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5818011 No.5818011 [Reply] [Original]

Herro /jp/, Moogy here to apologize for everything I've done up to this point. It turns out that I really don't know Japanese and I'm pretty embarassed I ever even lied about it. I never even started "translating" SubaHibi. It was all lies, all of it. In actuality, I am a great huge faggot or likes sucking on men's cocks. Pic related, it's me when I see vagina.

>> No.5818019

meido~ this one too.

>> No.5818038
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>> No.5818056

Good. Now can we get someone ACTUALLY translating Subahibi?

>> No.5818079

lol no

>> No.5818087


It can't be that difficult.

>> No.5818108


>> No.5818110

It isn't possible to translate SubaHibi without raping it. Go learn Japanese to play it. Also sage.

>> No.5818125


That's complete bullshit spread by idiots. Nothing is truly untranslatable, there are always equivalents.

And learning Japanese might take me up to ten years to become fluent. I don't have that kind of time.

>> No.5818149


Why don't you just make a time investment then you can play it when you're 35

>> No.5818150

Okay bro, enjoy.

>> No.5818167

Sup, Masat.

>> No.5818171

I feel as though someone got his trip cracked.

>> No.5818175

That's fucking bullshit.
It's not even close to one of the most difficult to translate eroge.

>> No.5818176

what the fuck is subahibi?

>> No.5818181


Thirty, actually. Also, that's entirely too much work and hell it might actually be translated officially by then.

Besides, I can't be the only person who's interested in seeing this translated.

>> No.5818196

Maybe someone can ask Ixrec or Takajun to translate it.

>> No.5818200

Takajun didn't like it.

>> No.5818202

Ixrec already have like 3 titles in mind to translate. And those are good titles, so let him do it.

>> No.5818211

TakaJun is unlikely seeing how he gave it a 3/10. Ixrec maybe, since he and Moogy seem to share similar tastes.

>> No.5818209
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Subarashiki Hibi. Eroge that came out in April of this year. Supposedly very very good. Here's a glowing review.


And the opening movie.


It was well-received by the community here until it became overhyped and everyone randomly decided that it was shit.

>> No.5818220

Asceai isn't what I would call a good reviewer.
Find a better review that doesn't praise as the best thing ever, it isn't.

>> No.5818224


And yet he loved Swan Song. Guy has weird taste.

>> No.5818231

So what's so special about it that makes it difficult to translate? it has lots of poetry, rhymes or something?

>> No.5818249


That doesn't make it bad, either. And besides, while that interview might be a bit too positive, it certainly got me interested in the game.


All the metafictional crap, apparently. It's not as though such things haven't popped up in translated eroge before.

>> No.5818253

Rather than waiting for SubaHibi, go play Raidy or Moero. It's the same shit, but at least translated.

>> No.5818261

I honestly can understand his complains about Subahibi, though I liked it quite a bit myself.

Subahibi tries to pass for deeper than it is in a very obvious way, several times you'll have time where it felt like the author just copy-pastaed some random lines from some philosophy essay.
Especially by the end, it felt like philosophy 101 which got pretty annoying.
Though some people could probably be impressed by this.

Everything else is top tier except for this.

>> No.5818267

This. Asceai has questionable tastes and is a faggot. Subahibi is pretty good though.

>> No.5818277

Anybody have the opening song?

>> No.5818290


I'm fine with this. I'm just really interested in the human drama and mindfuck elements (also the music).

I only wish I could read Japanese, but as I can't and don't have the time to do so, I can only hope for a fan or official translation...

>> No.5818291

Tsui no Sora was far more subtle with the philosophy and meta-fiction undertones.
Which is funny considering that Subahibi is basically a remake of it.

>> No.5818297


Tsui no Sora has also aged like shit.

Wouldn't it be better to just translate the remake, at any rate?

>> No.5818303

Of course, Subahibi is also much better than Tsui no Sora no matter what.

>> No.5818322
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Oh, you, Moogy-dono.

>> No.5818350


Good to know.

Anyone else interested in seeing Subahibi translated? We'll never get anywhere without fan support...

>> No.5818379

I read Subahibi after a year of study
stop being lazy

>> No.5818396


Not everyone even has a year to study Japanese.

>> No.5818440

That's just being lazy. Unless you're a cancer patient with less than six months to live, you have no excuses.

>> No.5818454

for me, it's not about time. it's about effort.

>> No.5818465

Yeah, and you're also 7' tall and have a 8" penis as well as a professional bodybuilder.

>> No.5818473


Why are you so insistent that everyone who wants to play this game has to join the I Can Read Japanese Club?

What's wrong with supporting a possible translation project? So that everyone, even people who aren't NEETs with too much time on their hands, can play the game?

>> No.5818553

A few lines into the prologue it is opined without further explanation that God should have made the sky red on 火曜日 and gold on 金曜日. Untranslatable scene #1.

Shortly afterwards the narrator switches from using 私 to using 俺. Untranslatable scene #2.

Shall I go on?

>> No.5818554


You guys could either invest the time and effort to learn Japanese and have access to all the eroge you want to play now, or hope for translators like Takajun and Ixrec to translate Subahibi after they finish Majikoi, Muvluv Alternative, and select Liarsoft titles.

In the meantime, enjoy playing stuff like Raidy and Moero.

>> No.5818567

Good god, that sounds like translator HELL.

>> No.5818577

What's with all the tripcode cracking bullshit lately?
Seriously, fuckign pathetic.

>> No.5818579

I don't know a thing about japanese, but from what you are saying I can't see why it is untranslatable. Can you explain better?

>> No.5818584

i am enjoying raidy 2 very much thank you.

>> No.5818598

>enjoy playing stuff like Raidy and Moero.
There are quite a few good games that are translated that I haven't played yet. No need to even go near Raidy or Moero.

>> No.5818600
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Moogy is a faggot too! <3

>> No.5818607


If the translators lack the creativity to come up with alternatives, we still have the magic of translation notes. Cross+Channel used them, and the Clannad Full Voice translation is supposed to be using them (as pop-ups!) too. It's not entirely unheard of.

You just don't want this translated because then you won't feel as special.


There are more people on the Internet who are fluent in Japanese and willing to translate than just Ixrec and Takajun.

Besides, I have like twenty (translated and high-quality) eroge in backlog anyway. I'm not exactly desperately needing something good to read, but I am interested in Subahibi, and so...

>> No.5818629
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That's the DUMBEST idea ever

>> No.5818642

I don't even care about that game, I just want a Yosuga no Sora translation ;_;

>> No.5818649
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>Tl Notes
Cause it worked so well in the past
Translator note: Keikaku means plan.jpg

>> No.5818677

Asceai-san has a blog?!

I shall dutifully follow it. He holds the Guinness World Record for most eroges played afterall.

>> No.5818689


That's different. That's leaving a perfectly translatable word in the original language so as to look more weeaboo and thus "cooler" to the kind of twat who likes Death Note.

The translation notes in Cross+Channel were used simply because some concepts/terrible one-off-jokes/made-up words don't have English equivalents. (Not that the translators didn't try.)

>> No.5818696

Oh Zun!bar. I love you.

>> No.5818706

Frankly, any translator that has to resort to TL notes shouldn't be anywhere near a game like Subahibi.

>> No.5818721


I was only responding to the assertion that the game was "untranslatable". I'm well aware that any translator with a sense of creativity could do it easily.

...Which is what I'm looking for here.

>> No.5818724

I'm curious to know what "good translators" would do for those 2 examples anon quoted. I really am.

>> No.5818730

That would have been a nice sort of thing to have with that Dekodekorin~ joke or whatever in SnK, assuming it has significance in the first place. I don't actually know.

>> No.5818771

I'd rather TL notes than an asspull or just making shit up that kinda has the same effect. If the translator is rewriting the jokes, something is horribly wrong.

>> No.5818775

The days of the week example probably wouldn't be all that hard to deal with by using the etymology of the words. Sure, it's not as straight-forward as 火曜日=fire=red, but you could throw in something about Tuesday being named after Mars in Latin to draw a line to red.

The changes in pronouns (actually, the speaking style changes entirely) would take some effort to deal with, but it's definitely something that can be managed.

>> No.5818780

From what I can tell, the first scene involves a couple of puns. 火曜日 is Japanese for Tuesday, and the first kanji usually means "fire", hence making the sky red. 金曜日 is Japanese for Friday, and here the first kanji can read "gold", so making the sky gold on this day. These puns are lost in the translation.

The second scene uses two different pronouns for saying "I": 私 and 俺. The first one, watashi, is the basic polite way of saying I. The second one, ore, is a fairly more masculine way of saying I. Not sure why the switch, but whatever. Point is, English of course has no such distinctions, so this concept is lost.

>> No.5818781


Well, dynamic translation isn't exactly BAD, but...

>> No.5818792

so if you want to read a game with jokes that would only be comprehensible to people extremely familiar with japanese language and culture, why do you refuse to learn japanese yourself and demand that the game be translated?

>> No.5818800


Not that I know Japanese, but the first one seems to beg for some kind of explanation or translation note. The second one is far easier; just change how the speaker phrases things.

>> No.5818814

>Why don't I be born Japanese?

Great idea, dude. I'll get right on that.

>> No.5818849

i wasn't aware that one had to be born japanese to learn the language, i shall inform my university they are violating unwritten laws of nature by offering a degree program in it. after that i'll have to switch majors i guess

>> No.5818873
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>majoring in Japanese

>> No.5818891

You don't, but you'll miss a lot of stuff like jokes that are not directly translated and have to be localized because they don't make sense to westerners.
Like some translator that put Monty Python references every time he sees a japanese pun.

>> No.5818916


He said "language AND culture" not just "language".

The only way to be truly familiar with a culture is to grow up in it.


The Camelot joke in Sharin was pretty funny, though.
