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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5840063 No.5840063 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you have started to "hate" Touhou due to its fanbase?

All fanbases are horrible but Touhou must have the shittiest one of all though I can only speak for its western fanbase obviously.

>> No.5840073

The Japanese fanbase isn't much better. And hating something for its fanbase? That's fucking stupid.

>> No.5840076

You don't hate something for the fanbase. You hate the FANBASE itself if it's too obnoxious.

>> No.5840086

I misunderstood. Carry on then

>> No.5840099

It's just that sometimes you don't want to be associated with the general image of something's fanbase.
It's stupid and it's just being a weakminded retard giving in to peer pressure, but it happens.
If I hear someone chucking Cirno jokes at me as soon as I say I like the games again...

>> No.5840108

>Check DoDonPachi superplay
>This game is easy if you played Touhou


>> No.5840116

Maybe it's my nostalgia glasses, but I've started to hate Touhou because the new games just aren't as good.

>> No.5840117

>Raiden II gameplay
>what a boring looking game touhou is soo much better
Why do people do this

>> No.5840124

OP here I kinda agree with you things were looking great around Imperishable Nigh and PCB but then after that its just been going down hill.

UFO was one of the most boring shooters I have ever played, i have more fun playing Galaga I am serious.

>> No.5840127

No, but I started hating the CAVE fanbase recently.

>> No.5840136

You can¨'t really say that these Death Smiles kiddies are CAVE fanboys especially since they have not even played anything but death smiles.

>> No.5840171

It would be best if someone decided to release Raizing,Psikyo,Seibu Kaihatsu games to even out a bit on the fanboy frontier.

>> No.5840213
File: 875 KB, 438x1666, byakudan fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Touhou precisely for its fanbase. Never before have I seen such dedication. So productive, so much love. And even in the Western fanbase, the heroes at Gensokyo.org and elsewhere work hard to provide for the fans.

I wish people would have less flame wars and come to appreciate how amazing it all is. I agree that some fans are jarring, but the dedication of the productive fans who actually produce works rather than complain are the shining jewel of the Touhou experience. I've come to love Touhou more and more deeply as each year passes on. The entire experience is something that no other series I know can match, and it is a large extent due to the love and passion of the creative fans.

>> No.5840258

C-Can you marry me?

>> No.5840269 [DELETED] 

That would be the Japanese fanbase who produce things. And most of the things they produce are lined with shit, such as forced memes and ridiculous wordplay.
The Western fanbase, however, is much worse in the sense that they constantly spew bullshit. They don't even play the games, but still label it as one of the best STGs series ever. They just listen to shitty IOSYS arranges and fap to the doujins.
This isn't an issue of secondaryfags or not, but the people who claim to claim to be fans don't actually play the games, which the series consists of. They just bandwagon along with the other people considering themselves "fans".

>> No.5840290

I am pretty sure eastern fanbase has those too. It's just we see only tip of an iceberg.

>> No.5840287

>>5840073 And hating something for its fanbase? That's fucking stupid.


>> No.5840308

Touhous fanbase at least produces lots of original content. 95% of it is pure cancer, but there's some good stuff too.

Two games I never let myself get into due to their shitty fanbase are Counterstrike and Team Fortress 2.

>> No.5840323

nah, i hate touhou because it's a pretty shitty series of shooters.

the fans can be annoying though. just go watch a youtube video of any real shooter and you'll probably see an argument involving touhou in the comments. they're almost as bad as naruto fans.

>> No.5840327

>Giga Wing video
>What an fucking Touhou ripoff

Really now really?

>> No.5840337

Touhou is the fanbase. You hate the fanbase, you hate Touhou. Likewise, you hate Touhou, you hate yourself.

>> No.5840345

Wow, I remember playing Darius when I was like 12 years old. So much fun. This image sure brings memories.

>> No.5840352


yes, this is exactly my point. touhou is to shooting games what naruto is to anime/mangna.

>> No.5840365

Fucking Ikeda tell Asada to give us the real port already not that Iphone garbage

>> No.5840379

>raiden Fighter aces video
> it's seems fun ...but..

>The patterns and difficulty don't seem to be hard at all....

>i would easily play but if you want a challenging SHMUP go for touhou series.

You gotta be fucking shitting me

>> No.5840404

Let's face it, guys - fans of iPhone games have no right to complain about other fanbases.

>> No.5840419

>Using Youtube comments as some kind of quality argument
Really now?

>> No.5840427

It gives you a pretty good overview of the typical fan yes.

>> No.5840424

Who the hell is a fan of iphone game.

>> No.5840458

It gives you a pretty good overview of the typical youtube poster.

>> No.5840471
File: 475 KB, 1350x1250, moko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marriage is too complicated! Mokou is not good with complicated procedures. But everyone can be good friends!

By the way, what has each person in this thread contributed to the Touhou fandom?

>> No.5840475
File: 324 KB, 380x517, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate the fanbase, I still love the games.
Makes me sad.

Now I know why some people desperately cling to obscure games and genres just so they can talk about something and try and look cool without thousands of slobbering fans behind him negating everything good about what he likes.

Someone slap me, I think I just complimented hipsters.

>> No.5840504

>Worst Fanbase
You haven't seen the Twilight or the Sonic fanbases have you?

>> No.5840520


That and its open-ended nature due to ZUN spending little time on character development and letting peoples' imaginations run wild. I wrote a paper on it...and I got an A. Don't fucking ask me how I got an A on a paper about Touhou, but I did.

As for the fanbase...it's hit or miss. You can find doujins if you want to, but I like the games for being genuinely fun shmups that don't face you off against Generic Battle-Tank #36409 or whatever. There are also a bunch of random gaiden games you can find, some of which make no sense...I saw a Bomberman parody game with Meiling as the main character, probably only because of the fucking pun (Bomb-Meirin). Take what you want, enjoy it for what it is, and if someone expresses a genuine interest in it, try to help them.

I tend to tell people about the games and that despite the fact that it's populated by cute girls in silly outfits, they're still fun and help kill time. I'm not one who thinks it's exclusive and that people have to find out about it for themselves, since that's just douchebag elitist behavior.

>> No.5840521

Does knowing backstory and spreading the word of Canon count?

>> No.5840522

We would of for comparison, and I'd say Touhou is on the same level or even worse.

>> No.5840535

>s that don't face you off against Generic Battle-Tank #36409
Instead you get generic animu girl #36409 which have been in shooters since 1989

>> No.5840560

that's quickly devolving into OPINIONS discussion.
I personally don't think majority of touhou fanbase is bad. It's just youtube thing.

>> No.5840557

you want an example of how shitty the touhou fanbase is?
pooshlmer and shirnemaiden.

>> No.5840569

Oh, this game?

I was just playing it a few minutes ago.

>> No.5840573

Do you fags seriously believe playing these obscure games makes you "hardcore"? No one cares.

>> No.5840582

>Go on pooshlmer
>See nothing horrible
>Actually not worse than /jp/

>> No.5840584
File: 223 KB, 646x505, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp, forgot my image.

>precision fumbler captcha
What the fuck

>> No.5840602

Personally I think the fact that the Touhou community produces so much OC automatically makes it better than most fanbases.

Sure, for every kickass arrange album/crossover game/doujin that comes out, we get ten shitty ones, but that's still one more awesome thing than the average fanbase ever puts out.

>> No.5840604

What obscure games?

>> No.5840610

Why don't you go back there?

>> No.5840613

He's not talking about Touhou, obviously.

>> No.5840631

Is he trying to say CAVE TOAPLAN,8ing shooters are obscure?

thats one the most stupid shit I have ever heard.

Whats next Gradius Is obscure

>> No.5840645

To normalfags, the shmup genre in general is obscure.

>> No.5840650

no, seriously. Nothing to rage about.

>> No.5840654

Since when was /jp/ made up by normalfags?

even normalfags know about Gradius,Raiden and R type

>> No.5840703

>Sonic fanbase
If every one of them was taken out back and shot the world would be a better place for it.

captcha: "mayo implementation"

>> No.5840709
File: 18 KB, 569x899, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately i'd say gradius stands in the /jp/-/v/ spectrum.. Most normalfags dont know shit beyond Halo, the normalfag-/v/ spectrum would know about it, but most likely never play or enjoy such a game.

I have constructed a handy chart for your use.

>> No.5840722

How does this work? Are you implying no normalfags are Twilight fans? Because you're clearly wrong on that.

>> No.5840731

You consider twilight fans to be normal?

>> No.5840743
File: 66 KB, 600x473, sexiest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square-Enix fantards.

Now then, back to /v/.

>> No.5840817

>Battle Garegga Black Heart MK2
>What a easy looking boss compared to Shikieiki

>> No.5840840

Typical Twighlight fan you judge

>> No.5840847


>> No.5840877

oh god

>> No.5840904

jesus christ...

>> No.5840931

and I thought youtube was bad.

>> No.5840940
File: 336 KB, 500x194, 1279651375697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was gonna go on a long winded rant about everything wrong with the Touhou fanbase in general then I read this post and it made me realize it's not that bad.

I love Kingdom Hearts but that fanbase is far worse than the Touhou fanbase. Don't even get me started on Naruto (shitty show) and K-ON.

The Touhou fanbase needs to stick together.

>> No.5841032

The touhou fanbase needs an exodus out of /jp/ and into Pooshlmer, never to return again.

>> No.5841043

Aside from the emotes, it doesn't seem terribly different from a /jp/ thread

>> No.5841061

We don't do roulette threads in here. And that's a really disgusting roulette.

>> No.5841070

>wishing for a touhou anime
surprisingly I think it's safe to say we are a little above them

>> No.5841104

Of course you love the Touhou fanbase, you started that piece of shit possessedbyphoenix stream

>> No.5841148

Safe to say most of /jp/ is above a small portion of Poosh, rather.

>> No.5841152


>> No.5841162

You don't wish for that? Why do you hate Touhou?

>> No.5841214

I fucking love G-Darius

>> No.5841240

Fuck off CAVE fanboy.

>> No.5841285

Are you trying to say that we don't hate 3D bitches?

Go fuck yourself. woman.

>> No.5841315

I feel that OP's complain is over nothing. Every popular franchise, no matter how dignified, has obnoxious users. Touhou is no exception, and at this point you should have been able to deal with it. The bad comments, thread or materials can only get to you if you allow it. You don't need to go to Youtube and read the bad comments. You don't need to go to shitty threads like roulette and read the annoying replies. There are plenty of users here and elsewhere that rather talk about the atmosphere, music, gameplay or whatever strikes your fancy about Touhou.

And in turn we have plenty of good stuff that comes from the community. All the doujin music, the comics, the translations from the westerns, the discussions, art, etc. There is so much stuff and in volumes much higher than most other doujin works. It's up to you to filter what you like and what you don't, or else you'll end up hating everything.

>> No.5841352

I don't mind Touhou but i certainly don't think it deserves how large a fan-base it has, it's nothing exceptional.
Verification: Signed bear, ironically my old trip a few years ago was 'A rather large bear'.

>> No.5841359
File: 42 KB, 425x347, cho-aniki-protein4.thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5841979

How bad is the Kingdom Hearts fanbase?

>> No.5841990

Cave has the worst fanbase

>> No.5841991

Don't ask. Just don't.

>> No.5842020

The part of Touhou's fanbase that actually plays the games are great but...

The secondaries, dear god, the secondaries.


>> No.5842024

CAVE has elitist stuck of idiots that are like dont own a KETSUI PCB?

Then you dont shit about video games

but still not as bad as touhou

>> No.5842067

For people hating on Pooshlmer, just remember that it's an all-ages board. There are a lot of younger users there.

>> No.5842093
File: 24 KB, 301x261, 1279280733671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CAVE has elitist stuck of idiots that are like dont own a KETSUI PCB?

>> No.5842208

I am one 99% sure that the average age is younger on 4chan than on pooshlmer.

>> No.5842215

Entertain me. I have a week.

>> No.5842238

Any fanbase with woman for majority is an auto suck labeled on it

>> No.5842262

*waves hand over mouth*

Like every other fujoshi-dominated fandom on LJ with the incoherence and drama?

Feed my earsm man.

>> No.5842273

All the fanbases on /jp/ suck except maybe Ever17's fanbase.

>> No.5842286

The muvluv one is rather classy and tasteful.

>> No.5842298


Naruto of videogames

>> No.5842321

I want Touhou to be original with it's own twist. I like the series. Even if everyone looses interest in Touhou, I'll keep playing it. It's always standing out.

>> No.5842332

Large fanbases have morons, other morons hate fanbase because of those morons

>> No.5842382

The only toohoo fans I dislike are the ones who listen to nothing but Touhou remixes. Now that's just wacky.

Sounds like the A-word actually if you're that obsessed about something so specific.

>> No.5842403

If you dislike it, make threads distributing non-Touhou music for them.

>> No.5842407


>> No.5842424


What was it about, Bern? Reason I ask is because I have to do a "Creative" essay for my senior year(Yes, I'm 18).

>> No.5842455

He already told you what it was about.
