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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 112 KB, 384x512, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
628019 No.628019 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to teach myself Japanese. After combing the internet. I just got tired of all the "say this in this situation" bull. So instead, I'm going to try to learn it the way I learn to write/read/speak(properly) in English. 1st grade exercises. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. I've brought myself to the level of a child to learn this language, and so far it seems to be working. I understand the difference between Latin based alphabets and the Japanese style, as well as other key factors to know.
Anyway, it's working, and I'm done telling you my life story. The reason I'm here is because I'm worried that I'm not doing the line strokes correctly. ( curve line, pick up pen, thicken the line here, etc.) Can anyone inform me the proper way to write them out, or can someone point me to a page that can show something, like, the letters with arrows pointing in the direction the pen is supposed to go, or maybe step-by-step listing of the stroke. Hopefully that was plain-English enough to convey my wishes, and I figure this could probably go in /r/, but Japan/General seemed more 'correct'.

Pic related. It's the crap I'm trying to pass off as writing.

>> No.628052

College mother fucker do you know it?

>> No.628076

I use this site for kana stroke order.


>> No.628080


spongy java animations for you!

>> No.628082

Your う's look like ラ's.

Practice more, faggot.

>> No.628100


Seriously. And your え look like ス with a line on top.

>> No.628111
File: 2 KB, 601x133, 1210888630942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.628125

Protip: try to write it faster. By the looks of it, you take about 15 seconds on each kana. It looks more natural when you do it faster.
When writing fast, you can't be assed to make every line straight, and it'll look flowy like it's supposed to.

>> No.628139

>thicken the line here
What. You make a stroke once, you don't go back to emphasize.

>> No.628164


Yeah, the thickness of the line doesn't matter anyway. Or rather, it should all be the same thickness.

>> No.628166

You're using the proper method of learning it (like school kids do in Japan), but you're focusing way too much on the kana. There are bigger fish to fry when learning the language.

>> No.628173

>Or rather, it should all be the same thickness.

No. That's completely wrong. Silly Anonymous.

>> No.628176


>> No.628180

best tip I can give is to not pay attention to too much detail. As long as you go top-bottom, left-right, you should be good.

Also, text books I had in school had all characters in a certain font that fucked me up when learning. Your i's (as in "a i u e o") look like that font and they shouldn't. Curve the left line down like you have, but don't go back up

>> No.628219

>but don't go back up

It's completely fine to put a kick at the end, actually. In fact, most people do.

>> No.628231

Has no idea what the shit he is talking about.

>> No.628405

Thank you all. You're tips have really been valuable. I've wanted to go to Japan since I was 12, and I always knew that the first step would be to learn the language (duh, right?) Well given a mix of my normal school work and over-all laziness, I didn't get any chance to.

Really, I should have started anyway, because I already know the older you get the harder it is to learn a new language. Please keep the tips coming. If this was /b/ I'd offer fapping material, but for some odd reason I don't frequent here as much as I thought I would, so I don't even know if that's allowed.

>> No.628417
File: 151 KB, 439x785, 1210893425440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue background = worksafe. Doesn't mean we can't have fapping material, it just has to fit a higher standard.

>> No.628439


This is the best site I know for stroke order, but it does not show stroke direction. Once you know the basics of stroke direction it is obvious, but you'll need to find another reference for that.

>> No.628448
File: 5 KB, 140x100, 1210893732696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Well in that case, lemme see if I even have any...
Um, wow. "Worksafe fapping material". An oxymoron if there ever was one, but this the ONLY worksafe I have. It's from Reirei, an old old, hentai movie. Or at least I think it was. It could have just been an anime with heavy ecchi.

But, that's neither here-nor-there. In my next post I'll actually show if I improved at all.

>> No.628471

I need to lurk more.
Never thought I'd be fapping at the speed of light to cirno

>> No.628501
File: 47 KB, 623x557, 1210894613338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Border of Promotions

>> No.628557

LOL how the hell did this go from writing to Touhou?

>> No.628565

This is /jp/

>> No.628580

That image was actually 620k GET. I know because I posted it. "Posting small breasts for small GET".

>> No.628579
File: 73 KB, 384x288, 1210895938290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd
I appreciate the effort, honestly I do, but unfortunately I do not actually know enough Japanese to read the page, let alone find a bathroom in Kyoto. Thanks anyway.
This is my progress thus far. I finally got a good looking 'A' after a few hundred tries. Anyway, I have set my (so-far) best attempt next to my best latin-based English a's, so you can see how horrible my 1st language's writing is.

So yeah I tried further relaxing my arm, and there was significant improvement, so thanks on that. As well, umich.edu's stroke instructions have been added to favorites. And further thanks on everyone else's tips, even that jerk in first post. Unfortunately, the closest college that teaches Japanese is a state away, so that's out. I don't drive. Which is sad, because I'm 20.
I tried sharpening the picture, and brought it down to size, so that it is more visible. As you can tell, I have the crappiest digital camera in the world.

>> No.628589
File: 93.00 MB, 1050x1500, 1210896066795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, nipples and vagina must be covered.

>> No.628673

I'll bump by telling you I'm a self-proclaimed Weeaboo.
Or has anyone actually interested in assisting someone learn the language gone home?

Maybe this will help:
ITT: Anything to do with writing in Japanese. Also, I'm curious. I already knew that in Japan, they do not actually call it Japan, but Nihon or Nippon. Therefore, do they have a different word for 'Japan' than 'Nihon' or 'Nippon', or does Japan just translate out to one of those 2?

>> No.628733

Damn, I do believe that's the most perfect picture ever. I'll be fappin well today.

>> No.628761

Not op.
Anyone have any more self learning tips? I found a Pimsleur audio torrent for the speaking, but for writing and reading I don't really know where to start. The websites in this thread are useful. I've also tried Slime Forest, but I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.628823
File: 53.00 MB, 1050x1500, 1210899601417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, want more Focke Wulf? I have a few more from him...

>> No.628837
File: 9.00 MB, 1050x1500, 1210899720932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focke Wulf is awesome.

>> No.628842
File: 99.00 MB, 1050x1500, 1210899785807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.629094

OP here. I already ditched this thread. Anybody worth listening to did already, so I thought I'd follow suit. Apparently when I said 'ITT: Anything to do with writing Japanese', it somehow translated out to 'ITT: Post anime girls', which if I'm not mistaken, has happened to EVERY thread in /jp/. I guess just tak a nap or something fellow anon. I'm going to. Maybe afterwards it would be salvaged.

>> No.629191

Yea srsly.
At least they're nice drawings.

>> No.629700

we're anonymous, we don't care anything about you

>> No.630978
File: 146 KB, 480x640, 1210931397288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on track: normal handwritten hiragana.

>> No.630988

a suggestion, OP. you didn't really learn english through 1st grade exercises, you learned it by hearing people say things that didn't make sense & making visual connections. i strongly encourage you to check out the rosetta stone. it basically bombards you with unique sentences & makes you pick from a collection of pictures.

>> No.630995

If you're done with kana and want to head up to some basic kanji, WWWJDIC also has stroke order diagrams.


Although it might be worthwhile to get a beginner's kanji dictionary, such as Spahn and Hadamitzky's Kanji and Kana:


Not too expensive too.

>> No.630996

waiiiiiiiitt isn't the upper stroke connected to the lower one in KI SA and CHI? like さきち ?

>> No.631007


Not usually. Quite a lot of printed fonts do it that way, but it's not common in handwritten.

>> No.631055

Although not totally uncommon. I write mine connected due to being left handed (more pressure on the left side of the character, easier to connect the さ and き). I know a few Japanese who at least write the ち connected.

>> No.631075


Oh sorry, ち is basically always connected, yes.

It's mostly き and さ that are not connected. Some people do, I just very rarely see it.

>> No.631078


>> No.631084

Your i's and u's are pig disgusting.

Make the left side of the i slightly curved.

Also, make your u under the first stroke move curved than straight.

>> No.631092

Nice one. I love this person's stroke style, so fluid, yet clearly legible.

>> No.631096

We need to post more English so this Nipponese man can correct our handwriting.

>> No.631683

click "online teaching" on the left. then hiragana.
it has animated things to show how to write em.
