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5934525 No.5934525 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5933810

>> No.5934537

Culprit theories aside, at this point I just want to know who tops more, Leon or Wright.

>> No.5934542


Kyrie anons and Yasu anons are currently duking it out to see who's the culprit.

>> No.5934546

>Kyrie and Rudolf who were the less developed and therefore most suspicious characters.

Which pisses me off.

>> No.5934547

How many thread had been created already?

BTW, still no news about download?

>> No.5934550

Is Dlanor in EP7?

>> No.5934552

Kinzo screencap, where's it?

>> No.5934553

So there is no need for Battler anymore?

>> No.5934554

And soon, Kyrie's reason always was Ange.

Poor Ange.

>> No.5934556

Wright. Confirmed in the homolust scene, when he hugs Lion.

>> No.5934559

What did you expect? It's not like it was subtle that Takano was the culprit either.

>> No.5934560


He'll be appearing soon. I guess

>> No.5934562

Not really. Kyrie was perfectly well-developed.

Anyone complaining at this point doesn't remember those times that she was all LOOK AT ME, I'M EVIL.

>> No.5934566

homolust art where

>> No.5934569

I think we are going to seed Battler in a tea party.

And to make Kyrie look better the reason can be Ange

>> No.5934570

We need a roundup of all the confirmed spoilers.

>> No.5934573


He's depressed.

I mean hell now that we know what he knows I don't blame him.

>> No.5934574
File: 235 KB, 1304x1000, 12321113_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to bed and the best spoilers appear, fuck. But whatever, homolust is all good.

>> No.5934575


I'd expect him to be more creative and not use two characters with the least development to be the culprits. Rosa would have been a better candidate since she's better developed.

>> No.5934576

I'd seed Battler if you know what I mean.

>> No.5934578

I would advise not to forget who the current Game Master is exactly. It is not for nothing that she has been nicknamed "Trollkastel". Be warry of her so-called "truth".

>> No.5934580

>you are now aware that Battler is watching all this with a trollface on preparing to deny everything

>> No.5934581


Ryukishi just hides her by killing her off early.

What a cheap trick.

Any guesses as to what Rudolf planned to tell Battler?

>> No.5934583

"Less developed" doesn't say anything about how well this development was done.
But it's a fact that she was less developed than the other parents.

And personally she appears to me as a very shallow character.

>> No.5934584

that should be SEE

>> No.5934586

>Shkanontrice confirmed
>Kyrieculprit confirmed
>just arguing over which is the mastermind

I never thought I'd see the day. They've always been archnemesis theories.

>> No.5934587

Is it just me, or this Leon has boobs?

>> No.5934589

Is Leon even confirmed to be male and not some Lady Oscar like figure? :P

>> No.5934590

>Battler is too innocent to troll someone

>> No.5934591

''Hey Bern do you know what we call something when a fool just mess around and trolls everything??

>> No.5934593


He's known the truth for a while now.

>> No.5934594


I'm perfectly fine with this truth thank you very much.

I can't relate to the people saying this is a depressing episode. It's a wonderful and full of answers.

Anyway, Kyrie gets killed early again right? Confirmed kills before she gets offed?

>> No.5934595

>Two characters with the least development
>Not Hideyoshi, Genji, Kumasawa, Gohda
Kyrie has had several moments of showing off her utter craziness, reason people liked to pin her down as the culrpit.

>> No.5934598

hurr durrr
Takano shouldnt be the culprit...i mean we didnt knew her story until the end. this is shitty writing...

>> No.5934599

>And to make Kyrie look better

Don't you mean actually show that really happened? Since this is Bern's game, You should know she gets off on twisted, evil tales therefore she's making both Kyrie and Rudolf look like complete monsters to fit her twisted, loveless gameboard.

>> No.5934607



>> No.5934609 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 640x480, 1280648307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler's Trollface

>> No.5934614


You have a point with Hideyoshi but Genji, Kumasawa, Gohda are sevants therefore cannot be culprits

>> No.5934615

And that doesn't apply to Shkanon?
Shannon came off as a crazy stalker

>> No.5934616


>> No.5934617

This game is not evil. This game just shows the truth. Trush is harsh, truth hurts. The truth is cruel.
Bernkastel is the cruelest witch in the world.

>> No.5934618


No. Delicious homolust.

>> No.5934620

Battler is my hero

>> No.5934621

I just caught up on everything after a few hours of sleep and oh my fucking god, this is glorious and I want to cry.

>> No.5934622

It applied. That's why half of Shkanon has been denied already

>> No.5934623


Yeah I forgot to include Shanon. who's a stalker, yandere in EP7

>> No.5934625

Can't wait for the homolust flood in pixiv.

>> No.5934626

jessitrice-fags must be feeling pretty dumb right now.

>> No.5934627
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>> No.5934628

They can still be accomplices perfectly and had helped a lot with the plan.
their reasons and development would also have to be crammed in one episode

>> No.5934632


Yasu can be the culprit and kill people perfectly fine though.

FUCK. I just realized that this means we'll never get a payoff on Genji's awesome knoie skills.

>> No.5934634

I think the TIP called him a son?

>> No.5934638

They were right on her mysterious 'asthma fits'
doesn't this also mean that the fit after Kanon's death in ep1 was also pretending?

>> No.5934639

Yeah, after all they're servants. If a Ushiromiya asks for something, they'll obey that person (I can actually see Genji do that)

>> No.5934640


Moon-chan fags can suck it. She was always boring and useless and not suspicious in any way.

>> No.5934641
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Aww, just look at them

>> No.5934642

Shannon and Kanon are servants, but Yasu isn't. When s/he kills, Shkannon turns into Yasu.
Voilà, I've solved Umineko.

>> No.5934643

Guys please slow down I'm like 4 threads behind ;__;

>> No.5934648


The reason I liked Kyrie as the final boss is because of how involved and full of trolling the logic battles would be with Battler. It's like fighting a smarter, more cunning you. It's a great way to show that he's no longer incompetent.

>> No.5934649


>> No.5934652

Looks like half of episode 7 is spent on Yasu wonderful days being crazy, delusional and bullied.

Episode 7 is basically episode 4 redone

>> No.5934653

There's several ep7 files which appeared on Share a few hours ago. Two of them wouldn't start for me. I hope this isn't a godamned fake.

>> No.5934654


Was she really "pretending"? Or did she just think she had it when it wasn't real?

>> No.5934656

She tends to survive till the end, reunite with dead people, have asthma attacks in crucial moments, do weird phone calls and can't be dense enough not to realize shannon=kanon

>> No.5934658

Wait, why are we calling him Yasu? You guys move too fast.

>> No.5934659
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Gotta agree with this. Featherine said Bern could weave any type of tale she'd like, even if her interpretation lacks 'love'. So if Bern hadn't considered the possibilities that Shannon's relationship with George was sincere, or Kyrie fought tooth and nail to get where she is today, or Rudolf really wanted Battler to be a part of the family, then she wouldn't understand and this is the result.

>> No.5934660

I find this more interesting too. I call it HARD MODE

>> No.5934661

Actually as a former moonfag im more than happy with Kyrie as a culprit.

Didnt tought R07 could pull that off.

>> No.5934665

Now that's even more crazy thatn Shkanon theory. Wasn't Shkanon created to explain the amount of people in Rokkenjima mystery? They're still servants imo.

>> No.5934667

And another thing...calm the fuck down. We all realize this is Bern's hater troll version of events right? We won't get the "good" version until last ep.

>> No.5934669


Damn, can't he just imply that or something? He already commented about how bullying turns you into a bully in EP6.

>> No.5934670


>> No.5934679

Without love, it can't be seen that I made all this shit up and told everyone it was solvable by ep4. If by "solvable" I mean "1 out of 17 people who guesses the culprit at random was right but has no idea why."

>> No.5934680

ShKannon FINAL BOSS- easymodo
--'' Duuh....i rabu you.''

>> No.5934681

You already should realize that Umineko doesn't have a HAPPY end from the begining

>> No.5934682

Shannon and Kanon aren't real, episode 7 make it very clear.
And Yasu aka Leon is the true heir, also stated clearly.

>> No.5934683
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Not sure if new

>> No.5934684

I still dont get why people insist that Yasu is the mastermind when its blatantly said that he/she just went along with it to protect Battler.

>> No.5934685


Sorry mooonfag you got told. She's normal for the most part. Just a bit of an attention whore.

>> No.5934686

This is lame and a cheap way to avoid things
lolmy real personality isn't me therefore he isn't a servant

>> No.5934688

I haven't seen one new Kyrie sprite so far. And have there been any screenshots of Rudolf at all? Nips are holding out.

>> No.5934690

What does she say?

>> No.5934691


This Episode still happened though, or has a possibility of happening, which is the same thing in infinite kakeras.

I wonder how the cousins would make this good?

>> No.5934695

This is the same Bern who had no problems making Natsuhi look like a hateful bitch who whored herself to Kinzo to help her to the crimes. What makes people so sure she isn't doing the same with Kyrie? even if Kyrie is the culprit what is stoping her from demonising Kyrie to look a a heartless bitch?

>> No.5934697

Sorry I just got up, does anyone have a legit torrent out? How long do you think we'll have to wait..?

>> No.5934702
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x715, b26d92298c695c45f0eeb381361f47a98db0a837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I think about it, Kyrie being the culprit makes thematic sense given the huuuuge point made in ep4 about how perception changes depending on the observer.

Battler is basically Maria, and only without love was the truth really seen~. ILU Bern.

>> No.5934703

>I hate my daughter I want to bathe in Battler's blood give me gold I don't give ten fucks
Probably something vaguely along those lines

>> No.5934709

Yasu hasn't killed anyone in this episode.

Anyone saying otherwise is trolling.

>> No.5934711

Bern shows only facts - that's why I like her.
now, when we have fact we can add love, that all thing wouldn't look so cold.

>> No.5934716

Yasu killed Kyrie?

>> No.5934718

We didn't actually see Natsuhi fuck Kinzo and kill people. The point was making you believe that.
In this episode, we see very clearly Kirie killing people left and right.

>> No.5934721


Why does she hate Ange? Other then the obvious reasons.

>> No.5934722


It's more like, the real me is actually the head of the family, therefore I am not a servant no matter what those bullshit personalities say.

Anyway is it true that Lambda gave Yasu these personalities?

And that the Logic Error was Battler going JUST AS PLANNED?

>> No.5934724

Battler wasn't here in episode 7.
And Kyrie and Rudolf died early in episode 1 and 2, why would the murders continue?

Stop using words like "clearly said" when you are just bullshiting.

>> No.5934727

God you guys are retarded sometimes. Look, Bern TOLD US in ep6 that she lacks love and her tale was going to funky. She told us this. And how many times have we had "without love it cannot be seen" jammed down our throats? Just watch.

>> No.5934728
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Aww, how couldn't you trust her, Anon? Would sweet little Bern lie to you?

>> No.5934730

Kanon killed Kyrie by backstabbing her

>> No.5934733
File: 524 KB, 588x779, 1281802869942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.5934735

Ange was her anchor baby onto Rudolf.

She didn't give a fuck about Ange, and she's just using Rudolf to get the gold.

>> No.5934736

Ep7 OST where

>> No.5934738


I don't know where you got the impression that people aren't enjoying Kyrie being a cold murderous bitch.


Someone make macro with this.

>> No.5934740


>> No.5934741

So, what, Shotgun Action Jesus died for Battler's sin?

>> No.5934743

I love you.

>> No.5934746

Disappointing answer is disappointing.
No bricks here.

>> No.5934747

Actually I do believe she has an unhealthy obsession with Rudolf, regardless if for gold, sick love or revenge.

>> No.5934749

You died anon
After seeing what happened in EP 7 your head exploded

>> No.5934753

Kyrie says after 18 years she built up the willpower to kill Asumu but then Asumu died anyway. This is total bullshit. It can't have been 18 years. What she actually did was build up the willpower to kill Battler then FUCKING DID IT
Battler didn't just not come to the island
He's fucking dead

>> No.5934755
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EP3 in a nutshell

1st Twilight
Servants are paid by Kyrie for do her plan, Shannon kills them and has the accident (Or Kyrie shots her, but she closes herself).

2nd Twilight
Eva knows about the conspiracy and kills Rosa.Maria is a witness so she is killed.

3rd Twilight and so (I forgot the order but whatever)
Kyrie and Rudolf kills Hideyoshi and George.Eva does a FUCK YOU KYRIE
Krauss and Natsuhi are suspicious in all this so a paranoic Eva kills them, so leaves Jessica blind.
Who cares who killed Nanjo, surely an almost dead Kyrie.

>> No.5934759

Are there ANY pictures of Yasu?

>> No.5934762

He's the POV, so no.

>> No.5934763

Since when is Battler's answer the same as Bern's?

>> No.5934764

Could it be that Eva actually didn't killed Battler in the final scene....?
But that it went something along the lines of her telling Battler what really happened?

>> No.5934765

No. It's all fake.

>> No.5934767


I think actually being with Rudolf didn't fit with the way she saw it. The price of having what you want, is having what you once wanted. She probably ended up a very bitter woman through the years. She went through hell, and got....Rudolf.

>> No.5934769

Isn't more likely that Rosa killed Maria?
I mean, it was overruled that she killed her and then committed suicide, but just killing her and being killed isn't forbidden

>> No.5934775

Yeah man we just made up Yasu you caught us.

>> No.5934777

Who is Yasu?

>> No.5934783

Yasu won't be shown until the last moment because the sprite being used for him/her is Beatrice.

>> No.5934784


Great now explain the rooms. I know they're secondary, but it's nice to have a complete solution.

Anyway, can anyone explain why Yasu still goes on with killing after backstabbing Kyrie?

Is it really just insane love for Battler?

>> No.5934787


Have you been reading all the comments since it was revealed?

>> No.5934796
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Any info on this doll part?

>> No.5934800

So I just woke up.

Any good spoilers yet?

>> No.5934802

It's beatrice, duh

>> No.5934805
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Tell me how Rosa kills herself in the way she does in EP3.

>> No.5934809

Rokkenjima syndrome

>> No.5934811

Kyrie is innocent
Shkanontrice denied

>> No.5934812

Read the threads for the rest.

>> No.5934813
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And have Zepar and Furfur even been shown yet? They're on the cover after all.

>> No.5934814

None unfortunately... Any screens from the promo haven't been really pointed out in the discussion on 2ch. I guess people are just skipping to the interesting parts..

>> No.5934820

Sorry if I explained it wrong.
Rosa kills Maria
Eva kills Rosa
instead of Eva killing them both, I doubt Eva would kill Maria.

>> No.5934824

>Shkanontrice is denied
>best ep ever

>> No.5934830

ShKanontrice + Kyrie
Basically most common theory + second most common theory

>> No.5934831


What's the 2ch thread again? Where are they now? Spoilers seem to have stopped.

>> No.5934834

Rosa would never kill Maria.

>> No.5934835

How canst thou troll that which is untrollable, Bern?

>> No.5934837
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So after all that bitching, whining and crying about how everyone sucks and Beatrice took her family away it was really her mom who did it, and she hated her anyway. I almost feel bad for Ange now.

>> No.5934838

So any of you guys figured out Umineko's Rules X, Y and Z?

>> No.5934840

Are there any new BGMs?

>> No.5934852

She might have killed in an accident. Rosa was very mad at her and killed her. Then she realized what she has done.
Or something like this.

>> No.5934853


Kyrie never really was that common or supported since she gets killed so easily. It was more like an ideal dream that would never come true. Anyway, her motivation in Bern's game sucks ass. Just the gold, come on, have it be Sumadera conspiracy or Yakuza hit on Krauss at least.

>> No.5934855

> Pony theory confirmed
> Homolust end

>> No.5934856
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I think Ange is the world's worst judge of character.

She hangs out with Bern and Featherine. She longs to be together with her sinister family again. Meanwhile she hates Eva and condemns Beatrice for murdering her family.

>> No.5934857

You mean a bipolar mother who usually hits and psychologically abuses her own daughter wouldn't kill her under a situation of pressure (like being an accomplice in a mass killing) especially IF, and this is just an if, said daughter knew everything and decided to tell everyone about it?
I'm betting more money on Eva not killing Maria

>> No.5934858

Rule X, this isn't Higurashi
Rule Y, so higurashi rules don't apply
Rule Z, it's pointless to speculate on them

>> No.5934863


>> No.5934867

Rule1- read bern's letter. There are rules.

>> No.5934871

She didn't know pretty much nothing about her family. She just wanted Daddy, Mommy and onii-chan back.

>> No.5934874

Rule W, that's just appeasing higurashi fans

>> No.5934876

Rule X of Rokkenjima Club: You do not talk about Rokkenjima Club.

Rule Y of Rokkenjima Club: You do not talk about Rokkenjima Club.

Rule Z of Rokkenjima Club: If this is your first tea party, you have to troll.

>> No.5934880

Bernkastel revealed that applied too and mentioned X and Y in a tip. I'll search them and then post it here if I find it usefull

>> No.5934884

Rudolf killed Rosa and Maria, guys. He's the one who supposedly discovered the bodies, remember?

>> No.5934887

I always had him in the back of my mind as a culprit for that twilight but I never wanted to use it because I couldn't think of a good motive for him.

>> No.5934890

Rule Ω- wishful thinking without basis disregarding wha the author says is overruled

>> No.5934895


You mean you didn't think it would be a easy, crappy motive like money right?

>> No.5934896

Then what was Eva doing?
her room was quite near to the exit.

>> No.5934899

Hints of use of rules and some clues:

Lambda-Delta boasted that I will 'absolutely' not be able to win in this game board.
At that time, I paradoxically identified the rule X.
She's really a stupid girl.
In other words, it's like the story that always starts from June, 20th.
Probably, this is the core of the Witch Beatrice.

Indeed, if we consider it that way, this Witched named Beatrice certainly is interesting.
She opened up a world that I, that girl and you didn't know.
The rule Y that makes it into the source of the magic.
It seems Lamda-Delta touched it a bit but too, but she can't possibly reach her level.
If we call this very thing as magic, except for Beatrice, certainly no one of us can be called a witch.
In that sense, we may say that since she put together her own magic system, even if she enters the begginers class, as a witch, her level already surpasses the witches, ... and she is starting to step even into your level.
If she were strongly aware of that and comprehended it.
Not even Lamda-Delta would be a match for her, and I even less.
And most probably, I'll be afflicted from the same disease as you.
However, even so, this is really interesting.
I see this rule Y as the very existence of the witch Beatrice.

>> No.5934900


Taking a piss perhaps?

>> No.5934905

Rule இ- I don't give a fuck

>> No.5934909

From 2ch:

"Kinzo: Massacred his family by setting up a bomb
Krauss: Concealed his father's death
Natsuhi: Dropped Lion off a cliff
Eva: Carelessly killed her elder brother's wife in a scuffle
Hideyoshi: Carelessly killed his brother-in-law in a scuffle
Rudolf: Killed for pleasure (?)
Kyrie: Massacred
Rosa: Killed her sister-in-law
Jessica: Love on the brain
George: Love on the brain
Battler: Incompetent
Maria: Delusional
Ange: Delusional

This family is hopeless."

>> No.5934910

Lambda is unimpressed

>After that, the next typical wish is 'I want a lot of money'

>Is this money such a wonderful thing? Do they think a traveller in a desert, tormented by hunger and dryness, would leap in joy because of a mountain of wads of bills?
>When he can't even drink or eat the bills.
It's a narrow freedom that can only be obtained within the range of the rules called currency system.
The narrow-mindedness to desire something like that, aah, it disappoints me.
>Does a 25cents coin go in a vending machine in Japan? Can a 100 yen coin be used at a streel stall in Africa?
>Would you, who do grive and moan for the loved one who was killed, forget completely about it if you got a lot of money?

>> No.5934911

She had a bathroom just in her room.
She took a shower or hideyoshi took one.

>> No.5934912

Hurr, this isn't Higurashi
They once again appear in Bernkastel's Letter in Umineko's TIPS. Dumbass.

>> No.5934914

Anyone knows what happened in the Hidden Tea Party?

>> No.5934917

Kinzo: plant a bomb killed his family
Mill warehouse: hiding the death of his father
Princess Summer: Matsuri Ri push someone off a cliff
Feather painting: the elder brother's wife accidentally killed in a scuffle
Hideyoshi: brother killed accidentally in a scuffle
Husband dollar Stop: waking up lust murder
Kyrie: all about you
Building position: kill half sister
Shang Zhu Journal: Brain romance
Joji: Brain romance
Battler: incompetence
Kia Mari: radio
Yukari Hitoshi: radio

Gotta love google translate

>> No.5934920
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I want to tear this apart.

>> No.5934921



>> No.5934922

Rule 34 - All females on Rokkenjima have huge tits.

>> No.5934924

Bad End? ;_;

>> No.5934925

Yeah, at least some people in Japan seem to have finished by now. I'm kind of curious as to what became of Wright and Leon at the end, and if Battler ever actually showed his face.

>> No.5934927

>Sen-ka doujin

You should've done that long ago.

Maybe she'll make use a Kyrie flowchart this time.

>> No.5934928

My new name for Nappi is Princess Summer.

>> No.5934929



>> No.5934930


Don't be too hasty! This is Bern's game therefore she's being her usual troll and is demonising Kyrie to look like a heartless person

>> No.5934932


someone translate these

>> No.5934933
File: 32 KB, 200x200, 1252599111742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shang Zhu Journal: Brain romance
>Yukari Hitoshi: radio

>> No.5934947
File: 547 KB, 700x1120, 1251575050584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Battler

>Everything went to hell

Seems about right. Battler is the hero Rokkenjima needs.

>> No.5934948

I want to print out every Kyrie image I have, delete each one then tear them all to shreds
Fucking Kasumi is better than her

>> No.5934953


>The type of fan who digest the shit Bern shows

>> No.5934954

The useless defector that solves nothing nor progresses the plot.

>> No.5934956


No wonder Kinzo set the bomb. The family sucks.

>> No.5934958

Rudolf, I'm disappoint. Very, very, very,very disappoint.

>> No.5934961

Why did Shannon and Kanon fighted for the love with George and Jessica if they actually loved Battler???

>> No.5934963

Anyway, now that we know the answer and assuming there's no Erika, why the murder games in EP 5-6?

>> No.5934965

Alright I'll bite.

George: Brain full of love
Jessica: Brain full of love
Battler: Useless
Maria: Denpa
Ange: Denpa

Denpa (電波) means “electro-magnetic wave” in Japanese, and denpa-kei (電波系), or denpa-type, is a term for the kind of strange people who seem to be listening to something that only they can hear (in other words, picking up some weird radio waves). It doesn’t just apply to the kind of weirdos who run around wearing tinfoil hats, though, it has come to extend to people who live off in their own little dream worlds and have trouble communicating with the real world (mostly otaku). So, in essence, denpa songs are songs made to appeal to these types of people.

>> No.5934966

Good question.

>> No.5934968

So EP7 spoilers - better than EP6? Too fast, too slow, what?

I have to admit, at first I regretted staying up for so long, but after a while shit got crazy and it was amazing.

>> No.5934971


They don't love Battler.

>> No.5934972

Because Trollkastel. How is that hard to figure?

>> No.5934976

''Where's my letter?? Where's my love letter??''
Oh they do

>> No.5934982

Shannon does. Kanon is too busy getting dazzled bz Jessica

>> No.5934985

Considerably, because this time we actually have some fucking answers. And we didn't get another character like Furfur and Zepar.

>> No.5934988


But that was Lambda and Battler's games.

>> No.5934992


Because this is the first time everyone died horribly, right? The only difference is that some people died in different ways.

But Eva is fucking righteous, man.

>> No.5934993


So, autistic basically.

>> No.5934997

Just Wright and Lion

>> No.5935001

Does even Piece!Battler make an appareance?

>> No.5935002
File: 626 KB, 1151x1199, 11713577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what exactly is wrong with Wright and Lion?

>> No.5935009

aren't you tired of trolling this threads with your shitty memes?

>> No.5935013

He doesn't come to the island in this one.

>> No.5935020

Delicious manface Lion is delicious.

>> No.5935023

>I'm kind of curious as to what became of Wright and Leon at the end
Did those two just run off to homoland or something? Or are they going to stick around? I hope they stick around. ;_;

>> No.5935028

So why are they no more spoilers?
Do they read a bit and then post a summary of what happend?

>> No.5935031

How did Bern manage that when Battler was already planning to come well before October 4th?

>> No.5935035
File: 244 KB, 640x480, 1281804471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5935038


Kyrie killed him?

>> No.5935039

I guess this explains why Rudolf warned Battler about him dying in EP1?

>> No.5935043

>The gold of the Golden Land belongs to this child.
Jesus fuck, this is how you hide clues in plain sight.

I feel so retarded.

>> No.5935044

Natsuhi in this timeline did NOT drop the baby 19 years ago.

>> No.5935045

this should have happened, I'd laugh my ass off.

>> No.5935046

So Kyrie is a stupid bitch who make a big plan who get beaten and then hijacked by a denpa DID meido who is sad because she didn't get her pony.

Fucking disappointing.

>> No.5935049

How does Bern manage to create Leon if he alreadz has been dropped before October 4th

>> No.5935052

It was pretty obvious.
ShKanon being the kid of 19 years ago and therefore the heir I mean.

>> No.5935055

Alternate timeline.

>> No.5935057

I'd read about their adventures in homoland, mystery or no mystery.

Kind of hoping Ryukishi comes up with some crack comedy TIPS for those two.

>> No.5935059


>> No.5935061

And what did you expect?

>> No.5935064

But he said that in front of Battler AND KYRIE!
This doesn't make any sense!

>> No.5935068

>then hijacked by a denpa DID meido
nothing of the sort happens. You're retarded and, I suspect, samefagging since there's only one poster going around with this.

>> No.5935072

So you're going to start saying that now?

>> No.5935073

Eva vs Kyrie seems to be the best part of this episode.

The one who is good but seen as evil vs the one who is evil but seen as good.

>> No.5935074

Everyone actually died on the boat to Rokkenjima.


>> No.5935076

Yes, but I never considered its consequences.

>> No.5935081

And that's why Rudolf died in the first twilight.

>> No.5935086

Fuck that's right. "This child" instead of "she"

>> No.5935087

So, he's just an idiot?

>> No.5935088

So who ended up killing who in this EP again?

>> No.5935092

>the one who is evil but seen as good
the fuck. No one ever thought such a thing. Everyone was guilty as fuck except Krauss who was retarded as balls.

>> No.5935093

but that's not how LOST ended...

>> No.5935098

Mishmash of killings, betrayals and some more shit.

>> No.5935100

Kyrie wanted to kill all the family.
Then Shkannonyasutrice hijacks her plan, or something like this.

>> No.5935101

i dont care about van Dine, i just dont want him to be Shannon...

>> No.5935104

"Kinzo: Massacred his family by setting up a bomb
Krauss: Concealed his father's death
Natsuhi: Dropped Lion off a cliff
Eva: Carelessly killed her elder brother's wife in a scuffle
Hideyoshi: Carelessly killed his brother-in-law in a scuffle
Rudolf: Killed for pleasure (?)
Kyrie: Massacred
Rosa: Killed her sister-in-law
Jessica: Love on the brain
George: Love on the brain
Battler: Incompetent
Maria: Delusional
Ange: Delusional

This family is hopeless."

>> No.5935109

This ep Natsuhi was not guilty at all.

>> No.5935112

How is it retarded when it's stated in the game itself?
Denial much, Kyrie even get backstabbed by Kanon and die early in episode 1 and 2.
Noticed how the murders still continue?
Fucking idiot.

>> No.5935113


He's saying that cause Battler is Kyrie's son.

BTW Battler x Beato is incest now right?

>> No.5935116

Rudolf knows that he will be killed if he reveals that Battler is in fact Kyrie's son. Kyrie is a psycho; even worse than Kasumi.

>> No.5935117

kyrie just moved up on my favorite characters in umineko, this probably is the best ep yet

we shouldn't be surprised at this, we should just embrace the kyrie mastermind (even though its not over)

this is just from reading spoilers so the wait begins

>> No.5935120

Eva kills Kyrie

>> No.5935126

Oh wow..nice find.

>"Yes. ......In the first place, the gold of the Golden Land belongs to this child. She had absolutely no need to make you find it for her or to snatch it away herself."

So she's the heiress trying to pass the ownership of the gold onto Battler or one of the cousins. Still, why sign as Maria Ushiromiya for the bottle letters?

>> No.5935127

The Kyrie part seems pretty short though.
Most of the episode seems to be focused on Yasu.

>> No.5935129


So Eva and Hideyoshi end up killing Krauss and Natsuhi accidentally while Kyrie and Rudolf go about their massacre?

Also, is there any red and blue this episode at all? I love the logic battles.

>> No.5935129,1 [INTERNAL] 

No one cares about denying the Witch anymore

>> No.5935136

So that's how they died in ep 4!

>> No.5935140

Well at least Ange has her bro alive.

>> No.5935141

Where will be the atlas stream and when?

>> No.5935142

We don't know that. All we've seen so far seems to be half, maybe a quarter of the episode.

>> No.5935147

I've seen that a lot in novel mystery. They explain the "wrong clues" to make you think someone is the culprit and then reveal who's the real culprit and then tell you "I gave you a lot of clues why didn't you figure it out??". Yeah, sometime it's even awesome

>> No.5935148

So in the end, Shannon is Battler's aunt.

How does it make you feel /jp/?

>> No.5935149

How did Ange die in ep4?

>> No.5935154

She melted

>> No.5935160


Oh that Battler and his aunts!

>> No.5935162

Battler/Beato is not only incest, it is slash.

Shkannontrice is an alternate version of Lion (if I am understanding things correctly), in other words, he must be a boy.

>> No.5935163

Probably Amakusa killed her.

>> No.5935164

I like how you guys try to avoid looking at the fact that ShKanontrice, aka the most retarded shit ever, was confirmed by focusing on Kyrie.

R07 is a hack

>> No.5935167

To think, all this could've been avoided if Battler just touched Shannon's boobs in EP1 and realized they were fake.

>> No.5935168
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>> No.5935172

Who could've thought that both Shannon and Kanon are three years older than they apparent? (Both have 16 and the ruler of the land 19)

>> No.5935173

Umineko - a story about trolling and breasts. Shit is deep.

>> No.5935174

It's funny because there's no indication that this is true.

No one's posted spoilers in forever.

>> No.5935180

Yeah, too bad that meta Battler loves meta Beato, who is very female and the product of the legend + ShKannon's love.

>> No.5935182

Wait a sec. Wasn't Shkanontrice denied? Then why are this fags still trying to apply the same trick?

>> No.5935183

They are the only ones who could be 19 on the island, being orphans and all.

>> No.5935188

It was never denied. The maid simply isn't the culprit.

>> No.5935189


How can it not be true at this point?

I thought most of the episode was spent dealing with that fact?

>> No.5935190

Most of the episode was spent on confirming ShKanontrice

>> No.5935191

I'm pretty sure people who think Shkanon was confirmed OR denied are both blowing out their asses. It's still probably being teased though.

>> No.5935194


feminized boy + incest + malnutrition at orphanage = small and weak

>> No.5935198

Only Ep 6. And possibly was a R07. (he did that in higurashi. aliens...)

>> No.5935201

This mixture of fake and real spoilers aren't getting anywhere.
I need to read the goddamn game.

>> No.5935204

>Only Ep 6. And possibly was a R07 troll. (he did that in higurashi. aliens...)


>> No.5935206

>ShKanontrice, aka the most retarded shit ever, was confirmed
It's Yashkaleontrice now.

Too busy being excited over Kyrie to care about that now.

>> No.5935207

Because Maria was a weirdo, that's why

>> No.5935211

The name is growing bigger

>> No.5935214


Most of the entire visual novel was spent on confirming Shkanontrice.

Re-read the first 2 chapters of Episode 2. Its so obvious you'd have to be just as delusional as the meido to not understand whats going on.

>> No.5935220

2 chapters out of 15 i think. It still isn't all the sound novel. and remember Higurashi's culprit was takano and higurashi didn't focus on takano, though it still gave some clues

>> No.5935223

No I mean episode 7, most of the episode was spent of Yasu, an orphan and her life in an orphanage.

>> No.5935228

Just call her Yasu, better nickname as ShKanontrice.

>> No.5935231

What the fuck are you talking about? From what i've seen, Ep 7=Wright and Lion

>> No.5935234

You forget about genji and kumasawa.

Therefore, you have your culprit.

>> No.5935235

Shkanontrice theory was both confirmed and denied.

It is confirmed that one person is pretending to be Kanon, Shannon, and Beatrice.
It is denied that this person is the culprit.

>> No.5935239

The maid does most of the murders except in episode 4.
How is she not the culprit?

>> No.5935240

having one right now, shit's tasty.
I still think the parallel here is Takano = Kyrie
ShKanon just like ShMion is a red herring

>> No.5935242

Hideyoshi is still a problem in EP1.

What the hell happened there?

>> No.5935250

Then I don't care at all. I just want to find out who's the culprit, not about two characters I don't even like at all. Kyrie would be awesome as the culprit

>> No.5935253

Its not even Shkannontrice as we knew
Its just a very delusional boy ( LION/LEON ) pretending to be 3 persons.

>> No.5935256

>It is denied that this person is the culprit.
So tell me who kill when Kyrie bites the bullet please.

Fucking retarded, Kyrie even died early in this episode if it's not enough of a confirmation

>> No.5935261

No clue, but I can't wait. The Atlas stream when the last EP came out was glorious.

It sounds like the name of some kind of Lovecraftian horror.

>> No.5935262

He slipped

>> No.5935264


I like it.

>> No.5935269

>Just call her Yasu, better nickname as ShKanontrice.

Oh boy...

>> No.5935270

Why was Yasu, the accepted heir version, named Lion/Leon/whatever anyway, disregarding the obvious Evangelion reference? Tell me that name doesn't use the servant -on kanji.

Speaking of Evangelion, we could have predicted the name if we had just looked at the other two heads of the family.

>> No.5935271


Just because you kill doesn't make you a culprit. The one who plans to kill everyone on the island is the culprit, even if she dies and her plan is used by someone else.

And when Yasu kills he's not a servant, he's the fucking head of the family.

This shit is simple.

>> No.5935274

Yasukannonshatriceohhbeatricheeeder is the new nickname

>> No.5935277

Could Battler have done the Prank in Episode 6 to make
Kyrie and Rudolph give up on the killings and repent?

>> No.5935279

Taiwan theory = confirmed
Gold = Nazi gold
Shannon = Kanon = Yasu = Leon = Beatrice
Kyrie wants the GOLD and is ready to kill for it, too bad she die early most of the time due to her incompetence.

>> No.5935282

But very, very stupid

>> No.5935283


My theory with EP1 second twilight was always that the door was never chained in the first place, since they never confirm that it was via Battler seeing it or in red. It's the same trick they use in a number of other scenarios, most notably the knock/note in episode 5 and the first twilight of episode 2- say something happened in white, shut down any non-magic explanation for it in red, but never actually confirm that it happened in the first place.

>> No.5935288



>> No.5935289

Or because of a traition among the servants.

>> No.5935290
File: 115 KB, 480x480, kin_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasu is the bomb now, too?

...I wouldn't put it past Kinzo.

>> No.5935292

A culprit is anyone who commits a crime.

>> No.5935294

And retarded, it's as if genji could be the culprit because when he kills he thinks he's Kinzo.

>> No.5935299

No. Half this shit hasn't even been backed up by screenshots at all. You people are making crap up.

Besides, we haven't even seen any screens in ages. What happened?

>> No.5935303

Episode 7 confirms that the letters were written by Shannon.
Also Kyrie would NEVER give money to the family of the departed.

And you have meta-Beatrice, the personification of the rules, she also personify the culprit.
And she didn't do it for the gold or hatred.
And Kyrie was full of GREED and HATRED.

So Yasu aka Shannon is the culprit

>> No.5935305

What I DON'T understand is how Battler fell in love with a boy (Yasu) at his young 12 years old and claims his first love to be a "she" 6 years later.

>> No.5935307


No, that's just a criminal or a murderer.

Culprit means something very specific in mysteries, especially ones with multiple killers. It's the one starts the shitstorm.

>> No.5935309

...wut? that conclusion doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the post

>> No.5935312

Yasu isn't a boy.
We don't know if he/she is a girl either.
The gender is left ambiguous, could be hermaphrodite due to the genetic defect.

>> No.5935314

I thought EP3 confirmed that Eva was the culprit?

>> No.5935315

I think the thread is already auto-saging. New one!

>> No.5935318


People just started quoting the Japanese since they stopped posting screens as well.

>> No.5935319

Japan is sleeping.

Now in Japan is 03.47 A.M.

>> No.5935321

Actually it does, read again.
Yasu is Beatrice.

>> No.5935324
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I know this is Ep 7 but remember who the game master is. I'm expecting a troll ball in the corner pocket any time now.

>> No.5935325
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>> No.5935326


That was the last one posted in the 2ch thread until now, I don't have a clue why there are no new caps.

>> No.5935329
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>> No.5935330

The ep is too good to even stop to take a cap

>> No.5935332

>So Yasu aka Shannon is the culprit

Nowhere in Virgilia's Ep5 red does it say that Beatrice is the culprit. This is just something that both Battler and Ange have assumed, but Battler doesn't seem to think so anyway.

>> No.5935333

Not this time bro, prepare for homolust.

>> No.5935334

What is the Taiwan theory?

>> No.5935337

Thats called a Mastermind.
Culprit/Criminal/Acused is a typical ame for a law breaker.

Also discussing spoilers this seriously without screenshots backing it up is a iffy.

>> No.5935339

She dies early in episode 1 and 2.
She planned to survive yet still die in every episodes
If it's not incompetence, I don't know what it is.

>> No.5935340

These spoilers seem retarded. i accept most of the stuff, but it's actually almost motivating me to hide this shit and hope to be pleasantly surprised after half a year.

>> No.5935344

Because good shops take time to make.

>> No.5935345

see >>5934585

>> No.5935346

Dumb question, I know.
But is "Sayo" a fake name/personality, as well? Or a fake name given by Lion to the cousins?
Since Sayo was apparently true identity of ShKanon

>> No.5935348

Kinzo's beloved hometown is in Taiwan, the river is a railroad, and the "key" is "QUADRILLION", which also happens to sound exactly like "KUWADORIAN".

>> No.5935349

Isn't Leon confirmed to be male? Leon=Yasu after all.

>> No.5935351


>could be hermaphrodite due to the genetic defect.

my penis won't be able to handle all the pressure once the japs get on this

>> No.5935353

Similar to Takano, she might be faking her death in the first two episodes.

>> No.5935355

No, gender is never confirmed.

>> No.5935359


>> No.5935361

Is that fucking Lampadelta?

>> No.5935362


i fucking wonder too!

>> No.5935363

Her death was confirmed in red.

>> No.5935364

She doesn't.
Red text clearly show that she died.
The fact that she died early in episode 7 as well is just to show that her plan doesn't go as planned most of the time

>> No.5935366

Gender isn't confirmed because it justifies his relationship with Jyoji and Jessica

>> No.5935367

"Sayo"/Shannon is just as imaginary as Kanon.
Yasu is the original personality, and boy is he batty.

>> No.5935368


Fucking this!


>> No.5935369

Maybe all of Japan got to the good part and are too busy reading to troll anymore.

>> No.5935372
File: 309 KB, 1152x700, lambredia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And Lambredia. Like so.

>> No.5935373

>just woke up
>backthread the other posts
>Kyrie is a yandere murderer

EP 7 is now officially awesome.

>> No.5935374

Now you all realise that Eva attacking Beatrice's heart with the Siestas was in reality Eva trying to dismantle the bomb
Because she's the hero Rokkenjima deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt her
Because she can take it
She's a silent guardian
A watchful protector
The Dark Knight

>> No.5935375

She's 'dead by the time she was discovered' and a 'genuine victim' in Ep 2, at the very least. I just think her being the mastermind is suspect. Accomplice in one or two episodes? Probably.

>> No.5935376

You are now aware that Leon was always alive the whole time during the other episodes.

>> No.5935386

still no torrent? fuck ;_;

>> No.5935389

True identity is Leon Uroshimiya.
Nickname in the orphanage is Yasu.
Being bullied in the orphanage, he creates an angelic friend in his mind, that's Shannon.
Then you can imagine the rest.

>> No.5935395

Japan, where is my homolust?

>> No.5935396

Japan is sleeping. Now in Japan there is 4.00 hours in trhe morning.

>> No.5935397

[citation needed]

>> No.5935402

There's an autistic retard going about in these threads, if you see someone saying Kirie dies early or Nanon/Shannon backstabbing her, dismiss him, he posted bullshit in every thread.

>> No.5935403

If you want a confirmation wait for tomorrow.

>> No.5935405

sounds like E7 is really fucking grimdarkishly creepy.

captcha: confront tundens

Also autosage

>> No.5935406

Kyrie does die during the first night though.
But I don't even think Kanon appear on the gameboard of episode 7.

>> No.5935409

Battler: OOPS, im late
Bern: Hey Battler look at my game can you deny anythiiiiiiiiiing ?
Battler: Its useless all useless
Bern: I Knew it !
Battler: Yeah you really SUCK AT THIS THING
Dreamenddischarger starts playing

>> No.5935410

Holy fuck.

>> No.5935414

FUCK YES (if this is true)

>> No.5935420

Any awesome UNTzts tracks out yet?

>> No.5935426

what about Krauss reffering to him as "my son" ?

>> No.5935434

New thread: >>5935430

>> No.5935438

Bullshit until a downlload link appears.
