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File: 181 KB, 500x375, shibagami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6313541 No.6313541 [Reply] [Original]

early Tech Gian & PUSH leak
waiting for more pic leaks.

Spring 2011

Protagonist is Tsuyoshi Togo.
His wife, a Gamerican woman, is dead
He loves his daughter Maki very much.
He talks like a carefree guy, but he wishes peace in the world so his daughter can live safely.

Empire of Japan is the oldest nation that hasn't been successfully conquered in history.
Shibagami, the dog god, elected the Mikado to control all of Japan.
In recent years, the long lasting war with the Chinese Empire has worn out Japan, and several powerful nations are looking to take advantage

Togo's advisor is Keiichiro Akiyama. Long hair, wears glasses, and also serves as a guide of the game. (Think 3G in Sengoku or Gou-chan in BBA)
Under the Mikado's orders, Japan is run by the Imperial Conference.
The Conference is composed of the Secretary of State (Nekohira), the Minister of Foreign affairs (Sakura Ugaki), and leaders of Navy and Army (Rikori Yamashita).

Togo is based on Heihachiro Togo, Japanese Admiral during Sino-Japan War and Russia-Japan War.
Akiyama is based on Saneyuki Akiyama, Togo's advisor in real history.

A loving father as the hero, well that's quite different from Akuji and Rouga.
I hope nothing happens to his daughter (yeah right). I think we should be ready for good RAAAGE material.

>> No.6313546

Eilis - England. World's largest nation that's colonizing the world. Overwhelmingly powerful superpower.
The queen is known for her noble nature and her love of her people.
She wishes to spread the purity and nobility of her nation to the barbaric nations of the world.

Dokutsu (Deukuits?) - Germany. The fuhrer is the smartest genius in the world.
She is responsible for the nation's miraculous recovery. With superior technology, they plan to have revenge on the winning nations of the first war.

Gamerica - America. A rapidly growing nation that values freedom, equality, and justice.
The ruling class of the nation are extremist that belives in absolute capitalism, and they view the war as methods of gaining profit.

Soviet - A new nation that was founded through revolution. The politcs of behind the nation is a form of communism where they believe everything in the universe is everyone's property.
Chairwoman of the Supreme Committee holds the absolute power.

>> No.6313572

Like the other Dai series, the order you defeat or ally with others will decide the routes.
TADA came up with the protagonist
Other nations will ask for a treaty. If you ignore it too long, you can be colonized. But if you declar war too soon, other nations may criticize. Timing is everything.
Volume of the game is around equal to the previous Dai games.
Text volume boasts the largest in Alicesoft history.

>> No.6313595

So we can't play any country other than Japan?

>> No.6313596

>Text volume boasts the largest in Alicesoft history

So much for anybody ever translating it then.

>> No.6313607

No, just like all the other strategy games in Alicesoft
We could hope for an extra mode like the one in Sengoku Rance, but that's about it

>> No.6313638

>Volume of the game is around equal to the previous Dai games
What the fuck does this mean? Daibanchou was easily twice the size of Daiakuji.

>> No.6313648

Feels good, man.

>> No.6313698

I think it just means it's big enough to be called a Dai game.

>> No.6313724

OP pic

Shibagami - A dog deity that has appointed numerous emperor since the ancient times.
When the nation is in danger, he himself fights as a warrior as well.

>> No.6313726

>Eilis - England. World's largest nation that's colonizing the world. Overwhelmingly powerful superpower.
>The queen is known for her noble nature and her love of her people.
I can see where this is leading..

>> No.6313742

I hope there will be smaller countries as well, to go for proper WW2 feel.

>> No.6313768

It's already a mixed bag though
protag and his advisor is from pre WW2, they both died long before WW2.
And England seems to be a superpower the level of WWI era

>> No.6313904

Feels like another Alicesoft hit in the works.

>> No.6314062

Hoping that Aroduc will do this. It would be awesome.

>> No.6314070

Star Fox, what are you doing? You are not Japanese or a god.

>> No.6314132

I sincerely doubt he will. BBA hammered him pretty hard, judging from his comments. It'd be awesome though.

>> No.6314169

No mention of france
No I am not french
Is it like Alice Soft to put in people like Napoleon and whatnot as units in the game?
In Sengoku Rance they had all kinds of crazy shit and in Daibanchou they even had a Mc Guyver/Indiana Jones/Lion dude.

>> No.6314170

Are you ready to play a daddy who will inevitably lose his daughter to rape and murder, vowing revenge on the entire world? I am

>> No.6314186

Yes. Texas and Amazon are in Japan, and characters from WW2 (Yamamoto Isoroku) and Meiji Ishin (Sakamoto Ryouma) were for some reason in Sengoku period, of course they're gonna throw all sorts of shit from different era in it.
Hell the main character of this game is already an example.

I hope Joanne the Arc clone is leading french (and is horribly raped by the germans)

>> No.6314198

Dai-Bancho Big Bang Age wasn't directed by TADA.
Dai-Akuji, Sengoku Rance, and Kichikuoh Rance were.
And this is as well.


>> No.6314222

Yes, and?

>> No.6314236

and that's awesome.

>> No.6314241

His comments regarding translating it

>Also highly unlikely because

>A.) It's not out yet
>B.) I haven't been impressed by what I've seen
>C.) I can name at least three other games that I would already love to see translated
>D.) I'm not sure I would survive another Alicesoft sexapalooza
>E.) I'm likely going to finish my degree soon after EL (unless I can swing some co-op or research work), so my free time is going to plummet.

>> No.6314316

England is actually pre WW1 era.
>Eilis - England. World's largest nation that's colonizing the world. Overwhelmingly powerful superpower.
>The queen is known for her noble nature and her love of her people.
This is definitely a take on a Victorian age.

>> No.6314373

con trailer from couple weeks ago


>> No.6314767

So my hope of seeing Joan of Arc raped by idol worshipping nazis may stil hold

I wonder what Italy is like and which nation is hanny

>> No.6314774

They've been some random cult in the last two Dai games, so odds are that they're going to be a random cult again.

>> No.6314868

hanny = jews

there will be hanny concentration camps in Dokutu

calling it

>> No.6314976

I guess we better brace ourselves for unavoidable daughter ntr/rape. ;_;

It got delayed again? I thought it's going to be released on Q1 next year?

>> No.6314991

Q1 = first quarter of 2011
so Q1 means anywhere between 1~3

>> No.6315001

And you know Alicesoft is gonna portray her so lovable and adorable and huggable like Kou-hime.
Only to use her as plot device to make us cry tears of blood, screaming DEATH TO (insert name of the perpetrator's nation).

I'm kinda surprised she's a half Japanese half American.

>> No.6315048

The Rootless One Day Full Song:



>> No.6315071
File: 228 KB, 1024x577, toho-scope1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His wife, a Gamerican woman, is dead

Tech Gian & PUSH confirmed for friend to all children

>> No.6315078

Daiai made Gamera not Toho.

>> No.6315113

how appropriate

>> No.6315205

holy shit guys, Q-san just showed up in SKET DANCE spoiler thread.
Haven't seen him in weeks, I wonder if he's avoiding OP threads... or if he's about to drop us some pics.

- bluebeard

>> No.6315277

I just hope they don't kill her off.

>> No.6316382
File: 153 KB, 500x309, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB to save the thread.

First pic leak is out! although it's small....
The green haired loli is Togo's daughter Maki.

A little too loli to be raped and killed, methinks.

>> No.6316389
File: 489 KB, 1007x2339, 6220h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger pic!

>> No.6316392

Hey, I thought that was the case for Kou.

And look at what happened.

>> No.6316408

>I hope nothing happens to his daughter (yeah right)
Fuck, I lol'd

And the game sounds awesome. Cant wait

>> No.6316433

Thanks a load for the updates and images, BB.

>> No.6316435

Hey, sorry to be rude, but is this the Tech Giant issue about news of Flat's new "Secret Game: Code Revise" game? I'd love to see what informations TG has about it.

>> No.6316451


>> No.6316528


This isn't Rance.

>> No.6316627

is the green haired one his daughter

>> No.6316642
File: 493 KB, 1800x950, ________2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist as before and new writers. (most of them worked on Atled and Gothic Delusion)

Takes place in a deserted village in the mountains. There are new rules and PDA have new functions. There will be 14 new characters.

Spring 2011 release.

>> No.6316735

Awesome, thanks for the info. I'm especially pleased about the stuff regarding the writers.

>> No.6316738

bump before I sleep

>> No.6317592

I was expecting January not March.

>> No.6317687

How many enemy countries are there? Only 4?

>> No.6318443

Chinese Empire is confirmed, although no pics of them yet
And I'm sure there are smaller independent nations around too

>> No.6318631

Small news update: Official page will release a trailer tomorrow (Friday Japan time)

No idea if it's gonna be the exact same one as the one at the convention or not

>> No.6320526

Looks like it was the Doripa con trailer afteall.
High quality though


Someone wanna re-upload it to youtube?

>> No.6320532

Seeing the game in action, whoa. It looks SWEEET

>> No.6320544
File: 316 KB, 1024x1920, 1210136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6320546
File: 333 KB, 1024x1920, 1210138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6320557

It looks like pictures of ships floating in space with laser animations literally randomly appearing around them. Hooray for PSX era graphics.

>> No.6320562

>I've never played an eroge so I'm gonna talk shit lollll

>> No.6320570

>I've played Sengoku Rance, so I are having an informed opinion.

>> No.6320594

I've played all of Alicesoft strategy games
and even both of Xuse Eternal Sword series strategy games
And Eushelly Genrin no Himeshougun, Meiiro no Reiki - Princess of Darkness, and Princess Hunting.

What have you?

>> No.6320608

Sweet game, bro.

>> No.6320629

Whoa, there's an alliance system in the game?
I hope you can win without turning against your allies.

Yeah because those games have better effects right?

>> No.6320632

No, actually they don't. That's my point.

He's criticizing this game to have PSX level graphics, I'm saying that's still far better than the norm.

>> No.6320638

I'll raise you those plus SeiTen, Toushin Toushi 2 and 3, Beat Blades Haruka, Escalayer, Megiddo, Suzukuri Dragon, Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou, Prism Heart, Prism Ark, Baldr Rev, Baldr Force, Baldr Sky, Duel Savior, Xross Scramble, Otome Crisis, Ouzoku, Bunny Black, Dancing Crazies, Yumina, TenKoi, Castle Fantasia 2, Izumo 2 and 3, Magiccer, Otome Prister, and almost everything that Kogado has made, plus I'm sure a lot more which doesn't immediately come to mind.

So yeah, you're not going to win this e-penis battle, twat.

>> No.6320644

Why are you throwing in non-simulation/strategy games in that list???

If you want me to list all the eroge I've played, it's well over a hundred.
And yes, I've played all the Softhouse Chara games you have listed in there too.

So why the fuck are you complaining about the graphics?
This game is far better than any of the shit you or I listed.
Only eroge I can think of with better graphics is Megido and Yumina.

>> No.6320652

>You're not allowed to say it looks shitty! Older things looked shittier!

Great argument, bro.

>> No.6320665

I'd have honestly preferred more chibi sprites like the last two Dai games. They have personality. Ships that move or react to being shot just feels lazy.

>> No.6320669


Ok bro, so you're just trolling.
Fuck you for wasting my time.

>> No.6320670

>that move


>> No.6320675

You want chibi sprites flying through space whacking each other?

>> No.6320682

Poor baby. You have fun with your basement level standards then. When they introduce spaceships with an amazing sprites in 2015, you can look forward to your mind being blown.

>> No.6320686

You're not making any sense.
If every eroge out there is pre-PSX graphics anyways, what make you feel this shouldn't either?
The graphics is no different than Baldr Sky that came out last year, and that's about the level you should expect from eroge at this point.

With a statement like yours it's understandable to assume you know nothing about eroges.

>> No.6320690

Nah. They can board ships or use teleporters or shit. I'm not big on space opera to begin with and this is the kind of thing that seems to me like it should have been done with 3d modelling since tech at this level goes back to around 2000.

>> No.6320693

Oh, it's you. The one that trolls the Rance thread with "this is shit" every time there is one.

>> No.6320695

I don't think it looks shitty.
Personally I would have prefered it in 3D though, something like Homeworld1/2.

An space opera game with Total War style gameplay would be fun. Shame this ain't it.

>> No.6320696

>I'm not big on space opera to begin with

Then what are you doing here lol

>> No.6320704


I hate to admit it, but 'around 2000' level is pretty much what eroge are in general
You have to lower standards when eroge is in question

>> No.6320708

>The graphics is no different than Baldr Sky
Seriously dude? You're saying that still frames with video effects over them are equivilent to this?

Okay. I'm out. It's clear that you're a fucking imbecile.

>> No.6320726

Unlike you who only knows the game through youtube, I actually played it.
And yeah, I don't think it's anything stellar either, although the game is great.

Yeah, go ahead and call me names, you've already proven you're the asshole here.

>> No.6320730

lol you so mad you forgot to sage

>> No.6320734

You're both fucking idiots for having an opinion on a game you've seen fewer than 5 seconds of.

>> No.6320740


....? What do you mean, I spent like 60 hours on Baldr Sky.
As for Daiteikoku, I'm not the one passing judgement on it, this guy is.
Besides I didn't start this argument I butted in from the side.

>> No.6320744

The only kind of graphics I care for in eroge is the event CG.

I do expect a good amount of ship designs/attack animations for Dai Teikoku.

>> No.6320773

No more one cg hscenes I hope. Or cocktease scenes where you see the foreplay but the actual sex scene gets skipped.

>> No.6320786

That's more of Sengoku Rance thing
Dai series usually aren't like that

>> No.6320796

Dai series is like that too, no CG variation whatsoever. I hope Alicesoft raised the standard this time

>> No.6320833

Looks like someone's computer can't run Dive X at max settings

>> No.6321050

Both Daiakuji and Daibanchou are full of 1cg hscenes and foreplay-only no sex scenes.

Beats Blade Haruka has tons of cg variations, here's hoping they continue in that direction.

>> No.6321056

Sure, but they make up for it by having more ero scenes in total.

>> No.6321243
File: 644 KB, 932x533, zz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.6321471

masou shizuka clone/reincarnation?

>> No.6321612 [DELETED] 


Official site opened!
The site is really slow due to massive traffic, and you'll also need proxy to access it from outside Japan

>> No.6321621
File: 159 KB, 1824x858, DT_OHP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Official site opened!
The site is really slow due to massive traffic, and you'll also need proxy to access it from outside Japan

>> No.6321624

Damn it. If only I-japan wasn't being a bitch and actually displayed images.

>> No.6321638

not even the nips are getting the pics its like the entire eroge fan community are hitting F5

>> No.6321645

Other than the five nations already revealed in the trailer + China, there's five more "???" nations in the character section.

Don't give up hope France and Italy.

>> No.6321686
File: 261 KB, 1725x1514, DT_OHP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6321690

Great job, BB. Proxies don't show images anymore. Thanks for the images, man.

If possible, can you also grab all the stuff on the new Rance Chronicles++?

>> No.6321696 [DELETED] 

OHP is too slow right now to check, but I already read the latest Chronicles ++
It was mainly talking about the different classes that exists in human society.

>> No.6321707

OHP is too slow right now to check, but I already read the latest Chronicles ++
It was mainly talking about the different classes that exists in human society.

>> No.6321713

Can you grab the images from that site? Only the text appears on it...

I can at least read text.

>> No.6321717

Nice to have you back, BB. You always keep on disappearing on us. ;_;

>> No.6321844

Did they give a definite release date?

>> No.6322335
File: 563 KB, 1926x1590, DT_OHP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322484

I want some kind of Scandinavia.
Scandinavia was crucial to the Germans anyway, and because it was, it sort of got caught in the crossfire of the conflict between Germany and Brittain, as well as the other allies and axis powers.

Though I wonder how the countries of Scandinavia would merge, they are different countries after all.

>> No.6322926


>> No.6323658

True Japan route or Soviet crab loli route? Which one to do first?

>> No.6324159

Any more pics from the Rance Chronicles page?

>> No.6324235

>The ruling class of the nation are extremist that belives in absolute capitalism, and they view the war as methods of gaining profit.
I laughed.

Anyway, BB, what's this about BBB2? I found a trial version for it.

>> No.6324242

Anyone else disappointed with MC's hair color?

>> No.6324652


>> No.6324971
File: 708 KB, 3600x1080, RC++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6325030

No idea, I don't follow doujin games sorry...

Yeah, a lot of people felt it should be black. I don't really care myself.

>> No.6325035

BBB2 is by the same group doing the Touhouvania series. They just released a version 3 of their trial a few days ago with a few more game fixes and reducing the comboability a lot more.

>> No.6325082

Why are you so awesome? Thanks a lot.

>> No.6325139

Hopefully, you don't lose your men permanently if their fleet is destroyed. Perhaps just incapacitated or interestingly enough the enemy is capable of capturing your generals. I'm eagerly awaiting possible NTR scenarios from this.

>> No.6325207
File: 85 KB, 680x460, DT_Maki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6325221

Hanny faction is Amazon btw

Knowing Alicesoft, I wonder instead of being a jungle tribe, it's bunch of hannies sending boxes of books games and DVDs.
I can imagine the amazon.com box with that smiley looking logo being replaced by hollow hanny face logo.

>> No.6325243

The future of this one is grim. ;_;

>> No.6325257

Togo Maki

Togo's daughter.
She is full of curiousity, and not shy of strangers.
Very energetic and honest girl that can get along with anyone.
She is currently learning housework so she can help her father.

She's also gutsy like her father, and gets along with his girlfriends.
She likes them because they are all nice people.

"It's awwight, daddy's a free man!"

>> No.6325258

Oh Alicesoft, you cad.

>> No.6325268


>> No.6325352
File: 136 KB, 680x550, DT_Togo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Togo Tsuyoshi

Protagonist. Minister of Imperial Japanese Navy.
He is also an Admiral known for high winning percentage with usage of unique unorthadox fleet strategy.
He was appointed by the Empress after the previous minister died in the war against the Chinese Empire.
Many ships and veteran admirals were lost in the war, so he must gather new young admirals and newly born Navy.

He lost his Gamerican wife in an space ship accident two years ago, and currently living with his only daughter, Maki.
Both he and other around him acknowledges his strong attachment to his daughter.
He is easy going, and appears to be care free. However, his desire to build a peaceful, safe world for his daughter is real, and strong.

He was a playboy before he was married. After her death, he has returned to the playboy lifestyle.
He maintains several dozens of relationships with women.
He is capable at his job, and is very sensitive and understanding to women, as well as being very skilled in sex.
Due to this, he is a very popular with ladies
However he does not wish for his women to live unhappy.
He maintains the belief "I want to make as many woman as possible happy. That's why I date them all"
His attitude is well known by the people around him, and the women in relationship with him acknowlege the fact that they cannot keep him for themselves.

"Hahahaha! Well, just leave it all up to me. Trust me."

>> No.6325373

best daughter ever

>> No.6325406

>brutally murdered
>gang raped
>gang raped and brutally murdered


>> No.6325474

Kouhime set some precedents.

>> No.6325492

So he's basically Rouga, age 24.

>> No.6325493

I chose:

>tender incest

>> No.6325555

More like combine the two Zanma bros.

His easy going attitude and overly cheerful speech pattern is exactly Gou, as well as his tactical genius.

>> No.6325577

;_; .

>> No.6325745

How about:
>blind, deaf and all 4 limbs amputated

>> No.6325781

It's like Daiakuji all over again!

>> No.6325786

Eh. Gou never does anything clever. He knows a lot, but just lets Rouga do whatever. Makes me think more of Alicesoft's take on Tact Mayers (Galaxy Angel). Both are skirt chasers, both unorthodox tactical geniuses, both spaceship fleet commanders

>> No.6325796

Except one is actually popular with women, the other is not.

>> No.6325851

More like one is in a PG game

>> No.6325894

Reminds me a bit of Infinite Space. Good thing rock, paper, scissor battle system isn't here.

>> No.6326264

I hope loyalty doesn't constantly decrease in this game.
That's the most annoying part in Daibanchou.

>> No.6326837


>> No.6327457

Overhyped? Hope it doesn't turn out to be a landmine.

>> No.6328905


>> No.6329196

None of the past four alicesoft map-conquer strategy have been nothing short of awesome so I don't think we need to worry at all

>> No.6329700

Good news, good news. Keep em' coming.
Thanks, BB. Some of us have no idea where to find good and safe japanese proxy after all.

>> No.6331308


>> No.6335257


>> No.6336090 [DELETED] 

atomic bump

>> No.6339023

We can't let this thread die so soon can we?

>> No.6339178

Sounds awesome, I'd probably have learned Japanese before its translated though.
