantly fail to act in an acceptable way like everyone else. That's all there is to it, you don't need a shrink to tell you that.

>> No.6606795

Walfas comics.

>> No.6606796
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Unless you have a severe gender dysphoria, being the little girl will not make your personality disorders disappear

>> No.6606799

Spammed by /a/utists.
Namely Saten spammers, then picked up by Suigin and Sion.

>> No.6606800


>> No.6606801

Maybe. However, being a loser does not qualify one for government benefits.

>> No.6606808

And these made up diseases full of bullshit do?
Oh boy, I wish I lived in the USA.

>> No.6606809

Everytime someone posts some kind of disorder I always have all signs and symptoms. What am I?

>> No.6606810
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>though feels a strong desire for close relationships
We all do.
Just not with 3D sluts.

>> No.6606817



>> No.6606819

A hypochondriac.

Though my judgement is unethical by virtue of me not being a doctor.

>> No.6606821

A /jp/ browser.

>> No.6606822


>> No.6606829

I don't have any disorders, no sir.
I just regret that I wasn't born a perfect immortal machine and that I can't watch the world burn.
Nothing serious, really.

>> No.6606830

You probably live in some country where you already get the benefits by default without the bullshit.

>> No.6606840

DSM is phasing out personality disorders. Enjoy your fake mental illness when DSM-6 rolls around.

>> No.6606844

I live in a country where you don't get money from the government even if you're drooling and banging your head against the wall.

>> No.6606847

Whatever. I still have autism.

>> No.6606852

Benefits isn't necessarily money.

>> No.6606853

>3rd world
Yeah, no.

>> No.6606859

[Citation needed]

>> No.6606867

You live in a third world country, yet have internet access?

>> No.6606870

Oh sorry! I should have said benefits! Yeah, no benefits.

Sorry, I'm kind of ranting here, but I'm just frustrated because I have to work to pay my bills and have my figures.

>> No.6606887

So you actually buy those. Well, good for you.

>> No.6606890
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That plus Bi-polarity, depression and a slight Insomnia from time to time. That's about it.

>> No.6606896

You're an idiot.

>> No.6606897

Internet is dirt cheap

>> No.6606902
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Probably because your government has no money to give.

People with real, genuine personality disorders are seriously fucked up one way or another. Borderlines really do cut themselves up because they're too dissociated to handle emotional pain directly, narcissists really do consider themselves lower than human and overcompensate to the point where it destroys their lives, an ASPD really will kill your dog if you cuss at him.

I don't agree with it, but most of /jp/ would qualify for the "shut in" disorders and some of them genuinely deserve those diagnoses. As a Social worker I can hear the ignorance toward this issue in your posts, you sound like an angry kid who's read a few wikipedia articles and diagnosed himself a psych expert. People with PDs develop them usually as a result of poor parenting and extreme emotional trauma, why DON'T they deserve help?

>> No.6606919

I was bullied throughout elementary and middle school, so gradually I stopped going outside to play with the other kids. Therefore, I never devloped my social skills.

I am 20 now and don't think I'm going to graduate college. I'm going to go to gensokyo before that happens.

>> No.6606925
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Don't go. It'll get all lonely and quiet if you do ;_;

>> No.6606928
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But if you go I'll be the only poster left on /jp/

>> No.6606932
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>> No.6606937

I think the problem is mainly that way too many people are placed in a situation where they receive benefits and get no incentive to improve their situation so they can get off benefits. Some /jp/ers give the impression that they exaggerate their problems because they don't want to work, and the system shouldn't allow that to happen.

Though personally, I don't care about the system, it matters more to me that my fellow /jp/ers have it okay than that tax payers get the most out of their money. No one's gonna give me a doggie biscuit anymore for pretending I care about other people, so it hardly matters.

>> No.6606940

Nope. And sorry about the blogging. I just needed to get that off my chest. I'll stop now.

>> No.6606946
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Worry not. It's all good.
It helps a when you blog a bit.

>> No.6606947


These posts are all me

>> No.6606958
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>> No.6606963

You just make an ass out of yourself when part of those /jp/ers fit the profile of some of those "shut in" diseases, but don't have any kind government support and have to deal with it by themselves by getting a job, which is hard for them to get given their problems, and when they get one, they have to socialize with their fellow workers and the company's clients, which makes it even worse for them.

>> No.6606972

Are there more of these? I have 3 of them saved, including that one.

>> No.6606984

>Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection
>Self-imposed social isolation
>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though feels a strong desire for close relationships
>though feels a strong desire for close relationships
what no
>Avoids interpersonal relationships
>Feelings of inadequacy
>Severe low self-esteem
>Mistrust of others
>Emotional distancing related to intimacy
>Highly self-conscious
>Self-critical about their problems relating to others
>Problems in occupational functioning
>Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful
>Feeling inferior to others
>In some more extreme cases — agoraphobia
not really
>Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts
oh boy

>> No.6606997
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>> No.6607000

awesome blog, friend

>> No.6607002

>implying it would be rare to have both

>> No.6607007

thank you

>> No.6607008

Well, one is genetic and incurable while the other is the result of the enviroment.

>> No.6607011

Never said there weren't people with legitimate reasons to receive support from the government for psychological reasons, just that the system doesn't seem to reach the goal it has in mind with everyone.

>> No.6607016

What if the symptoms of what's called a personality disorder is actually genetic and incurable? At the core, some of these can be purely biological illnesses, it's just that people disregard them as fake because nobody really understands the brain so it's easy to just cast it aside.

>> No.6607021

Autism isn't a disorder it way of life.

>> No.6607023

Yesterday we had Narcissistic Personality Disorder, now that too?
I think most here are more on the schizoid side if anything.

>> No.6607026

None of them. All personalty disorders may be cured through brainwashing techniques. Sexual orientation can also be changed using brainwashing.

>> No.6607029

[citation needed]

>> No.6607034

I don't even know anymore. So many diseases that look like the same shit, they should just merge them all already.

>> No.6607039

>narcissists really do consider themselves lower than human and overcompensate to the point where it destroys their lives
Don't narcissists consider themselves higher than human?

>> No.6607040


>> No.6607041

I got this

stingy as fuck when it comes to dime

>> No.6607043

They all look like the same shit to you because you look at a wikipedia article and think you know all about it.

>> No.6607046

I never implied I knew anything about them, I just said they look the same. Calm down the fuck down.

>> No.6607048

Brain-washing is amazing.

>> No.6607050

The Walfas Syndrome

>> No.6607051

Holy shit, this completely describes how I act IRL..

>> No.6607103

Simply being introverted qualifies you for most disorders.

>> No.6607146

Im just borderline, it sucks, sometimes. I dont have many friends because im paranoid and it costs too much energy to trust new people, so i avoid them. Also had some health problems with the sun, skin issues (real), i got screwed up when i had to be outside for long, so i grew to dislike it. You may say its just and excuse to avoid going out outside. In some cases i use that, yeah; but i really dislike the sun and enjoy walking at night. It'll get me killed sometime, i know it.

>> No.6607167

You should count yourself lucky for every one of these disorders you have. Not only may they qualify you for benefits, but they are basically the normals' way of saying "not healthy (ie normal) like us women-fucking, wife-having, job-working, children-birthing selves".

>> No.6607210

I read the page on Schizoid personality disorder a few days ago, and it really does describe me quite a bit. Though I am more of the "Secret Schizoid" type. I am an attractive and outgoing person, with only 1 real close friend. Also a virgin.

Though I am aware that self diagnosis its a terrible idea and you tend to shoe-horn yourself into whatever you are reading. that was the first mental illness that really seemed to describe me.

>> No.6607231

>Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection.
Somewhat, directly it makes me mad, or sad. But then i dont care that much.
>Self-imposed social isolation.
Most of the time. Though sometimes i try to do the opposite.
>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though feels a strong desire for close relationships.
I tend to get that when im getting close to someone, or when theres too much people i have to interact with.
>Avoids interpersonal relationships.
>Feelings of inadequacy.
Depends on the context.
>Severe low self-esteem.
Depends on the mood, day, etc.
Used to, every minute. Now sometimes.
>Mistrust of others
>Emotional distancing related to intimacy.
>Highly self-conscious
Yes, always trying to hide it. Though always fixing my clothes and hair and things doesnt help.
>Self-critical about their problems relating to others.
Sometimes. Blaming others when i can.
>Problems in occupational functioning
Yeah, emotional status screws up most activities when not right...
>Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful.
Yes and no.
>Feeling inferior to others
No, im better in some stuff, suck at others, i wont tell you which.
>In some more extreme cases — agoraphobia
Close but not really.
>Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts.
Yeah. Also alcohol.

Well i dont think i have this, but im still screwed up in most social situations which require depth.

>> No.6607238

maybe I should have said it clearly last time, stop blogging. nobody wants to see a huge post full of what symptoms you do and don't have, go back to /a/

>> No.6607272

i dont know man, i'm pretty autistic and i post on /jp/ most of the time and friends tell me i post here because im autistic but more or less that i play the touhous

>> No.6607277
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I dont even go to /a/; and i like to read them sometimes, why dont you? If you dont, dont do it, easy~.

>> No.6607296

Shut the fuck up, and get out.

>> No.6607335
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I think OP is right, everything fits for me.

>> No.6607344

Have you guys really become this moronic?

>> No.6607375


I don't think being concerned about one's mental health is moronic in the least. So take it easy.

Though People looking to get a fucking handout and a "get out of social situations free" card can go fuck themselves.

>> No.6607427

I'd like a mindwipe though, seriously.

>> No.6607445

I went shopping today, haven't left my apartment in a couple of weeks.

The girl at the till looked at me in disgust. It wasn't like I was unwashed or fat. I don't know why people hate me. Maybe it's because I'm a white male and all of the jewish propaganda to hate white males?

>> No.6607463

>looking to get a fucking handout
Why so bitter? I WISH someone would give me a handout. Do you have some sort of perverse drive to perpetuate the life we have now?

>> No.6607466

Some people are jelly

>> No.6607472

I hate this shit, why are there like 10 disorders that on first glance describe me perfectly? I agree that they need to make one general disorder to cover all this shit.

Introvert, highly self-conscious i/e hypersensitive to others opinions.

EVERY other symptom comes from these 2 basic traits. low self esteem, isolation, escapism etc. That's why all this shit seems to fit. And its not like theres a fucking cure for not having social skills so who gives a fuck in the first place? I agree with the guy that said we are all just losers so who cares. Most of us are to intelligent for the retarded therapy methods suggested to have an impact.

>begin challenging their exaggerated negative beliefs about themselves.

I'm 24 and never touched a girl and can barely hold a basic conversation with a stranger, particularly girls. It's not fucking exaggerated. I'm just a loser. Fucking psychology man

>> No.6607496

> Why are there like 10 disorders that on first glance describe me perfectly?
Because you don't know shit about psychology.

>> No.6607506


>> No.6607521

You think post no.>>6607472 is moe, right?

>> No.6607529
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There are people in your life who aren't strangers? I'm jelly already.

>> No.6607532


I meant handout in the sense of "Thanks, now I don't have to do anything anymore at all ever."

People with real serious mental issues need help yes.
But some people will use any excuse possible to take a label and use it as a free ride.

>> No.6607540

no, I don't, but I know it is not even close to an exact science so my question stands. Going to assume its so they can slap as many disorders as they can and prescribe as many drugs as they can to the retards that buy into it.

>> No.6607560
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I have a stupid job and pay for my own apartment bills and such no roommate or any other financial support or break, I still think op is right, where does this place me then?
I also hate sympathy above all else, I am not looking nor need anything from anybody other than living in an interdependent society but that's all business so it doesn't really count.

>> No.6607660

OP's post sounds exactly like me, and I think I'm developing agoraphobia. Fuck.

>> No.6608135

are you from the government or something that it bothers you that much? or just jealous that you can't take it easy like them?

>> No.6608172

ITT: Internet psychologists diagnose themselves

inb4 everyone quotes this post with sob stories about how they actually have these disorders.

If you're posting in this thread you don't have any of the conditions mentioned and are just faking the funk.

>> No.6608185

this is the biggest misconception in America today. The idea that even if you qualify for Disability (which is REALLY fucking hard unless you cheat the law) you will get a 'free ride'. Unless you qualify for 100% disability, you get a pittance of money.I only knew one person who got 100% disability, and he weighed over 500 pounds and put a hole in dads trailer floor.

>> No.6608199

I know of 1 guy on 100% disability and he has muscular dystrophy and can barely walk 5 feet before he needs to sit down. Even so, he still works. He got a degree in sports fitness and acts as a coach for girls at a highschool in South Carolina. That's balls man.

>> No.6608203


1) My IQ is 45.
2) My vocabulary is over 45,000 words
3) If I were a Simpsons character then I'd be the Comic Book Guy.

All 100% true and proven from onine tests I've taken.

>> No.6608791

it's not my desires which aren't organic and natural, it's society's contrived and arbitrary structure which deems it unseemly

>> No.6611138

I'm not ugly either and everyone just seems to hate me. Places I frequent always seem pissed off at me because I go to whatever they are frequently but other people that frequent the same places don't get any special negative attention. People always seem to have something against me just because I exist. I can walk into somewhere I have never even been in before and all of sudden the people there are all over me like I'm some alien from another planet that just walked in even though I look just like everyone else in there. I swear the world in general has something against my existence.

>> No.6611176

>>6611138 I'm not ugly either and everyone just seems to hate me.
Then that's because you're fat.

>> No.6611189

I'm not fat either.

>> No.6611240

>not ugly nor fat

>> No.6611251

Wow I guess this means I don't belong anywhere on the planet at all.

>> No.6611289

Trust me, if you're actually attractive, you're just being paranoid. Then again, I have my doubts about someone here being attractive.
