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5723416 No.5723416 [Reply] [Original]

So if ShKanontrice is the culprit, who are the accomplices?

>> No.5723424

The other three personalities.

>> No.5723430

Well, Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo are constants.

Other parents depending on the episode, like in episode two it was Rosa for sure.

George may be a psycho supporter.

>> No.5723435

Small bomb-kun

>> No.5723442

Nanjo, obviously. To a different extent, all the people who played along with her delusions.

>> No.5723456

I've been out of the discussion for a while, what's the explanation of Shkanon for scenes where they both appear in front of the family, like soon after Battler finds the gold in EP5?

>> No.5723463

Battler's unreliable POV in EP5, and he never saw them together in any other episode.

>> No.5723478

I hope you get your pony Beatrice-sama.

>> No.5723485

I'd say the servants minus Gohda, and George.

I'd have Jessica be the mastermind behind her for sure if she wasn't such a goddamn moralfag.

>> No.5723493

I think its the other way around they are accomplices not the culprits. it would be extremely lame for a servant to the be culprit.

>> No.5723507

Well, it's extremely lame that Beatrice's motives are as dumb as they are.

Like, seriously, even when it's revealed that Sayo was kept in Kinzo's ahead of its time rape dungeon I won't give a fuck.

>> No.5723525


...Mind you, she had a fiance, a best friend, and countless support from other people, but HER CRUSH DIDN'T COME BACK.

The only option she had was to kill everyone!

>> No.5723535

Please don't remind me that this is gonna be the answer I might as well kill myself right now just thinking about it.

>> No.5723543

It's also possible that Kanonzo was the cross-dressing furniture, as told by Goldsmith whenever he asked him to play tricks. I think that Shannon and Kanon are two different people, just psycho Kanonzo.

>> No.5723555

genji and george, probably the biggest contributors

anyone else would just seem to be at first "alright im going along with your plan" then by the end of it "THIS ISNT WHAT I AGREED TO" and try to jump ship and fail

>> No.5723560
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>Be a good, loyal friend
>Die horribly because your friend is wet for Battler

>> No.5723569

I personally think that Shkannon is the accomplice for someone else. She wants to be caught.

>> No.5723571

Jessica used the stakes as dildos to rape Sayo.

>> No.5723573
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There's at least one other killer on Rokkenjima besides Shannon/Kanon for sure. Might be too soon to give up hope.

>> No.5723576

A pushy son-of-ayakuza fiancé she didn't love and whose mother threatened to kill her doesn't amount to much. Even more problematic if Shkannon is male and George doesn't know.

>> No.5723579
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>> No.5723581

Whoops, meant son-of-a-yakuza

>> No.5723580

I really doubt it.
The entire scenario hinges on accomplices, so it really rules out crime of passion on one person's part.

That is, of course, as long as the ending doesn't end up being Murder on the Orient Express.

>> No.5723589

If we go by my assumption that Jessica is a female Rance, then that makes perfect sense.

See, Jessica IS a moralfag, but like Rance, she just doesn't understand that rape is wrong. So that's how Sayo went crazy - Jessica kept on raping her with stakes.

>> No.5723594

I'm still thinking Erika cutting heads is a hint to the presence of a second party who takes advantage of the first wave of murders, real or not, to do killings of their own.

>> No.5723601

Ranceatrice, best theory yet. Or should we call it rapeatrice?

>> No.5723603

eva is already a killer, rosa would have shot battler and anyone else, and natsuhi went out to kill beatrice but got killed herself

pretty funny because i can't see rudolph, krauss or hideyoshi murdering anyone

>> No.5723606

One person can do it out of passion and still manage to rope in accomplices by pretending having another motive. Even pretending it's a prank would work to a certain extent.

>> No.5723609

That's absolutely fine, but episode 6 makes it clear that KanonShannonDingDong intends and provides for an end in which EVERYONE dies.

So people like Erika are just ending it a bit sooner.

>> No.5723615
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>> No.5723616
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>> No.5723636

/jp/ is always shitty because of umineko.

>> No.5723637

Episode 7 is going to be Kyrie blasting the fuck out of people as the de facto detective, it'll be nice.

>> No.5723648

So, if ShKanon is doing it for stupid reason like that, what's bomb there for? I doubt it's her doing, whether she's an actual murderer or just a nutcase.

>> No.5723651
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At the very least, she blows Nanjo's face off in EP3. Whether you want to view this as Kyrie being the culprit or her protecting her son from accomplices/etc is up to you.

>> No.5723664


>Looks at front page of /jp/
>5 Touhou Threads
>2 Lolicon threads
>1 Umineko thread.

You know what? FUCK YOU.

>> No.5723678

I don't know what you're complaining about, for once spam is getting deleted and you whine because there's related topic? This is why you deserve getting spammed the fuck out of yourselves, retards.

>> No.5723679


Personally, I suspect Hideyoshi for that.

But I'm a little upset because Episode 6 strongly implies that Shkannon killed Nanjo in episode 3.

>> No.5723681

Okay, that actually makes sense. It would explain why ep 6 is so weird compared to the other scenarios.

I'll explain; the point of ep 6 is that Battler is the game master. The reason he's the game master is because he figured out the mystery. Like Featherine said, if you figure out the mystery, you can write endless fanfictions that are all equally true.

When I first read ep 6, it was just bizzarre to me that the premise suddenly changed to playing a prank on Erika. Suddenly, everyone including Battler is playing an elaborate prank on Erika? What the fuck?

But it would make sense if the night started out as a prank and then someone really started committing murders.

>> No.5723684

I view certain characters as Dark Knight characters. For sure, they do dubious actions, but for good reasons.

Kyrie and Jessica I view as Dark Knights. They lied to Battler in episode 4 for sure, even knowing they were going to be killed by a crazy maid, but I believe they did it for a noble reason.

Kyrie in particular strikes me as an obvious red herring. Yeah, she's yandere, and yeah, she admits to wanting to kill Asumu, but so what? Doesn't make her the culprit in my mind.

Good is wrong, black is white. Our lovely Beatrice is a murderer, and Eva, the supposed villain in episode 1, was more or less correct with all of her accusations.

>> No.5723682

The only really bad one is the umineko thread. They are always full of kids.

>> No.5723697

Reported for being the cancer killing /jp/. Go post an anime screencap if you want to troll.

>> No.5723712

Yeah. Eva was all "YO SHANNON DRESSED UP AS BEATRICE" and everyone was "OH U SO SILLY"

And then EVERYONE DIED except for Eva.



>> No.5723718

I'm not trying to troll, I'm expressing my hate of umineko and umineko fans.

>> No.5723729


And I'm ignoring you now.

>> No.5723731
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>> No.5723732


>> No.5723753
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It's either Hideyoshi or Kyrie, though I lean more towards Kyrie because no one clutters around and fidgets with her corpse like Hideyoshi's. Also, her stomach wound is much less likely to kill her quickly. Even the TIPS screen remarks that the 'stomach is not a very lethal spot, nyeh'.

Kyrie and Jessica could've been being threatened with their lives/Kanon's and Battler's lives. The culprit might've said something like 'I will spare them if you repeat this over the phone to Battler', or such. Might not have been intentional lying.

I think Kyrie's been leaving hints around for Battler in the episodes where she lives past the first twilight, though. 07151129 on the door in EP3, her oddly worded phrase over the phone to Battler in EP4. It's just a shame he's too stupid to figure it out.

>> No.5723760

you don't even know what the motives are.

>> No.5723768

Episode 4's phone call scenario shows you what a rat bastard the culprit is. It transcends craziness, that situation is just fucking sadistic.

Like, how fucking evil ARE you?

>> No.5723794


Yes, but if you think about it, Hideyoshi is hiding something for sure in that game. The cigarette was never properly explained.

And he had a somewhat unusual TIP too, didn't he?

But the big one is that Hideyoshi is the only one of the three who has any experience with guns. As far as we know, he's the only one with any training in using them. A trained man can potentially beat two untrained opponents.

>> No.5723808

Oh yes, him.


>> No.5723813


When does Kanon mention training with guns?

>> No.5723824

He and Kinzo went out shooting together.

>> No.5723819
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But think of the culprit! What a poor woman;_;
(At this point, her outfit is most likely covered in Jessica's brains and Kyrie's blood)

>> No.5723828

When he's remembering his relationship with everyone in the mansion during the EP6 duel, he explicitly mentions Kinzo letting him fire his guns whenever he wanted.

>> No.5723834

The one who is sadistic isn't the culprit, it's the one who wrote the tale.
Maybe the culprit wasn't that cruel in the true version of the event.

Anyways each episode show the personality of the writer rather than the culprit, which is why episode 5 ended as it did, Battler is just too soft.

>> No.5723838

I meant episode 6 of course.
Episode 5 was directed by Lambda which didn't want to give any hints, that's why it was so unreliable.

>> No.5723841

That is true, nevertheless, murder happened. If you can have a tender and loving brutal murder, you'd need someone pretty fucked up to pull it off.

>> No.5723842

Pieces can't act against their nature, you must know this by now. And it was Meta-Beatrice who created episode 4(Well, it was technically Author Bitch, but still)

>> No.5723853

You kidding me? Pieces can't act against their nature, meaning all of the murders are in character for the shitty maid.

She's a selfish cunt who emotionally tortured Jessica and Kyrie, and exploited their noble nature to achieve her shitty love right before she killed them.

>> No.5723858

Hachijou just wrote it down, the director was still Meta-Beato.

>> No.5723870

Yeah, if you believe that Meta-Beato and Meta-Battler are real.

But that is looking less and less likely everyday.

>> No.5723956
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His executed TIP is interesting when you look at it that way, haha. I think the reason I find it so odd if he managed to down them successfully is that he didn't, as far as we know, live to get off Rokkenjima with Eva.

Of course, it's not like there's red truth or Battler perspective to say that he didn't, but...

Another thing I'd find odd is that if he managed to live after getting shot in the chest, Kyrie should've been able to live after getting shot in the stomach.

>> No.5723973

Episode 3 is nice, if you view it as RUDOLF AND KYRIE FUCK BEATRICE'S SHIT.

>> No.5724036


Well, any theory besides Shkannon personality death killing Nanjo is that whoever did it died immediately afterward.

>> No.5724067

ShKanon doing it make sense to me, it also explains the whole Kanon appears and guide Jessica scene.

>> No.5724157


Honestly, I prefer a Hideyoshi killer theory myself, but Episode 6 hints at Shkannon for this as well.

>> No.5724305

I forgot, but wasn't Kanon guiding Jessica while Nanjo was held at gunpoint behind the door?

Fantasy scene, but still.

>> No.5724554

I bet that was the exact same trick that he used in ep 6 to get battler out of the room.

>> No.5724578

The form of beatrice comes from Battler talking about his perfect woman, right? But that description matches the painting Kinzo had made.

Ergo, Kinzo is the person Battler was speaking too, and was therefore Battler's first love.

True fact.

>> No.5724593

>Ergo, Kinzo is the person Battler was speaking too, and was therefore Battler's first love.

