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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 975 KB, 1278x718, [Yousei-raws] Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin Anime - Musou Kakyou [DVDrip 1278x718 x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_15.21_[2010.11.22_07.00.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6488237 No.6488237 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Touhou have so much trouble making it to anime? Its not like it isnt a good franchise for anime.

Its like K-ON meats DBZ. Cute girls doing cute things and spirit bombs.

>> No.6488245

hey, don't put shitty touhou on awesome K-ON! level, fag

>> No.6488247

They don't have official setting?
Touhou fans have their own image to it so that's why

>> No.6488252

Because ZUN doesn't want to make one.

If any studio seriously decided to make a full series, it would still be entirely fanon, and it could lead to trouble should it turn out extremely popular/profitable. As in, last I checked, ZUN wasn't too keen on the idea of an anime for fear that it would attract all the attention to it and away from the games, but has yet to actually oppose anyone making anime of it. If it gets out of hand, he might, who knows.

It'd be a mighty big risk for what in the end would be just fanon shit.

>> No.6488265

Not to mention, with a risky investment like that, Touhou still has 3 basic versions: Grimdark DBZ powerlevel garbage (see: Anything made by Chado), lighthearted slice of life comedy fuckery (see: Anything made by Hole of Yago) and official ZUN tea drinking nonsensical shit (see: the actual games you idiot)

Whoever would make it, if they planned on investing a lot into it and making a full season or more, would have to go with one of those, and would probably chose whichever would be the most profitable. Which would obviously NOT be ZUN version. And then comes the problems.

>> No.6488274

You can combine grimdark with tea parties. Look at The Slayers. half the season is Lina looking for food, the other half is monster guts and getting stabbed.

>> No.6488276


>Touhou still has 3 basic versions:

Tastefully ignoring the multitudes of Futa Touhou tales out there, I see.

>> No.6488278

They'd make K-On, but with Touhous and danmaku instead of high school girls and music.

>> No.6488279

Ohh and I would mention that anime with full girl casts is rather vogue. Now is a good time for Touhou anime.

>> No.6488295

Also, K-On isn't cute girls doing cute things. It's boring retards doing boring things. It is entertainment of roughly the same caliber as reality TV.

>> No.6488296

Like any proper gentleman would.
Could be done, I suppose.
It being extremely popular is the main problem. ZUN doesn't want people to think Touhou is primarily an anime, which would happen should it be a huge hit. There is a reason why no real good touhou anime has been made despite the fact it would obviously be a huge hit.

>> No.6488303
File: 39 KB, 832x140, New Text Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he knows better than the internet

>> No.6488308

>their back
Looks like I win this one by default.

>> No.6488309

But, money, truck loads of it. Isnt that what its all about?

>> No.6488312

>theirrrrrrrr back
Sugoi source, anija.

>> No.6488334

No, what he needs to do is get a good studio to do an anime. Then rake in loads of cash. Then with the profits make a Touhou MMO.

Then you will achieve balance. Someone email this business plan to ZUN.

>> No.6488344

Who are you quoting.

>> No.6488349


It'll never happen because ZUN's entire purpose with Touhou -- as stated by him repeatedly -- is to create a fan-run world where everyone can have their own Gensokyo.

There is no one "right" Gensokyo, just a heap of ideas and characters that fans can build their own Gensokyo with.

This is why Touhou is so successful -- because it's built around fans. According, Touhou had more doujins in 2009 than Vocaloid, Nanoha, Idolmaster, K-ON!, Haruhi, Strike Witches, Saki, Pretty Cure, Index, Evangelion, and Macross combined, with about another thousand to spare at the end.

Creating an official anime would be the fastest way to kill Touhou.

>> No.6488358

Theres ways around that.

>> No.6488361

Here's an idea: Why not have various studios each make a Touhou OVA, each one using various characterizations and themes?

>> No.6488362

Unless it was a long series of five minute shorts written by fans with no continuity!

>> No.6488369

Its not easy to organize or get multiple studios to agree to shit.

>> No.6488377


We could base it on Inaba&Inaba!

Making a series of 5-minute shorts based on comedic 4koma? We could call it Azumanga Daioh.

>> No.6488382

>Creating an official anime would be the fastest way to kill Touhou.

And how do the official games not do this? Not saying you're wrong but I can't see an anime holding anymore say over what's canon and what's not than the games.

>> No.6488391

The games don't have as much focus on story and characters as an anime would need to have.

>> No.6488394


The games don't have a lot of content in terms of "defining Gensokyo". Most of their content is in the form of text.

By comparison, visual media like anime and movies tend to have a much stronger effect on how people view characters and worlds.

Note how, for example, the Lord of the Rings movies made it seemingly impossible for anyone to visualize dwarves as anything other than silly joke characters.

>> No.6488407

i'd watch touhou cure

>> No.6488412


The best solution.

>> No.6488413

It's really more like Ichigo Mashimaro than K-ON.

>> No.6488440

I don't get how an official anime would kill Touhou when we've already had official manga releases. I know it's not the same, but it's circular logic - the anime would be popular because Touhou is already popular. Not saying it wouldn't bring in more secondaries - it would - but it would probably increase the exposure of the games, not reduce it.

ZUN's reasoning is slightly on the retarded side but it's his IP and he has the right to do what ever the fuck he wants with it. Also, if there ever was a commercial project, it would by definition need to be official. It would do less damage if he is on board as a producer or something. Which he could certainly set as a condition.

>> No.6488518

The manga don't seem very popular. Way more people watch videos on nico than read any of them.

>> No.6488525

It's because ZUN likes comics but doesn't like animation.

>> No.6488534


Let's take the example of Haruhi.

Haruhi was a pretty good light novel series (at least before the author wrote himself into a plot hole, but let's ignore that). It was pretty popular on its own. KyoAni then made what was -- compared to most -- a very well-done adaptation.

And then the Haruhi fandom completely imploded in a veritable hurricane of fail. The most visible sign of "Haruhiism" was doing a dance completely unrelated to the source material. Every last bit of the metaness and intelligence of the original was dropped.

People began declaring characters like Nagato and Mikuru to be their "waifus", completely missing the fact that such characters were intended to be archetype parodies from the start. The fandom misaimed practically as badly as it did with Rei Ayanami back 15 years ago.

ZUN is afraid this will happen to Touhou. Even if it's only a chance, he doesn't want to take it.

>> No.6488536

I'd LOVE to see a Touhou series made by SHAFT. Starring Marisa as main protagonist, eating shrooms errday.

>> No.6488540

Kyon's sister was sexy though, even if she was a parody of the little sister character.

>> No.6488542

You're joking, right? This is a joke?

>> No.6488544

>Haruhi was a pretty good light novel series

But it's popular now, so I have to pretend like I hated it from the start in order to be hipster enough to post on /jp/.

>> No.6488549

ZUN doesn't want an anime because:
>And, on that note, there’s lots of talk about “what if there were a Touhou anime”, but it’s not likely to happen – a new medium would require a new plot and new characters and all of that work *plus* the work of actually doing the animation would be just way too much for one person (even though some people DO do it alone). In addition, involving lots of other people would make questions like copyright a lot more complex, so his philosophy is that it’s best just to leave it be.

>It'll never happen because ZUN's entire purpose with Touhou -- as stated by him repeatedly -- is to create a fan-run world where everyone can have their own Gensokyo.
Citations needed, several of them.

>> No.6488552

There's already a Touhou anime. It's called Summer something something, and it's by Maikaze.

I can't wait until episode 2.

>> No.6488556 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6488557
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It will happen, eventually.
I believe.

>> No.6488559

The sound holic anime was better.

>> No.6488563
File: 1.15 MB, 850x1206, sample_dae417b1f6380e81d7bae9cbb32a20687a599b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me.

>> No.6488566
File: 39 KB, 208x186, beatroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh le you

>> No.6488568

A Summer Day's Dream. And it was pretty bad.

>> No.6488574

How can you even call it good or bad when nothing happens?

>> No.6488581



>> No.6488583

Because it's boring. About the only things I liked were how certain characters were portrayed, and some of the shiny backgrounds.

>> No.6488589

THREAD REPORTED, janitors informed, maido wake up, cops incoming, mental care hospital preparing amublance. ALL GTFO FROM THREAD!

shitty trolling /a/

>> No.6488594

Gensokyo is always boring when there isn't an incident going on. It's just being true to canon.

>> No.6488595

WHOA that was RaNdUm xD

>> No.6488612

Then you liked it. There was no story. The characters and the shiny backgrounds were the only things in that episode. What happened in that episode? Reimu acted like Reimu and over-reacted and preemptively attacked Patchy, even though there was no evidence. You like it. Admit it. Say it. 'I liked it'.

>> No.6488617

Maybe. But it'd help if there was actually more episodes. By itself, it's nothing.

>> No.6488619

Marisa didn't act like Marisa, Sakuya was soft and submissive instead of cold and distant.
And Patchy shot first.

>> No.6488623
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Suika was really cute. Don't forget that.

>> No.6488629

Quit trying to ascribe rigid personalities to Touhous.

>> No.6488635

Patchy might have shot first, but she was provoked. If someone sneaked into your house and accused you of a crime, what would you do? What if one of those people who sneaked into your house threw a giant heavy book at your head? Patchy was justified.

And as for Marisa and Sakuya... interpretations, interpretations. I think Alice is really a jerk and not the moeblob most fans think she is.

>> No.6488653

But her horns were filed down, her super powers were taken away, and so was her jug.

>> No.6488666
File: 298 KB, 500x600, nadenade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still cute!

>> No.6488667

Of course Patchy shot first, in the games the bosses always come up to you and shoot your ass

>> No.6488669

She was like a drunken annoying baby

>> No.6488676

The Marisa sucked, yes. But Sakuya should be a meek type while dealing with her mistress. And, you know. Patchy did get hit with a book, and provoked badly.

>> No.6488679

In the games, Reimu always unleashes a hail of danmaku, scarring the landscape whether there are targets nearby or not.

>> No.6488706

In the games, I always shoot at them before they even begin with their first spellcard.
You can even beat Sanae with a bomb before she does anything to you in SA and I heard you can do something similar in IaMP/SWR.

>> No.6488715
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Fuck you. Even Touhou has more depth and plot than that piece of shit.

>> No.6488718

An anime would ruin the fanbase even more with retarded fucks like you.

>> No.6488798

Uh, theres one already, and ZUN has nothing to do with it.
It was projected on the 20th of this month, at the Animate Ichioshi Bishojo Anime Matsuri.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm0k4SQgePw

>> No.6488800
File: 156 KB, 1035x584, 1288011292709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly why our God Emperor will not have an anime happen. He wants us to play the games.

>> No.6489041

>Its like K-ON meats DBZ
So it's either going to be boring shit about teenage sluts or boring shit about powerlevels and ten episodes per attack.

>> No.6489621


Nah, it will just be popular. The worst thing /jp/ knows.

>> No.6489640

it burns, this word.....

>> No.6489656

> the Lord of the Rings movies made it seemingly impossible for anyone to visualize dwarves as anything other than silly joke characters.
I don't know about you, but I thought Gimli was quite the badass.

Of course, considering we've got the two Hobbit movies coming in the next few years, the dwarves will get their chance to shine soon enough. Until the part past the slaying of the dragon in which they face off against the nearby human village.

>> No.6489663
File: 538 KB, 700x712, The_Emperor_of_mankind_by_Noldofinve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Emperor

>> No.6489686

Personally, I felt that regardless of how Sakuya was characterized in A Summer Day's Dream, Rie Tanaka was pretty much the perfect VA choice for her. I also quite liked Mai Nakahara as Reimu and Kikuko Inoue as Yukari. Not sure what I'll think of Yukari Tamura as Reimu in that Touhou x Anime Tenchou special. (Funnily enough, Yukari's VA in that special is apparently Miyuki Sawashiro, last I heard, who voiced Marisa in Summer Day's Dream.)

>> No.6489689

They should do a japanese cartoon about Kaptin Bluddflagg. Mighty orks doing mighty things.

>> No.6489710

I fucking hated Marisa's voice in the Maikaze animu, it felt way out of place.

>> No.6489720

I can only imagine the horrifying things the Japanese would do with 40K rights.

The Pretty Marines would become real. Eldar would all have huge tits. The Tyranids would be infinite tentacles. Orks would talk like Russian sailors.

>> No.6489727

No Master Chief, don't save Rumia, she'll eat you!

>> No.6489741

>Orks would talk like Russian sailors.

>> No.6489749

Fuck off.

>> No.6489754
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>Eldar would all have huge tits.
How is that a bad thing?

>> No.6489766

Their tits would be bigger and pointier than their silly hats.

>> No.6489779
File: 212 KB, 600x450, th3952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN said 1,000 times in interviews that he mainly creates Touhou for himself. His favorite game genres are shoot-em-ups and 2D fighters (Touhou was originally supposed to be a fighting game), he loves video game music with older synth, and he likes shrine maidens and lolis. It's all a collection of his fetishes only and nothing more.

He said he loves manga, so he made it into a manga. He said he hates watching anime, so he won't ever make it into an anime. Pretty simple stuff: ZUN is the kind of guy who sticks to only what he likes.

>> No.6489875

This sounds about right to me. I don't think ZUN has any lofty ideals as to what Touhou should or should not be. For him, it's about what is. Didn't he say that if his entire fanbase disappeared, he'd continue making the games?

>> No.6489896

>Sakuya was soft and submissive instead of cold and distant.

Alice is cold and distant. Sakuya is a perfect and elegant maid.

>> No.6489910

ZUN said "Anime is dead"
Don't bother him about it.

>> No.6489978


But it basically is. Almost all anime starring females today is in one of three characters:

1. "Moe thing with four girls". K-ON, Lucky Star, etc.

2. Pointless fanservice.

3. Generic male moe harem fantasy, in which all girls have personalities flatter than a pancake and are completely incapable of existing without the help of the protagonist.

Touhou is none of these things. There are no males to act as OC stand-ins for the viewer, so it's not 3). It's not 2) either, except in the mind of a hentai doujin writer. And it's definitely not 1), except maybe in Inaba&Inaba.

So Touhou doesn't really fit into the modern anime world.

>> No.6490121


i love this about ZUN. he stays true to himself despite the popularity.

>> No.6490135
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>> No.6490147

and yet it's better than any other animation u_u

>> No.6490194
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Oh dear. Trolls are not even trying nowadays.

>> No.6490198

Sounds like my kind of guy.

>> No.6490204

But Touhou is thinly vieled pedophilia,

>> No.6490226 [DELETED] 

>ZUN's entire purpose with Touhou -- as stated by him repeatedly -- is to create a fan-run world where everyone can have their own Gensokyo.

No, ZUN's purpose is to compose game music.

He was genuinely surprised when people started making derivative works out of his silly plots.

>We could call it Azumanga Daioh.

A ZUNmanga Daioh., you mean.

>The fandom misaimed

Oh look, a visitor from TVTropes. Seriously, your pretentious misinterpretation of basically everything is painful to read.

>> No.6490241

>ZUN's entire purpose with Touhou -- as stated by him repeatedly -- is to create a fan-run world where everyone can have their own Gensokyo.

No, ZUN's purpose is to compose game music.

He was genuinely surprised when people started making derivative works out of his silly plots.

>We could call it Azumanga Daioh.

A ZUNmanga Daioh, you mean.

>The fandom misaimed

Oh look, a visitor from TVTropes. Seriously, your pretentious misinterpretation of basically everything is painful to read. Which is a pity since I'd basically agree with your point otherwise.

>> No.6490275

>ZUN's purpose is to compose game music.
True that. I really don't understand why people started making so much material about touhou chars when they were so poorly drawn. I guess they had to choose something, so ZUN got lucky.

>> No.6490282

But in Musou Kakyou, there is an incident going on.

It's not that I understand why people call it boring, though.

>Sakuya was soft and submissive instead of cold and distant.

Sakuya is soft nowadays. See PoFV, SSiB, or the more recent Sangessei. People change. Especially when exposed to the easygoing world of Gensokyo.

>I think Alice is really a jerk

Please note that the fighters and Sangessei disagree with you.

>> No.6490287


I've been on 4chan since late-night /a/ was good, bro.

>> No.6490291

Nice how you didn't dispute the TV tropes part.

>> No.6490294

I don't see what's wrong with visiting TVTropes from time to time. Not the same person.

>> No.6490296


TVtropes is popular, so we're required to hate it in order to keep our hipster status.

>> No.6490307 [DELETED] 

...how do you now "misaimed fandom" is a TVTropes term? I had to look it up.

>> No.6490309

... how do you know that "misaimed fandom" is a TVTropes term, anyway?

>> No.6490310

Because he reads TVTropes. He's a self-hating troper.

>> No.6490316

>popular. The worst thing /jp/ knows.

Yeah, we really hate Touhou here.

I think VA choice was perfect in Musou Kakyou. Writing wasn't, though. Suika and Marisa were completely off, for starters. I'm sure people would like Sawashiro's Marisa more if she was the energetic brat she's in the canon.

Oh, and Sawashiro voices Sakuya in Touhouvania, too. How many more can she do?

>"Moe thing with four girls".

Baquartet anime? Sounds like a plan.

>> No.6490323

The majority of /jp/ has switched over to Irisu Syndrome fandom by now.

>> No.6490331
File: 77 KB, 453x435, cheeeeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chen is the only good character for an animu

>> No.6490339

The Irisu Syndrome page links to /jp/.


>> No.6490347

I actually read this particular one on TVTropes themselves, but I wouldn't have to to recognize where it's from. Observe:


I actually do those searches for every meaningless term I encounter in discussion regarding popular fiction. Knowing who I'm talking with saves trouble. (Unless the words capitalized, then I don't even have to search.)

>> No.6490357

Why is it that Touhou fans get so butthurt at the idea of an anime being made? I can't think of any other fanbase that is as alienating as Touhou fans.

Who gives a shit if an anime based off a game is made. It happens all the time. No one gave a shit when the Disgaea anime was made.

>> No.6490358

>ZUN's entire purpose with Touhou -- as stated by him repeatedly -- is to create a fan-run world where everyone can have their own Gensokyo.
Source, please?

>> No.6490362


There's nothing wrong with giving names to existing concepts that lack them.

>> No.6490368
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I want to see a slice of life show featuring the scarlet mansion girls.

>> No.6490375

Except the phrase "the fandom misaimed" is not something that should cause you to pause because it's not a random term, it's a grammatically correct opening without exceptionally unorthodox word choice to a perfectly ordinary sentence.

>> No.6490387

Personally I am scared of real corporate money getting into the franchise. Since that ruins everything, ever.

>> No.6490392

He's not alone, it sets my TV tropes alarm off too. Yours must not be very good.

>> No.6490398

>They'd make K-On, but with Touhous and danmaku instead of high school girls and music.
So it would be Touhou but with no danmaku.

>> No.6490401

You're not making me discuss tvtropes. But no, that's not the problem I have with it. The userbase is.

>> No.6490402

The only way to develop a sophisticated TVTropes alarm is to either visit TVTropes or hang out with tropers all day.

>> No.6490403


Touhou is extremely popular in Japan, it's only a matter of time, i'm sure most Japanese touhou fans want to see a Touhou anime.

Nobody gives a shit about the opinion of some autists on 4chan.

>> No.6490407

Tropers have a really annoying playful pretentious writing style, it's easy to spot.

>> No.6490412

Well who HASN'T lost an afternoon reading it?

>> No.6490432

Guilty as charged.

>> No.6490435
File: 7 KB, 212x239, zun10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the biggest autist of them all says no.

>> No.6490437

(Unfortunately), by now everyone visited TVTropes at some point. Some just chose not to stay and don't like the site's mindset brought to other places. Geez.

And, let's face it, it's an especially bad fit for Touhou.

>> No.6490438

Me. Whenever people go "oh maaan TVTropes link there goes the rest of my day lol" I feel left out because I can't get interested in it.

>> No.6490441

What's wrong with the userbase? Besides popular things being hilariously overrepresented.

>> No.6490448
File: 113 KB, 500x600, reisenxundogeinxinaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a series for touhou...
as long as there's plenty of screentime for Reisen, I welcome it with open arms.

>> No.6490452

It's not really full of out and out retards like some other places, but the userbase has a fetish for memes and inside jokes, likes to blog a lot, and is eminently normal.

>> No.6490469 [DELETED] 

Which part of

>You're not making me discuss tvtropes.

you didn't understand?

Sorry I mentioned the site, okay? I thought /jp/ still agrees on dissing it. Let's just stop it, and can't you just go spend the next 24 hours reading it or something? You guys always claim to do this yet somehow never go away.

>> No.6490485

Fair enough. None of that pisses me off, but I can see how it'd annoy someone else.

>> No.6490492

Most of them think that they're so smart and above the common user because they made a site about fucking archetypes.

>> No.6490514
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Take it easy, deleted post-san.

>> No.6490525

Why do you care about them?

>> No.6490531

Okay, I went out to smoke and in a stoke of brilliance figured out how to describe the problem in a single sentence, so I'm going to post it:

TVTropes users are set on bringing everything to (lowest) common denominator, instead of trying to recognize what's unique.

Unfortunately, only unique things are worth discussing. Corollary: people from TVTropes are not worth discussing with.

I can say a lot more bad things about them, but that's the important one.

>> No.6490566


Tropes are not bad. Things with tropes are no more or less unique and interesting than things without tropes.

>> No.6490592

My personal experience with them is that they tend to be obsessed with producing work that is a subversion of an existing trope, as opposed to something that is good on its own merits. Cleverness as a virtue.

Of course, this is just the feeling I get from them. It's not like all of them are the same.

>> No.6490606

"The Fandom Misaimed" sounds like it'd make a good book or movie title.

>> No.6490612

...Ignore the quote. That wasn't supposed to be there.

>> No.6490626

My experience with them is that they write the best fanfiction and get really excited when people mention their shit on tv tropes.

>> No.6490646

That's not the point. The point is that TVTropes user will focus on the "trope" (even if it's not actually there) and then think he understood the work in question.

Basically, they demonstrate all that's wrong with literary criticism and then magnify it by lack of actual literary experience to back anything up.
