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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6599719 No.6599719 [Reply] [Original]

Has anything nice happened to you lately, /jp/?
Any pleasant surprises?
Share them here, /jp/ is your blog.

Personally i stumbled upon a wikipedia article which describes something i could totally use in the DEEP story i'm writing inside my head.

>> No.6599735

Had my first lucid dream last night. Feels good man.

>> No.6599775

That's nice.
Go in depth, please.
How did you go about doing it, what happened, and how do you feel about the results?

>> No.6599791

Started my job and made 500 bucks on my first day.

>> No.6599797

Tell me your secrets.
What did you have to do?

>> No.6599799

Nice! Reward yourself with some delightful figs!

>> No.6599801

Had a run-in with cops last night. Also, I've been feeling dizzy and had a bowel movement a few minutes ago.

>> No.6599807

Found out my ping recently dropped quite a bit. Now I can play UT again without feeling frustrated.

>> No.6599812

I've been keeping a dream journal for two months. I just wandered around my room in it for a bit after getting lucid, flew out my window and around outside for a bit, set a few things on fire, most of it is pretty hazy right now. As I said before, feels good man. I hope for more in the future.

>> No.6599815

I caught a cold and my boss told me it's okay to take a few days off if I want. I didn't even have to ask.

>> No.6599826

I would piss my panties if you actually had a psychotic episode and torched your neighborhood.

Anyway, sounds like it was fun!

>> No.6599832

I usually lucid dream solely when i've been very tired and then get some good rest.
Does the dream journal thing actually work, and what do you write on?
What do you work as, anon?
That's great! You shouldn't be frustrated when you're doing something you like.
That's not very nice. Will you be alright?
Personally i find giving myself super powers but behaving more as my usual self more satisfying. It makes it all seem more 'real'.

>> No.6599843

I finally got violated heroine to work. Just wish I could understand it ;_;

>> No.6599851

On the bright side, the menu's are pretty easy to manage.

>> No.6599852

I don't know what they call us, but I trade currencies.

>> No.6599857

Are you using Forex?

>> No.6599864

This is a good thread and you should feel all warm and fuzzy about it.

>> No.6599866

just woke up at 9pm which sets a new record for late waking for me

forgot i had hizashi installed and i hadnt played it in a long time so played it again and came a thousand buckets

>> No.6599869

I've been really really busy lately, but last night I just made 2 rum and cokes and played random games (Touhou, TF2, Megaman 3) Then passed out for 14 hours. I feel amazingly refreshed.

>> No.6599874


>> No.6599879

Nothing much, expected figs to arrive today after I saw the mail truck drive by, but package is still states away.
Finished finals and got kicked out of the library for sleeping. Was about to lucid dream but all I saw was white, could not think up anything I actually wanted to lucid dream about and it felt terrible.

>> No.6599886

When do you go to bed?
When i'm sleeping late i'm sleeping to 3 o' clock.
No hangover? Well, i suppose 2 rum and cokes would be okay.
Blog threads are okay in moderation, and i'd pick a blog thread over some shitty >/jp/ or >ZUN!bar thread any day.
Only just started? I'm sure you are aware, but you stand to lose just as much as you win.
I suppose you don't have a waifu.
If lucid dreaming comes naturally to you, you should try imagining yourself into a world you like.
This could be Gensokyo, the nasu-verse or whatever you please.
If you have a good enough grasp of the 'rules' you might be able to produce something.

>> No.6599889

I read a CYOA at had Koishi mindfuck the MC until he was a sobbing, blubbering mess due to his id overpowering his super-ego, and clinging to her skirts because her hugs felt good.

And I'm envious as fuck.

Unfortunately, they made a bad (in my opinion) choice of running away, rather than staying in Koishi's embrace and becoming her loyal and honest human-pet.

Pisses me right off.

>> No.6599891

I've been studying it over this whole year whilst playing with a demo account and being successful at it.

>> No.6599895

>That's not very nice. Will you be alright?
I was cleared of whatever charges I was going to get, but I think I caught a cold from my sister today which would explain the dizziness. I was planning on dong autistic things with my autistic friends in a couple of hours, so I hope it goes away soon.

>> No.6599900

Found a local supplier of aluminum powder by complete accident, I am quite pleased.

>> No.6599904

Did you participate in it, or did you leave the choices for the others?
You seem to be doing great so far! Good luck with it!
Let us hope so. What manner of autistic things will you be doing?
What would you use that for? Work?

>> No.6599910


>> No.6599919

I make fireworks as a hobby, thanks for asking.

>> No.6599923

Be careful!
Do they look pretty or just go BANG?

>> No.6599926

It was one of those that was written years ago and stalled until death.
And only one guy seemed to be a kindred spirit of mine, saying that he didn't want to be rescued. He even made a small write in that was as though taken from my very own desires!



Everyone starts infatuated with Parsee, then becomes utterly in love with Kogasa, but the best (Koishi) part is the third thread.

>> No.6599930

>iluvOP thread in disguise
ya all youkai posting in a yukari thread

>> No.6599934

I've managed to temporary get over my depression by insulting random people on the Internet.

Feels good man

>> No.6599937

Well, that's content i haven't seen before.
I'm sure iluvOP is a tea thread somewhere posting Saten.
That's not implying tea, tea-threads, Saten or iluvOP are bad, though.
Personally i am drinking sweet strawberry tea with cinnamon and milk in this very instant. Very nice.

>> No.6599949

That's a horrible way!
Being passive-aggressive will never help you, you should try loosening up a bit. You could even get some e-buddies!

>> No.6599952

Mostly they are actual fireworks, I do occasionally just make explosives for fun though. Assuming your the OP, you should link to that wikipedia article, I'm curious.

>> No.6599957

This is a good thread and you should feel good.

>> No.6599967

I am indeed the OP.
This is the one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apeiron_%28cosmology%29
It was actually pretty funny, because rather than giving me an idea, it was more like it reinforced one. It just fit together so perfectly, and was an awesome chance to bring in Greek mythology.
Glad that you're enjoying it!

>> No.6599979

hmm well lately things have going okay for me.
i recently starting getting a little bored of video games and started working out and i've also been getting better grades even though i'm not exactly studying harder or anything.

also my mom made a friend, and they hang out/talk on the phone a lot together. i feel good about that because she works hard and she really needed someone like that

i need to study for my finals but i keep procrastinating!

>> No.6600003

Here's an idea - Cover your desktop with textfiles called 'STUDY' or 'FINALS' or 'DON'T PROCRASTINATE'.
Tell yourself NOT to delete them.
You will feel bad whenever you turn on the computer instead of being productive, and your desktop will be a mess, urging you to remove them - The only way to remove them is to study! See it as a game!

>> No.6600031

that's a good idea, thanks!
sometimes i do drastic things like go all the way to the library just so i can be away from my computer and it just wastes sooo much time

>> No.6600035

If you want to talk about this stuff please go to >>>/a/.

>> No.6600043

I know the feeling, always nice to have more information to throw into your "simulation"

>> No.6600048

It's okay anon, just hide the thread, we promise we won't disturb you.
We just invited you in case you wanted to join in.

>> No.6600061

Do you have a story too?
If you don't mind, could you give a vague description?
I'd like to see what other anons had in mind.

>> No.6600096

I could never bring myself to talk about it, not even on an anonymous image board. I'm sure you understand.

>> No.6600115

Well, that depends. Is it very lewd and/or would Freud grill you for it?
As i wrote, mine is extremely DEEP, thus, not very embarrassing, but it is mainly ideas and concepts which would be interesting plot devices.
I am using a lot of religion and tricks for tricking the "reader" such as a distorted POV.
.. Now, making it all fit together, that's the hard part.

>> No.6600134 [DELETED] 

Anyway, this was a nice thread, and i simply love the image/post ratio.
Did you notice that there was no doubles, no trolling, no shitposting (Unless you count the very thread as not /jp/-related).

For you out there who haven't experienced it, come in and chat.
I'll be going now, and i hope that when i check the archive it will be filled with nice stories.
Thank you, and take it easy!

>> No.6600142

What the fuck is this gay shit? Reported.

>> No.6600154
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, DSC00496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was off work today, if that counts.
Also, I got to dig a BB out of my brothers back because the neighbor kid shot him. That was different.
Pic related

>> No.6600170


>> No.6600183

You should have used a strong magnet.

>> No.6600186

I started therapy. Well i actually only went for the admission interview, but i nailed that fucker. Saying you can't leave your house for weeks, that you haven't accomplished absolutely anything in the past 2 years, that you dont have any friends, or that you consider suicidal as an alternative life plan in case you fail at everything will pretty much grant you a treatment.
I needed to pass it because im its a great cheap institution, but they only allow people with low income and real problems to pay 15 bucks per hour.
Im still not sure if i will stick with it tough, i have this short positive thinking moments when i want to improve my life, followed by huge repressions. But this is the first time i actually seeked professional help. Lets hope it works and i can actually finish college.

>> No.6600194

Needle and alcohol is fine too.

>> No.6600274

I got payed $50 to fix a computer
I just pulled out the RAM and put it back in
Now I've got $50
Fuck yea, $50

>> No.6600288

A magnet probably would have been cooler.

>> No.6600299

But he was whining at me for taking too long to dig it out, and taking a pic. I, unfortunately, had no time to locate a badass magnet.

>> No.6600308

That is pretty nice. I imagine /g/ does this all the time.
Did you really have to 'dig it out'? It seems like you could almost push it out of the hole.

>> No.6600319

It was actually wedged in there pretty well, I figured gently getting under it with the needle would have been less painful than pushing it out.

Also, the little neighbor kids dad beat his ass..I felt kind of bad for him.

>> No.6600350

Why u saging bro?

>> No.6600366

>Also, the little neighbor kids dad beat his ass

Fuck yes, proper parenting.

>> No.6600370

Cut it out, the thread isn't directly /jp/-related, so saging (Not-bumping) is perfectly natural.

>> No.6600374

I justfound out /jp/ is now my blog. OH MY GOD!

>> No.6600388


If someone tried to pay me $50 for something that simple, I would have at least insisted they pay no more than half that.

But if they insisted on $50, I wouldn't resist too hard.

>> No.6600409

I get paid 100 bucks just to format computers. They just ask me to get rid of the virus. If they are to clingy to the information, i just say there is a method more expensive and charge 150, it takes me like 10 more minutes that way.
Idiot people are my income source.

>> No.6600413

Why is a blog thread from Satorin never acceptable but a blog thread from some random anon perfectly ok? Just curious; don't take it the wrong way, I could care less if people have these threads. I am just fascinated by /jp/'s hypocrisy.

>> No.6600449

The lack of personal recognission

>> No.6600452

I am more depressed than usual and I feel like a useless piece of shit and there is nothing at all I can look forward to.

>> No.6600457


People around here are dumb enough for that to work. How do I get started? A cushy job where I need only minimal interaction with others and even less work is perfect, and I can play games and watch anime while I'm doing the work and waiting for suckers- I mean customers.

>> No.6600476

I think it's that i wasn't trying to make a name or attach an identity to this thread. Tomorrow i'll be just an anon, and this thread will be long gone and forgotten.

And it's not that blog threads from anons are okay, this time was a lucky time, but when /jp/ is shitty, but not shitty enough for people to complain about it, they tend to be pretty chill with otherwise borderline stuff.

>> No.6600485

Print handouts and hang them where stupid people gather.
You can even take harder jobs since all the info you need is on the internet. Also, if something is to hard, just format, and if something breaks, call them to say they need a spare part. Don't keep the left overs, but ask them what they want to do with them, most people will just tell you to keep them.
Most of the time, i get calls asking me to clear a virus from their computer, or because its "to low, can you make it go faster?". Use common sence to fix and scam costumer, but allways look like a good guy, so they recommend you.

>> No.6600536

Take it easy, it can't be that bad.
Are you unmotivated?
Try learning something, maybe an instrument, or a programming language, if that's you thing.
As long as you're learning there will be progress, and you will realize that you're not wasting your time. Any progress is progress - Everybody has got to take the first step.

>> No.6600538

I forgot to tell you, don't work at their homes, never. I realized it the hard way when they noticed i was just sitting around waiting for the computer to restart. I know it was stupid, but it was really far away and i didn't want to make the travel twice. But its worth it.

>> No.6600558

>Print handouts and hang them where stupid people gather.

So, a trip to the mall and the central section of downtown. Got it. I guess it will help that I've had some training in graphic design, too.

>Also, if something is to hard, just format, and if something breaks, call them to say they need a spare part.

Supposedly informing them that a format will take place, and if they desperately need any data saved. I guess I should ask them before I start work on anything.

>Don't keep the left overs, but ask them what they want to do with them, most people will just tell you to keep them.

So I'll get free parts, too? I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. I guess it just occurred to me that I'd only get a job from some already established business.

For tax purposes, does this not count as an official job? In other words, it seems like this is all under the table pay.

>> No.6600559

to format*
If you actually know any programing lenguage, you can do that while you fix simple things that can be fixed while on windows. It will make you look busy, and their money well spent.

>> No.6600562

Having them watch would destroy the placebo effect too, what were you thinking..

>> No.6600571

I bought my grandpa a DS and a copy of New Super Mario Bros (he loves Mario games), and was surprised that I still have over $10k in my bank.

Saving 75% of what I earn has its advantages, I suppose.

>> No.6600572

No idea how american taxes work, but it should be under the table. I guess people could ask for a receipt sometimes, and if you actually manage to get well know, some small company might contract you and ask for them too. But i wouldn't declare anything at first, only if it becomes a bigger income maker.

>> No.6600573

>on the bus
>nice-looking girl and her friend walk on
>she's wearing a hair bow and skirt(not jeans!)
>pause mp3 player to eavesdrop and see if she's worth talking to
>"Yeah, I was headin' back from the frathouse..."
>press play

>> No.6600584

Feeling more depressed than usual. My parents are finally getting to the point where they no longer wish to take care of me, and so I must get some source of income.

I've been a NEET for 3 years now, I have no skills, and I rarely leave the house. I've been wanting to get on welfare for a while now, but I'm scared and don't think I can make it.

>> No.6600587

It's just stupid and as of now impossible, fantasy is just like that but I enjoy living with a dream with the possibility it might one day come true.

You should try writing it out as a story and see where it takes you.

>> No.6600591

I hate you, i can only save 25%

>> No.6600598

Join us in the /jp/ computer scam! Its easy! Start early because it will be slow at first. Maybe you can stay at your house for some more time if you bring a little income in.

>> No.6600615
File: 582 KB, 924x1350, doujinshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only pleasant surprise I ever have is finding pictures of Shou and Byakuren on Pixiv or other sites.

As for good things, I got a few doujinshi in the mail yesterday (pic related). They're all adorable so I felt pretty good for a few minutes. It's going to be pretty depressing after I get my doujinshi from C79, though.

>> No.6600617

Shut up about the ponzai scheme already.

>> No.6600618

>Has anything nice happened to you lately, /jp/?

>> No.6600628

I was there when the blog-ring and forex trading threads started up. I don't think I can handle that sort of thing. My life is terribly boring, and I am not very eloquent, so blogging is right out. Forex requires starting funds to do, and I am completely broke at all times.

I guess I'll just focus on getting welfare, and if I don't make it, I'll just die or something.

>> No.6600631


You don't seem to understand what it means to be a "Ponzi scheme".

What we're offering is a direct service, just like any other business.

>> No.6600648

All you have to do is click on advertisements for the people above you, right? Then you'll get money when everyone below you clicks on your advertisements.

>> No.6600653
File: 242 KB, 750x725, 3819632f8c594b7317f494bd203c714c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to go to Finland on an exchange program.

I beat Nue again, but Koishi is still a bitch who won't go down.

Danmaku paranoia shouldn't be hard since you're already forced into such a tiny area.

I haven't even gotten past release of the Id yet.

Here are momiji's for you.

>> No.6600656

If you're talking about the blog thing, that's not a pyramid, it's more of a circle

Click on everyone else's ads, and they all click on your ads. No hierarchy.

>> No.6600660
File: 21 KB, 283x363, babbyisready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading about climate change for final take home exam
>mfw people have been saying this shit since the beginning of civilization

>> No.6600666

blogger thread?

>> No.6600693
File: 243 KB, 528x451, 128093039322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting to see a psychiatrist. They are also gonna give me some pills or something. Im pretty proud of myself for finally mustering enough courage to start some sort of treatment!

>> No.6600705

Good luck with that. I hope the pills actually do something for you.

>> No.6600711

That's nice. So are you over this suicide thing yet?

>> No.6600745

Congratulations. I've been meaning to go see one for a long time now, also. Money has been holding me back though.

>> No.6600768

my grades resulted to be quite good for such a lack of effort from my part.

I'm happy because I'm going on vacations in a month, fuck yes the fucking ocean!, I haven't see it in years.

and I've discovered that I can lift twice the weight I could at the beginning of this year.

>> No.6600785

glad to hear you hitting puberty

>> No.6600793
File: 98 KB, 586x470, 1264483638502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I hope so too. You've had bad experiences? ;__;

For now, yes! Feels pretty good man.

Thanks, uhh where do you live then? It's free for me, I think it's because I first went to see a nurse and she kinda re-directed me. Well I'll have to pay for the pills though.

>> No.6600869
File: 462 KB, 1200x1142, 14762163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks! I hope so too. You've had bad experiences? ;__;
All the medicines I've ever taken make it impossible to sleep, along with a million other problems. That, and I still feel like shit while taking them.

>> No.6600871

hitting puberty at 21, wow, I'm going to be a very long-lived person.

>> No.6601011

I live in Washington, USA. I have no idea how this is pertinent, though.

>> No.6601026
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/jp/ needs more happy

>> No.6601056

Christ, Akhido spammer. Are you asleep or just that biased?

Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.6601073

I bought a Republic of Spain military helmet, but I don't have anywhere to put it.

>> No.6601356


>> No.6601362

I'm not him and sometimes I take his place until he arrives but I'm too tired for this right now.

>> No.6601407

I've just found my cellphone today while looking for an old dvd and discovered it has been out of battery for about two years. Shit felt hikki, even though I'm technically not one.

>> No.6601427

I started playing Nier.

>> No.6601434

I like reading these nice stories. I can pretend that I have a better life and fake relate to them for a while.

>> No.6601437

Had a couple of long days. Yesterday I was really tired all day, and was at work for 8 and a half hours. I've been sick for almost 3 months now, and haven't been sleeping well. Whenever I'm short on sleep I always get a bit depressed, so it made the day feel even longer than it was. Once I got off work the day got better. There's a microbrewery right across the street from where I work, so I was able to have a beer, which really calmed me down. Then I had a very pleasant surprise. After my beer I met a friend for dinner at a new sushi place, and to my surprise it is very inexpensive, and is very fresh.

Today was almost 9 hours at work, and it seems a friend/co-worker of mine is going to go to prison for something he was set-up for.

Been a depressing week all around for me. At least /jp/ still makes me smile.

>> No.6601697
File: 265 KB, 538x759, hijiri_1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, not for a long time. I'll probably be taking a nap on some train tracks soon, depending on what I find on Pixiv tomorrow.

>> No.6601698

Listening to Jefferson Airplane. It always makes me feel better, even with the sad song "Coming back to me" in the middle, which is one of my favorites to hear while depressed.
It ends as soon as the disc ends, but a short lived happiness is better than none.
