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5642787 No.5642787 [Reply] [Original]

so I've been purchasing most of my figurines from Hobby Search but there're some rare/nearly sold out stuff from Hobby Link Japan and noticed their shit is really expensive. Does anyone here shop there? are their shipping charges really expensive?

>> No.5642801
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You know... Ikkitousen is an awful show to watch... but I love how so many companies make so many figurines on a monthly basis

>> No.5642809

HLJ's shipping tends to be very expensive, but they're a reliable company. I'd say search around a little more before you buy from them though.

>> No.5642814
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like there're about a dozen or more Kanu Unchous out there with varying outfits and poses which shows there're a ton of fans who'll buy multiple figures of just her

>> No.5642824

Amiami should be your first place to check!

And HLJ has the shipping charges right there on the page for each item.

>> No.5642825


>> No.5642846
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>> No.5642858
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pre-ordered this for September and holy fuck she's 1/4 = 41 cm tall, she'll be towering above all the rest of my 1/6 figurines which are 30 cms in height so I'm honestly gonna feel bad and awkward to have one chick being bigger than the rest

>> No.5642881
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another awkward habit I have in terms of figurine buying is that I really don't like to buy more than one of the same character. Take Fate for example: I bought the very first alter fate figurine and honestly thought that'd be my first and last one I'll ever get, Now this new one comes out with that glossy sex finish with a more uprising pose along with that ass... so it's sad but unfortunate I'll be missing out on that one not to mention the StrikerS one as well

>> No.5642888
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Looks pretty good actually. I like big figures.

Probably fap to my 1/4 KOS-MOS daily.

>> No.5642899

I regret not buying a shelf of glass before investing into figurines. My room is really greasy you see, so the figurines become smarmy REAL fast. Haven't seen them in 6 months honest.

>> No.5642905

anything Hobby Search is sold out of, AmiAmi is also sold out of as well, meh I guess I can skip out on another figurine it's not an emergency to get, it's just that figurines aern't frequently made nor do they last very long if the character is uber popular or well made

>> No.5642912
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>> No.5642916

I don't know where you live but if you've got an Ikea they've got glass shelves for sale and stuff so I'd reccomend checking there first

>> No.5642917

I just seperate my figures by theme.

I got a shelf for robot girls, another for maids, one for RPG heroines, sluts shelf (castoffs and a few Queen's Blades), etc.

>> No.5642928

wow... just.... jesus I've never seen that figure before when were those being made?

>> No.5642935

it's those kinds of figures where if the company just made more of them, they'd be bathing in their retirement funds FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.5642986

How the hell is that thing supposed to stand?

>> No.5643029
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So fucking overrated.

I didn't so much as bat an eye when I heard that she died in the manga.

She's okay, I guess, but I'd take roughly half of the female cast over her any day. Including a certain minor characters that neither the writers nor the fanbase seem to care about at all. ;_;

>> No.5643037

I use color/size as a separator. Black/white, red goes with red etc
On her leg

>> No.5643058

>On her leg
For half a second, alright.

>> No.5643081

You don't have any figurines, do you?

>> No.5643103
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I have, and my Cyril balances like shit.

>> No.5643118

And I have 4 figs standing in the pose similar to op's pic. They are perfectly stable except for the one with a fucked base (that was an accident)

>> No.5643752
File: 82 KB, 491x782, 59d8ab31e948b0d8d6e9094adb373871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's basically all about the base, then. Fine, I hope they'll have a good one for this baby I preordered.

>> No.5643924
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Not just about the base, depends on the material used for the legs too.

Example - my Max Factory Ignis stands on both legs but they're a bit too soft and she bends (she's also a bit top/front heavy). I have to prop her on books every so often to straighten her back out.

However, Max Factory's Fauna has a single foot support (see pic) and she's never showed signs of bending (I've had her over two years now). I'd assume her leg is made of stiffer plastic than Ignis'.

>> No.5643939
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and what it's supporting on that single foot peg.

>> No.5643958

dem feet

>> No.5645339

Let's try to bump something /jp/-related for once.

>> No.5645392

Huh, what character/figurine is this?

>> No.5645442

Steins;Gate, I think
