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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 799x599, gekkou oh god perla is moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5891413 No.5891413 [Reply] [Original]

Since tho old one died.

Did she really just told the guy she will feed him bad food to make him vomit then collect that vomit and ram it in his butt?

>> No.5891440

Yes. It's one of the things that got posted as soon as the game was out if I recall correctly.

>> No.5891441

Oh, I remember that from the villain quote chart.

Fucking sadists, I hope she gets raped.

>> No.5891444

Yep, and enjoy your no route

>> No.5891446

No Route? ;_;

>> No.5891450

sounds hot

>> No.5891461

No it doesn't, the stomach acid will burn through your thin and sensitive rectal walls in mere seconds.

>> No.5891469

shes fucking hot, too bad this will never be translated..

>> No.5891471

Better start studying those moonrunes, man.

>> No.5891474

The world needs more Perla porn.

The one masturbation image from the manga will not do.

>> No.5891476

Nope, heroines are Anna, Noel, Lunaria and Rebecca. They all have a "good" ending and a "true" ending.
They aren't exactly called that but usually in one all the things magically fall into place and happily ever after, in the other shit hits the fan.
Rebecca's true ending is basically the prototype of Ichijou's ending in Muramasa, and the overall best IMO

>> No.5891477
File: 445 KB, 1024x576, Raichou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Raichou never raped Shishiku's ass? He had to have been annoyed from all those shitty challenges.

>> No.5891478

It is fully voiced. This and ATLAS is enough.

>> No.5891489
File: 89 KB, 320x463, 33bznft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started this.

>> No.5891491

oh, i've been interested in gekkou for a while, should i play this or do baldr sky first?

>> No.5891503

Fucking nitroplus for always making the best girl having no route or no ero.
Gekkou: Perla (This scene, OP was referring to:
> The servant suddenly stopped walking.<k>
> She opened the pocketwatch, making a clink.
>"My hobby is taking people who waste, sully, or use up my precious time and making them maggots lower than feces, as that is a fitting punishment."
>"I give them food that is more than two weeks past expiration, causing vomiting, then I collect and preserve that vomit."
>"When preserving, I boil the collected vomit in a large jar."
>"Partially digested waste has many different colors mixed together. Ahh, it is reminiscent of a microcosm."
>"But, the jar's size is fixed. There is no helping it when some of the stock overflows."
>"I take that spilled vomit and, with a tube in the anus, return it to the thankful donor's rectum."
>"I have a variety of interests."
>"Do you enjoy that kind of play?"
>【パオロ】"I'm sorry. Hurry and take me."
>"Do you enjoy that kind of play?"
>【パオロ】"I hate it, hate it. I detest it!"
>"However, it has an invigorating scent."
>【パオロ】"I don't even want to smell it!"
>"I understand. Of course, while it is unfortunate, I will, unfortunately, not force you."
Saya: Doc
Hello world: Junko (I don't count the true ending as her route, I'd want to romance with her etc, just like the other 5 girls)
Phantom: Lizzie
Demonbane: Elsa (damn, she was so awesome)
Kikokugai: Petrushka
I'm buttmad

>> No.5891514

You now realize that humans tend to prefer getting things that they can never achieve in their lifetime.

>> No.5891531

Best Demonbane girl was Etheldreda.

>> No.5891550

Stomach acid doesn't really "burn through". You can even play with concentrated HCl barehanded without much of a problem, the real annoyance is that the fumes burn the lungs and wreck any metal objects (annoying yellowish smear you can't get rid of. )

Damn yes, there should've been an Elsa route, if only for the glorious amounts of Doctor West it would surely contain.

>> No.5891553

I bet you like Satsuki and Ayako as well, right?

>> No.5891560

It's not just that. I don't think you will ever find anyone who'd prefer Demonbane's Leica over Elsa, and the first (who's an awfully boring character) has a route, while the second don't.
Well, I'd disagree, but Etheldreda doesn't have a route either so yeah.

>> No.5891567

>who's an awfully boring character

Oh come on, isn't she Kamen Rider Hakumen? That ought to earn her some points.

>> No.5891571

I don't, I couldn't care about neither.

>> No.5891578
File: 973 KB, 1280x915, etheldreda645635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, I'd disagree, but Etheldreda doesn't have a route either so yeah.

A route of Etheldreda reverse NTRing Al´s Kurou away woul have been fun.

>> No.5891583
File: 452 KB, 1920x1200, 2010-01-25-238278..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know I really fucking wished Chachamaru had a real route. That or a Kageaki+Chachamaru battle.

Anyway, they didn't because Raichou is supposed to be made fun of unless he has a reason to show how fucking strong he is (I mean didn't he completely wreck Ginseigou enough to make the Railgun Punch actually do more then just a fucking scratch?).

>> No.5891601

He had a few hundreds soldiers with him against ginseigo you know.

>> No.5891628

Well it surely would have been interesting something along those lines (even for Al's delicious tears), but it's hard to imagine given how obsessively devoted she really was to Master Therions.

Oh yeah I was kinda wishing that Etheldreda gets raped by Ryuuga during Leica's route's climax. I think it probably would have enjoyed it more than the summoning-cthulhu-by-tentaclerape-on-Ennea.

>> No.5891636

>*I think I probably

>> No.5891691

Doesn't Etheldreda get raped by Nya?

>> No.5891700

>This and ATLAS is enough.

>> No.5891714

Wait, are these threads usually full of people who play their game with AGTH+Atlas?

>> No.5891728

>Fucking nitroplus for always making the best girl having no route or no ero.

Could have been worse. She could have had a terrible route that made you hate her.

>> No.5891731
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great success

>> No.5891745

Do you really think more then 5% of /jp/s userbase can read moon?

>> No.5891765

I don't think so, people in these kind of threads seem to have a full understanding of the games they're playing, usually. Maybe's there the odd japanese student who didn't get the complex parts.

>> No.5891773

I noticed there is also a lot of PRETEND in this kind of thread.

>> No.5891774


Ha...! You baka gaijins will never understand my games.

>> No.5891797

what does that mean :D

>> No.5891801
File: 578 KB, 1280x1024, girl28-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game good? Cause I realy like this girls look.

>> No.5891803

I for one enjoy having people to discuss eroge with so who cares, if it's true it's pretty sad though.

>> No.5891815

No. There's a threesome with Therion, Etheldreda, and Nya, and while Etheldreda seems kinda reluctant at first, she's fully into it when she gets ordered by Therion.
Nya only futarapes Al.

>> No.5891824

It's great.
Not voiced and the text can be complicated at time so beware if you are one of the agth reader though.

>> No.5891940
File: 94 KB, 798x595, pm98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to read muramasa since I saw it being advertised on /jp/ and it looked kinda interesting, but got distracted by this instead.

Pic related, it's my daughter cosplaying as my ex-daughter. Sage for not really a VN.

>> No.5891981
File: 104 KB, 870x677, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Humph! i can reed japanese mind u
heh i'm jlpt5 suck it!

for example at this screenshot!

it reads: neko!

I like neko! but i dunno what it means @_@


User: Kawaii cookie-chan
Name: ...?
Nickname: Cookie-chan

Likes: Anime, manga, drawing, sleep, chocolte, candy, my friends, reading, kawaii stuff
Dislikes: Needles, snobs, bitchy people, stalkers!

Crunchyroll: If you have a crunchyroll account please buddy me _ http://www.crunchyroll.com/user/animelover-chan

Msn: Anyone have msn? Want to add me? chocolate.and.cookies@hotmail.com

>> No.5892002

irony aside, how's Nanapri? It looked really interesting, is it nukige-level bad or worth playing?

>> No.5892059


The artwork, at least, kept my eyes from bleeding too much.

But エーデル is kawaii! So it's okay!

>> No.5892253
File: 74 KB, 607x1023, 11eyes cha6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good?

>> No.5892809

Play the CrossOver version if you can.

>> No.5893049

You forgot

>Hanachirasu: Kaigen

>> No.5893065

Oh yeah my bad. I knew I forgot someone from the games I played.

>> No.5893072

I've been slowly reading Oretsuba, but was disappointed after finding out I can't do the imouto route till the end. Not sure who to go after now.

>> No.5893113

Plese tell me there is a PC port.

>> No.5893154

No, but there is a PSP version

>> No.5893207

There is one for the chinese. I haven't got a clue whether the japanese have reverted it and ue it with the japanese script.

>> No.5893298
File: 6 KB, 118x170, 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don´t have a PSP and can`t read without AGTH

>> No.5893475
File: 36 KB, 640x480, tina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Desire. I found it very good overall even though most of Makoto's scenario was not necessary.

And for a 90's game, it sure had a lot of CGs and animation.

>> No.5893767

I always wanted to ask, what are everyone's Tsurugi's abilities? Can't read moon. I only know a few and someone went on about how 2chan discussed Muramasa powerlevels to death.

>> No.5893810

What I picked up from discussions:

Muramasa - Magnatism
Ginseigou - Insanity? Gravity?? Time???
William Burroughs - Gae Bolg

>> No.5893908
File: 211 KB, 640x480, tukiuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy spoilers, finding out about some of these are part of the fun of the game, so I wouldn't read them, but do as you wish, they're here.

Muramasa the 3rd: Magnetism and limited gravity after recovering parts of the nodachi
Muramasa the 2d (Ginseigo): Gravity control basically, though they use a weird kanji for it that may have historical origins
Masamune: 7 mechanical tricks that use the pilot's body parts as fuel (YOU DON'T NEED INTESTINES EXCEPT WHEN YOU'RE EATING ANYWAYS), his true shinogi is copying the adversary's shinogi
Shinkai: Control of fluids
Gassan+the other two tsurugi: Light reflection, Radar stealth
Masakuni: Control of fire
Burroughs: Able to change its arrows trajectory mid-flight, normally useless for anyone except Kanae
Kotetsu: Can shares senses with the enemy (they hear/see what Chachamaru does, because of plot it's actually effective)
Aharabaki: Absorbs calories from surrounding enviroment
Aoe: Illusions that make you see either your personal hell or the time where you were most happy
Shishiku's tsurugi: can disappear by becoming the same appearance as his background (he's form even resembles that insect that looks like a stick insect)
Batory: it's not even a complete armor but only gauntlets, though its thorns have the power of sucked a pilots blood through its tsurugi, it's a pilot-certain kill that bypasses whatever defence and makes its user rejuvenate

>> No.5893947

Masamune rocks. Loved every line of his.

>> No.5894040

I also forgot that Ginseigo can emit waves that transmit its user's thought to everyone not in a tsurugi, and can plant eggs in tsurugi pilots that make them focus on what they wish to achieve while hatching, and once hatched the whole tsurugi turns into a copy of Ginseigo under her control and that acts as a relay for the waves.

>> No.5894062
File: 366 KB, 1000x1000, masamune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shishiku's tsurugi: can disappear by becoming the same appearance as his background (he's form even resembles that insect that looks like a stick insect)

Nabuse? He reminded me of a catfish for some reason. I could also swear Masamune is a longhorn beetle, no roach folds wings quite like that.

>> No.5894203
File: 51 KB, 632x393, stick insect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, couldn't remember the readings. To me it looked like this, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.

Also holy shit, I made some cringeworthy grammar mistakes on that list. Sorry, I was just typing fast and my English flew out of the window.

>> No.5894245
File: 388 KB, 1024x576, ev246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's the responsible CG. It mostly has to do with the gigantic whiskers.

By the way, is Tell's shinogi the same as Burroughs'? Tell apparently never misses, but his pilot doesn't have Kanae's eyes.

>> No.5894539

Tinaaaaa <3 <3 <3

Did you realize the twist in advance before the ending, or did it make you brickshitting when it was revealed?

>> No.5894716 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1024x576, Kotetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your guys' favorite ending?

>> No.5894723
File: 180 KB, 1024x576, Kotetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your guys' favorite ending?

>> No.5896735

Just 100%'d Oretsuba After

Good stuff.

>> No.5896776

Ah yeah, I was thinking about his "animal" form, if you're thinking about the armor it does look indeed like a catfish.
>By the way, is Tell's shinogi the same as Burroughs'? Tell apparently never misses, but his pilot doesn't have Kanae's eyes.
I seem to remember they say Tell's Outlaw was directing the arrow with the user's sight, i.e. the arrow would always go where its user aimed it at. Basically a homing certain-hit.
Burroughs tried to copy this using the paradox of Zeno but only made it possible to change trajectory mid-flight. It's not actually homing and too hard for any regular pilot to use properly (as his wife found out later).

>> No.5896801

finally went back and finished oki+true end in sumaga
Now I have to decide what to read next before I get sucked into starcraft 2

>> No.5896809

I'm a fan of Kanae's myself. It just felt fitting:
total slaughter being the only result of the circle of evil.
Also even though if I actually like Muramasa the best out of all the heroines. I felt like a heartless bastard though when I read Chachamaru's regular kamae as opposed to when Kageaki says it. But I can see why they cut her route so short, its premise made it unmanageable

>> No.5896904

I started to suspect it during the third scenario, the reveal was still quite brickshitting.

>> No.5897699


>> No.5899540

Is Muramasa a VN about brickshitting? That's the only thing I ever gather from /jp/ discussions.

>> No.5899581
File: 64 KB, 800x600, gore truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can`t figure out what this fucker is trying to say.

/r/ Gores lines only patch.

>> No.5899606

Not really, no.
There's a couple of twists, but they're not the focus of the plot and you can catch most of them coming if you stay sharp.

It's a great game though. One of the best scenarios in eroge with a great cast and tons of memorable scenes. You should give it a try.

>> No.5899608 [DELETED] 

From what I can gather, it's a VN where no one's exactly right on the head, everyone has a fucked up philosophy in one way or another. The heroines are a female Shirou with justice obsession cranked up to eleven, an "ara ara" ojou-sama who is calm and collected until she reveals her poofy skirt is lined with guns and massacres people by the hundreds, an experimental bastard child between human and giant robot, a full-on giant robot who believes no side is right in conflict so both sides should suffer equally and your sister (actually daughter) of whom wishes gave birth to an omnicidal maniac who wants to kill everyone so that she can fuck her dad.

Obviously, shit quickly hits the fan.

>> No.5899635
File: 494 KB, 768x1024, kanae morning..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Hikaru spoiler is probably too important even for spoiler tags, especially when compared to the rest.

And Kanae goes batshit way before revealing the insides of her skirt. Just remember her dialogue with Kageaki in chapter 4.

>> No.5899653
File: 209 KB, 900x1152, 1280914641065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FD where?

>> No.5899658

How hard is Muramasa?
Impossible for AGTH fags?

>> No.5899679
File: 184 KB, 700x613, akitaka nikkari..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually read it all with AGTH, but I have some basic moonspeak knowledge. The hardest parts for me were the politic ones, but the rest is pretty easy. Basically, Muramasa's awesomeness transcends the shittiness of AGTH.

>> No.5899683

Impossible, the level is very high.
Wait for the translation of Makoto

>> No.5899687

You should have waited, half of the fun of Muramasa come from the great dialogues.
I doubt a translator could translate these well.

>> No.5899691

Speaking of Makoto, is there any way for a regular anon to help the project without moonspeak knowledge?

>> No.5899696

Oh yeah, that'd be right. Deleted the post.

From what I hear, the writing is pretty good (not to mention rather complex) and wasting the jokes on AGTH+Atlas is a shame, but I guess you can give it a try.

Ah yeah, the travel form looks like a stick insect (I was hazarding beetle on armor form though, since he's got those pauldrons that'd make a Space Marine proud. )

I wonder if they based it on specific insects. Perhaps not, I remember checking Muramasa's eye arrangements; no spider family has her pattern.

>> No.5899699

Well, I dunno, they seemed awesome enough to me. It's pretty hard even for ATLAS to mistranslate some of them.

>> No.5899769 [DELETED] 

oh god what

>> No.5899780
File: 105 KB, 900x1152, 1281376970335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god what

>> No.5899795


herp herp

>> No.5900109

Sorry, but no, we already have every position filled.

>> No.5900343

Anyone have the Niro+ April Fools images?

>> No.5900353

why ore they so loooooooong?

>> No.5901167


>> No.5903019

Hey anyone got that old Sumaga patch with all the bugs that Moogy posted here so we can search for them? Anyone have it?

>> No.5903035

You mean the one with only Spica route translated? I forgot about that.

>> No.5903056

You forgot Muramasa the 1st

>> No.5904876
File: 278 KB, 865x1280, movie1_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the Muramasa movie posters, I have those.

Was his abilities even mentioned before drama CD? I kinda forgot that episode, his tsurugi career was pretty short in the VN.

>> No.5904882
File: 311 KB, 866x1280, movie2_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904893
File: 267 KB, 592x861, movie3_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they even need a flood detection if they have captcha?

>> No.5904898
File: 395 KB, 1648x1280, movie4_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904906
File: 365 KB, 864x1280, movie6_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904909
File: 160 KB, 872x1280, movie7_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904920
File: 204 KB, 747x1024, movie_muramasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all. I also have those Sonico Kill Bill wallpapers.

>> No.5904923

I haven't read the gaidens, actually, notice how that list also lacks the Kusanagi and his enemy. It's not like we ever see the 1st in the main game. It seems he has the same magnetic powers as Muramasa though.

>> No.5905483
File: 151 KB, 1600x1200, sonicomiwp_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bump, just in case.

>> No.5906152
File: 470 KB, 1030x800, Clipboard40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have been playing KonoUta, it has been highly entertaining for me. It's nothing too deep or it isn't any masterpiece, but entertaining nevertheless. It has its faults and ups. It has some great ideas in my opinion, but the writers just don't know how to express them properly so it falls flat on execution most of the time. And the horror aspect/incident is just over too fast. And then there doesn't seem to be a good end, only bittersweet ending or bad ends. Also the art is great and H-scenes are really fappable. And the thing that right now irks me the most is probably the fact that I just cant seem to finish Shiramines route at all which is the last route that remains (unless there is true/harem route but I doubt that as there is no room for that in gallery), the choice that should lead to ending just gives bad end, wondering if its a bug, I have the patch installed which should fix atleast some, but some seems to still remain. Unless then the choices needed to finish this route are completely retarded as I have every viable choice combinations gone trough.
Objectively its maybe 7/10, but on entertainment factor I'll give it 9/10

>> No.5906296
File: 148 KB, 800x600, TSUBASA_01up1_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this for the preggo blonde.

>> No.5906320
File: 350 KB, 800x600, EV033C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty fun.
