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File: 71 KB, 640x360, nF5H6GIngIwrMQn29efmIVceczDxkdS9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6265096 No.6265096 [Reply] [Original]


Umineko no Naku Koro ni - The Witch and the Rondo of Reasoning.

Aksys is showing visual novel interest, and people are posting here to get it localized. Plus is, an Aksys employee who is bringing 999 to the US, is in support of it. Com on /jp/, show your support, sign up, and maybe it could happen.

>> No.6265111


>> No.6265121

>poll: Would you be interested in Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rondo for PS3?
This game must be released overseas! Beatrice, with our love, grant us a miracle! : (41 votes)
91 %
I invoke the blue truth that witches aren't real! Localize something else! : (4 votes)

Cool poll options guys

>> No.6265255

Wouldn't mind seeing this come to America.

>> No.6265273

I don't care if it's localized, because I can read the original and patched version.

But I don't mind helping you.

>> No.6265292

Why would you want to read a VN on a ps3?

>> No.6265296

If this gets localized, will it be sold at full price?

This is important.

>> No.6265298

I was planning on just getting the sprite rips for the PC.

>> No.6265305

This would have to be a PSN only release like Agarest for it to be released. Dubbing this game would be too expensive and it wouldn't be able to sell in a retail store without a dub.

>> No.6265337
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>> No.6265346
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I just want the sprites, that's it.

>> No.6265352 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure, do the new sprites reach the level of crazy face that the normal ones do?

>> No.6265377


That's easy, they don't dub it.

They can just translate the text.

>> No.6265385 [DELETED] 
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I didn't like the Higurashi ones, and I don't like the Umineko ones.

>> No.6265395 [DELETED] 

Higurashi I was okay with since the original art had everyone look like they had tumors all over, but with Umineko I think the facial expressions carry it. I haven't seen many of the new sprites though.

>> No.6265401
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>> No.6265402

Sony won't allow a game with just translated text to be sold in a store, it's why Agarest is PSN only. It's why I mentioned in my earlier post that this would have to also be a PSN only release. Sony also doesn't like VN's.

Thinking about it though, it's probably better that way. The people who want to buy will buy it from PSN and it would save Aksys money by just translating/editing the game into English.

>> No.6265404

Sony requires games sold in stores to either have an English track or none at all.

>> No.6265414


Where's Moe Beato?

>> No.6265415

I don't care if it gets translated, I just hope someone rips the gfx for the pc games. I always wanted to play the games but the visuals are too fucking horrible

>> No.6265425 [DELETED] 


>> No.6265438


Maybe they could have voices off by default then.

>> No.6265440

I'm curious how much all the costs of bringing the game over + translating it would add up to. I can't really see a localized version sell a whole lot, since not only are these types of games not very popular outside of Japan, but a lot of the people who would have interest in it have already read WH's translations.

>> No.6265446

it's only a glimpse of her sprites from the PV, she has over 500 in total

>> No.6265451

I imagine most of the cost goes towards VAs

>> No.6265458


Did I mention the game will be in HD 1920x1080?

>> No.6265476

I would buy a ps3 only for this...

>> No.6265487

How come people only want the sprites?

You do realize that transitions, effects and animations will be handled entirely different, right?
As well as sound and additional music, also, additional scenes.
Not to mention voices.

And you know, a voice patch is sadly highly unlikely.
Heck, you can't even count on the sprite patch even though that is far more likely.

>> No.6265503

I believe we all know what happened with Recettear.

This should have a really good chance.

>> No.6265510

If someone by chance happens to hack the PS3 game (have anyone ever hacked one before?), would they really go well into the PC version?

Isn't it like 640x480 vs 1920x1080? or would everything be replaced and the resolution changed and everything?
Because if no one does a complete overhaul then menus etc should look like shit unless altered to be HD suitable.

It will be work the very least.
Could it happen?

>> No.6265552

Recettear actually has gameplay. Umineko is just reading a story, there's a difference here.

>> No.6265569


Umineko, on the other hand, is already well known and has a pretty big fanbase in the West.

>> No.6265579

>is already well known and has a pretty big fanbase in the West.
I believe you are overestimating the niche crowd because you are used to it and indulge in these niche comunities all days long.

Though it has noteworthy attention within the niche market, but the question is wether or not they are satisfied with only reaching out to the niche market alone.
And that might be a big factor.

>> No.6265584

you can edit the resolution of on-scripter

>> No.6265612

Yes and?

The point is more that if not everything is replaced, whatever is left will look horrible due to having been heavily upscaled.
And I bet the PS3 one doesn't have things to replace everything, the menus for an example, but I bet there are other.
Likewise you can't downsize everything else, that would be even worse.

>> No.6265610 [DELETED] 


"The evidence of the game's popularity is everywhere, and even english-based video game websites like Gamefaqs have taken notice of Umineko. It was featured in a Top 10 game of the year list and a Top 10 OSTs list. It's even gotten a spot on the Game of the Decade poll, the only Visual Novel to do so, and one of very few Japanese games to do so."

>> No.6265615

This is why that Higurashi sprite patch thing was so silly, but the fanbase isn't exactly filled with the sharpest of knives.

Even the brolos in the comments are asking NISA to translate Umineko. They're translated a console VN before, and it sold like three copies.

>> No.6265620


>The evidence of the game's popularity is everywhere, and even english-based video game websites like Gamefaqs have taken notice of Umineko. It was featured in a Top 10 game of the year list and a Top 10 OSTs list. It's even gotten a spot on the Game of the Decade poll, the only Visual Novel to do so, and one of very few Japanese games to do so.

>> No.6265653

The PS3 version looks to be ADV format insead of NVL format.

>> No.6265660

It's not that big on gamefaqs really
You only need like 40 nominates to get it on the poll

If it was popular, it would have gotten past the voting stage

>> No.6265665

>It was featured in a Top 10 game of the year list and a Top 10 OSTs list.
Both of these were user submitted, not based on a poll or anything.

>> No.6265667

But also keep in mind how the resolution is more than twice as high, and I doubt if the text will be double the size.
I bet the boxes can carry a decent amount of text.

Also, isn't it one of this mixed get ups? You know, one of those who changes back and forth?

>> No.6265687 [DELETED] 

People who don't think the PC version won't get fully patched like FS/N are fools.

>> No.6265696

you will never be able to get these 'hardcore niche fans' to pay up. they are too entitled or jobless. anyone hardcore enough to spend cash on this already has a jap copy and completed it several times over.

i rather see VNs brought over instead of absolute garbage like Agarest War though.

>> No.6265706

People who think the PC version won't get fully patched like FS/N are fools.

>> No.6265707

At least Agarest War is still mostly 2D.

>> No.6265733

Make a limited edition. I bought Rorona because of that beautiful oversized box.
And I'm considering preordering 999 for that watch.
Pack in a One Winged Eagle patch or pin, a soundtrack or an artbook, and I'd buy it.

>> No.6265741

You mean voiced?
Even the realta nua patch is far behind Realta Nua.
There are also missing transitions in old scenes. You know scenes very much the same other than minor edits in execution other than text.
Then there is the added soundtracks, something not touched at all. Realta Nua more or less doubled the tracks, adding more variety.
Then there are the missing menu options, such as voice playback, and the play voice number in the sound menu for instance.
The main menu, the additional openings and the altering backgrounds and added style and everything.

Also, the sound thing was also mostly a fluke.
You really should thank them for really splendid reverse engineering and a really clever installer that manage to automate everything.
If it wasn't to be automated, no voice patch would ever have been made.

I don't think you are to take this sort of thing for granted for Umineko, at all.

>> No.6265746


Actually no, the top 10 list WAS a poll. Of one (fairly large, somewhat weeaboo) board, but it was a poll.


They can't. Onscripter isn't the same engine that F/SN uses, and it's just not as good for it. There's no way in hell you can do animations, voices would be possible but tedious, and effects are out of the question entirely.

Why the hell are you guys saying Agarest was PSN only? I have a disc for it right next to my PS3. It was just an extremely limited print run.

>> No.6265792


That was the European release.

Aksys released it on disc for 360 and it works on J360 as well. Comes with the gel-tit mousepad and the pillow.

>> No.6265887


Yeah. Just like Higurashi was, right? Oh wait.

Seriously, just because it happened with ONE visual novel does not mean it will happen for all of them. Umineko PS3 will NOT be backported. Maybe, if we are lucky, we will get a sprite patch at the minimum.

If we want the full experience (CGs, new transitions, voice acting, sound effects, any different/added dialog or scenes) we would need an official company to bring the real thing over.

Sure, odds are that will never happen. But it's worth trying. It's not like taking 4 minutes out of my day to vote in a poll is going to kill me.

>> No.6265890

I don't like Umineko but I would like to see this game get released because either way something good will happen. If it sells well there will be a brighter future for VNs in general but if it sells poorly it will show the industry that VN fans cannot be trusted which is true.

>> No.6265941

Everyone is forgetting that this could also bring in a lot of new fans. If it were a PSN release for like $20, I can see a lot of people being interested enough to pay up.

>> No.6265951


And I care because....?

>> No.6265955

But that's the problem. If this goes mainstream and becomes popular with the mass populace, the weeaboos will hate it for no longer being niche.

>> No.6265956


Because new people getting into Visual Novels = Larger Visual Novel market in US = More Visual Novels localized by companies that aren't shitty (JAST, MG).

>> No.6265958


You think so? Death Note says hello.

>> No.6266001

Aksys could not release the game in the US on PS3 on disc form because it had no english voice track. You must have the EUR version of the game. Hell just check the Aksys site and it says (PSN) right next to its entry for Agarest in the PS3 section.

>> No.6266025

What I want is a sprite patch for PC. And if it included CGs, that would be absolutely GODLY.

>> No.6266060

Sure you may ve right, but I can tell you that I for sure wouldn't buy it if that was the case.

And that's coming from someone who is ready to dish out $100 or so if it comes in a nice box/package, perhaps with some extra and so on as long as the job is nicely done.
The main thing is the physical copy, the box and dosc itself is sort of "reward" enough.

I can't ever see myself buying something like this when the end result still only feels like you pirated something, only that this method also hurts your wallet.
You get nothing from it. I can't see myself buying nothing like this, especially not for a price like that.
And I bet many fans are like that. No real product = no good.

I bet it would alienate a huge chunk of the original fanbase while introducing some borderline normals.
With the difference in price considered, I bet their profit wouldn't even differ that much, and the difference would be that one method results in a vastly inferior product.

>> No.6266091

fuck umineko, I want higurashi's DS ports to be translated.

>> No.6266092


For those of us that can't read Japanese, I think a lot of us would take a PSN release if it was all we could get.

Obviously we'd prefer a retail release. I want a box and a disk.

>> No.6266432

If that were the case, then I'd be all up for buying the PSN release still.

And just for the of it, I'd buy the Japanese version, too.

>> No.6266443


I'm already buying the Japanese version and I'd still buy a PSN release if it was in English. I do know Japanese too. I'd buy it just to support it.

>> No.6266610

Definitely worth going over there to post

>> No.6266634

I hate death note. How can I enjoy something normals do?

>> No.6266638

People who want a sprite patch don't understand Umineko. The sprites are the worst thing about this remake.

>> No.6266647

>Aksys is showing visual novel interest, and people are posting here to get it localized.


This gets localized before Fate/Extra and my rage erupts off of the fucking richter scale

>> No.6266649

Enjoy Beatrice referencing Lady Gaga.

>> No.6266652

Do PSP games have to be dubbed?

>> No.6266698

I'd like a box and all, but I'll take PSN release for reduced prize over expensive game, to be fair. I'll buy Japanese release if I ever feel fanboyish.

>> No.6266734

>Sony requires games sold in stores to either have an English track or none at all.
just like Yakuza 3......oh wait

>> No.6266756

Am I the only one who really dislikes Beato's new trollface?

>> No.6266762

Are you kidding? There are people happy to see new sprites but even they dislike her trollface. It's harder to find someone thinking otherwise.

>> No.6266771

All of Beatrice's faces make me aroused.

>> No.6266784

If there's no Japanese track, it's undoubtedly going to be shit.

>> No.6266817

It's a PS3 games for a niche market. It would either have both tracks or just japanese in case with PSN release.

>> No.6266834

I like her troll faces in this. Looks fine.

>> No.6267023

I just want a sprite patch. I'm sure thats the minimum we will get. But I do want to see some scenes from the PS3 version to get recorded and put up on Youtube or some video site.

>> No.6267035
File: 176 KB, 500x714, 1259037120914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when a new generation of Umineko fans who think they have read the VN sleep peacefully without understanding what a true trollface is

>> No.6267404

That trollface. Without it, Umineko wouldn't be the same.

Keep voting on the poll, people.

Register here: http://www.aksysgames.com/wp-login.php?action=register

vote here: http://www.aksysgames.com/forums/topic/921

>> No.6267429

The Umineko facials are fine. But there's nothing wrong with HD quality PS3 versions either, and I'd like to be able to play through with both.

I wonder if the PS3 version will have a 'classic style' option.

>> No.6267433

Easy to say when you don't have to work for it.

Many fans with the required skills might actually buy the real thing, and simply hope that someone else does the work for them if they want a PC sprite patch.
If all of them think like that and hope that someone else wold do it, then no one would.

And it's still a somewhat time consuming work.

>> No.6267440

I just finished ep. 3.
That face was amazing.

>> No.6267441

It looks like this will have a bit more than the PS2 Higurashi as well, meaning there's still content, even excluding sprite patches.

It's probably a tad too soon to hope, but I really want to see a Chiru version of this. The question arcs are nice, but Chiru is where the series would really benefit from some nice CG.

>> No.6267442

Starting tomorrow I'm going to start voting against it and posting about how I won't buy the game because I already read it.
I can't allow this to get localized and I will use my wealth of IPs to make sure Aksys knows Umineko fans don't want to spend money to reread half a story. You'll regret ever posting this on /jp/.

>> No.6267450


Whats your problem? Why do you not want it to be localised?

>> No.6267461


>Aksys knows Umineko fans don't want to spend money to reread half a story.

You underestimate how obsessed some fans cab be

>> No.6267473

The Umineko fanbase is terrible and a console release would only make it larger and more obnoxious.

Umineko is a terrible story, as a VN the only redeeming factor is the music.

There are better games that deserve localization, many stories that haven't even been translated.

It will be a company mistake, nobody will actually buy it and aksys shouldn't be fooled into a bad business decision by an extremely vocal niche community.

Their tears will be delicious.

>> No.6267474

I didn't want to spend money to read the original story.
So I didn't.

>> No.6267488
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I would buy it if it was localized. I would buy the Phantom game on 360 aswell if it was in english.

>> No.6267493

>aksys shouldn't be fooled into a bad business decision by an extremely vocal niche community.

So you think they should make business decisions based on tampered polls?

>> No.6267502

Isn't Aksys using googletranslate or babelfish to translate the games they bring over ?

>> No.6267506

>The Umineko fanbase is terrible and a console release would only make it larger and more obnoxious.

Its natural that once something goes mainstream it gets some obnoxious fans but

>Umineko is a terrible story, as a VN the only redeeming factor is the music.

That is YOUR opinion ok? Obviously not everyone feels like that or else no one would bother to want this localised.

>There are better games that deserve localization, many stories that haven't even been translated.

Again your opinion.

>It will be a company mistake, nobody will actually buy it and aksys shouldn't be fooled into a bad business decision by an extremely vocal niche community.

This is probably the only thing I agree with you. I also find it hard to see a large portion of people actually buying the game considering many people are used to pirating the game

>> No.6267508

The poll is the worthless part, mostly because you retards spam it all over the internet and it makes it difficult for them to judge interest with their current customers.

But yes.

>> No.6267511

Have you bought stock in the company or something? Why do you care?

>> No.6267524

Thread sure is easily trolled.

>> No.6267526

It's filled with /a/, what do you expect?

>> No.6267527

>The question arcs are nice, but Chiru is where the series would really benefit from some nice CG.

This. I don't know exactly how far I'd go to see glorious CGs of the study battle, Yakusoku/Endless Sorcerer awakening, the wedding crash, and Bern vs Will, but it'd be pretty fucking far.

>> No.6267545

lol it's Umineko fans, they live on being trolled

>> No.6267546
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Something along the lines of this would be a good start, although possibly with a slightly better golden sword.

Getting this one localised and successful is the first step though.

>> No.6267557

I remember people commenting on the quality of the Agarest translation and editing as the game went on, so maybe they are. Ran out of cash to pay the translators.

>> No.6267560
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Hopefully none of that here though, considering fan translators have offered to donate their script.

Needless to say, I will lose all faith in official translators the day they use Google Translate over a great fan translation.

I'm looking forward to seeing this scene in the PS3 version.

>> No.6267564

It'd be nice to just get Alchemist to throw an English script option into the original game, but I guess that's basically a pipe dream.

>> No.6267565
File: 996 KB, 1600x1200, Umi 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one will also be nice to look at.

>> No.6267567

The day a Japanese company releases a game with an English script will be the day I buy a PS3 for the sole reason of playing a VN.

>> No.6267575

I just can't see it being released.
It's on the PS3 which mean small userbase in the states and the script is bigger and more complicated to translate than something like Agarest.

I can't see them gaining money with this

>> No.6267576

Why is the translation of EP7 at 0%? Have they all been hit by a bus or something? I'm trying to remain relatively unspoiled, so I'm trying to avoid going on Animesuki, even to check the translation thread.

>> No.6267581

If they accept Witch Hunt's offer of a free script, then it suddenly looks a lot more likely.

If they were to use the Witch Hunt translation, would the fans lose respect for them?

>> No.6267582

Witch Hunt has said on their thread that they're hoping to get a partial patch with the first four chapters out very soon. Chronotrig is aiming to get the complete rough translation done by the end of the month, but we'll see.

>> No.6267584

If they do I hope they do at least some editing to the script because I really don't want to see ROSA OBASAN on an official product.

>> No.6267585

Oh boy here we go.

>> No.6267587

I do.

>> No.6267589


Isn't it going to be voiced?

You're going to be HEARING it no matter.

>> No.6267591

Thanks. I guess the site hasn't been updated much, if they're going to have 100% translation from 0% within a month.

Either way, I'm not complaining. First four chapters would be great.

>> No.6267592
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All they have to do is translate it, and make copies of the disc.

>> No.6267594


Yeah... No thanks. Besides, getting licensed will fuck over any future/possible project that might be considered, using WH's script.

>> No.6267602

Wait a second. I'm probably falling for trollbait here, but what's wrong with Oba-san? It sounds better than "Miss aunt Rosa". It's like how in French and German movies, it'll say "Monsieur" and "Herr" respectively, instead of "Mister".

>> No.6267600 [DELETED] 

And it'll still cost much more money than what they could hope to earn. Online distribution is the only realistic way.

>> No.6267606

>It sounds better than "Miss aunt Rosa"
maybe becaus the correct translation is just Aunt Rosa. Idiot.

>> No.6267608

Don't forget that they also have to pay the rights to Alchemist for everything, including royalties for the voices.

Online distribution is the only realistic way.

>> No.6267610

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Besides, we've already dealt with this stuff when there was the conflict between Mangagamer and the Sonezaki translators. Both are allowed to translate.

>> No.6267612
File: 224 KB, 501x708, 12645907_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious CG fantasies everywhere.

>> No.6267613

Sounds lame.

>> No.6267619
File: 2 KB, 125x132, 1198938731629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds lame.
it's the same thing that are saying in jap...........fuck off troll

>> No.6267630


Means the same thing, Oba-san sounds better.

There's no way Umineko is going to get away from its Japanese roots. It has a fucking Japanese riddle as a central plot point. It may as well embrace a few of the conventions of the language.

>> No.6267631
File: 313 KB, 1920x1200, Umi 68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More, for your viewing pleasure.

>> No.6267639

Boy ZENZEN DAME DA ZE sure sounds better than IT'S ALL USELESS, let's just leave it that way too!

>> No.6267644


Actually, an accurate translation would be "It's no good at all".

>> No.6267645

>implying honorifics aren't the exception

induring slippery slope.

>> No.6267653
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I first thought "it's all useless" was "mudamuda-da" when I read. I was disappointed when I learned otherwise.

>> No.6267661

Obviously, if this does well in the states. It'll only bode well for the future of other VNs getting localized.

If you're going to go against localizing a VN because of its content, you are an idiot. Think about how positively it would affect future VN localization.

It's for the greater good.

>> No.6267698


>It fails to sell at all and VN translating gets thrown out as harmful to profits

>> No.6267710

>It's for the greater good.
Only if it sells well, that's the point.

>> No.6267723

And? Then nothing would be different as it is now, only we would have the ps3 game translated.

>> No.6267750

Aksys are currently doing 999 and have done 2 visual novels before that.

I think they are better off trying to sell galge to Americans as a way to break into console VNs. Ore no Yome or something along those lines would probably do well. Something they could sell as a loljapan game.

>> No.6267762

>>Starting tomorrow I'm going to start voting against it and posting about how I won't buy the game because I already read it.

You could probably just remind Aksys how the Sakura Wars translation bombed horribly, and they won't touch a console VN like Umineko with a 5 foot pole.

Handheld ones do fine, but no one cares about the console ones.

>> No.6267769

And its not like Umineko is bad, no matter what the haters say - it is very different from most VN:s, though.

>> No.6267771
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>> No.6267801

At least they could have made some kind of graphical adventure in 3D or something. I don't see the point of remaking a visual novel into the PS3.

>> No.6267807
File: 5 KB, 200x186, sn_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Rondo Robe"?

>> No.6269308


>> No.6269314

The fuck is a rondo?

>> No.6269322

How are they going to market it? Most American consumers aren't going to be too interested in a video game that's one half of an eighty hour-long non-interactive detective novel. Even most weeaboo types in the West still probably don't know about Umineko.

>> No.6269336

It's a musical style. One of those old forms from the classical/romantic periods people don't use anymore.

>> No.6269363

>I don't see the point of remaking a visual novel into the PS3.

The point is probably that people don't look for new titles for old consoles.

>> No.6269373

>Rondo, and its French equivalent rondeau, is a word that has been used in music in a number of ways, most often in reference to a musical form, but also to a character-type that is distinct from the form. Although now called rondo form, the form started off in the Baroque period as the ritornello, from the Italian word ritornare meaning "to return" - indicating the return to the original theme or motif
deep symbologism here guys

>> No.6269391

So, essentially 1-4's theme was Reasoning and 5-8's theme is Not Reasoning.
I think we can all conclude why 1-4 was the best part of Umineko now.

>> No.6269409

80 hours? I'm pretty sure the game's 24 hours long if you're slow

>> No.6269442

Fuck yeah. They upgraded the sprites. I'll finally be able to read it. Is somebody making sprite patch?

>> No.6269448

though i too think that 1-4 are the best.
i wouldn't change 5+, i really like what they have done.

>> No.6269456

Not joking, the original sprites actually does grow on you, believe it or not.

It does however has a ton of other flaws, but I can't really attack the art anymore the same way I used to.

>> No.6269472
File: 455 KB, 849x861, 4962671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What I miss the most from 1-4 was the Battler/Beato rivalry

>> No.6269483

I tried to go vote, but couldn't find out where to make an account. Go me :c

>> No.6269496


Their forums are fucking retarded. You have to go to the homepage of their website itself to Register, not the Forums. You also can't pick your own password, so prepare to copy and paste anytime you want to login.

>> No.6269507

They did not. From what I see, the sprites are... worse. Maybe it's because R07 art style is ugly but unique that some people actually prefer his drawings.
And the worst of all is Battler - he no longer looks like himself.
I guess that the sole thing I want from this game is its OST. The rest... in R07's works, art comes after the rest.

>> No.6269519



It should be the other way around since 1-4 are the question arcs, and the rest are the answer arcs.

>> No.6269525

Some people prefer designs that makes some sense and do not violate sense and aesthetics then simply the trait of UNIQUE. These people consider them upgraded

>> No.6269531


Isn't the OST the same as the original?

>> No.6269536
File: 139 KB, 424x470, 1271462641713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English voices

>> No.6269550

I don't even really care if they are pretty or not. I just want them to NOT HURT MY FUCKING EYES. Seriously. It's painful to look at the old sprites.

>> No.6269630
File: 128 KB, 359x467, ____Fall_ID_____by_lolixXxhime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6269637

You don't turn off voices?

>> No.6270433


Faces are really good though. But look out for the ecstatica blob bodies.

>> No.6271595

All can be forgiven about the original art style, because no one draws troll faces like Ryukishi.

>> No.6271625

We're trying to break 100 votes on the poll.

Register here: http://www.aksysgames.com/wp-login.php?action=register

vote here: http://www.aksysgames.com/forums/topic/921

>> No.6271929
File: 874 KB, 1048x994, 311b1dbd368325c63ccf6c063ab14d81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've told everyone that I can think of that likes Umineko to vote.

Good luck.

>> No.6273060

bump for votes.

>> No.6273074


At least pretent to create a discussion rather than just mindlessly bumping this thread.

>> No.6273084

Okay, okay.

Did the Higurashi PS2 games have CG, or was it just sprites and backgrounds?

>> No.6275855

There were some CGs from what I remember. Stuff like Rena trying to open the door.

>> No.6276621


Honestly R07s are better. It's such a shame they fucked some things up(why is Battler a bishi now) because the art is beautiful.

>> No.6276659


Did the original have any CGs?

I just remember one where Rena was crying, nothing else.

>> No.6276674

You are forgetting there are voices in the PS3 port, so no speed reading

well...you can, but you would be skipping the voice acting

>> No.6276741 [DELETED] 

This thread makes me laugh. Undeniable proof of "it's popular, so if I hate it I'll look cool" idiots.

>> No.6276752

Um, could be wrong, but wasn't the DS remake of Gyakuten Saiban released with an English translation in Japan?
As in, the same translation that was later used for the Western release?

>> No.6276754

That's the only CG in the originals, I believe.

>> No.6276814

Mostly the same. Sal doesn't use leetspeak in most overseas versions.

>> No.6276817


Not to mention Kingdom Hearts was re-released in Japan with the English voice track.

>> No.6276969

Nekoshit was never good though.

>> No.6277025

Go away.

>> No.6277271 [DELETED] 

How do you register?

>> No.6277381

Bump for more votes.
