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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 800x600, needsediting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6383964 No.6383964 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 49152 lines done. More than 0.25k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6383968

Weren't you taking a break?

>> No.6384002

>by packing rice in my mouse

>> No.6384056

honourable work, this

>> No.6384066
File: 33 KB, 773x52, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yes, sometihing like feeling of tired relief or accomplishment after effort or perseverance."


>> No.6384092

So you guys are running the text through google translator and just tossing the result in there?

You all kind of remind me of myself when I was younger and more stubborn.

>> No.6384115 [DELETED] 

To whoever was doing some of the parts of the 5th file, your translations are OK for the most part but:

- Don't drop quotes.
- Leave. The. Fucking. Names. Alone.

>> No.6384134

Japanese is dense. Anything shorter would lose accuracy.

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taito_(kanji)

>> No.6384276

Haha oh wow, is this serious? Those poor souls who are going to play this.

>> No.6384314

Speaking of community driven translation, what ever happened to that other project that was usually being posted here? A younger sister one, the name escapes me now.

>> No.6384353 [DELETED] 


>> No.6384378


Is this really the quality of /jp/'s translation?

I am so disappoint.

>> No.6384389

Retrans devs think machine translation = literal, authentic translation. Any use of English sentence structure is a rewrite.

>> No.6384396

In before "shill."

>> No.6384404

Hatsukoi? I always wondered about that thread, it kinda just disappeared.

>> No.6384438


Yeah i think that's the one. Was the project dropped? I thought the translation was about 50% done, it'd be a waste.

>> No.6384445 [DELETED] 

And for all you faggots calling this a machine translation:

Someone translated "だから" as "but". I'm guessing it's a human as no machine translator would ever make such a trivial error.


>> No.6384455

Avid translator here:

I still never got an answer from the other threads you posted; why should I give a damn about this game? Start translating something interesting and you can count me in.

>> No.6384464

i don't think he's even played the game..

>> No.6384473

How come generic cookiecutter tl;dr games get translated constantly but unique games with sophisticated mechanics or interesting plots are perpetually ignored? I'd contribute if anyone paid attention to the good stuff.

>> No.6384478

Has too hard Japanese in them compared to Disney sht.

>> No.6384483

Because people translate what they like.

And I see far more of the latter being worked on and completed. I'm not sure what you're looking at.

>> No.6384494

Playing Dungeon Meister for my second playthrough right now. There's basically 3 parts to it:

1: Dialogue, same as any other game. Use AGTH + Translator Aggregator as normal to get basic starter English text.

2: Item / stage descriptions, which can also be hooked by AGTH just like dialogue - works the same way.

3: Things like the words for character stats which appear as graphics. All you need is someone who can rip images, someone who can photoshop a little, and someone who can actually read Japanese instead of relying on AGTH - I personally do all three.

Part of the reason why so few games are translated is due to lack of collaboration. If I've got everything I need for my own sake, then why share with anyone else? Group projects get stuff done, but the problem is they always pick generic forgettable games.

>> No.6384529

If that's true how would you like translating Komorebi ni Yureru Tama no Koe? I said in a previous thread that it's like reading a Dickens novel in Japanese. Certainly would be a fun challenge for you.

If that's not to your liking would you translate Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai?

If that's not to your liking would you translate The Girl and the World and the Sword of the Sweets?

Or if you absolutely hate cute girls doing cute things you could always translate Kusari 鎖 or 痕 -きずあと

>> No.6384535

Please share screens / info / getchu / etc before pitching projects. I can't really say I'm inclined to spend an hour doing free homework for the sake of spending a few months doing free homework.

Same thing as always: motivation. We all want games to be translated and it's not that out of the way to work on it, but not on something where all I know is the name.

>> No.6384542

>We all want games to be translated and it's not that out of the way to work on it, but not on something where all I know is the name.
Machine translation to the rescue. I hope it improves enough that it'll become literally plug-and-play in the future. Just put in all the proper names, and have it automagically replace the text on-the-fly as you're reading it. Sort of like that realtime captioning/translation thing Google's been doing on Youtube.

>> No.6384545
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1286841757365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6384548

>"No, that, that machine, although I forgot which it was, if a button was pressed, doesn't it explode?"
>"Because it's inevitable, I certainly tried to go to configure it directly secretly."
>"It isn't such. At that time I was chased by Amane and the chairman handed over something like a USB drive, and it was said to thrust it into the machine on the bridge..."
>The time when Suzuno disappeared sticks and doesn't separate, and goes around in circles in my head.
>When I tried to breathe in, the drops of water that wet the face seemed to enter the nose and the mouth.
>Because immediately next to Yui's face came her hair, it was a good fragrance.
>"Because it isn't for the sake of you!!"
>"......In the middle of such a test of a courage, there is not the fool who is going to approach the object which a ghost really hides behind in."
>Then, besides, maybe it becomes serious that someone cheats at the time when he was at the place.
>I'm astonished at the condition which seems to be flying to a chick on the head.
>What it is, the sense by which fatigue attacks and comes suddenly to the body.
>Suddenly, we raise a voice and laugh at each other, and I tightly grasp the hand of Yui who was near.
>With the same timing as grasping her hand, our fingertips entwine.
>I somewhat feel like seeming to be able to sleep immediately if I look at Yui......
>And, because only that was written.
>At the present moment, it's a holiday, and figures of students are entirely not seen in the school building.

And of course, my favorite that shows how out of touch with translating these yahoos are.
>"Yes. I like Kururi too. Greatly love."

>> No.6384550

Flyable Heart has good reviews and cute girls and people liked it.


I don't see why it shouldn't be translated.

>> No.6384555

One interesting project I'd be willing to work on is to make a grand unified list of text replacements.


This does machine translation while a program is running, but most translators are so weak you can't even tell what is being said. Having several thousand replacement entries would make things come out more normal, and since most of these games use the same kinds of wording then it should work well to have one big list.

>> No.6384558

Are you fucking KIDDING me?

Wow, seriously wow.

>> No.6384560

Not grimdark enough

>> No.6384567

It has too much filler text, just like games like F/SN.

Saya no Uta is a good, solid, straight to the point. I'd like to see some more like that translated.

>> No.6384566 [DELETED] 

ITT: machine translation advocates who want to just enjoy their VNs without the wait, drama, and unpredictability of human translators, and traditionalist translation cabals (likely from TLwiki) doing the equivalent of wanting everyone to buy Rolls-Royces.

>> No.6384570

That's just the worst. Open any file and shit like that is everywhere. Usually it's just hamhanded grammar and sentence structure that clearly has not seen the touch of someone who has any clue how English works, but a lot of time it ends up looking like that shit.

>> No.6384571
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1280534117410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>machine translation or otherwise just poor translating

>> No.6384578

Nah. It's closer to people rolling in a shitpile saying that once they have enough shit, we can all slide down the street in rivers of shit. The other side is people who are content to just sit there, or maybe wait for a public bus.

>> No.6384589

If you want to enjoy your machine translation that's fine, load up the game and play with the machine translation. There's no reason for someone to take this sort of text and place it in the game without even fixing it up to read decently. You're literally better off just playing in Japanese with a machine because that way you get the machine translation along with the actual Japanese so you can make better sense of it.

>> No.6384592

Jaded translationfag here with a few good ways to market a game to prospective translators:

1: First and foremost, explain why the game is more than just yet another generic textpile.

2: Post the game's own marketing material. If someone expected to get 10k yen a copy, then chances are they had a bunch of advertisement stuff.

3: Like to game's OP theme full version on youtube.

Not very many people are going to donate large volumes of their time just for the asking - they need to be persuaded first.

>> No.6384600

Everyone on /jp/ knows what Flyable Heart is anyway.

>> No.6384603


Oh yeah, one more:

4: List the vndb tags it would have. NTR, rape, yuri, whatever. You can connect with people if you show them something that suits their own personal tastes.

>> No.6384609

Here's the best idea.
If you don't want people looking at your project and pointing out how badly your doing it, then stop spamming it on /jp/

>> No.6384643

ITT TLWiki shills being jealous

>> No.6384653

Actual TL Wiki shill attempting to start drama

>> No.6384657

Sup TLwiki shill

>> No.6384659

Solution: If you want to play these games, learn Japanese instead of relying on others.

>> No.6384730

Guys, I think RC Cola is shit.
Am I a Coca Cola shill?

>> No.6384750

i think !FH4JP0E0zs is a pretty sugoi guy. eh translates flyable heart and doesn't afraid of anytroll

>> No.6384764

No, !FH4JP0E0zs, you are the trolls.

And then, !FH4JP0E0zs was a machine

>> No.6384774

Don't give in to the trolls !FH4JP0E0zs. Fighto!

>> No.6385437 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 800x600, constipatedclothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 619
Fifth file: 619
Remaining Subtotal: 11669
Subtarget: -10
Total: 49771
Remaining: 23789

This completes Constipated Clothes' route.

>> No.6385452

And only three more years until you produce something readable!

>> No.6385464

It died because of CUDDER, just like everyone with a clue said it would.

>> No.6385478 [DELETED] 

The original translator wasn't trollproof and just ragequit. The FH guy is going to work on it afterwards.

>> No.6385493

you have to explain to me how being called out on using machine translations is "trolling"

>> No.6385516
File: 128 KB, 600x791, halloween suzuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patch please~
Have a Suzuno~

>> No.6385526


>> No.6385530

The idea is fine, the execution of this abysmal project however, is not.

>> No.6385535

Fuck you assholes doing everything you can to keep us from being able to play this game. Fuck every last one of you.

>> No.6385548

!FH4JP0E0zs is infallible.

>> No.6385554

I can't wait to see you try to play it and what you do when given the choice
>It says to the girl do hug arms
>That is refusal for to tell her

>> No.6385561

I'm laughing at thinking you're convinced there's a conspiration or something to prevent us playing this game.
Maybe if you don't want people looking down on this you shouldn't make provocations like Constipated Clothes or the tripcoded translator fucking with the other translators "for the lulz". And keep things like that bumped with a thread that serves no real purpose bumped.
If your attitude were different, you'd get a lot less shit, this coming from someone who is probably waiting completion just as you. But of course you'll probably just disregard the whole post as "TLwiki trolling XD" like always.

>> No.6385562

Hook it up with AGHT+Translator Aggregator, Jesus Christ, if you've watched some subbed animu in your short life you should be good.
Shit, compared to this >>6385554 , having japanese text in front of you is many times better.

>> No.6385572

I am convinced you assholes will do anything to stop this project. Trying to get it off of /jp/ is your goal you say. It really is one thread out of 15 pages and you are the fuckers that keep bumping it with you trolling. I use nokosage on all my posts so it sure isn't me bumping it. You enjoy trolling it so you keep bumping it with your negative horse shit.

Why don't you go back to #bun and leave us the fuck alone?

>> No.6385601

This is ironical, considering I used nokosage on that post as well. Just shows how paranoid you are.
And I didn't ever say "you should get out of /jp/", just that if you're going to keep a thread that's basically just for updates visibility, you shouldn't fill it with provocations like the one which is in the OP currently.
You're using this thread for attention, and then complain you're getting attention. It's retarded. I couldn't care less otherwise, but I actually love this game and I'm tired of all the shill vs fh4 shit.

>> No.6385650

TLwiki shills = owned right and left ITT

>> No.6385652

Troll, troll, troll. Go back to #bun.

>> No.6385659

You ran out of arguments? Not like you had any to begin with.

>> No.6385669

I think you guys don't realize that it's not tlwiki dudes who are bitching here. It's not like you can take this project there after it's been already c&d'd.

>> No.6385711

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

WTF Is constipated clothes ?
WTF Is report dragon ?
WTF Is bound orchid meeting ?
if you wanna change the names , make it romaji or something.

>> No.6386233 [DELETED] 


>> No.6386636
File: 86 KB, 400x400, Coolface_troll_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6388679 [DELETED] 

That's what 4chan is.

>> No.6388699

The report dragon is a mythical beast that lives within /jp/

Constipated clothes are the common uniform for /jp/'s legion of buttfrustrated nerds

>> No.6388708

i don't really care if it's machine translated. it's not like i'm able to tell the difference. if i was, i'd be playing untranslated games

>> No.6389014


>> No.6389111 [DELETED] 


>> No.6390526 [DELETED] 

>ice in my mouse

>> No.6390553

Oh boy! Let's see what amazing gems you've produced for me today.

>"After all, he isn't here...... He calls, what kind of thing is it?"
>Sakurako who looks at me with a gapingly opened mouth as it is makes her eyes round.
>To begin with, it was that person to have made the chance for Sakurako to become like this.
>I know that it's awkward, and yet, intentionally, such a thing......!
>Although I do not intend to have been conscious of the voice to answer either, I became stiff.
>"But yesterday, it was said to Shou-san to be a friend, and I blanked out, and when I noticed, I run away......"
>I feel my face warmly becoming warm.

You are simply a delight.

>> No.6390560 [DELETED] 

Use faggot tags, you spoiler.

>> No.6390578 [DELETED] 

>complaining about lines out of context which are PRE-ALPHA and have not undergone any sort of editing

>> No.6390581
File: 50 KB, 436x414, 1288642653674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck that is bad.

>> No.6390592

I would love to know any context that would make these lines appropriate for the English language.

>> No.6390606 [DELETED] 


>The Materials are pre-release code, which may not be fully functional and which REtrans International may substantially modify in producing any final version.
>may substantially modify

>> No.6390612

May, but won't.

>> No.6390635 [DELETED] 

>implying even anyone on this board would be privy to the proprietary proceedings of REtrans

>> No.6390771 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 800x600, retsamyrrehc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 581
Fifth file: 1200
Remaining Subtotal: 11088
Subtarget: -7
Total: 50352
Remaining: 23208

Entering Cherry Master's route.

>> No.6390783

Are people still bothering with this? Just launch up AGTH + ATLAS if you're so desperate, it's the same thing as reading this bullshit.

>> No.6391242 [DELETED] 

This is better than anything ATLAS could do.

>> No.6391264


Worse than google, though

>> No.6392265


I need a better tool to enjoy my Japanese games. Preferably it would be transparent over the game dialog, and when you hoover over the words they would pop up with explanations. So it would be like playing the normal game, but with ingame translation aid.

>> No.6392500

Your translator is crap. He's only got a limited knowledge of Japanese and the mistakes being made are pathetic.

I will translate this for you and I will do a professional job. I only ask to be paid for my time. It's the only solution because otherwise you will be left with an inferior piece of crap. I won't even ask minimum wage, even $1000 is good enough, working for free is absurd, the fact that you demand that of your translators is evident in the quality of your translation.

>> No.6393228 [DELETED] 

I see what you did there.

>> No.6393235


>> No.6394768 [DELETED] 


>> No.6394793

You see this?
>Only a handful of anxiety crossed my heart.
>From in front of us, entirely from the beginning, Suzuno seemed to have disappeared.
>Making the movement only a little greater and vehemently, I went in and out from inside Yui greatly once again.

>"Yes, sometihing like feeling of tired relief or accomplishment after effort or perseverance."


>> No.6394804

It's like I'm really reading JEDICT

ほっこり (adv-to,vs) (1) warm and fluffy; soft; (2) steamy hot (food); hot and flaky; (exp) (3) (ksb:) feeling mentally tired; feeling of tired relief or accomplishment after effort or perseverance

>> No.6394807

Without the verb either. Where'd that go, eh?

>> No.6394812

Insinuating that is what the previous poster had an issue with.

>> No.6394815

In case there's anyone out there who thinks like this, you should translate enough for a demo of your work and then declare you'll translate one more line for however much money and put up a donation box. People might actually be willing.

>> No.6394829 [DELETED] 

Trolling in the middle of the week, how quaint.

>> No.6394833

I'm not certain that it's trolling if you act like an asshat and then someone points it out.

>> No.6394856 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 450x310, 415337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donation box
Maybe that would work if you were Reimu.

>> No.6394861

If one were going to consider profit then one would do wise to choose a much less generic game than Flyable Heart.

>> No.6394872

Maybe generic games attract a broader audience. The less generic games have very specific themes or genres attached to them, which may not be everybody's taste. I'm not some expert or anything, but a good indication is probably the number of slice-of-life anime being released every season.
Also, with generic games, there are more decision points, more heroines, and consequently more HCGs which we all love to fap to.

>> No.6394956

Flyable Heart? More like Trollable Heart, amirite?

>> No.6394975 [DELETED] 

1.7% correct lines
translators made of wood screws
delicious pork shoulders
The Way It's Meant To Be Translated™

>> No.6394989

>晶, Crystal
>結衣, Constipated Clothes
>あきら, Getting Tired
>天音, Sky Noise
>くるり, Turning Around
>すずの, Of Bell
>茉百合, Jasmine Lily
>桜子, Cherry Master
>奏龍, Report Dragon
>繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

I was on the fence about joining this project, asking for anyone to give me one good reason why this game is anything better than a generic cookiecutter pile of text with a few images on it.

Thanks for decisively convincing me to avoid this shit.

>> No.6395000


Something like this... I think I may want to do it in this way continuously...

>> No.6395012

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that, but it looks as if what you did was just throw the thing into babelfish and spend zero effort cleaning it up.

If you're going to use machine translation then you need to to at least figure out the basic meaning of the untranslated text and help steer the output in that direction, this should be common fucking sense. Machine translations drain out the actual meaning behind the words so if you don't put it back in with your own work then the result will just be an endless pile of garbage text that doesn't actually say anything.

It will also be several times larger, and it really shouldn't be - it's like a kid who spends a solid minute trying to explain something that an educated adult can explain in under ten words.

>> No.6395014

>Angry over nicknames used for differentiating between pre-release versions

>> No.6395018


You don't have to tell me that. I'm just pointing out one of the glorious translated lines in this project, a line that was translated into perfectly good English, but was then later replaced by the above babelfish jibberish by the primary translator of the project.

>> No.6395019

If you referred to me by a nickname like "constipated clothes" then I'd kick your ass.

PROTIP: you know those translators you copy paste into? They also make romanizers that work like that. But have someone who can actually read Japanese go back and check it for you, I'd do it myself but I don't like you people and I'm sick of seeing this shitty project being spammed every day.

>> No.6395022
File: 74 KB, 250x332, hartman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy dogshit, this repost thread keeps getting better and better.

Why does the project maintainer even ASK for assistance if he is going to replace accurate human translation with lifeless bloated machine translation? Why not just play the game with AGTH?

>> No.6395062

So why do you keep responding in this thread? Why do you keep commenting on it? Why do you bother since you don't care?

You are full of shit that is why.

Let it alone.

>> No.6395069

Question: how do you make ice?

Human translator's answer:
Take some water and chill it to below the freezing point.

The same statement translated from English to Japanese and then back:
The freezing point of water with some of the less cool it.


>> No.6395071

You sound frustrated.

>> No.6395073

Can't take criticism? Get out of /jp/.

>> No.6395075
File: 25 KB, 468x312, 1288062531659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, pay attention to that post.

-OP reposts request for free labor every day
-Some people volunteer their services
-Project lead (OP?) replaces good translations with shit translations.

If I see this thread one more time I am going to dump my entire /b/ folder into it. Let this image serve as a warning shot.

>> No.6395077
File: 14 KB, 568x800, laughinguboa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a /b/ folder!

>> No.6395078

Oh look, Hatsukoi is happening again.

>> No.6395080

They have a problem with Retrans and cudder hate. They are the same fags as before. The same arguments and the same goal. They don't want you playing this game.They want the threads off /jp/. It's all bullshit.

>> No.6395088
File: 72 KB, 354x357, 1288822064806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



We'd love to play this game if it gets done right. But we want OP to stop reposting this thread, and we want whomever keeps replacing actual translations with babelshit to get the fuck off his high horse.

>> No.6395089 [DELETED] 


u mad?

>> No.6395094

/jp/ - competitive shitposting

>> No.6395095

Go ahead and post your pictures of your girlfriend. No one gives a shit. You are a moron we already know that. You have huge butthurt over this and you are a fucking tool, No one cares about your hurt feelings. Go back to #/jp/ and cry about it. No one cares their either.

>> No.6395096

It has to be said that the majority of the lines are not bad at all.

>I wonder if her pride for her friends never runs out.
>"For that reason, this equipment seems to be unique too."
>"Oh? Ah, were you with Suzuno-chan too?"
>Suzuno who pulls my arm looks back at me while climbing the stairs.
>Tightly grasping my arm, she pulls me and begins to walk.
>The red day entering from the window colors the whole school building.
>The chairman looks at me with a slightly troubled smile.

>> No.6395098 [DELETED] 


u mad?

>> No.6395102

Eh, you'd better do that with mmo/jrpg/hotglue threads.
At least this tripfag keeps his shit in one thread.
Delusional defenders (or is it a samefag?) make me lol though.

>> No.6395108

Typical /jp/ pinhead/ "You have to do it my way or you have to get out. I will throw a piss fit because I am a child who has to get their way."

This is the same shit you pulled before. Nothing anyone is going to do is going to please you. What a fucking retarded child.

Well I guess this is a game I'll not be able to play.

Fuck off.

>> No.6395110

I'll give you that, but based on reading 3 different threads on this subject I am getting a strong gut hunch that someone in a high place here is doing everything wrong. Constantly reposting and never addressing questions/comments. This person, or someone who thinks he is Jesus, is constantly flooding these threads with bitter defensiveness.

It's like a 400 pound neckbeard who explodes like a powder keg when anyone tells him he should consider trying to lose weight.


>> No.6395115

I can play this game already and so can you, just learn how to use AGTH or spend a few years studying Japanese - I have done both.

>> No.6395117

Hey guess what no one gives a fuck just you seeming two people fighting over this shit.
Give it up already.

>> No.6395119

If you're not part of the conversation then it really doesn't matter whether you care.

>> No.6395122 [DELETED] 

Which is you excuse for not wanting to let the rest of us play it? What a great person you are.

>> No.6395124

Those still aren't good or even mistakable for actual English writing. Even machine translation can get common basic lines right sometimes. I'll also give you dollars to donuts that they're not all accurate translations. Every single page of this project that I've opened up has had more lines with grammatical or structural problems than it has problem free lines, to say nothing of the abject garbage on some of them.

>> No.6395125

I just explained how you can play it.


It's not even as if you are at a major loss, if OP keeps ripping out genuine translations and replacing them with machine versions. In fact you'll probably end up getting the same output as he does.

>> No.6395128

It's not the same. This takes 9 months longer and deliberately mistranslates names.

>> No.6395129

I don't see any conversation here.

>> No.6395131

Butthurt that your translations are not being accepted.

>> No.6395133
File: 98 KB, 508x396, 1288323258324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of bumping samefag deleting his bumps:


This child's ass must need surgery by now.

>> No.6395138

Looks like they deleted it because of very bad grammar to me. They don't seem to be too far from the truth either.

>> No.6395141

>or even mistakable for actual English writing
That's because this was never meant to be actual English writing, it's a fucking TRANSLATION not a rewrite. It reads like a translation of Japanese because, well, it fucking IS.

>> No.6395142

Not clear on what a translation is, are you?

>> No.6395146
File: 19 KB, 470x427, kim-jong-il-twn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6395148 [DELETED] 

>6395141 was in a previous topic spouting the same stuff, just ignore him.

>> No.6395149

>>6395141 was in a previous topic spouting the same stuff, just ignore him.

Dammit one of my letters got deleted

>> No.6395150
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1288414116503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that live interpreter out of my face, tell the diplomat to type it into Babelfish for me so I can have a REAL translation!

>> No.6395152

Remember guys, if it's a perfectly normal sentence in Japanese, the project translation is gibberish. Anything else is changing the original material. "The sky is red."? That's shit and a rewrite. A real translation writes it as "A sky has the red color."

>> No.6395154

If only it were that good. More like "the sky I am red, I am looking to the up for see."

>> No.6395158

I translate random doujins from time to time, and I feel nothing but disdain for this project, but god help me do I find it hilarious watching this disaster unfold.

>> No.6395164

PROTIP: search for 'rewrite' in exhentai if you want to find all the material translated by human beings with preserved meaning.

>> No.6395169


Read, fucktards. This is as silly as complaining about the English in KJV Bibles.

>> No.6395172

This except I don't translate anything at all. Why should I?

>> No.6395175
File: 374 KB, 700x589, 1cc3d9e2819a27aa4babc3aee9fb422f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying babelfish qualifies as either of those two.

>> No.6395176

>This article is written like a personal reflection or essay and may require cleanup. Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (August 2010)
>This August 2010 needs additional citations for verification.

>> No.6395181

You're just making lame excuses for poor performance. The article you cited has nothing to do with destroying the original context plus completely ignoring all grammar and syntax.

>> No.6395187

You realize that the formal and dynamic equivalence thing works against you right? How many fictional novels do you know written with formal equivalence lol

>> No.6395186 [DELETED] 

Today's total: 544
Fifth file: 1744
Remaining Subtotal: 10544
Subtarget: -7
Total: 50896
Remaining: 22664

>> No.6395189

>It's not shitty, it's literal! Just like a machine! But this isn't machine translated. He's formally equivilent!

Spending a few afternoons translating doujins earned me enough through donations to buy a new DSi.

>> No.6395191

The Bible.

in b4 this turns into a religions thread

>> No.6395199

i thought there are plugins you can use for VNs if you wanted a machine translation?

>> No.6395202

But the Bible wasn't a very good novel in the first place.

>> No.6395203

Only people with immense skill in reading Kanji can pull that off, it isn't that rare but the equivalent amount of time in any other form of skilled work can buy one of those too.

Not that I'm saying anything against it - it's a great hobby, just that it is rare. Of course that's just all the more reason why people should if they could.

>> No.6395204

It's called AGTH, hit ctrl+f then type 'hongfire' if you want the link.

>> No.6395205

it carries out and is w

>> No.6395206 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 450x96, youreface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.6395211

Okay. Let's see some of the gems you've produced today.

>Like it was lured this way to become happiness, Sakurako eats the bread with a smiling face like that.
>While saying so, Sakurako put the tray on the table with steady steps without the possibility of danger.
>"This amount is all right, because I became accustomed to it at limelight."
>On a rather big tray, white bread was placed, and milk was in a cup and dish.
>When I nod, Sakurako flappingly ran out of the room.
>"Please wait a moment! Because I'll prepare breakfast!"
>"Yesterday was the store, because I didn't consider at all where to go, we didn't go, although today I thought so for sure......uh."

Where would this project be without you?

>> No.6395212



>> No.6395215

ah, i see, thanks..
might come in handy someday.

>> No.6395218


Yep, most lines translated at similar level as this one.

>> No.6395223

Flyable Heart:
Where they serve milk in dishes.

>> No.6395227

Nothing has yet to top...

"Nonexistence or existence..."

>> No.6395228
File: 59 KB, 414x550, 1280357201162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, it's just a pre-alpha, everything will be fixed!

>> No.6395234

lol OP can't read Japanese worth a flying shit

>> No.6395235


>> No.6395236

Agreed. Although I did like when he translated breathless panting as random words.

>> No.6395239

But it is SUPPOSED to be long, or else it can't be ACCURATE! Anything shorter is a REWRITE, not a real translation!

>> No.6395240

I don't think OP is actually serious with this project. He's just using google/babelfish in order to troll us, and he's doing good so far.

>> No.6395244




It's really that simple. OP himself is trolled by his very continued existence and failure to face his shortcomings.

>> No.6395248

I'm pretty sure that OP is just Cudder/lolita under a new tripcode. They mysteriously vanish, but their shitty Retrans threads remain. Meanwhile, the exact same anonymous vehemently defends the project's translation quality with the exact same accusations of people being TLWiki shills in both threads, etc.

>> No.6395254

Dammit if I laughed any harder you would owe me a new pair of boxers.

>> No.6395256

>OP himself is trolled by his very continued existence and failure to face his shortcomings.
I agree with that. But there're few poor souls in these threads defending this project, as if anything good would even turn out from this scrap of a project. I pity them.

>> No.6395257

It's not about being long or shot it's about him interpreting a common conversational sound effect as the philosophical concept of 無有. It even stands out in context as making absolutely no sense.

I mean there's no way half of this stuff doesn't trip a red flag when you're writing it. You would have to be doing this on purpose, yeah. Nothing else adds up.

>> No.6395262

It sucks to see the same four fags repeating the same lame shit. No one from this project is engaging with you no matter what you try.

It must suck to be you.

>> No.6395264

That wasn't OP, but rather a sarcastic mockery of OP.

Also: I hereby nominate OP as a candidate for our new Kimmo Alm replacement.

>> No.6395265

Why do you have to sage and fill this /jp/ related thread with such jealousy? Go away if you don't to see this thread and let people have their games.

>> No.6395271
File: 16 KB, 296x300, Kimmoavt3cj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup OP

>> No.6395273

You could just take this thread and go away. That way, everybody wins.

>> No.6395292


>> No.6395297

I know, I was just saying. This isn't just a 'hurr durr bad English' problem it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the language itself. Thus, not only do you have a bunch of junked out English, but a good 1/4th of it is also interpreted incorrectly from the base language to begin with(naturally leading to translation errors)

>> No.6395302

Why do you keep bumping this thread?

>> No.6395303

Maybe next time I should do a bad translation set instead of just English on crack set.

>> No.6395304

Correct. OP is a raging failure because he botches all of the following:
-Original meaning

If OP started working for someone as an interpreter they would think he was tripping balls with the way he talks.

>> No.6395313

Because this thread is fun as shit.

I for one, don't want it to die.

>> No.6395315

I've seen this thread before. Anyone who...

a: whines about sage
b: badmouths everyone abrasively
c: claims machine translation is to be for most accurate

...is OP. Keep these threads going, and remember to report for spam/advertising.

>> No.6395316
File: 56 KB, 397x365, 1288598866220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread gives me a headache

>> No.6395318

You forgot claims of TLWiki shills.

>> No.6395324

I consider that to be a mash-up of all b and c. He hates true collaborative work because he can't overwrite other people's human translation with his copy+paste machine translation, and he lacks basic social skills so he tends to spew bile at anyone who doesn't appreciate his superb Babelfishing talents.

>> No.6395828 [DELETED] 

Have a bump!

>> No.6395837


No, it isn't him and you guys are paranoid idiots.

>> No.6396029

Sure thing, Cudder.

>> No.6396847


I'm not Cudder. See what I mean?

>> No.6398261

This thread is still alive? I was digging to find a new one so I could start sageflooding it.

>> No.6398292 [DELETED] 

and... up!

>> No.6398326

You bumped this thread. You know what that means? It's time for another round of "Let's look at everything wrong with this doomed pile of crap."
Let's look at a sex scene today.
>Lightly at the shallow part, and sometimes as far as finally arriving at the deep part, I take it easy.
>The feeling of the sweet voice that leaks and the breath begins to overflow.
>The buried fingers are viscously entwined.
>When I moved to let the fingers intersect lightly, it again overflowed from the inside and was syrupy.
>Even herself raises her lower back lightly.

Fucking hell, man. I didn't even make it to insertion.

>> No.6398334

If the entire visual novel was translated like that, I'd honestly play it just for the novelty. It would be a fun time.

>> No.6398423

Good news. Some of it is even worse.

>> No.6398480 [DELETED] 

The ironic thing about this project is that it may increase the number of anons interested in learning Japanese.

Make it obvious they're reading something translated, and they'll be more inclined to learn the language and read the original!

>> No.6398501

With maybe the exception of the first, those are all valid. And if you don't know what "viscously entwined" means, then you probably aren't old enough to play.

>> No.6398544

Valid for a D- in English 101 maybe.

>> No.6398637

Someone pay this guy already.

>> No.6398645


Fuck you. You are everything that is wrong with the VN community.

Yes, even worse than this shitty translator.

>> No.6398768 [DELETED] 

>VN community
Confirmed for elitist member of the TLwiki cabal.

>> No.6398774

>working for free is absurd

We pay people in job experience, obviously.

>> No.6398777

I sense a lot of hurt in the rear area from your post.

>> No.6398783

>We pay people in job experience
Confirmed for elitist jumbled-up prick.

>> No.6398786
File: 24 KB, 557x272, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399811 [DELETED] 


>> No.6399824

Please don't.

>> No.6399828

I say let this badge of shame for OP live on. Let him keep samefag bumping his threads, saying incoherent engrish machinespeak is the only 'real' translation, and turning into a pissy defensive bitch at anyone who offers him constructive criticism.

It's only helping bring this shitty project down so maybe someone who actually cares about it can take over someday.

>> No.6399835
File: 78 KB, 678x522, 1269647544830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399844

$10 says OP got kicked out of a TLwiki project for relying on shitty machine translations.

>> No.6399886

>implying the future isn't machine translation

Look at it this way. Humans make mistakes, and are inconsistent in doing so. They're also expensive, relatively unreliable, and slow. Machines do too, but they're consistent, repeatable, and thus easily corrected, and in addition it's cheaper, available nearly 24/7, and orders of magnitude faster. I _want_ this to be one, if for nothing more than the fact that I don't trust the fallibility of human translators and everything associated with them. I want cheap, readily available translations that don't take forever to finish. It's not about quality but value, and 90% of the meaning for <10% of the effort is amazing value.

Of course, human translators may feel this has a connotation they find unpleasant, but that's absolutely normal. The industrial revolution was more than a hundred years ago, and now almost everything you use these days is machine-made in one form or another. It's about time we started moving forward in automatic translation technologies. We have the computational resources now and despite the downcry from the VN community, machine translation is already depended upon every day by millions of end-users both in the enterprise, small business, and home office sector. I say we let the future begin!

>> No.6399894

sup OP

You can say what you want about the future, but in the present machine translation fails at both preserving the original meaning and delivering quality text in the final output. So basically, it fails.

Humans and machines have their own strengths and weaknesses. Machines are for doing simple tasks requiring major throughput and repetition, humans are for doing sophisticated tasks requiring adaptability and creativity. Translation is in the latter group, meaning it's basically a human task for now.

Live interpreters use humans who do flawless work, not machines. Only in science fiction are machines used for this purpose.

>> No.6399895

NO, till there's an actual good one.
ATLAS is shit and should never be used in a translation.
Same with google translate.
Maybe in 20 years you have a perfect translator, but currently they're awful and their use should be discouraged.

>> No.6399899

Holy shit. I have no idea what most of the drama in this thread is about, but this can't possibly not be a troll, right?

>> No.6399900
File: 36 KB, 314x725, 1287159113836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future isn't machine translation

>> No.6399904
File: 62 KB, 800x762, cde52424b7d06e105309c6e708e4f0ad16f2f2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is jelly because human translators can read Japanese and he can't. Keep telling yourself that your absence of skill is superior to other people's presence of skill.

>> No.6399906

There's more work involving translation than just software-based visual novels.

>> No.6399909

OP is just too damn dedicated to be a troll. He's an emotional spoiled child who insists on having is way even though he's not good at anything, he's basically Cartman trying to translate a VN.

This thread has been posted probably about one hundred times so far, and every time OP samefag bumps the hell out of it and accuses anyone who criticizes him of being "TLwiki shills." I didn't even know what TLwiki was until these threads, so I have something to be grateful for - OP helped me discover a bunch of new translated games done by experts.

>> No.6399911

>and their use should be discouraged
If the Wright brothers thought that way about their first airplane, we wouldn't have the convenience of air travel today.

>> No.6399915

That's a shitty analogy, and you're a shitty translator OP.

>> No.6399916

If the Wright brothers had made everyone fly with their experimental gadget there would be a lot less people today.

>> No.6399920

The Wright brothers used human ingenuity to pilot and navigate, much like real translators use human ingenuity to translate text. All you're doing is copy-pasting then acting like you know shit.

>> No.6399933

Guys? I'm pretty sure that OP isn't the one supporting machine translations and ranting about TLWiki shills.

See >>6386636

>> No.6399936
File: 32 KB, 526x237, 1287272664106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6399942

Except this isn't a matter of life and death. What I'm saying is, give machine translation a chance to develop. If you're against that, it's probably not surprising if you're one of those traditionalists who fear humans being replaced by machines.

>> No.6399943

This thread is full of trolls, but OP isn't among them. He's just like Kimmo Alm; an anti-social brat with unwarranted self-importance and no concept of when to give up. He expects people to agree that his copy-pasting is better than actual hard work from skilled volunteers, but he does nothing much to persuade people - he just badmouths everyone around them and acts as if the world is out to get him.


This thread gets reposted as soon as the previous one 404s, it has been dozens of times now and they're pretty much all the same.

>> No.6399951

Just because they didn't force people to use their shit and make them crash left and right doesn't mean they didn't continue researching (obviously).
Researching for a better future and using unfinished and unusable shit on a daily basis are two different things. Leave research to people who actually know what they're doing instead of some retarded kid full of fresh and new ideas for the future.

>> No.6399952 [DELETED] 

This is a strawman argument.

The technology is weak, it is YOU who are weak for being a poor operator of said technology. Even with cruise control you still have to steer.

>> No.6399955

>This thread gets reposted as soon as the previous one 404s, it has been dozens of times now and they're pretty much all the same.
Nope. But hey, if you didn't bother to post a link, I wouldn't have bothered to check. You were so close.

>> No.6399959

This is a strawman argument.

The technology isn't weak, it is YOU who are weak for being a poor operator of said technology. Even with cruise control you still have to steer.

>> No.6399969

>actual hard work from skilled volunteers


>> No.6399970
File: 59 KB, 321x754, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....you were saying?

This thread is basically copypasta. Except in this case OP actually believes what he is saying and never gives up on snapping back at people who tell him why he is wrong.

>> No.6399977

The hell is that shitty little picture supposed to show?

>> No.6399982

It shows all it needs to show; the posts are the same text. OP hits ctrl+c then ctrl+v day after day for this thread just like he does for his translations.

>> No.6399989

Thread's on the front page again! You know what that means!
Today's speciality: "We don't understand what is and what isn't a word."
>"Yes, it's delicious, receive it, receive it."
>"Gable, and the weather is good."

>> No.6399995

The only thing the Op ever does is post progress really. They have minimal contact and interaction with anyone and ignore all complaints and trolling. You all are trying too hard and it's obvious WTF is up with you all.

Learn to take it easy and ignore things that obviously are making you hugely butthurt.

Stop bumping this thread.

>> No.6400003

Now, if I remember correctly, you were saying something - no, your EXACT WORDS were, "This thread gets reposted as soon as the previous one 404s." So tell me again, how is that image of a long list of thread starters going to convince me that you aren't full of bullshit?

>> No.6400007


Glorious. Reminds me of when someone translated がっがっがんばります! as Guts! Guts! I'll do my best!

>> No.6400010
File: 36 KB, 591x224, flyable-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The even better one was where OP translated breathless panting as random words.

>> No.6400020


>> No.6400030

Can we have these awful threads get autodeleted on sight? They serve no real purpose on /jp/.

>> No.6400036

They serve the purpose of making us laugh all night every night. Having the unskilled lazy bum saying everyone else is wrong is pretty much the sure fire recipe for laughter in any given group of people.

>> No.6400040

Says the fag that is doing his best to make that happen.

Why you asshole keep bumping this thread is beyond me. Start using nokosage at least.

>> No.6400049

The machinefag butthurt in this thread became sentient several reposts ago and developed a mind of its own to start posting.

How it managed to develop such amazing artificial intelligence while still churning out shitty lifeless translations is beyond me.

>> No.6400051

I can't find it in the archive, damn it. I remember that it was like "haa haa" translated as something like "look over here" but I'm coming up blank.

>> No.6400059 [DELETED] 

>complaining about shit that hasn't even been edited yet

never change, /jp/

>> No.6400075

>"Hey, hey, look. Hey Sakurako, I have a transfer student here. Was this planned?"

>> No.6400077

It's great because it's wrong on every single level.

>> No.6400084

How does editing fix incorrect translations, praytell? I will love seeing your tapdance for this one.

>> No.6400100

Reasons why machinefags are wrong:

1: Conversational speech doesn't match up word for word. A slim chance is the same as a fat chance, read it as sickly probability and obese probability then it loses all meaning.

2: A machine is only as good as its operator. If you say that machines are perfect and that human work is the wrong way, then you simply do not understand how machine processes work.

3: The dialogue in a VN is about the feelings. Machines don't have feelings, you need a human with a heart and a mind to play the game in its original language and then reproduce the feeling itself.

[ ] victorious
[x] defeated

>> No.6400109

You're talking more about rewriting than translating. We just want to read this without knowing Japanese. That's all there is to it.

>> No.6400112


>> No.6400118

Then what you want is that thing you're calling a "rewrite." Machine translation isn't the original intent.

>> No.6400124
File: 1.99 MB, 318x241, 1287440295626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want him to stop, we just want to pelt him with our backpacks.

>> No.6400127

I've been reading these threads for a while and I keep seeing this inconsistency popping its head every now and then. How can something that has been edited be precise when even the pre-edit translation is inaccurate and has the level of English that fluctuate between bad to incomprehensible? I don't see how editing would make the translation any more accurate. English might flow more naturally, but accurate? Definitely not.

Copypasting definitions from rikaichan/WWWJDIC while having very limited grammar knowledge does not make good translations as is evident from this and numerous of other poor translations >>6399989

>> No.6400143

This project would probably infuriate me if there were a chance of a real group picking it up, but it doesn't look like that will happen so whatever. As long as the final product is readable.

>> No.6400146

T-minus 5 minutes before he trots out his misunderstanding of Formal Equivilence while ignoring that the horrific English is not equivilent to the Japanese at all.

>> No.6400168

Machinefag's definition of rewriting:
Conveying the original story in its original context and original emotions.

Machinefag's definition accurate translation:
>"Yes, it's delicious, receive it, receive it."

>"Nonexistence or existence..."

Also OP is a fag because....
だから is in fact used analogous to 'but' in English in many cases; as an objection to something someone else said. If someone starts a sentence with だから rather than in the middle of making a statement, then chances are 'but' is the best word.

I know this because I studied Japanese and listened to spoken original dialogue, rather than just relying on babelfish and holding it up as the lord's gospel.

>> No.6400188

I... can't really think of time I would use 'but' for that, actually. Did you have any specific examples in mind? The closest I can think of is when they put the emphasis on it, like in exasperation, but that's still different from but.

>> No.6400193


If I loved you I'd go back into Castle Fantasia 2 and screenshot characters snapping back at each other with だから rather than using it in concurrence (such as the word 'therefore,' the machine translation.)

But instead I'll just explain it in brief; there's a difference between flowing words and simple interjections. Machine translators don't actually speak languages, they just port words over chunk by chunk - so they can't tell the difference between an objection and a concurrence (yet.)

>> No.6400198


I've now been banned from browsing Flyable Heart's Retrans site. I guess he doesn't have many/any visitors if my IP was that easy to see. Oh wait, I can just pop up a proxy.

>Click here to see Kururi not even once.

Straight out of Google Translate, baby.

>> No.6400200

Example: imagine an angry tsundere shouting THEREFORE at you after you said something that she disagrees with.

I checked with Translation Aggregator 0.4.4c, that seems to be the machine output which OP insists on using.

>> No.6400202


OP confirmed for Kimmo 2.0

>> No.6400204

Yeah, that's what I meant by saying it in exasperation. It's still not "but" though

>> No.6400209

It depends on the context, it can be.

Anyone who thinks there is one single word out for one single word in doesn't understand translation. The problem is, that's exactly how machines work.

>> No.6400212

Instead of translating some unknown moege? OP should do SubaHibi.
The butthurt would be enormous, deepfag tears overflowing, but at least normal translators wouldn't be incited by /jp/_vn_experts to translate another meh game (see Cross Channel).

>> No.6400218

I don't know what that is, but I'd say no - OP needs to shit in his own toilet instead of spreading it around all over the place.

>> No.6400224

Fuck off and die.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.6400229
File: 22 KB, 340x330, 2008_allyson_rice_women_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for admitting to banning people because they exposed your incompetence.

>> No.6400230

Love you too, Cudder. You just keep banning those proxies. I'm not running out any time soon.

>> No.6400238

Wait I was banned too. What the hell

>> No.6400243

So it looks like OP is now banning anyone who loads the page.

Congratulations genius, now nobody can volunteer for you anymore.

>> No.6400246

This may be the thread I've enjoyed the most on /jp/ in months.

>> No.6400252

Well don't wear it out just yet, because OP posts/bumps it every single day so there is plenty to go around.

>> No.6400256

I would, but I don't remember most of my kanji

>> No.6400262

We have to ensure the integrity of our customer's localization environment.

Your IP is? Post it along with a legitimate reason. We reserve the right to revoke access to our services without prior notice as described in section 3 of the REchan IHG Unified Terms of Use.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.6400263
File: 142 KB, 720x480, maxtroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to worry, OP doesn't want people who read Japanese then transcribe English accordingly. He wants machine copy-paste machine translation, he has said so over and over. After all, what do actual skilled translators know about translating?

>> No.6400272

Nevermind. I got a page that said forbidden but I reloaded it 5 minutes later and it works now. Don't know what's up with that.

>> No.6400274

You get a 403 error when your IP is banned.

>> No.6400277

It seems the shitposters and spammers have found something to keep them occupied. All two or three of you seem to be having great fun. It's nice to see you confining your shitasticness here.

>> No.6400281
File: 17 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400283 [DELETED] 

Today's total: 456
Fifth file: 2200
Remaining Subtotal: 10088
Subtarget: -3
Total: 51352
Remaining: 22208

Need to speed up over the weekend.

And I repeat again, I NEVER SAID I WAS GOOD AT THIS. I'm just trying to convey the original text as exactly as possible. We'll edit it later. I admit the early parts need work.

>> No.6400292

I'm not joining this project because it is of the machine translator persuasion who thinks that "Onii-chan, thanks for taking me to the park today!" is wrong and "older brother the field travel of today I thank you." is right. I could get (literally) the same output from AGTH so there's really no point.

>> No.6400302

How many times do you think you need to tell us that? Once was enough. No one cared then and no one cares now,

>> No.6400307

Well the thing that really caused this shitstorm, I think, was probably when you reverted the changes of some people who tried to help you by correcting or editing your work. Which, I mean if they were bad changes I could understand. But they were reverted into undebatably worse versions.

Pretty sure that's what broke the camel's back here. These topics had trolls before but... nothing on this level

>> No.6400306 [DELETED] 




If you didn't care then you wouldn't feel the need to say so.

>> No.6400309




If you didn't care then you wouldn't feel the need to say so.

>> No.6400317

In other words some one who has hurt feeling is causing a shit storm and people are piling on because it's fun for them to shit things up. Welcome to 4chan. This is nothing new.

This is going to be trolled off /jp/ and we are not going to get to play this game. Someone else decided we shouldn't play it no matter what.

>> No.6400322


Here's the story. Machine translation enthusiasts don't know how to read Japanese well so they copy paste into babelfish or google translate. But then along come the people who actually learned and practiced their skills, so there is a conflict. Who is right?

Naturally there will be angsty machiners who insist that their own version is "accurate" because a computer did it, despite the fact that the translation sites themselves will tell you they produce sloppy and unreliable output. They will go on to say that a human translation is a "rewrite" that changes the story, even if the output delivers the exact same mood and expressions while the machine output does not.

>> No.6400323

Well... it's not just about hurt feelings. It's unjust and contradictory to what this topic is trying to do, and when people see an injustice they feel compelled to step up and go blah blah blah.

An apology usually settles things at that point. That's politics.

>> No.6400332


So when is OP going to apologize for posting this solicitation a hundred times?

>> No.6400333

No actually you all can quit and I will not give a shit. I am tired of one or two people deciding I shouldn't play this game so I gave up any hope of playing it. The trolls win again. I am tired of having the fact I will not be able to play this game rubbed in my face. You can all die in a huge fire together all of you. Stop dragging this shit to the front page.

>> No.6400339

You said this over and over and I thoroughly explained to you how you can play it without anyone "letting" you, with the same output as this clusterfuck is producing.

Not my fault if you're too dense to figure it out, scroll up if you want to read the tutorial link again.

>> No.6400363

Seeing how helpful /jp/ is in getting games to play I really doubt that. No thanks. Go wreck shit for some more people. It seems to be all you enjoy. I feature you as a 300 lb neckbeard with no life.

>> No.6400366
File: 6 KB, 219x218, U_Mad_MS_Paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400370

Looks just like you.

>> No.6400381

For people who don't want to wait for OP:

Just google: agth tutorial

Bang, your in. Same as OP, in fact that's what he seems to be using.

>> No.6400384

Don't want to play this or any other game like this anymore. Your secret club is safe. Thanks.

>> No.6400394


>> No.6400422

No you should be glad your secret club is safe. No one is going to ask you for help or how to get a game running. That's obviously what you all want.

>> No.6400795 [DELETED] 

And it stays.

>> No.6402877 [DELETED] 

The trolls in this thread must be the same ones causing all the shitposting and thread deletions lately.

>> No.6402937

This is like Hatsukoi. Only it won't ever end.

>> No.6404688


>> No.6404736

Wasn't a majority of the script done before it was C&D'd and taken off of TLWiki? How the hell does Retrans take an already-existing translation and fuck it up?

If Retrans is supposed to go anywhere as a productive community, the halfwits that are running it need to get their shit straight with their translations for once.

>> No.6404755

REtrans International is only a Localization Technology Provider. We are not responsible nor liable for the usage of our products and services by our customers.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.6404766


Well it's perfectly obvious you guys are completely lacking in any form of moderation or quality control whatsoever.

>> No.6404775

Wow, OP. You deleted enough of your posts to let you bump the thread? That's pathetic. But since we're back on the first page again, it's time to play...
Today's theme: Sex!
>There, when the meat stick is lightly shaken, it sounds at the mouth.
>Both me and Yui continued moving in the same way to entirely undersatnd how partners moved next.
>I understand the place I feel, and the strength of the hugging arm becomes stronger.
>"Ah, nu! N, nu! Continuously, continuously in this way......ah, haa."
>Grumblingly, while with an obscene sound, my meat stick begins to move inside Yui.
>"Wonderfully, I understand! Shou-kun is coming, I understand!"

Flyable Hearts: Grumbling genitalia.

>> No.6404782

samefagging samefags are fagots

>> No.6404792

it's prefectly understandable. Go back to #bun, troll.

>> No.6404794

>Wasn't a majority of the script done before it was C&D'd and taken off of TLWiki?
It had barely half a script translated. The translator on TLWiki was some faggot who thought he/she could manage translating two games at once (the other being AsuKimi), when her progress on it didn't even pass the 3% mark after a whole year. Heck, even the scripts which were completed were probably done by other volunteering translators.

>> No.6404804

It is indeed prefectly understandable. You have never been more right.

And another translation protip from ReTrans.
ずっと means continuously and must ALWAYS be translated as such.
>"I continuously, continuously continuously hold the hand of Suzuno."
>"------I want to be together continuously, continuously."
>"......I believe that I can meet Suzuno once more, I'll be continuously continuously waiting."

>> No.6404839

>I understand! Shou-kun is coming, I understand!
>I understand, so will you shut the fuck up about it already?!
It is now my dream to see this line in a porn video or eroge.

>> No.6404865

いいの is also translated as 'it's good' like all the time. It makes it feel like they're all black.

It's good

Yeah, it's good. It's good.

>> No.6404912

Post your IP and a legitimate reason if you want access.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.6405007

"continuously" is perfectly acceptable as that is what ずっと means.

>> No.6405011

You are continuously, continuously, continuously a moron.

>> No.6405032


>by far
>continuing for a long time; long-lasting; forever; always

>"I by far, by far, by far hold the hand of Suzuno."
>"------I want to be together by far, by far."
>"......I believe that I can meet Suzuno once more, I'll be by far by far waiting."
No, the other meaning makes even less sense. The sentences express the idea of continuance. That's exactly how they were translated.

(Seriously, grab the pre-alpha and play it. It's one thing to just read the text, it's another to be able to match it to what they're actually saying.)

>> No.6405034

You are continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously, continuously in denial.

>> No.6405036

I'm not an expert on the matter, but personally I think "forever" is a pretty long lasting and continuing word.

>> No.6405042

I hear that when you kill people, you are locked up in prison continuously, continuously.

>> No.6405043

Then what's 永久に? It's subtle.

>> No.6405044

Everlasting, into eternity. It's a stronger expression than forever, even in english.

>> No.6405048

Now, I'm no expert, but isn't ずっと a pretty common word in generic romance games and anime? Why can't you just copy what other people have done?

>> No.6405061

Alright, since you guys were complaining so much and I'm totally stumped on this, I'll ask what ふえ is supposed to mean besides flute, pipe, whistle, or windpipe.

If it pains you that goddamn much maybe we'll change it when we edit. Continuously, forever, whatever, it's the same fucking idea. I think of e.g. 'continuously holding her hand' when I read those lines, so that's what I wrote.

>> No.6405071

Oh, don't worry. I'm pretty sure most people complaining here already gave up on reading this in english.
Also, don't ask for translation help the same way you seem to translate, word for word and without context.
It's most probably just a surprised sound effect, though.

>> No.6405111

This shit is tougher than what I usually translate but I understand enough to let you get the idea.

No status report for today, and a big FUCK YOU to the trolls. I'm not stopping. This will finish.

>> No.6407601
File: 7 KB, 252x240, reactiongrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flyable Fail

>> No.6407616

Bumping to spite you.

>> No.6407616,1 [INTERNAL] 

..Just asking to know...

How many are there who expect this work to be any good?

Is the majority on the yes or no?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trolling; I'm just asking...

Heck, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing this translated... The fact that I knew this work was gonna be translated is what made me...er... GET... this game...
