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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5758539 No.5758539 [Reply] [Original]

So i've played through this and FSN, what next?

>> No.5758550
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I just finished playing this a moment ago.
I got her bad end.

>> No.5758544


>> No.5758559

Narcissu 1 and 2

>> No.5758564


>> No.5758566

Really? 2 of the 3 routes have extremely obvious and straightforward choices. Please tell me it was on purpose.

>> No.5758572


These are both good. Alternatively, Umineko.

>> No.5758583

It was at the bit where you are going to go to her house the next day.
You get the option to kill time inside or out.
I chose outside.
Next thing I know everyone at school is talking about how she jumped of the building.

>> No.5758587

Kana - little sister,
Family Project (not what you think,)
Ever 17,
Hourglass of Summer.

How the fuck did you manage to do that.

>> No.5758588

Where can I download it?

>> No.5758594

Same thing happend to me, bro.
I still don't understand.

>> No.5758611
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>> No.5758594,1 [INTERNAL] 

Babby's first VN thread nº946546156

>> No.5758612


Play Tsukihime. If you want to fit in on /jp/, you have to have played the two major Type-Moon games just so that you can bitch about how awful they are and have arguments about who would win in a fight between Shiki an Shirou.

It's also a great VN, but that's not the reason you should be playing it.

>> No.5758629

>If you want to fit in on /jp/
I remember long ago when I thought that was a good idea...

>> No.5758639
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Why does that happen?

>> No.5758707

Try pirate bay.

>> No.5758708

Huh? Don't remember that part but could be the branching point to Nekoko's path, you meet her outside?

>> No.5758729

Go for Saya no Uta OP. It's a first for many, since it's pretty short 'n sweet.

>> No.5758730

different person. i finished tskuhime the other day and i thought it was ok. i think fate stay night was better. better music, gfx, everything.

>> No.5758741

After kouhei "kilsl time outside" he goes to meet her.
She isn't there. When he next goes to school everyone is saying how she jumped.
Then that bitch starts bulling him.
Then it goes back to the title screen.

>> No.5758754


It happens. YMK has extremely sudden bad ends.

The worst is Mizuki's route (which you should play last) in which you will get a bad end for refusing a footjob.

>> No.5758769

What a shitty thread.

>> No.5758790

Yeah that shit was fucked up. I mean there is nothing worse when games ruin the life of your character for "cumming on her left leg" instead of "cumming on her right leg". That's not making the game more challenging, it's just implausible and unintuitive storytelling.

>> No.5758799

Saying that isn't going to make it any better.

>> No.5758811

Sorry, Timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei timotei! Better now?

>> No.5758819

go back to /a/.

>> No.5758828


YMK was like this in general, though. The choices seemed to only exist for the sake of, you know, there BEING choices in the first place.

>> No.5758834

YMK is a bad VN anyways. A good starter VN, but that's it.

>> No.5758837

I don't see how suggesting some games for a newbie to play and commenting on a VN constitutes a shitty thread. That's what /jp/ is for.

>> No.5758847

I had a look on pir-
>9 seeders
Yeah.... Anywhere else?

>> No.5758848

Dunno, I think it has to do with the influx of newfags.

>> No.5758850

I don't have problems with this thread. That post was directed to the other post.

>> No.5758858


It's only bad because Aeka and Nekoko are bad characters. Mizuki is AMAZING.

I suppose if two-thirds of the game are bad, then you have a bad game, however...

Anyway, OP, you should read Sharin no Kuni. It's the next logical step up.

>> No.5758863

Nah that was the only idiotic decision point in my view, the rest of the game was quite plausibile- many other games are much worse in that respect.
It's well written, nice CG, plausible. There are lot's of better ones but there are also much shittier ones that people keep raving on about. I only don't see why most people call it "dark."

>> No.5758865

Isohunt sometimes gives better results.

>> No.5758868

Next you can learn to think for yourself. Go to vndb.org and look through the VNs available in English until you find some that look interesting to you.

>> No.5758872

>I only don't see why most people call it "dark."

Themes include The Worst Bullying Ever, drug abuse, and sociopathy.

Compared to stuff like, say, Shuffle, it's pretty fucking dark.

>> No.5758874


/jp/- Unfriendly Culture

>> No.5758875

Opinions, opinions, opinions.

>> No.5758892


I was expecting an AEKA IS MAI WAIFU HOW DARE YOU.

And why yes, that is my opinion. I honestly thought their routes were boring and dull. Problem?

>> No.5758901

Yeah but you get your revenge in the end and life happily ever after (the bad ending is hard to get unless you're a moron.) Drug abuse doesn't necessarily have to be such a demonic thing as popular opinion suggests. I have lots of druggie friends and they aren't miserable. And the ending was just super sweet.
What I'm trying to say is that while the themes are quite heavy the atmosphere within the game isn't and it's not that depressing. Compare to Kana for example where every ending is an existentialist sob fest.

>> No.5758914

>I honestly thought their routes were boring and dull
I actually crying at several parts of Aekas route becuase I felt so bad for her.

>> No.5758916


>> No.5758922


Then we're in a agreement. It's no depressing bawwwfest, but it's certainly dark.

>> No.5758923

Yet compared to any utsuge it isn't dark at all. If you look at eroge as a whole it's probably somewhere near the middle.

Teaching a man to build a fire is unfriendly now?

>> No.5758937

Try schooldays.
It's very happy and cheerfull.

>> No.5758940

;_; where is my mayumi route?

All vn's have routes that people like and don't. Most people seemed to like the nerine/asa routes best in shuffle. For me those are the routes I liked the least. For YMK I liked nekoko's route best.....basically people arguing about routes itt is herp derp.

>> No.5758945


I didn't cry, I just raged. Endlessly.

...Perhaps "boring and dull" were the wrong words to use, come to think about it.

>> No.5758951

Can we just call it a mediocre game and move on then?

>> No.5758958

>;_; where is my mayumi route?
try shuffle essence+

>> No.5758956

>itt is herp derp.
How's the weather back at /b/?

>> No.5758952

>where is my mayumi route?
In Essence+.

>> No.5758953

Try Kanon.
Actually, watch the anime, it's much better.

>> No.5758963


"Dark" and "depressing" are two different things. One has to do with themes and the other with atmosphere.

And yes, it is rather unfriendly just telling people WE DON'T SERVE YOUR KIND HERE. Some people like to rely on the advice of others than large databases.

>> No.5758967

Very heavy moderation since it's a SFW and polite board now.

>> No.5758973

I usually either like all the routes in a game or dislike all of them.

>> No.5758995


I just looked. WTF.

>> No.5759016

>yeah right
>go over to /b/
The apocalypse must be nigh.

>> No.5759022

Going outside to spend time is a bad decision because it's too easy to lose track of time. You arrive a few minutes late and she thinks you stood her up.

>> No.5759029

I usually give recommendations when people are more specific than just "hey guys what's a good VN?" because I'm not going to list the dozens of good translated ones every time someone asks, and preferences play a large part in whether or not you'll like something.

>> No.5759033
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Oh god, is that really what happend?
I feel so bad.

>> No.5759046

Utsuge are good. VNs are only worth playing when they're soul-crushingly depressing.

>> No.5759056

It's a game. Reload and do it right this time.

>> No.5759081

Not quite, they are worth it when they arouse any kind of emotion. If you're just playing for the fap moments you would be better served by just reading or watching hentai.

>> No.5759097


Even if that emotion is PURE, ENDLESS, UNDYING RAGE? Even if that emotion makes you want to STOP PLAYING THE GAME?

>> No.5759107

Some of my favorite genres like NTR and TG work much better in eroge than in hentai anime or manga.

>> No.5759131

Well I'd like to see the game that does that. Also rage isn't the same as frustration, if you mean that.

>> No.5759138

>NTR and TG
Enlighten me?

>> No.5759146

I fucking love it when panties are left hanging like that.
Damn, just saying.

>> No.5759147


Sachi's arc in SnK, Kiri's week in C+C, and Aeka's route in YMK all made me rage so hard at both the characters and the game that I wanted to stop playing.

Then again, I'm a very angry person.

>> No.5759155


NTR is netorare, the Japanese word for "cuckolding". Look it up.

TG is transgender or genderbending.

>> No.5759173

>Even if that emotion makes you want to STOP PLAYING THE GAME?
Well many utsuge games made me hesitant to continue playing when I saw what was coming just around the corner, but i play on. People are simply drawn to depressing themes so they can resolve their conflicts. Somebody worried about dying for example might start reading lots of philosophy. Also I think that most /jp/ users (me included, maybe most of the modern world included) have somewhat dull lives and make up for it by enjoying stories with lots of positive and negative emotions in them. Hell, after playing trough Kana and Ever 17 I read lots of philosophy books and came more to terms with the fear of death and loss.

>> No.5759267


>> No.5759301

Like Kouhime in Sengoku Rance?

>> No.5759307

You've never played a game that affected you?

>> No.5759322


Actually, stuff like that doesn't bother me too much. What bothers me is when people are being stupid, lazy, useless, or just plain unkind, especially when I know that the characters involved can be better than that.

Kou's scene did nothing to me. I dunno why.

>> No.5759335

Is Moby Dick just a book? Paradise Lost just a poem? Is Kana just a game? Casablanca just a movie?
The major part of the human experience takes place on an cerebral level, the physical is just a part of reality. If it affects you and your life, or even more- affect the way you perceive yourself and your life, then it is significant.

>> No.5759405

The lack of Clannad ITT disturbs me.

>> No.5759441

>The major part of the human experience takes place on an cerebral level, the physical is just a part of reality. If it affects you and your life, or even more- affect the way you perceive yourself and your life, then it is significant.

Keep telling that to yourself.

>> No.5759465

Clannad tries too hard.

>> No.5759474


Here we go...


>> No.5759480

Are you trying to say that something that affects your life isn't significant?

>> No.5759496

>Herp a derp I have 8 trillion cocks in my mouth

>> No.5759509
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Over 9000 cocks?
That is madness.

>> No.5759547

I'm no smart guy so instead of explaining I'd just suggest you read up a bit on the nature of being and perception. The obvious choices would be Heidegger -"Time and Being" and Sartre - "Being and Nothingness."

>> No.5759556

Those legs...

>> No.5759561

That's because CLANNAD is not good.

>> No.5759718

... are fucking ridiculously drawn.

>> No.5759744

Might as well ask now that there is a thread already here.
Have the Koihime Musou games been translated?

>> No.5759777

Not yet.

>> No.5760053

What is of the stuff posted on this board.

>> No.5760619

Since this seems to be a thread about suggestions: Phantom of Inferno, is it worth it? I heard you can't save and that it is very long winded.

>> No.5760623

Tsukihime is the superior Type Moon franchise.

>> No.5760630


It wrecks hard in Act 3. Lots of contrived shit and character derailing.

>> No.5762229

ITT: Trolls and Newbies.

>> No.5762239

>Phantom of Inferno, is it worth it?
Good luck trying to make it work
