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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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654533 No.654533 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/.
I think I'm a hikikomori.

I stay in my room almost all week.
When I go out of my room it's almost always in my house, and not for very long.
If I do go out of the house, it's either to go get food, shop, or to cut my lawn.
I have no friends offline, and I covered my windows with cardboard so I don't get any light in my room (helps me stay awake)

>> No.654539

You've got a friend in me.

>> No.654540

I bet on Dio.

>> No.654541

>I think I'm a hikikomori.

>If I do go out of the house, it's either to go get food, shop, or to cut my lawn.


>> No.654548

You've got a house with a lawn.

>> No.654552

>>654539 You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
Just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and we see it through
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

>> No.654554

best song ever

>> No.654556

I had a house with a lawn which I did not leave for a year except to go shopping. Looking back I realize I was "hikki"

>> No.654558


>> No.654565

Alice would kick their asses

>> No.654570

Sounds like me. Except I live in an apartment consisting of a bathroom, an office space, and then a wide area that works as my kitchen, bedroom and living space. Also I have no lawn, and the only offline friend I have is on the other side of the country, so I talk to him off and on over the phone instead.

>> No.654571


>> No.654575

Lol, you call yourself a hikki?

Since i have graduated from highschool (2years ago), i just went about 10 times max. to the outside of my parents' appartement.

And for about 4months i haven't make a step outside.
Besides becoming an hero i have no intention to do so, just why anyways?

>> No.654583

You're British, right? Leaving your house only to mow your lawn is so quintessentially British it brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.654584

You think not leaving your house is bad? I think I've got some form of leprosy, I haven't been able to feel my left ankle in over a week and the sensation is creeping up the back of my leg.

I'm seeing a doctor about it on Thursday.

>> No.654597

>You're British, right? Leaving your house only to mow your lawn is so quintessentially British it brings a tear to my eye.

Actually the place I live in is America.
And I live in a community where the "community leader" can fine you for having an uncut lawn.

>> No.654599

It's poor blood flow or some shit. I had it for over a year but I got up, went to work, could afford better food and more of it. It very slowly went away and never came back.

Leprosy is where all your bits start falling off.

>> No.654627
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I haven't left the house in 2 months, and I sleep at 2pm and wakeup at 10pm everyday, give or take a few hours. I also haven't shaved so I have an epic neckbeard going on.

>> No.654660


you are max. a half-hikki.

>> No.654679

I'm definitely breaking the mould here on /jp/ by saying this, but I'm in pretty good shape. I eat relatively healthily, I sit on a swiss ball and move around constantly when at my computer so I'm getting good circulation there, and I'm even a member of an athletics club.

It probably (hopefully) will turn out to be bad circulation, but I'm stumped as to what it might be caused by.

>> No.654693

The only time I go out of my house is to go to airsoft matches on sundays where people shoot me and the pain tells me I'm still alive...

>> No.654696

I used to be a hikki for a few months after graduating from high school. I have a steady job now, but other than heading out to my shift and shopping, I don't have any friends and just hang out in my room all day.

>> No.654729


Most of /jp fits into society somewhat. Just not very well. You might be the one better off than others but don't be surprised to see many of us are healthy, productive working/studying adults.

>> No.654761

>I think I'm a hikikomori.
Let's see...
>I stay in my room almost all week.
>When I go out
Going out?
>get food, shop, or to cut my lawn
You get them yourself?

No OP, you aren't hikki. You are NEET, you are apathetic, your social skills might suck, but you aren't hikki.

>> No.654766


>> No.654769


>> No.654775

Maybe some people prefer for being shizoid?

>> No.654782

I live in Tokyo and my gfs cousin has been a hikikomori for a year now. I went there once to visit and the mom was spoiling her with great food and buying her manga and games. If it was my kid I would break the door down and throw their ass outside

>> No.654804

>>654761 you are apathetic
He never said anything to indicate that in that post.

>> No.654807

Well, then don't be suprised when he will do suicide.

>> No.654845

Could you faggots stop speaking in a tone as if becoming a hikikomori is some kind of accomplishment? Call yourselves shut-ins for crying out loud, you're not fucking Japanese and it's shorter to type. I doubt most of you have even truly lived a "hikikomori" life for more than a year since apparently you do not realize it's nothing to brag about at all.

Live this kind of life for at least 2+ years, and then we'll talk. But until then, stop watching 'NHK Ni Youkoso!' and shut the fuck up OP, and as well as the rest of the fags here trying to boast how much of a bigger failure they are, such as >>654575

>> No.654989



>> No.654996

No, he's not.

>> No.654998

Most of them are lying.

Real neets (shorter to type, sorry) aren't proud.

>> No.655000

you motherfucker?!

you think you are a hikikomori just because you fucking stay home?



>> No.655003


Not like the real ones can post about it anymore now that ronery threads got zapped

>> No.655007

nah, ronery threads still pop up occasionally

>> No.655008

It's the fucking truth though.

Go back to your neo-/a/b/

>> No.655023

ITT: Normalfags who think being a hikikomori is something trendy to boast about.

>> No.655071

Nico Nico RPG, sweet!

>> No.655080

Being a Hikki could be a lifestyle.

But then you would call the person who prefers such a life, schizoid.

>> No.655085

I'm a 4chan level hikki. I don't talk with you chumps who keep your windows open, I don't "take short trips outside" that last for up to half an hour. I don't need to go to the shops to get food for myself. I've got the fastest home delivery service available delivering unhealthy food to my house every few days. Go eat your freshly baked loaves, whilst I'll be shoving stale bread foods I had brought to me three days ago down my threat.
You nipping out quickly to mow your , saying hello to people as you pass them by on the street. I'll be staring at you from between my blinds, Anonymous. You'll never know that you just passed the master of hikkikomoris by, because I suppress my time outside.

>> No.655086

You're a 4chan level hikki, you say? Hrmph. I am a 2channel level hikki, and you are as far beneath me as daywalkers are beneath you. Think you're pretty hot with your home delivery? My parents send me a food package not even once a MONTH. By the time you're getting annoyed with the mould on your bread I'm starting to ration my last bags of pasta. And that milk you with you hadn't left for so long? I'm on the same sack of dried mix that I bought three years ago, on ebay, and spent no more than three seconds out of my house collecting. Under a black umbrella. Wearing sun cream. You keep eating your real potatoes. I'll be mixing powder I had a guy I met on the internet steal from McDonalds for me with water from a broken tap.

>> No.655088

You don't have any friends offline? Welcome to my world. Also, I don't have any friends online.

>> No.655094

You're a 2channel level hikki, you say? Hrmph. I am a "missing person" level hikki, and you are as far beneath me as 4chan level hikkis are beneath you. Think you're pretty hot with your food packages? I'm still living off the cache I put together back in 98. By the time you're scraping the bottom of your box of potato powder I'm cracking the lid off a new crate of mine. And those three seconds you spent out of your house? I haven't even left my ROOM of that long. I didn't even leave to get a screwdriver four feet away from my door when my last freezer full of lemons broke and could have been fixed in an instant with the correct tools. You keep keeping your vitamin C levels up and chatting to your parents over Skype. I'll be slowly dying of scurvy with nobody left to mourn my sad, lonely death.

>> No.655096

trying too hard

>> No.655103

>I'll be slowly dying of scurvy with nobody left to mourn my sad, lonely death.


>> No.655106

That's kind of the point of these things.

>> No.655142
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You're not a true Hikikomori until you can smell bad as a Loli.

>> No.655153

Actually you can see it as a good point that you won't make any people sad if you just dissappear.

>> No.655159
File: 5 KB, 126x145, 1211299430701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I think I'm a hikikomori.
>>go out of the house

>> No.655782

But hikki x != not necsessary hikki y

>> No.655787


>> No.655808

hikki is only one thing, there is no variations

>> No.655815

of there are regarding the severity!

>> No.655825

ok, perhaps I'll agree with you there
but the thing is, I agree with the person you disagreed with.
OP is not hikki, just an antisocial loser, like probably a few of us on here, but the fact remains: not hikki

>> No.655827

You're either a hikikomori or you're not. There's nothing there in between. Twilight~~~~~~ I only ment to stay a while.

>> No.655831

severity, yes.
But going outside = not hikki.

>> No.655855

hikikomori just means hermit, this is an English image board, speak English.

>> No.655860


You're wrong. I am a "true hikki" unless you define it as a disease in which case we can quibble some more, but in the past 6 or 7 years I have only left my apartment twice. Once to go to the doctor when my toe was about to fall off, and once to visit my family. While I certainly don't start threads about my life because /jp/ is not my blog, and I'm not sure I'd say I'm "proud" of it, I'm also not ashamed of it. Yes, I'm a parasite, what of it? I love my life and my abundance of free time. So yeah, the OP is a dumb faggot who thinks this shit is a trendy fad, but you're wrong also.

>> No.655864

how often must you stay inside to be considered a hikki though?

There must be some line somewhere.

I used to stay inside for about 2 weeks at a time, ONLY going outside to get groceries. It was like that for about 3 months at my worst time.

Satou is a hikki but goes outside so you can't really say a hikki would never ever ever go outside.

>> No.655878

/jp/ is your blog, tell me about your life.

>> No.655879


>> No.655884


6 months. You'd think someone who spends so much time inside would know about google.

>> No.655922

Please stop calling yourselves hikikomoris. It's a Japanese word for a Japanese condition brought about by very specific cultural conditions.
A sociophobic westerner that never goes outside and stays in watching anime or gaming or whatever, are called recluses.
To fit the whole hikikomori thing (made famous by the Japanese cartoon "Welcome to the NHK" (you didn't hear any westerner claiming to be a "hikikomori" before it was subbed)), please don't use the word to attempt to glorify your own psychological problems. You may share various psychological aspects (personaity disorders) with the average Japanese hikikomori, but there are various other factors that are caused by being brought up by Japanese culture. For example the whole insider/outsider complex as well as a certain kind of Japanese apathy of families of hikikomori. Typical family of a Japanese hikikomori would lament about the unfortunate situation. Typical family of a Western recluse would call immediate psychological help or shout at the recluse or even forcibly remove the recluse from the premises. Of course it all depends on the personality of the individuals involved... But again, please don't needlessly try to apply Japanese terms to yourself, simply because you have been inlfluenced by Japanese geek culture. It really is fucking embarassing at times. Honestly, don't attempt argue your opinion - just stop it. You're a just another socio-phobic, insecure, self-hating recluse.

>> No.655946

Hey /jp/,

I have a part-time job. I go out every so often to hang out with some of my friends, usually doing something stupid that seems funny at the time. I am almost never in my room, and sometimes go for days without checking nor responding to my e-mails. I don't have any games installed on my PC, and I have the cellphone numbers of all contacts on my MSN.


Of course, I lie, but it doesn't hurt to dream.

>> No.655950

I am a baka.

>> No.655962


there are also shizoid people, who prefer to stay alone.
and i don't count this as a disorder.

and in general: fuck those psychologial theories!

>> No.655985

I am almost always in my room, and sometimes go for months without checking nor responding to my e-mails. I don't have any games installed on my PC, and I don't own a cellphone or have any instant messengers installed.

>> No.655986

Actually it seems to me like they're all fighting on the same side. Mega Man is FIGHTING FOR HIS FRIENDS, Miku has assumed the helpless loli position, Alice is being useless, Dio is either dead or striking an awesome pose instead of fighting.
