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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6086260 No.6086260 [Reply] [Original]

The front page is full of bad threads, let's have a touhou music thread instead.

Pic related, my favorite stage theme and the reason I decided on the trip.

Gensokyo the Gods loved is a close second though.

>> No.6086264

>Full of bad threads.


>> No.6086263

No thank you Satorin. I saw what you did at /a/.

>> No.6086267

It's the opinion of anyone with a working set of eyes.

>> No.6086275

>tripfag make on topic thread for once
>only on topic thread on front page
>still full of haters

Sure is shitty people ITT

>> No.6086276

Yeah, because anime spam, people fighting and stuff like that must be really good.

Don't know what my favorite song is but I'm hearing Native Faith right now.

>> No.6086277

Can I tell you about my day instead?

>> No.6086279

not true. I'm always hating his horrible threads and answered properly for this one.

>> No.6086283


>> No.6086293

Why not??

>> No.6086295
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Lullaby of Demonic Hell is my favorite stage theme by far.

>> No.6086296

Because this is not your fucking blog.

>> No.6086301

Stage-wise, I love Ancient Temple

>> No.6086310

This was like the most asspain-filled day I've had in years.

1) Tried drawing. Character turned out looking like Rin from FS/N, so I stopped due to asspain.
2) Trolled into the stratosphere by Saten all day on /jp/. More asspain.
3) Gym was closed today for some retarded reason. Can't even get rid of my asspain.
4) My AT remix is so far 4 minutes of disorganized butt music. Culmination of maximum levels of asspain.

So tell me, how was your day Anon?

>> No.6086311

Why the fuck are you supporting blogcrap?

>> No.6086313

Fuck you, ZUN. Seriously. Fuck you.

I was fine with this because unlike Satorin's usual shitposting, this is actually related (although it's still pretty shitty and overdone). If this turns into a blog thread, it's gonna be Aikido time.

>> No.6086314

Well, since OPINIONS, here are mine, feel free to judge.

Stage 1: Mof
Boss : UFO
Stage 2: PCB
Stage 3: MoF
Boss: PCB
Stage 4: SA
Boss: EoSD
Stage 5: EoSD/PCB
Boss: SA
Stage 6: MoF
Boss: IN

Extra: PCB
Boss: EoSD

>> No.6086319

He's joking. Learn to Sarcasm 101.

>> No.6086324

/jp/ - Aikido time

>> No.6086325

Except I love Aikido time. So that is hardly a punishment.

Why are you posting Satan-san all day?

>> No.6086327
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1) Tried drawing, did a half ass Hitler picture for the OC thread
2) Lurked /jp/
3) Played some MMO
4) Walked the dogs, fed the dogs
5) Lurked /jp/
And here I am now. Yep, just like any other day.

>> No.6086328

>The front page is full of bad threads
>well hey I've got a great idea!
>posts an even worse thread

>> No.6086333

Are you honestly saying a thread about Touhou music is worse than...fuck, anything on the front page?

>> No.6086335

>Why are you posting Satan-san all day?
Please don't come up with random conclusions like that.

Oh god we already have blogposts coming. That's it, Aikido time please.

>> No.6086337

But there aren't any good threads in /jp/, since it's impossible to create one.

>> No.6086339

No, I'm saying that a thread started by Satorin Komeiji is worse than pretty much anything else on /jp/ right now

>> No.6086353

Oh, you're one of THOSE people.
Satorin doesn't make a thread bad, the rabid idiots following him around do. But you won't buy that, because you're one of those rabid idiots.

>> No.6086361

Fact: Satorin's threads are fucking doomed to be shit for the rest of eternity because of his #/jp/meetup shit. He'd be better off dropping the trip entirely.

>> No.6086362

Are you honesty saying that we all the fucking shit ass threads on the front page right now this is the worse?

How about you fuck off and go post in a Saten threads, mugen's thread, Wikipedia thread, Communism thread or the Fuko thread.

There's even a HoTS thread too if you like it.

Its fucking fags like you that hate everything that shit up this board.

>> No.6086372

That's long gone, so I can't attest to how terrible it was. Given /jp/s elitism and illogical hatred for everything besides /jp/, I don't completly buy said terribleness in the first place.
Either way, forgive and forget.

>> No.6086376
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>> No.6086386

So, I basically have an army of haters dedicated to me on /jp/?

You guys really don't know the correct way to fight against a tripfag, because most of them would just be basking in the attention.

All I wanted to do was have a legit threads, and look what you did to it...

>> No.6086401

PCB has the best collection of music out of them all.

No one should disagree with this.

>> No.6086409

God DAMN that's a sexy picture

>> No.6086410

People defending blogposts as something related to the board and legitimate?

HUE HUE HUE oh god..

>> No.6086424

Don't worry, I'm here to be part of your army of fans!

An army of one ;_;

>> No.6086425

I didn't know a thread about touhou music became blog posts?

Would that make are Umineko and Miku music threads blogs too?

>> No.6086417 [DELETED] 

No ones defending the blog posts. Are you blind?

>> No.6086430

No one's defending the two blog posts in this thread. Are you blind?

>> No.6086433

Make that two.

>> No.6086450
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I would agree with you on that, with MoF being a close second.

At least you are posting on topic, thanks.

>> No.6086461

Mysterious Mountain is all I need.
Why is tengu music so good?

>> No.6086462

That was for people who say he doesn't make bad threads. Not this thread specifically, actually, I even posted my favorite song in here earlier.

>> No.6086464

Go back to your roleplay board. You know which one I'm talking about.

>> No.6086482

Let's discuss the Tenchu soundtrack instead.

>> No.6086486
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Nuclear Fusion has always been my favorite song and boss theme. Decided to play SA as my first touhou game just because of it. My ass still hurts to this day several months later. Pic related.

>> No.6086582

