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6556880 No.6556880 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have strong intentions on becoming a millionaire? You're relatively smart, and you know this. Are you aware that there's dumber people who graduated in your class that are more successful than you are? Doesn't this fucking sting?

For me it's like, "Yeah, I'm going to college, but I don't really know why I'm even going". I don't want to live on a fucking fixed income from when I'm 24 on up until I fucking hit the retirement age.

Just from an intellectually curious standpoint you have to acknowledge that you're capable of becoming more than what you plan on being, so why settle for less?

I don't want to continue to leave a fucking life in a middle to upper middle class neighborhood. That was great for being a kid up on until now, but I can't see myself locked in that lifestyle for whole nother lifetime.

>> No.6556902

I don't want to be a millionaire because life is just a horrible trudge until death anyway. Why make it complicated and difficult with ambitions like money and power? If I become a millionaire, I'll just want to be a billionaire.

>> No.6556930 [DELETED] 

So I haven't time to be a millionaire...

>> No.6556922 [DELETED] 

By a country road wild roses grow that need my special care...

>> No.6556939 [DELETED] 

And a cheerful brook on a mountain side, is sad when I'm not there...

>> No.6556956

everyone wants to be number one, but not everyone wants to make the effort.

>> No.6556958

Because it takes effort.

>> No.6556960

fuck off faggot

>> No.6556959 [DELETED] 

And a friendly gang of robins are peeved when I forget...

>> No.6556953 [DELETED] 

So l haven't time to be a millionaire...

>> No.6556976

>dumber people than you
Yeah, it's obvious because they're the wage slaves and I am not.
Money is fiction and work is for suckers.

>> No.6556971 [DELETED] 

That I'm the second tenor in their quartet.

>> No.6556978

I am currently a college drop out I know, but that doesn't mean I am going to give up.

I am going to get back on track even though I have already failed a few times, I will get my college education.
But I won't stop there, I will continue to study for as long as I can financially be able to, and I will try to do so whenever I can/get the oppurtunities.

I don't know if it would ever be enough to become a millionaire, but I would never stop studying, and someday, I bet that would profit in something.

Also, if I were to gain enough money and freetime besides the studies, then I would also try to drive various kinds of businesses and see how that could go.

>> No.6556983

>mfw CP

>> No.6556984

I don't care about how much money I make, as long as it's enough to survive. Even though people think I'm smarter than average and that sort of thing it's only because I can pretend well. My goal is rather to create something beautiful for people to admire. Something to make others happy. Sadly I lack the talent.

>> No.6556985
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My grades always sucked dick because I couldn't concentrate on studying and still can't concentrate on anything to this day, and the number of retarded things I do socially won't help me recognizing how smart I am.

>> No.6556990


>> No.6556995

How is that even possible???

>> No.6556999
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Corporate Law is my goal.

I'll lie, cheat and backstab my way to the top of the pile.

>> No.6557003


>> No.6557012

I cannot afford to waste my time making money.

>> No.6557013

I don't really care about money. I just need enough for food, electricity, and internet. I suppose I'd want to upgrade my computer every 5 years or so, as well.

>> No.6557017

Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

>> No.6557026

>Are you aware that there's dumber people who graduated in your class

Yes, and I didn't.
Because I didn't present to the exams.
Because I was taking it easy.

>> No.6557035

I would like it, but I would also be fine with NEETing it up for years to come. Is it said my only reason for not becoming a NEET for the rest of my life is my Waifu?

Also I'm extremely lazy and I like to pursue intellectual affairs that probably won't net me money(Reading books and programming things). Besides, I don't care about being rich, just enough to support my self. I don't particularly want a lavish life style.

>> No.6557042

It's pretty easy to make a million before retirement if you invest your money wisely.

>> No.6557043

Time spent taking it easy is never wasted.

>> No.6557049


Well I didn't say it wasn't.

But I'm 19 and still in night school for taking it easy so much.

>> No.6557053

After I had to start working to have my money, I finally realized money doesn't bring happiness.
I was so much happier when I didn't have to go outside so I could sustain myself.

>> No.6557058

Money is just pieces of fucking paper.
What will you use all that money for once society collapses? Which will be soon.

>> No.6557069

Who says I don't have ambitions to become a millionaire?

>Are you aware that there's dumber people who graduated in your class that are more successful than you are? Doesn't this fucking sting?

Sadly, this is true, but by and large dumb people get these sorts of jobs through nepotism, outright lies, and managerial incompetence. It hurts my very soul to think of how many people get exceptionally well paying jobs they suck dick at because their dad works at the company or something. Lying on resumes about qualifications is also a good one, especially when they come up with one that would be too much trouble to verify. You'd think they'd get called out immediately, but alas, people in charge are too dumb or too passive to call someone out on being shitty at their job, unless they really fuck things up hard.

Take an example from when I worked a shitty, thankless job at a financial firm. This dumb fat bitch had an executive office and was supposed to be in charge of our accounting sheets (which came in excel format). One day she calls me in to her office on an IT help request and basically asked me
>how do I open excel?

... let that sink in for a while, and now let me continue. She was unexpectedly sick for a large period of time and someone in the executive team said "we need to all help pick up the slack." One of my friends there rather aptly noted that "there's nothing NOT getting done with her being sick... what exactly the fuck does she do?"

The reason she was hired? Because they thought it would strengthen a business partnership with some client firm that she used to work for and we had decided to suck the dick of. So she sat there, all day, in an executive office, and soaked up a 120,000 USD / year salary for doing absolutely fuck all.

How the fuck do I get these jobs!?!?!?!

>> No.6557117

>Lying on resumes about qualifications is also a good one, especially when they come up with one that would be too much trouble to verify. You'd think they'd get called out immediately, but alas, people in charge are too dumb or too passive to call someone out on being shitty at their job, unless they really fuck things up hard.

This is so true, being able to pull it of takes some charisma and creative bullshitting, though. It's not something that an average autist would manage.

>> No.6557122

10/10 I raged hard and would rage again.
I can't imagine how you dealt with the rage for a prolonged amount of time.

>> No.6557137

what the fuck am i gonna do with a million dollars

luxury items are shit. i'd trade in a new lexus or BMW for a used honda civic any day of the week.

>> No.6557142

>It's not something that an average autist would manage.
This. I once lied about being fluent in Japanese (I know a lil' bit to play eroge, but speaking is entirely different, and even harder if you're socially awkward), and then they made the language test by telephone one day after the interview and I got my ass busted so hard I could never walk again.

>> No.6557151

INdeed. If you can't fix it yourself, it's just trash waiting to break.

I can do more with 20 bucks than most people can do with 100.

>> No.6557149 [DELETED] 

That's what you'd do with a million dollars? Jesus Christ, get the fuck out.

>> No.6557163

get pretty, suck more dicks.

It's a skill you can learn, and you only need to learn how to be more confident while lying.
or just believe everything that comes out of your mouth is the truth. that's what most people believe.
If you are in the US you are already a pro at creative bullshitting because of 16+ years of school.

anyway, I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to stop wasting time with work. If the world doesn't destroy itself soon, maybe I'll have saved up enough by the time I'm 40.

>> No.6557165

Actually, I intend to be a millionaire. Not because I have ambition. No, I've decided that the work-a-day culture is slave labor anyway, and fucking over everyone around me just isn't worth the extra money.

I intend to be a millionaire simply because inflation will make it that way. With inflation as it is, a million dollars will only be two year's wages by the time I retire.

>> No.6557177
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Oh it gets better.

I also found out some other person at the company was doing accounts reconciliation (basically, checking to make sure stock holdings and trades were correctly reported) by printing out 850+ pages of paper and then MANUALLY comparing them, sheet by sheet.

That was their whole job. All day, they did this.

Foolishly, I felt pity on their soul and decided to free them from their toil. I made a database program in about a week that would automatically import that data, format it, compare it, and then spit out a 1-2 page report of all the inconsistencies in all of, oh, about 5 minutes. 5 minutes from when we received the financial data. It normally took this person about a week to do it.

This is my face when the company saved that persons job but laid me off. Rage of a thousand suns.

I bet that fucker is still using my program but pretending to check manually.

>> No.6557181

I could easily become a millionaire if I wanted to, but I see no reason to. As long as I have a room to sleep in, some food to eat, and a decent internet connection, I'll be happy. It doesn't really take a huge amount of money to fill this needs. The way I see it, isn't it the people who get rich, but have to work their asses off for almost their entire lives, who are kind of missing the point? I guess it's acceptable if you're doing something you really love, but sadly nothing so convenient exists for me.

>> No.6557198

Same shit happened to me when I worked Assistant Human Resources at a hospital. I converted all the paper records to digital, then got the boot while my boss got all the credit.

Honestly, I've had such a shitty life that I'm all raged out. Not a drop of true rage left in me. Spent.

>> No.6557195
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>the company saved that persons job but laid me off. Rage of a thousand suns.

I feel for you. You deserve much better.

>> No.6557207

This thread makes me feel good about my life.
Then I feel bad when I realize other people have a more shitty life than mine. That's just terrible.

>> No.6557219

>I made a super clever and fun post and i'm gonna post it on every fucking board on 4chan.

>> No.6557228

I dont want to be a millionaire, only dumb people think money = happiness. Actually Im pretty content with the life Im having right now! and what are the so called achievements? Something someone who is dumber than me though is good? Do we really see our valor just as the valor others perceive in us? Im pretty content with my little reclusive life, the world can go to hell.

>> No.6557239

I think it's great I had a shitty life, myself. Makes you realize that bad shit happens whether you want it to or not, and it's happened so much to me that it doesn't even faze me anymore. Car stolen? Oh well. House burn down? Shit happens. Mugged at knifepoint? Just take the damn wallet and stop waving that thing around before you hurt yourself.

I've had shit taken from me so many times taht if someone wants to steal from me, all I think is "Jeez, man. You could've just asked."

>> No.6557255

I don't buy into Jewish consumerism.

>> No.6557275

There is nothing I want left that money can buy.

>> No.6557302

>I've had shit taken from me so many times taht if someone wants to steal from me, all I think is "Jeez, man. You could've just asked
I laughed and shed a tear at the same time. So true.
The moment you have no choice but to go outside is when you truly realize how shitty reality is and why there's so many depressed people around.

>> No.6557312

That's only the aftermath though. It doesn't stop me from getting a little angry with the way things are. We don't really deserve this.

>> No.6557323

I don't like doing anything but sleeping and playing vidya. I can't make money doing that so I don't aspire to be rich.

>> No.6557321


Hrmm, no point? I have a job I enjoy doing, it pays for the room I rent, an internet connection...

I like it like this.

>> No.6557334

Good. IF you enjoy it, why fix it?

I've never found a job I enjoy for longer than a year, and job-HUNTING is the worst part of jobs. So I decided it's easier to cut out the job middleman and eliminate cash as a necessity to my survival.

>> No.6557359

>playing vidya
>can't make money doing that.
I made a LOT of money playing video games for a living. Then I'd go home and sleep.

>> No.6557378

>I made a LOT of money playing video games
Me too, I love Harvest Moon, you can even date the girls and get married!

>> No.6557387

I mean the kind of money you can buy other video games with. As in a job.

>> No.6557392

>43 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Never change, /jp/

>> No.6557396

Well, yeah. No such a job where I live, though.

>> No.6557401

It's like I'm really in /r9k/, except the people are dumber.

>> No.6557409

I don't see much point to having excess amounts of money, to be honest. Give me a house of very modest size, money for food and various devices every so often, and I'll be quite content. There's really no need for more than that.

>> No.6557416

THen why are you still living there?
The world ain't gonna come to you, man.

>> No.6557421

>money for food and various devices
I read that as "various DIVORCES" and started to wonder just what kind of life you were leading.

>> No.6557434
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How are you going to get swords and a funky dream mansion, that way?

I expected more ambition out of you, liebchen.

>> No.6557435

I'm a poorfag in a third world country. It's like being a broken wings bird inside a small cage, trust me.
I'll get the hell out if I ever get the chance though.

>> No.6557446

The swords are included in the devices, they can't cost that much.
Funky dream mansion? Eh, I don't really see the point. Better to make the few rooms you have really interesting, then a ton of rooms you don't go into much.

>> No.6557460
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I'll never understand the modest mindset.

I suppose I'm too lavish-minded, I would love just to have a true castle filled to the brim with eccentricities.

>> No.6557462

Come live with me. I'll shelter you from the Greencard Gringos.

Also, you'd be surprised just who is making games these days. You might get lucky and find a local company.
All those shitty casual games for PC? Russian/ukrainian coders. Irish and American QA, Mexican mastering and disc printing (in the event there IS a disc).

>> No.6557470
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Although... maybe if I made the entire place out of pillows...

>> No.6557473
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Is that so?

>> No.6557475

Being a millionaire increases your chances of getting robbed or killed and then having your belongings stolen while you are dying on your floor.

I care more about my safety because I'm a coward.

>> No.6557503

What kind of shitty country do you live in?

Murder and Robbery is very rare where I live.

>> No.6557518

>Murder and Robbery is very rare where I live.

Millionaires are probably even rarer.

>> No.6557801

I can agree with this. If you paired that up with a job I mildly enjoyed, I'd just have the happiest life.

>> No.6557803

Because it'd be a fucking pain in the ass.

Money is how the jews control us anyhow. Beyond a reasonable level of comfort, who gives a fuck?

Working is terrible beyond belief. Stress sucks. I wish I could just get a small amount of income that allowed me to eat what I wanted, have a computer and an internet connection, and a small pool of emergency money.

We're all going to die anyway, and life sucks. The greatest days of my life are over (Childhood playing the vidya with my younger brother), the rest of this shit is foreveralone, truevirgin, and pending suicide.

>> No.6557827



My bedroom in my parents house is a funky dream mansion as far as I'm concerned. It also smells like semen, musk, sweat and BO due to my never washing my bedsheets or blankets.

Seriously though, the only things I enjoy in life any more are humor, masturbation and eating. And anime. Even the vidya more or less sucks to me now. It's like, what's the goddamned point?

>> No.6557840

I'm fine with upper middle class. I wouldn't use a private jet or a yacht even if I had one. Hell, I barely even drive my car unless I absolutely need to.

>> No.6557849
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>> No.6557861

Just how tough is Nigerian hair?

>> No.6557960

Even if you were a millionaire you would manage to live a lifestyle that ate up most of your funds and you would, in essence, be living a typical middle class lifestyle only bigger.

Sure, life is shit and pretty dull most of the time but it ain't that bad. Your best years are not behind you, growing up was fucking awful and high school was even worse.

The reason why you don't take joy in the same stuff you used to is because you're not an 11 year old anymore and you want more out of life than cheerios and power rangers.

You won't be alone forever and no one stays a virgin forever. No matter how ronery you may be you can find someone, I've seen the most undesirable people get more than their fair share of love and sexin.

The problem is that you're too stuck in this modern frame of thought thats being sold to you through every form of media. Jobs and money and houses and cars and big tittied bitches aren't what make you happy, they're empty material things and only feed the ego for a short period of time.

You just need meaning in your life and you need to reassess your values. If you're looking for fulfillment in material things you'll never be satisfied. You can definitely be more than you think but you have to become something of real value to yourself.

Maybe everything I'm saying sounds like horse shit but I'm not just putting you guys on. I'm almost fucking 30, I'm unemployed, never went to college, have maybe one or two friends, have only ever had 2 real girlfriends and have been deeply depressed for most of my life.

If I can say life ain't that bad then you can too. Society is suffering from a materialistic sickness and when you try to buy into it life does seem pretty empty and pointless.
