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File: 38 KB, 438x363, Nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6434489 No.6434489 [Reply] [Original]



Dune... with a loli protagonist.

>> No.6434502
File: 171 KB, 696x991, sandworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might require a bit of rewriting since the only thing Paul has going for him is that he's a guy.

>> No.6434506

I guess you didn't read Children of Dune.

>> No.6434507


Yeah, wasn't the whole chosen one thing centered around his being a dude?

>> No.6434510


No one read Children of Dune. The entire world, down to the last man, got half-way through Dune Messiah, then placed it in a waste bin, set it ablaze, and erased everything about it from their memories.

>> No.6434522


Yeah, that's pretty much it.

>> No.6434526

Are we talking awesome 1980s Dune, or the remake?

>> No.6434537

I read it. There was a girl.

>> No.6434548
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>> No.6434550


You... do realize it was originally a book, right?

>> No.6434552


Maybe a combination. How about Herbert's original plot with Lynch's direction, Giger's design and Alec Newman's Paul?

I'd still say Kyle MacLachlan makes a superior Paul, but he just doesn't look the part.

>> No.6434562


I'm sorry, but 80s Paul in a knife fight with Sting is a deal breaker for me.

>> No.6434570 [DELETED] 

I almost finished reading the third book, I don't even remember the name, children of Dune maybe? When [siioler]Leto[/spoiler] walked down the Golden path my mind said "What the fuck is this" and never touched it again.

>> No.6434576
File: 74 KB, 525x298, BlueDrop4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spice must flow!

>> No.6434582

I almost finished reading the third book, I don't even remember the name, children of Dune maybe? When Leto walked down the Golden path my mind said "What the fuck is this" and never touched it again.

>> No.6434601

baugh no

I thought the next two books were decent

and I loved how Paul died, what with walking off alone into the desert

apparently the books written by Brian Herbert's son are trash, but I've never bothered to read them myself

>> No.6434605

er I mean Frank Herbert's son

Brian Herbert is Frank Herbert's son

>> No.6434612
File: 43 KB, 425x425, bluedropmurder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my... how could I forget?

Looks don't matter. If you best 80's Sting in a knife fight, you ARE Muad'Dib and there is nothing to change it. There is no question about it.

>> No.6434617
File: 118 KB, 1327x995, 1200027718944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And how can this be?

For he IS the Kwisatz Haderach~!

>> No.6434638

they are pretty bad, yea. but that didn't stop me from reading nearly all of them(I havn't read the newer 'X of dune' books or whatever).

the post-chapterhouse ones were almost ok, but I guess I just wanted to see the series end.
they brought back those shitty thinking machines that were introduced in the butlerian jihad series.

oh, and duncan is the final kwisatz haderach. what?

>> No.6434649

I'd read a book about alia's adventures.

>> No.6434652
File: 34 KB, 333x273, frank-herbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brian Herbert is Frank Herbert's son


>> No.6434659
File: 22 KB, 297x420, MV5BMTIxMjQ2OTU4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzY0MTQ2._V1._SX297_SY420_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he fucked your Touhou, you would thank him for the courtesy.

>> No.6434672


Remember Penny Arcade exploring the finer details behind the prequels/sequels?

Just claiming "fucking his corpse" to be a metaphor and keeping a straight face confirms Jerry Holkins as the potentially deadliest card shark ever.

>> No.6434677


It would only be three chapters long. Chapter one, being creepy. Chapter two, fucking a dead guy. Chapter three, going crazy, turning into your grandfather, then committing suicide.

>> No.6434863

yea, but the first two chapters would be moe.
when was this?

>> No.6434898


Several years ago, around the time the prequels came out in the US.

Think it may be best if you read for yourself what they said about Brian Herbert's relation to Dune...

>> No.6435631

Alia would work....
You know, honestly, I thought the Dune series would make a killer manga series, but thinking about it now I realize it would have made an even bettter VN...

>> No.6435663
File: 41 KB, 386x387, Michielceraface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See I read children thinking it was the second book and my mind was full of fuck. (middleschool didn't pay attention to shit or have internet to check it)

Though later on in the universe there were some pretty cool novels, my library had like 10 of them.

Also I had an anime girl moe moe god emperor of dune image I wanted to post but couldn't find it and want you to know I feel like terrible that I couldn't

>> No.6435682

You know I've read every blue drop manga, and watched the entire anime and still don't understand the choking scene.

>> No.6435688

Heh, I picked up God Emperor of Dune after the first book... That threw me for a loop let me tell you.

Frank Herbert's son doesn't have his father's flair for internal monologue or miniscule detail. that's for sure

>> No.6435689

how about enders game or sword of truth

>> No.6435706

He's not completely terrible. In my quest to read everything TOR has ever published I've been kicked in the crotch alot worse.

>> No.6435711



Lawrence of Arabia... with a loli protagonist.

>> No.6435759

>read everything TOR has ever published
Why would you do this to yourself?

At least I know who to turn to when I want to read a nostalgic novel and can't remember the name of the book..

>> No.6435789

Because I can literally pick up almost any of their books at a resale shop or salvation army for a buck a piece and honestly I read as many good ones as I do mediocre or bad. And it gives me a ton of idea for my Dungeons and dragons and other nerd shit.

One I recently acquired I highly recommend just for how silly it is, is this http://www.amazon.com/Red-Tape-War-Jack-Chalker/dp/0812512820
