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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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656124 No.656124 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to make my own VN.

Any tips?

>> No.656127

All routes lead to lolisecks.

>> No.656130

If you're doing this alone, quit while you're ahead. You'll save yourself time and a headache.

>> No.656142

Female protagonist

>> No.656144

Screw the visual part, just write a book.

>> No.656164

don't use honourifics, please

>> No.656165

Break the support disc and get Message to make the installer.

>> No.656166


>> No.656189

Which one fits Kohaku better, Mion or Shion?

>> No.656190

Yes, this.

>> No.656197

Make some complex alternative universe and give the main character some balls.
>Female protagonist
Good idea

(And maids. Lot's of them.)

>> No.656208

Bad ends. Lots of bad ends. And make them interesting and at times informative. Avoid frustrating ones unless they're really obvious. Like no "answer b on trivial question 7 leads to bad end #19 on day 17, right before the end of the game" unless it's a very obviously wrong answer. Most bad ends should occur pretty soon after the wrong answer, unless you're really good at them.

>> No.656216

Just wait for KS

>> No.656223

Let the Main grow some balls

>> No.656226


this, but rape-style

like a female 3rd grade teacher protagonist

>> No.656251

Very easy suggestion.

Make a story that doesn't fucking SUCK, and that actually differs from the norm.

In other words, no sci-fi, no magical girls, etc.

Harder suggestions?

Also, write it and have some other people do the rest. Otherwise, as said before, you'll get a headache.

Write the script--ALL of it--and let it sit for a month. Take it out, revise, and get to work.

The reason faggots never finish their own VNs is because their ideas suck or they just don't follow the above steps.

Good luck. If you fail, I'll piss all over you.

Oh, and if you can't write, give up right now.

>> No.656259

>>Oh, and if you can't write, give up right now.

THAT'S the reason most amateur-made VN's suck, Anon.

>> No.656260

Plan well ahead of time.
Flowcharts and general timelines for each route are a good guide when you're actually fleshing out the scenes.

And make sure any ero scenes pass the *Schwing* test when you re-read it.

Most of all, have fun, and never say "good enough". That's all I can think of

>> No.656265

I'm making a VN of my own too. It's going to be awesome and full of epic and 4chan references.

>> No.656268

God damn Colombia are you posting 'Schwing' in every thread?

>> No.656270

I fucking hate you

>> No.656275


Are you involved with VNs, Colombia?

>> No.656274
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>> No.656276


Sucking is no reason to give up. You improve by doing. No matter how much he sucks, if he actually gets a visual novel done, that'd be quite a nice accomplishment. And I'd probably play it no matter how much it sucked. If he kept making them, maybe someday he'd make one that didn't suck, and reach nirvana.

>> No.656277


Haha oh wow.

It's already been done, see "Anon's Nice Day" faggot.

>> No.656283


But it sucks

>> No.656289

working on one right now, hope it doesn't suck in the end.

I meant that if you don't get aroused, it fails and needs to be rewritten.

>> No.656290

Link to Nice Day, NAO

>> No.656293


>> No.656295

Unlockable storylines. But I recommend you to study some good VN-s and their secret.
Btw you can make some hotwildloliyurisex VN with good art and minimal story and you possibly could earn some good cash for it, but people will forget it easily. Make something with a good and unique story and it will rocks. Like Tsukihime. People still remember it.

>> No.656296


It just seems too coincidental..

>> No.656300



Sadly, this is better than most fan VNs.

>> No.656302


What is it?

>> No.656306

>hotwildloliyurisex VN with good art and minimal story and you possibly could earn some good cash for it, but people will forget it easily
Fuck no, do you know how little hotwildloliyurisex eroge there are out there? Less than four.

>> No.656309

But it was only a playable version of something I wrote on a whim, but now is an actual game project with CG and a whole lot more scenes. And routes. And bad ends, many bad ends. Coming soon, in time for Comiket

Speaking of, did someone get to write something for the "magical girl and last man on earth" concept?

>> No.656318

> in time for Comiket

I lol'd at the idea of trying to sell an OELVN to the Japanese. I know that's not the intention, but the concept made me smile.

>> No.656319


>> No.656328

LOLIS thousands of them.

>> No.656330

Loli protagonist with lots of guro bad ends.
We need more of these.

>> No.656336
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Picture related, Maid in Kamen no Maid guy attire, just for fun.

>> No.656335


>> No.656337

Think of it as a loli going to school and all her classmates are from /jp/. There may be no good end.

>> No.656342

The ability for wildly varying choices that go beyond "correct choice, BAD END choice"
I know "evil choice, neutral choice, good choice" isn't very fucking advanced, but I've yet to see an eroge that does stuff like that.

>> No.656347

Heroine must have these characteristics
Childhood friend
Robot Maid
Weak body and sickly, can only rely on the protagonist
Paralyzed from the waste down
She's blind too
She has Alzheimer's
and she's an alien

>> No.656352

You regretfully kill one of the heroines then have sex with her corpse while crying and it's a good end.

>> No.656371


I need to know more, do you have a dev blog or something?

>> No.656374

Reminds me of the comic where those two dudes are creating 'the ultimate Moe'.

>> No.656375


>> No.656376

A single jeep cuts through the pothole ridden road. It swerves left and right, while keeping up the speed. Driving the jeep, sits a young man, his face filled with worries as he avoids the road hazards.
Next to him, a girl lounges under the sun, her feet over the dashboard. She drags out the askew cigarette, inhaling slowly, only to let it out in a quiet puff of gray smoke.
The jeep hits one of the holes head on. The suspension feels it. He curses under his breath. This is too much of a bother.
"Why are you so damn relaxed anyway!?", he finally snaps.
"Didn't tell you to come with me, boy", she answers lazily. She doesn't even bother to open her eyes, enjoying instead the nicotine hit to her system. She lets out another cloud of smoke, this time ring shapen.
He tries to turn his eyes back on the road, but he can't help to gawk at the girl next to him. She's wearing only a tanktop and khaki shorts after all, thanks to the ruthless desert weather. The bandages that cover most of her limbs don't bother him, the sight of old, dry blood over the white gausse only serves to contrast better her white skin.
"I told you, not even if you were the last man on earth". She still hasn't opened her eyes, lost in the joy of the first cig in weeks.
His head darts back to the road, now a relatively good straight stretch.
"I might be...", he mutters to the rushing wind.
"Which only makes my point clearer". She flicks the cigarette butt into the desolated road. Putting her hands behind her head, she leans back in the seat, watching the clouds as they pass by.
The motor roars on, the remaining gas enough to get to the next abandoned city.
"Pass me the chips"

>> No.656378

NHK actually

>> No.656383

Grunting, she stretches her arm into the backseat, poking around to find the shiny bag of stolen snacks. Provisions.
She passes her hand over a couple bottles of water, military rations, a couple rifles, and a long shaft.
Stopping, she turns her head back to contemplate what she can't forget. A long staff, splintered and dirty with mud and blood. A golden design is perched on top. A couple of wings around a heart. Standard issue magical girl equipment.
He finally notices the long pause in the trivial chips transaction. Staring intently at the road, he tries not to bother her about it.
"Don't mind..."
She turns back, stretching out her long legs. In a glimpse, he sees again the scars she doesn't cares to hide.
"Mind about what?", she asks, pouting her mouth.
They keep traveling in silence, trying not to break the shaky deal. Their destination is no special in any way, but they go there anyway. No purpose, a pointless goal.
Anything to keep themselves busy.

This sucks, feels awkward and lame, but I needed a good stretching out of the writan muscles

>> No.656385


Shit, now I have to read it.

>> No.656388

are there any translated visual novels with magical girls and fucking them

I like magical girls.

>> No.656390

Magical Girl Amber, though she wasn't violated.

>> No.656403

Character interactions, serious endings. Don't afraid of being a dick to your characters, but don't overdo it.
And you definitely need a Sacchin-route.

>> No.656401
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>> No.656410

Do you have anyone to do the music?

>> No.656419

Put some fucking effort into it. Don't just slap shit together and go, "Good enough." IT'S NEVER GOOD ENOUGH

>> No.656434

This is true, but there comes a time when you have to realize no one is going to really give a shit about what you make and just release before you waste more of your life on it.

>> No.656445
File: 97 KB, 1400x1021, Sara-chan little towel naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, try to get a good artist.

>> No.656450


No ;_;

I was going to try and learn music myself

>> No.656453

Oh lord retard moe

>> No.656466

I hope you're at least a pianist.

>> No.656476

Was the Triangle Heart series about magical girls? All I really know about it is that Nanoha and some other characters came from it but that they aren't really similar in any way.

>> No.656479



I only know how to play the violin

>> No.656486

OP, what can you do? Draw, write, code?

>> No.656489

I'm a violinist. If you need me I can provide a violin track.

>> No.656505

>>656124 Any tips?
Don't. You suck.

>> No.656516


I can draw and write.

>> No.656518

And don't make installer for it - just RAR all shit together.

>> No.656523



>> No.656529


Post some art

>> No.656563


I can't right now, I have no art on this computer and my scanner isn't working. I guess I could try sketching something up real quick.

>> No.656577

No point if your scanner isn't working.

>> No.656587


If you're a drawfag you must have a DA account somehow. Come out now.

>> No.656598

>must have a DA account

How insulting.

>> No.656627

I think a significant portion of /jp/ is working on a VN, myself included. If you enjoy classical music, you can generally cut up some of those to provide a simple background, hoping that someone will be sufficiently taken by your words to do music for you.

>> No.656629


>> No.656634

Stop insulting the man

>> No.656650


Stop being retards

>> No.656669

What engine do you faggots use?

>> No.656677

I believe Ren'py is the canonical choice for the lazy, especially since Python is so user-friendly.

>> No.656735


I've seen some interesting stuff done with that engine, but has anyone made anything worth playing with it yet? It's been a while since I last checked.

>> No.656753


I'm not actually doing anything yet, but in the past two days two ideas for VNs popped into my head. I think they're pretty good ideas, too. But they're just ideas, and I have no skills whatsoever in anything, so in a way it's kind of cruel. Gonna fuck around with Ren'py anyway though and see if I can write something that doesn't make me cry when I read it.

>> No.656766

>Draw AND write

Don't focus on both. You'll overwork yourself and pass out.

Why not make thumbnail sketches for someone else to start with? I'm typing all this assuming you CAN write and aren't bullshitting us.


I'd like to see a VN written in past-tense. Is this strange?

>> No.656776


What, like in the context of a dying man telling his story to someone?

>> No.656842

A dead man telling his story to God.

Good end: Heaven
Bad end: Hell

Let's rock.

>> No.656851

Ronery End: No Anonymous, you are the God

>> No.656872

How about a VN with one girl and multiple protagonists? Although I'm not totally sure how that would work out.

>> No.656886


Well, it would make the choices pretty strange. Of course for something like Narcissu it'd be fine.

>> No.656899

For the VN I'm working on, I'm just forcing all the graphics to 1-bit. The idea is to make it seem artistic/progressive/pretentious in the name of making everything much easier to draw.

>> No.656903

How about a female 4channer who has to date the embodyments of the other boards. /a/ and /jp/ could be disgruntled twins who need to be united, /b/ is the loner with a heart of gold, /cm/ is the trap. etc.

>> No.656918


Females from 4chan all suck.

>> No.656927

>>656903 /b/ is the loner with a heart of gold

Excuse me. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.656931
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>> No.656945

Another way to look at that would be to say that the Ferraris are the child models, which are there to look upon, and admire their beauty/cuteness, but can be illegal if handled improperly.

>> No.656944

>/b/ is the loner with a heart of gold

ehm do you were in /b/ in your lifetime?
They would more like be the crazy scientist do expiriments with lolis and cats

>> No.656953

That doesn't make any sense

Speeding is illegal
Pleasing yourself is legal

His comparison made more sense, even though it really didn't, because Ferraris weren't actually made to speed with

>> No.656964

Just make the protagonist blind. Graphics problems are solved. Maybe give him some sonar vision like a bat, then you can just have silhouettes.

>> No.656977

I think you're complicating things too much.

>> No.656976


Let's go one further and make the protagonist... a submarine. She will be full of seamen, and be tsundere with a Russian sub. She can have resupplying scenes with a goofy yet loveable supply ship.

>> No.657010

Now this thread is getting interesting.

>> No.657014


I like where this is going

>> No.657024

>full of seamen

Nice. Nice.

>> No.657023
File: 161 KB, 560x371, 1211320459541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All aboard the slow car!

>> No.657055


Shit, that could actually be a really, really good idea if you make it more than a cop out. A blind protagonist could make for a really creepy and atmospheric VN. It would still be boring to just stare at a black background through it all, but you could figure something out.

>> No.657063


well music will help A LOT in this situation

>> No.657070

Didn't H20 already have a blind protagonist?

>> No.657219

Try writing a blind character beforehand. You might get surprised at exactly how much first-person sucks for the writer.

>> No.657213


Didnt he magically see after a while?

>> No.657302

Like, 5 minutes in to it.

>> No.658930

Depends. Happen to see the Boxdog threads? I could have sworn I was on Bizzaro /b/.

>> No.658945

That concept thread was awesome.

It's unfortunate that writing collaborations are nigh-impossible to pull off appropriately or we could actually FINISH a lot more of these 'projects'. Before music, art, etc. must come a story.

>> No.658976

Okay, just look at all the successful VNs and draw inspiration from them. The two most successful VNs were Fate/Stay Night and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. Both had lolis but only one had sex and the other focused on suspense and mystery. So maybe you could combine the two. Maybe a murder mystery at a magic academy?

>> No.658991

Kill yourself.

>> No.658993

Oh wait wait! Howabout a Fantasy-style village where there is a curse that no one likes to talk about and the protagonist is a young sorceress who has little knowledge of magic but is very skilled in what she does know.

>> No.659001

And she is passing through the village on her way somewhere.

>> No.659006


Is Higurashi really that successful? I thought it'd be something by KEY. Which brings me to my combination idea: Retard fighting ring! The various masters are fighting over something or other and they do it by stealing retards from the local retard center, taking them home and raping them into submission/training them, then sending them out at night to fight to the death like Pokemon. Then someone dies of space AIDS and miracles happen and in the true end it turns out it was all a dream. Shit, I'm like a fucking genius or something.

>> No.659015

Make it 90% porn and the rest filler.

>> No.659018

Sorry, I just did some research and it was Tsukihime that had the record of best selling VN before Higurashi broke it.

>> No.659062

I've been working on my own VN for a while now, actually.

Posting now.

>> No.659065

The world is a living thing.

Did it grow from an embryo? Where did it come from? How do we know it lives?

We can only postulate on the origins of life and its true nature.

Humans can only do that much, anyway. We cannot gain an eye to see into the past, the future, or through all things, so we make assumptions based on what we do know. Theories are altered and change constantly, as new information comes into circulation. However, this means that anything unknown to humanity becomes known only through human perception, and this leaves anything outside of that narrow ability to perceive completely undetectable. After all, how can you comprehend something that goes against everything you’ve taken to be true?

It can’t be explained much more than that. Human imagination often fills in these gaps, so things that might have been completely, mind-numbingly alien are actually created in people’s minds before they can even present themselves. The ability to even have an imagination is one of the miracles that humans carry within themselves every day, whether it’s that of a small child or an aging grandparent.

Children in particular have a kind of imagination that can only exist from the ‘blank slate’ they are given at birth. Because of the particularly human habit of building assumptions upon stronger ones into a castle of reasoning, an older human will reach a point where it cannot add or remove “laws” that it has learned in its formative years. When we reach this point in development, it’s nearly impossible to rewrite these “laws of the world” that each of us carry, as the builder of a castle will tell you that it’s impossible to remove the blocks that hold it up and then replace them all at once without the power to keep it from collapsing.

>> No.659067

No one knew when or where the irregularity appeared. Ancient Greece, Babylon, China, the Americas, India – where did it appear first? It became visible to humans who sat dumbfounded, their minds racing to analyze and rationalize its existence, origins, and purpose, as they had done towards themselves and the rest of the world since the beginning of mankind.

The only analysis that they could come up with was that it was something beyond human understanding, and thus, it was in the realm of the gods. As time went by, civilizations rose and fell at the whim of petty governments who wished to understand and use it. Wars were waged, billions died, prominent civilizations turned to dust. The planet shook under man’s conquest of others and himself.

Benjamin Rifkin was a ‘unique snowflake’, as the derisive saying goes, spat out from the mouths of a thousand different armchair psychologists. However, he didn’t ever once think of the possibility that he was fundamentally different from other people. He thought of himself as unique in the way one knows every single human being is a different person. He lived a life of comfort and little conflict, with both close friends and people simply called ‘friends’. He was born a healthy 7.3 pounds, in a small coastal town with a booming lumber industry, and went home to a two-story house hidden in a blanket of redwood trees.

>> No.659069

He grew rapidly, and his parents watched proudly as he put his small feet into the world. He climbed trees, reaching his tiny fingers towards an endless azure sky. He ran with little abandon through dying weeds, the golden sun igniting them with a fierce glow. Little burrs caught on his clothes, as if the plants wanted him to stay, but he could not. He always moved forward, through muddy streams, gnarled stumps where dark, mysterious beings stared back at him, barren and cracked riverbeds where impossibly smooth stones waited to be thrown. If you had asked him at this point, he would have said he wanted to run through the entire world.

The true world outside was something he only saw in trinkets and videos. He saw Komodo dragons, elephants, sharks, snakes, and other animals that stretched his imagination; he read about these things voraciously, and wanted to know everything about them. He read about dinosaurs, about the beginnings of Earth, and the basic ideas behind how the world works, but it was never enough. Again, his parents looked on lovingly, as this thirst for knowledge was proof that their child was truly growing up.

And as he reached outwards, ultimately curious about the world…

He didn’t - or rather could not – even think about the world taking interest in him.

>> No.659073

The day that he would realize he wasn’t normal was a cold, wet spring day. It was 1995, and it was already an unusual year. The very first day of January held the discovery and confirmation of ‘Draupner waves’ in Norway, rogue waves that had been only hearsay and legend until that time. Later that month, a Japanese earthquake killed six and a half thousand people, and people around the world muttered “That’s horrible,” and went back to their home-cooked dinners, returning to lively conversations about nothing.

Another bizarre incident was coming to pass in this tiny coastal town, as well.

The mud was so thick that his boots were slowly sinking, and he had to use all his might to keep his little legs from getting trapped. His father had just told him about ancient artifacts, and upon a starry-eyed reaction, went to the attic and returned with a Riker mount full of them. The area behind the house, it seemed, was a home for an ancient people who lived here, before this town even existed. A particular small hill yielded many artifacts, as his father pointed out, and before the story finished, he ran to the door, jumped up to grab his yellow raincoat, and pulled on his favorite boots, his mother angrily saying something to his bemused father.

>> No.659076

That's a bit of it.

>> No.659286

That's pretty good, actually. Needs a few corrections though.

>> No.661038

Looking pretty good there.

>> No.661106

This is really good, got me hooked after a brief introduction.
Loved the description for his childhood years, could use some polishing here and there.
The bit with "That's terrible..." is awesome, can be worked to be something more impacting.

Let's hope this turns into something final, so many forgotten anonymous projects, like discarded homes. All half built, all showing the promise of a beautiful dream that for a few posts managed to capture anonymous' imagination.
I remember them all, and walking through these rotting walls is incredibly depressing.

Go for it Dio-21, and godspeed.

>> No.661214

For some reason I thought of Forest Gump while reading that.
