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File: 442 KB, 600x800, Umineko_6_EP__Hachijou_Tooya_by_neko_inaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5619443 No.5619443 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else done with Ep 6 yet?

First related pic I could find

>> No.5619448

You could try asking in any of the other dozen threads about it.

>> No.5619463

Finished it. Episode 7 may really be the end.

>> No.5619466

You should enjoy it sloowly. Not speed read it. You are doing it wrong.

>> No.5619470

I'm naturally a fast reader

>> No.5619480

No, reading it slow. I've only got to the part after George proposed. Speaking of that, George is confirm as a culprit.

>> No.5619490

Love scenes were hilarious.

Trap twins: Yeah, prove your love by killing people.

Shannon, George, Kanon: Ok magical trap demons, we shall!

Jessica: ....This shit ain't logical

>> No.5619530
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>> No.5619566
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My face when Shkanon and Erika doesn't exist theories are proven wrong in episode 6 and 7.

>> No.5619575

I felt for Jessica this episode.

She's more or less us, if we were a character in the series.


wait why do you need to do tha


still i don't see a need for the kill


>> No.5619582

Ayumi-san is the culprit, calling it now.

>> No.5619586


And they even tell her Kanon is Shannon!

>> No.5619599

Got to it a little late, so I just finished the part with George's proposal.

So far it's fine, not anywhere near as good as 5, but better than 4 because the Ange scenes are tolerable this time around.

Staying up all night to finish it like I did with 5, I'm going to be a wreck in the morning since I haven't slept in two days...

>> No.5619611

>Ange scenes are tolerable this time around

>> No.5619612

playing episode 6 drunk, auau is slightly less of a bitch

>> No.5619618

Featherine is actually Rika. As we know, Bernkastel grew up to be tall and flat, not short and busty. Bern was 'calling herself' Bernkastel and also imitating Featherine.

>> No.5619619

Well, she realizes that, but much like any sane person, sees that killing is a bit... unneeded.

>> No.5619629


Why do all the fanartists draw her with horns when even her character bio says it's a half-halo thing floating around her head?!

>> No.5619634
File: 59 KB, 648x513, ohgodthegooood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait the campiness the anime will produce. Oh wait.

>> No.5619640


That crazy bitch killed Kyrie with problem.

Same goes for Shannon, geez i want to punch her and Kanon so hard

Anyway, i'm after Erika tricks Battler for the tapes. Fucking Battler, still hasn't learn to NOT thrust a witch that isn't his waifu? And i have to say i'm not enjoying it as i thought, it's nowhere good as 3 and 5, probably on the same level of 2..

After 6 episodes revisiting the first twilight AGAIN was annoying, some characters action felt rather forced and i'm not liking the whole "fiction in fiction". How am i suppose to care for the characters in none of this shit happens and it's just a fiction Fatherine wrote?

>> No.5619643

what the fuck is wrong with her face

>> No.5619646

My impressions?

Jessica was one of the more reasonable people, oddly enough.

Kanon is a bro.

Shannon is a bitch.

AuAu.... mega ultra super cunt.

George - Awesome.

Beatrice - Also Awesome

Erika - Dead thank god

Battler - Heroine.

>> No.5619647



>> No.5619653

You are supposed to distill what little information may matter to figure out the truth, while there is minical proper character interaction and development.
Cause learning how to read a mystery within mystery is more fun than actual narrative.
Or something

>> No.5619656
File: 58 KB, 640x480, amakuza recieves his AWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking noobcannon.

>> No.5619659

>Beatrice - Also Awesome

I'm not finished yet so don't spoil me, but the scene with Battler imagining the real Beato was bawww ;_;

>> No.5619661
File: 147 KB, 593x1021, 1271199130562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Jessica the mastermind or is she just going with the whole shkanon farce?

What is she up to?

>> No.5619663

Jessica represents the reader who takes forever to get the point, then calls the point stupid and rages. The opposite of Ange, the kind of reader

>> No.5619668
File: 24 KB, 129x98, kiriesmillall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when /a/ and /jp/ didn't realize the real mastermind

>> No.5619670

So, Erika was pretty much one gigantic "fuck you" to the readers who were only in this for the mystery, then?

Cares only about the mystery, believes that anything not in red text is a lie and that magic doesn't exist, and in the end, she gets erased.

Thanks, R07. Thanks.

>> No.5619671

the kind of reader that AuAu and therefore R07 like.

>> No.5619674


Jessica confirmed as embodiment of Knox rule 9 (Original version):

9. The stupid friend of the detective, the Watson, must not conceal any thoughts which pass through his mind; his intelligence must be slightly, but very slightly, below that of the average reader.

>> No.5619675
File: 74 KB, 644x508, ohgodmyboner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I popped a boner here. Anyone else?

>> No.5619677
File: 11 KB, 251x189, 1264952343927s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How am i suppose to care for the characters in none of this shit happens and it's just a fiction Fatherine wrote?


>> No.5619678

BT: Are you sure you want to do this man? They'll say it isn't a mystery
R07: Fuck those no-love faggots. Shkanontrice is mai waifu.

>> No.5619683

Perhaps. She wasn't quite the anti-Ange, she spent her time being a moralfag, mostly.

>> No.5619688
File: 66 KB, 249x226, GUFFAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I've been suspecting Kyrie since Episode 4 and so far my theory (as ridiculous as it is) has yet to be completely disproven

>> No.5619692
File: 62 KB, 640x480, fuck you r07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BaTtler is really BT. That's why we didn't see as much of him this episode.

>> No.5619693

Yeah, pretty much. I don't blame him, though, mysteryfags are annoying as fuck.

>> No.5619696
File: 78 KB, 640x480, pervert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika will never make you her sex slave ;_;

>> No.5619697


So if R07 is Fatherine, does it means Battler and her are going to have hot angry sex in the next episode?

>> No.5619699

After reading, I can agree with the Shkanon theory, but not Shkanontrice. Beatrice felt like a third wheel in the love competition..

>> No.5619702
File: 2.37 MB, 661x800, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you realize that neither Kyrie nor Jessica have anything at all to do with Beatrice who is the center of the mystery

>> No.5619706



fucking weeaboos at witch hunt

>> No.5619707

You weren't watching closely enough at the end of that duel.

>> No.5619712

Read that part, but I didn't interpret it the same way to support the latter.

>> No.5619713

...Because that's what his name is? What the fuck is your problem?

No, it does not romanize to "Joshua" just because the guy in TWEWY had a nickname. Get over yourself.

>> No.5619715

Umineko fans are the real scum of /jp/. At least Touhou fans are reasonable, studious and respectful of others. What have Umineko fans ever done for /jp/!?!

>> No.5619717

The problem i have with Shkannon is that there isn't no way Shannon can cosplay her bro, it should be other way around.

>> No.5619718
File: 30 KB, 305x251, 1248400001681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys don't make sense. Shannon and Kanon are obviously two different people aren't they? This shit is retarded.

>> No.5619721


We annoyed shitty poster like you

>> No.5619723

Shannon is flat.

>> No.5619727
File: 165 KB, 700x918, 1263212034422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, that would have to be the case.

>> No.5619729

She wasn't so caught up with the furniture thing as the "killing people for kicks" thing.

>> No.5619736


>> No.5619740


Shannon is taller and had huge tits

How do you hide the fact that you are TALLER?

>> No.5619744
File: 69 KB, 791x613, Touhou_Hijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>At least Touhou fans are reasonable, studious and respectful of others.

Oh really.

>> No.5619750

The VN never claims Shannon is taller. Only QUALITY DEEN which also claims Rudolf's head is the size of my fist.

>> No.5619751


I still think that was stupid

You don't kill you family for a crush

>> No.5619755

To obvious, man.

>> No.5619747 [DELETED] 


wwW.anoLoltALK.se_REpLACE lOl_witH N
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>> No.5619756


In the art she's taller and they stated she's older.
Also Kanon is portrayed a tiny girly man.

>> No.5619759

Crouching slightly.

>> No.5619767

She's not that much older. They both say they're 16.

Also, what art are you talking about? You can't tell shit from the sprites.

>> No.5619769

After reading ep6 I can see how some idiots can read too far into things and think OH GOD SINCE THEY'RE ALL DUELING TOGETHER THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON, so you all seem a little less braindead now. Doesn't make it any less of a retarded ass-pull theory though.

>> No.5619770



This is going to be exactly like Higurashi. That's a good thing.

EP7 will be a full revelation of all of the mysteries. No magic. No love. A tale told to reveal the most heartless truth about Rokken-jima. It will be like the Arc of Higurashi where many of the truths are revealed but the ending is still a trainwreck and we see the characters all painted in a horrifying light. We'll get the identities of everyone involved with the murders, the legend of the witch will be torn apart mercilessly, and we will get the identity of the Culprit.

EP8 will be a full revelation of all of the mysteries. But not through murder. We will get the one possible world where no one has to die on Rokkenjima that day. The Gameboard was created based on lies. Big Lies. The only way out of this situation is for the family and the servants to come clean and confess.

The Truth of the Two Battlers will be brought to light. (Natsuhi, Kyrie, Battler1, Battler2, Rudolf's Story)
The Truth of Kinzo's death will be brought to light. (The Servants, Natsuhi, Krauss, Nanjo, and the Siblings story.)
The Truth of Beatrice will be brought to light. (The Culprit's story, the Gold, The Promise)

A common theme of this story and of Higurashi was that the problems were created by people lying to each other and not trusting each other. The only happy ending that can be made from this story is if everyone comes clean and they pull through as a family. While Higurashi is a story about friendships Umineko is a story about Family.

I found EP6 to be a great read. I hope it ends like I think it will.

>> No.5619780

When is it stated that she's taller?

>> No.5619781

God, I can only hope Episode 7 is like that.

>> No.5619782

>EP8 will be a full revelation of all of the mysteries. But not through murder. We will get the one possible world where no one has to die on Rokkenjima that day. The Gameboard was created based on lies. Big Lies. The only way out of this situation is for the family and the servants to come clean and confess.

But there are no Kakeras

By bet is that they all go to the Golden Land

>> No.5619789


Re-read the first scene with them.

>> No.5619796

They already did that though.

I guess no matter the end, Erika and Ange still die though, huh?

>> No.5619812


I bet episode seven will seemingly start off the way you described - an attempt to reveal all the truths.

And then Van Dine will get murdered, Dlanor gets banished like Erika, and Bern will lick up Battler's tears as she traps him in a closed room for reals this time. Episode 8 will take place with a completely new character who will also be the new protagonist.

>> No.5619818

My prediction, ep 7 will feature an even bigger logic error. The logic error of how one ditzy servant can possibly fool an entire family into thinking they're three completely separate people for years, then kill all of them. Then the solution will be retroactively changed so that ShKanontrice is false.

>> No.5619819

Somehow..it feels like Battler's trolling us. As for the love duel thingy, it's probably not a good idea to it too much at face value. Only one couple will win, but that doesn't mean they're ALL the same person.

>> No.5619820

FFFF, I just want an Episode about Battler again. It seems that everyone else's secrets have been exposed except for his.

>> No.5619825

Listening to the Beatos talk about interacting with people someday kinda makes me feel bad for witches...

>> No.5619831

Again.. I say you weren't paying enough attention at the end of the duel. I mean the whole episode is riddled with hints that they're all the same person, but that part just strikes it home. They're all incomlete souls, that's why they can't love. They need to kill the others and take their souls. Then Beatrice remembers her mother talking to Battler and that mother says she will split her soul in two to create Beatrice. By the way, the person Battler is talking to is shown earlier in the episode. The scene Beatrice is recalling is the same scene creepy virgin George got jealous over, seeing Shannon and Battler get along like that.

>> No.5619833

Now I want a picture of Bern licking up Battler's tears.

>> No.5619839

I find it funny how people are so desperate to do what R07 looked down on us for in EP6 via Featherine.

I don't like Shkannontrice and all, but he didn't insert those scenes FOR THE LULZ EPIC TROLLING XD. They're obviously important, so don't disregard them. If you're going to argue against Shkannontrice, fine, but provide an alternate explanation.

>> No.5619850

Demon Jessica is a fucking robot, man, that's kinda cool.

>> No.5619858
File: 63 KB, 640x480, regular rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...was anyone else kinda looking forward to that horrible reverse NTR Erika had planned for Beato and Battler?

>> No.5619861

Don't you find it strange that Battler might have revised his story at the last moment?

>> No.5619868

This. Is there any drawfriend who could do it?

>> No.5619874




>> No.5619878

Battler is allowed to revise those small tricks to have other explanations, but I don't think he's able to change the entire foundation of the gameboard, changing the nature of characters themselves. Otherwise he could redefine Beato's heart any way he liked, he wouldn't really need to prove he had learned anything. He could have learned the truth then instantly forgotten it, if he was allowed to change absolutely everything, then all that mattered is that he was gamemaster and won. The important thing he needs to do is probably similar to the 'scent' of Beatrice in Featherine's tales Ange acknowledged. Meaning, they all follow a single strand of truth.

>> No.5619876 [DELETED] 


WwW.aNOLoLtALk.Se REPLACe_loL WIth n
pwujc czusllggezs mis jiuleloyvp uxyihy hvolys g tt

>> No.5619880

Well to be fair, most of the scenes in ep4 was just "FOR THE LULZ EPIC TROLLING XD" as you put it.

>> No.5619886


It was alluded to after Ange's conversation with Featherine. In that world, Ange is probably going to die, the death we saw for her in EP4-- killed on the same Island as her family. Featherine said that another her might have a happy ending and it became clear in this story that the supernatural is taking place in terms of parallel worlds.

Namely, that Ange has recollections of the world where she was torn apart and that with Featherine things seem to shift quite a bit.

It also has narrative foreshadowing. When Erika wanted to entice Ange into the game-board she promised that this was a possible outcome. Featherine also said something about wanting to write Ange a miracle.

I think Ange may "write" that miracle herself after she arrives at the Truth and that the final story may be one told by Ange.

As I literally just finished EP6 I haven't had much time to really examine some elements or to get a more complete solution to the mystery. I think with all of the information we have it is solvable-- but that there are probably multiple solutions. This Episode did not give us a whole lot of new information-- Furudo is the killer and no one was actually dead-- but it did give us what is probably the last needed piece of the puzzle.

It also flatly confirmed some things. Like Battler's mother. It's something many suspected, but there was no real proof for it.

I am going to re-read this one, particularly to get a better understanding of Kanon, Battler, Jessica, and Shannon.

>> No.5619888

Anyone else notice the fact that Jessica could create locked room murders? Anyone?

That whole trial was silly, though.

>> No.5619899

Not really, no. Sure, there weren't actually fights with goats or what have you, but we did learn important things about George and Jessica's characterization. For instance, George is seriously willing to sacrifice an island full of people for Shannon.

>> No.5619900

I understand what you mean, but what do you think Battler's motive for *this* game was? What was constantly on his mind when he wove this story?

>> No.5619901
File: 897 KB, 5000x500, Umineko-Height-Chart-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanon is taller.

>> No.5619903

Guys, remember.

EP6 is about cheese. Something that's only possible to do with cheese. In all seriousness though, the apparently "obvious" shkannontrice might not be the right answer.

>> No.5619908

>DEEN height chart

Faggot detected.

>> No.5619910

Sup WH dev.

lrn2japanese, "Yoshiya" is Japan's closest language equivalent to "Joshua."

Lurk more. Sometimes the crazy japs think j's sound like y's and regular "s" in english/latin/whatever are read/pronounced as "sh" in japanese.

>> No.5619923

Look, I hate it alot, but the whole episode bashed us over the head with it.

>> No.5619930

George has an insane look on his face throughout the entire episode, even when he's welcomed to the Golden Land. Makes him a lot more suspicious than Jessica who needed to find proper motivation, then was cold for an instant, but was a huge moralfag the rest of the time.

>> No.5619936

Yoshua is what you're thinking of. Not Yoshiya. Subtle difference, but there is a difference. Now seriously, get over yourself.

>> No.5619942

But do not forget all the talk about cheese. The "obvious" answer might not be the right one.

>> No.5619949

Even in Demon mode, Jessica was still a bit of a moralfag.

Hell of a one liner she gave to Kyrie, though. I was impressed.

>> No.5619957

Which is pretty much what people were saying from episode 6's release...
I wonder if it will become more accepted now
Unless you hold the view that r07 is XD EPIC WIN trolling, then Shkanontrice is clearly true, or at least one of the 'truths'. Whether there are actually multiple solutions or whether it's the continued metaphor of there being as many truths as possibility will allow until the cat box is opened remains a question

>> No.5619967
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>> No.5619973

In that case, be like Battler and Erika and come up with a solution that ties all these things that seem to point towards DID meido together in its own way. Or maybe you're thinking about the cheese too much, that was a pretty small feature compared to the whole Shkanonfest that was episode 6.

>> No.5619986

Weekend, and evo. Why would I be reading a shitty R7 VN now?

>> No.5619987

That whole thing was silly. Rog Limitation was awesome, but in the end, the magic of the moment is ruined when you realize WAIT WAIT A MINUTE HERE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE IS A SERIAL KILLER.

Like, I am glad episode 7 is going to be so tragic, because the murders were tragic. I laughed at Eva and Kyrie's deaths, I honestly did!

>> No.5619989

Why do you think they talked about the cheese riddle?

You know, the smallest things are usually the biggest hints.

>> No.5619991

If I've learned anything from Alliance and Dawn, is that time and the order of events really mess with you.

>> No.5619997

And I agree with him about the cheese part. Everyone made it in 3 slice(Shkannon, from everyone).
The best solution is in one (Battler/Erika).

Even if Shkannon is true, eople should try to look at Shkannon as a hint, plus it would be more fun that " he DID meido and it's over". What could it mean BESIDE the DID meido and why did Ryukishi showed it to us. I know I'm not clear, sorry.

>> No.5620012

Perhaps. I just hated the Featherine and Erika scenes, Ryukushi sho loves thinking he's a genius.

>> No.5620013
File: 12 KB, 188x209, 1247695528562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually everyone cut three times (Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice are three people)
Battler and Erika cut once (Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice are one person)

>> No.5620032

When the episode is supposed to be about confessions not hints, I think the thing that's being beaten over the reader's head with all the subtlety of a shotgun is the important thing.

>> No.5620036

To me the three was referring to "the mass", => The greatest number of people => the most obvious answer. It is interresting to say that it is the only problem with the answer given by ryukishi (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm dead right now) so I think that it must have a meaning other than "Look, battler and Erika are both genius".
But yes, it can also be interpreted this way.

>> No.5620051

Still the same thing. Here, Ryukishi says this, but in interviews, he says that he will not give the answer clearly because it would be unfair for people who had worked for it.
So, believing the author vs believing the author. Make your choice.

>> No.5620059


>> No.5620061

I don't feel that way at all.

Particularly the balcony scene with Jessica(or Shannon?) and Battler where Jessica commits Suicide after it, leaving him the last person on the Island.

I am pretty torn between Jessica or Shannon as the personification of Beatrice.

I do believe that Beatrice is both:
1) A personification of the circumstances that have created the possibility for this tragedy to occur.
2) The innocent creation of a girl who wanted to win the affections of Battler.

I could probably make a good list of evidence for either of them to be the girl that loved Battler.

I want to take time and go through the story again and see what's there on both counts. They both have great supporting evidence from what I remember. They both have some fairly big complications. I think both of these options may get explored in 7 and 8.

I do not see 7 ending it because it doesn't fit with the pattern of R07's writing, but its entirely possible.

That we have When The Seagulls Cry 3 and When the Seagulls Cry 4 as the subtitles would be a minor hint that it might be 7. But that Bern has no real love makes me think that she's not thematically a fitting character to tell the last story.

>> No.5620063
File: 6 KB, 205x131, mx0_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking with my mind.

The "obvious" answer isn't that they're different people anymore, but that they're one. "It's obviously only three slices, right?". He then proceeds to shower us with "shkannontrice is obvious". There is clearly something strange, don't you think? What is the answer beyond that, the "one slice"?

>> No.5620066
File: 129 KB, 640x483, u606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes my respect for the golden text.

>> No.5620076

DID meido doesn't seem like a hint. It seems like it's a vital part of the story. If you look at the way ep6 presents it, it answers both culprit and motive. It's also the final conclusion of magic, including the two people universe thing, and the final conclusion of the 'love'.

The sin that Battler commits is somehow supposed to turn Beatrice's six years into 1000, and it becomes a sin so cruel to her that she kills everyone on the island, not because of revenge, but because of this idea of the golden land. When Battler realized this sin, he wanted to apologize to her, and he didn't hate her. I wonder what exactly Beatrice went through during those years.

>> No.5620084

I still think that golden = rules.

magic have to exist. If there was no magic there would be no game. So you can talk about magic in golden

>> No.5620086

Again, at this point the answer is supposed to be obvious. You were supposed to get it since episode 4. Shkanon was a popular theory back then, but I never heard Shkanontrice mentioned. You are using the situation with the cheese to overthrow the whole episode which is supposed to be a confession.

>> No.5620088

Actually, it CAN be pronounced as "joshua" in Japanese. ジョシュア.

>> No.5620090

Why would Battler tell to the person on the flashback and the one who created Beatrice that his ideal woman is "like Jessica" if Battler was talking to Jessica? It wouldn't make sense.

The only possibility is Shannon.

>> No.5620093

That while Shkanontrice is true, it doesn't solve the mystery.

At which point, Ryu puts on the biggest trollface ever seen in history.

>> No.5620094

It's everyone else's fault for assuming the gold text is like some kind of super-red that's true without any wordplay or completely objective or whatever the popular theory on it was. It's a truth fitting for the golden witch.

>> No.5620097

Oh holy fuck I am gone for one saturday and this shit was finally released?

Fuck, going to download this shit now at the speed of light

>> No.5620101

Yeah, but the Japs say "Yoshua" for some reason.

>> No.5620103

And like I said before, George sees the same scene Beatrice recalls of her mother earlier in the episode, when he's talking about his envy of Battler.

>> No.5620104
File: 58 KB, 600x433, ispy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinions:

Lambda has increased in likability, and I loved her to begin with. The traps were entertaining but didn't really do much else. Still liked them though. Featherine is a bitch and a whore and I hate her. Hell, if I read correctly I now hate Hanyuu too. Erika's Rokkenjima Explosion Accident stuff is severely interesting. All in all, it was a good read with plenty of FUCK YEAH's and FUCK NO's.

Can't wait for Episode 7.

>> No.5620108

Gold text is about the underlying truths of the game.

Obviously, Beatrice used sleight of hand. But the point is that that's what magic is--mundane tricks that can bring happiness to people by seeming like something more. So if you understand the truth of what magic is, what was said in gold text is certainly the truth.

>> No.5620109

Actually, he's said that he wants to reveal everything except for the very last bit, and make the reader figure that out on their own.

For us, Shkanontrice is an obvious theory, because every single person here heard of it 500 times before reading EP6. And I'd bet anything that every single person who reads this heard about Shkanon from someone else instead of thinking it up themselves. Sure, it's easy if someone's already told you the answer, but...duh

>> No.5620117

I got started kind of late with this. How far through would you estimate I am if I'm at the part after the first twilight and some meta stuff, and Erika, Lambda and Bern are discussing the game so far and Purupurupikopuyo?

>> No.5620118

How long was this episode in estimate?

>> No.5620119

if it's true It's nothing about the culprit.
Land of the golden witch => not necessary to solve the murder.
And that's the only obvious thing I see in ep6.

Anyway I don't care about you defending Shkannon right now, sorry, I would have plenty of things to say, but I'm too tired right no. Anoter time maybe.
But I think I was clear when I was saying "Even if Shkannon is true". I'm not saying that it is not right now, only that thinking about another possibility can not be a bad thing in any case.
And it would be more fun to discuss than only a "DID meido ftw and that's all" "No way, f*ck you".

>> No.5620121

Out of curiosity: How likely is it that the Erika of Episode 6 was Jessica? I mean, there's the whole thing where her name isn't stated in red in Episode 6, and the only one besides her whose name wasn't stated in red was Genji's.... (Though that also means he's a possibility as well.)

>> No.5620124

Nobody spoke a word of Shkanontrice before episode 6 actually came out, though. It was the big reveal, in a way. It's part of Beato's hard that was supposed to be involved in the trick of the closed room. Hell, after episode 5 hardly anyone even believed in Shkanon anymore since Erika and Battler were in the same room with them.

>> No.5620131 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 637x477, hnnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I d'awww'd.

>> No.5620136
File: 66 KB, 640x480, ronove caribbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EP8 will consist of the entire cast taking a vacation to the Caribbean.

>> No.5620137

Like 10% through. Slowpoke.

>> No.5620138

Take the moralfaggotry of Jessica throughout all episodes and especially 6, compare it to Jessica's ruthlessness. Take Erika's regret of being cheated on and Jessica who hasn't even been in a relationship. Take Erika's ingenuity and Jessica's stupidity.

They are polar opposites, which is why they had a little bit of rivalry in episode 5. Them being the same person is only based on the convenient fact that their names aren't stated, and that she wears her old dress.

>> No.5620139

Yes they did, but it wasn't really considered a big theory because it wasn't needed to explain things at that point.

>> No.5620143

I mean Erika's ruthlessness.

Also take Erika's often polite way of speech to Jessica's boyish speech.

They really couldn't be more dissimilar if they tried.

>> No.5620145

Where is my picture of Erika masturbating with chopsticks?

>> No.5620149
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>> No.5620153

I don't think you'll find the term Shkanontrice even existed before episode 6. Feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.5620158

EP6 is worst episode confirmed.

I can barely get past chapter two. Fuck this shit.

Please, PLEASE, don't repeat the same shit OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Treating your audience like they're complete dumbasses is not cool, man.

Also, terrible pacing is terrible. By the way, I played the entire japanese version of EP6, considering I have OK-tier japanese skills. My thoughts concerning this ep haven't changed one bit, though.

>> No.5620160 [SPOILER] 
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That point is one of the complications. However, I think in EP4 that Jessica's death looks a lot like a suicide and that her talking on the phone to Battler-- there is something really off there.

He's talking to both Jessica and Shannon at that time and I do not really want to provide an exhaustive list of evidence to support Jessica-- but I'll provide a few things.

1) Jessica's persona at school. That she's basically a completely different person and a theatrical one at that.

2) Screenshot attached. Jessica does have a reason to delve into fiction. And dear god yes, I know that I have sinned for even taking a screenshot of that, but I remember it being elsewhere too. If you run with that a little bit, you find that Jessica does have a fictional side to her too.

>> No.5620162

Still, everyone knew that Shkanon existed, so when you read EP6, you're already on the lookout for it. And most people here were spoiled on Shkanontrice before even reading the first word of the game. So none of us are a really good judge on how 'obvious' the Shkanontrice hints are, unless you read the game through without getting spoiled

>> No.5620163

Well with ep6 it is easy and that's all. Just looks at almost every scene between Kannon and Shannon. I agree that in the previous ep it was not "easy", but in ep6 anyone would think about this, seriously. Even the very first scene between them looks like a giant "LOOK HERE, THERE IS SOMETHING STRANGE".(which is pretty much the problem)

Anyway, Shkannon being true is pretty much pointless if he/she is not the culprit. It kills all the red we need to solve the game. And Kanon can not be a slut (I know, this is really the best proof ever that Shkannon is false, I know.)

>> No.5620164

>Also, terrible pacing is terrible.

I bet you loved EP1.

>> No.5620167

But the Erika of Episode 6 never actually existed on Rokkenjima. We don't even know if that personality is the personality of the original Erika; it may have been completely determined by Bernkastel.

Also there's the whole name aspect. I mean, Genji is just as likely a suspect as Jessica simply because of the fact that they're the only two who wouldn't conflict with the names in red text.

>> No.5620171

If people are still doubting DID meido at this point I think he's justified in repeating things over and over.

>> No.5620172

I used Shkanontrice twice before Ep5, once in sarcasm, once in possibility.

>> No.5620179

So what are your opinions on how EP6 was compared to what you expected? Was it like with EP5, when lots of people were saying WORST EPISODE EVER and then, upon playing it, found it to be pretty damn badass? Or was it just as bad as you thought it would be?

>> No.5620184

Enough with the DID. It doesn't have to be DID.

>> No.5620180 [DELETED] 

wwW.ANOLOltAlK.SE_rePlaCE LOl_wItH N
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>> No.5620185

Not on /jp/ you didn't.

>> No.5620189

It's not anywhere as good as EP5, but it's much better than /jp/ makes it out to be.

>> No.5620195



My earlier post about 1 and 2 is this. The whole Beatrice thing just sets the stage for an actual murder-- it doesn't need to be done by the person who created the fiction-- we get it flat out in this episode that the whole reason Beatrice was created was out of a love for Battler and particularly at the end we see that Beatrice was made by one of the girls as an idealization for Battler.

>> No.5620203

It was Episode 4 with slightly less Ange.

>> No.5620205

Let's be frank, you mean made by Shannon.

>> No.5620206

The first use of "Shkannontrice" that shows up on Easymodo is http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4026306#p4026700..

>Thu Dec 31 11:00:58
So during the Comiket flood of spoilers, basically.

>> No.5620212

>But the Erika of Episode 6 never actually existed on Rokkenjima.

Then who killed the five?

>> No.5620215

It has a hell of a lot less Ange, it's probably like 1/5th the Ange. And it was good Ange. This is a pretty good episode, it's at least one of the best 3 episodes.

>> No.5620221


>> No.5620222

I like it without believing in Shkannontrice.
I mean, Featherine and Ange's scene are quite good

>> No.5620223

Putting Elder Beato and Erika aside, should characters like Zepar and Furfur exist on the board without being known to the GM?

>> No.5620225
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c'mon, ryu, you don't have to be this desperate

>> No.5620226

I enjoyed it quite a lot. For me, the rankings are something like EP5 = EP3 > EP4 = EP6 > EP1 > EP2.

>> No.5620229

Just because the term hadn't been thought up doesn't mean that it hadn't been considered before that. There WERE a few hints before EP6, but people shrugged them off because they seemed about as plausible as small bombs or something.

And think about it, it really fits right in with the sort of "twisted logic" that early Battler loved to use.

>> No.5620235

Keeps in mind that these game are supposed to help us finding the murderer. So in the murderer was not here during ep 1-4, there is a little problem

>> No.5620245

I can't tell if R07 is being serious or is deriding himself. He did have Lambda say that Higurashi was crappy though.

>> No.5620244 [DELETED] 


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>> No.5620248

The person who Erika was the stand-in for. Erika said she killed the six, but Beato also said in red at the end of Episode 4 that she was on the island and that she would now kill Battler, despite everyone besides Battler being dead and her stating in red that she isn't Battler. Therefore, the Beato at the end of Episode 4 was the bomb, despite the fact that bombs obviously can't speak or talk.

...Which now makes me wonder if the Erika of Epiosde 6 represented not an actual person, but an object...

>> No.5620253


There's strong evidence for that.
I am tired and have been reading Umineko for about 9.5 hours after a night spent on a drinking binge.

However, I really think that Jessica is a strong possibility.

I also think that there are themes in place for something particularly terrible that will be an extension of the story that was told in EP5's trial-- that Kinzo was involved in sexually abusing either Jessica or Shannon.

That theme was not very present this time around, other than the violation of Battler during the wedding scene where the language used for the ring/finger stuff is very sexually charged.

But in EP4 the actual person that looks like Beatrice, that person does mention that Kinzo performed abusive sexual acts on them.

Could be a lie.
Could be the truth and provide motive for a lot of what happens.

>> No.5620256

Well, if he wants his ridiculously retarded fandom to actually get it, he really does.

But regardless, he needs to stop catering to the lowest common denominator and bogging his work down with shit.

>> No.5620257

How long did it take you guys to finish EP6?

>> No.5620274

I still can't recall any discussion where anyone so much as mentioned it as a joke. Obviously, Shkanon was a popular term, so if it was discussed to any degree Shkanontrice should have been a natural extension that would pop up. While people are loathe to admit it, or at least want to say they didn't think of it because it was so stupid, nobody had thought of it. Yes, there are hints before episode 6, obviously, like the fact that Beatrice is supposed to be furniture and Shannon and Kanon's interactions with her in 2, and that Battler had sinned against Beatrice yet not against Beatrice, but of course a big part of the mystery will have these hints everywhere. It's just that nobody picked up on them until episode 6 came one step short of saying it in red.

>> No.5620279
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>> No.5620282

Bomb's are not a great theory.

Here's a better theory.

The boiler room was rigged to explode-- we've gotten a lot of coverage of the boiler room and realistically, its the best way of accomplishing the destruction.

Bombs are possible. I like the Boiler Room more because it is there and someone fucks with it in each of the completed games.

>> No.5620295

I thought EP1 was OK.

At least it didn't jump from gameboard events to sudden meta-world pseudo-commentary bullshit out of nowhere, complete with shitty, uninteresting characters.

>> No.5620297

Fuck, I woke up too late for this. I'm only at the part where Battler lets Erika use some duct tape seals. I have a feeling I'm not even halfway through yet.

>> No.5620298

Little girl little girl haah haah

>> No.5620307
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>> No.5620308

You're not even halfway through it.

>> No.5620309

And how is landslide or anything like that?
It would mean that is is a natural phenomenon, making Beato "innocent", explaining that Battler didn't punch Beatrice when he learned the truth

>> No.5620312
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>> No.5620317

Just finished it.

Come on guys, that was not nearly as bad as you all made it out to be.

Also, I almost cried every time a roleplaying scene came up. Fuck this series.

>> No.5620325

Small bombs exploded which triggered a volcanic eruption.

>> No.5620331

I almost cried when that same track was playing while Shannon and Kanon had to kill themselves since they're the same person
R07 is a dick

>> No.5620333
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>> No.5620341

I teared up a little at every roleplaying scene. And when Battler found the little card that Moetrice had left with the cookies...;_;

>> No.5620349

Am I the only one who thought the finale was somehow even more spectacular than EP 5's? I was giddy through the entire thing. Fuck year.

>> No.5620351
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Boiler rooms can't explode with enough force to level a mansion and its surroundings. They can kill, yes, but they can't create a giant hole in the ground where a mansion used to be. Unless, of course, there was a bomb in it.

>> No.5620355


I proposed this:

Someone rigged the boiler room to explode. They did this without the knowledge of some of the killers. Thus everyone dies.

Because someone RIGS the boiler room to explode, it's not natural. It's murder.

Example: Set the pressure on the boiler way too high. It blows up when the pressure is too high.

Boiler room explosions have destroyed factories. Destroying a mansion would be possible.

And the best part is that it does not require someone to purchase highly regulated explosives. If someone had, it probably would have been something uncovered by police.

Then again, it could have been a shady deal.

I still like the Boiler Room more.

>> No.5620356

Alive? Life?

>> No.5620367

You're like an eighth of the way through, bro.

>> No.5620369

No, go to chaper "the duel of the lovers", all that stuff with Moetrice's protest was so sad

>> No.5620377


Here's an example of a boiler room explosion doing just that.

>> No.5620379

Fuck, I thought I'd be able to finish this in 10 hours, but I just got to the part with the two Beatos and the gold text about magic and I thought I might be reaching the halfway point by now.

I'm not even in the first twilight yet, and I've still got more? Christ, this episode has worse pacing than Episode 1.

>> No.5620380

I think it was. Beatrice reviving > Beatrice dying. Also Kanon is the true bro-tler of Umineko.

>> No.5620382
File: 25 KB, 153x208, 1271910692575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the hell did Ep6 come out?

Also, is it as shitty as 5 was?

>> No.5620390

Yes yes, I know the boiler room theory, which is pretty much supported by the "strange smell" many times in the game, but I was asking your opinion about the landslide/natural phenomenon theory.

However, for the boiler, I find it strange that we have not hear anything about an "explosion planned to kill everyone" in the future.

>> No.5620395

Umineko, making shit smell better every year.

>> No.5620398

Jesus, I've been playing on and off for almost twelve hours and I'm apparently not even halfway through.

>> No.5620401

Because everyone thought the explosion was an accident.

Perhaps there was a gas leak before the boiler exploded?

>> No.5620405

>On 16 December 1882 at 7:10 AM
MODERN boiler rooms can't level buildings and cause drastic changes to the landscape.

And the mansion counts as being modern, because although it may be old by today's standards, everything on Rokkenjima was built after WWII, long after boilers could be capable of doing such damage

>> No.5620412

he, wasn't it a remix of hope?
If it was yeah, it was awesome. Just like almost every remix of this song.

>> No.5620415

How is watching the duel supposed to tell Beatrice that Erika doesn't exist and is actually Jessica? Or that Kanon is Kinzo, for that matter. What it most tells is that Kanon and Shannon and even her aren't true people, and only by combining their souls can they love. In other words it tells her about Shkanontrice.

>> No.5620420

I didn't really like it, but I like Battler much more than Beato.

>> No.5620435

it was awesome.
But also really confusing. I mean, Erika's last word. I must accept the truth about myself, all this.
Far more mind-screwing than ep5.

>> No.5620441


>> No.5620453

They are intentionally vague about a lot of the facts-- just that there was an explosion.

I do not like Landslides, Volcanos, Meteors, or other Acts of God-- because that means that the story is about an Accident rather than about a Murder.

Perhaps a landslide could have been engineered with bombs. But it actually matters very little just what causes the explosion.

Kanon's discussion of the two roulette wheels for the house cover my feelings on it, which are:

Unbeknown to the group of Epitaph Murderers, someone has rigged the house to explode. Even if they succeed in their plan they are going to die.

That means that someone, with a motive like Revenge rather than Financial Gain ("this child has nothing to gain") set it up.

Particularly, I like "this child has nothing to gain" as evidence that it is Jessica and not Shannon that is Beatrice. Shannon does have something to gain from these murders-- assuming she knows where the gold is, she would gain the gold.

Jessica has nothing to gain. She would be destroying her inheritance.

>> No.5620456

I miss the Pony Theory so fucking much.

>> No.5620458

Erika as a Coat for the culprit/another personality. After all, in fact, the no-erika theory is pretty much the same than Shkannon.

>> No.5620466

You know what the real tragedy of this is?

Beato will never get her pony now ;_;

>> No.5620467

Personally, I thought that it tied the JUSTICE moment in Ep5 and that this episode is excellent.

Kindly, can someone explain the logic that was used to demonstrate that Erika was not real? It was in my 10th hour of reading and I lost a good amount of sharpness.

>> No.5620474

Erika not being real is a theory.

>> No.5620478

>EP8 will be a full revelation of all of the mysteries. But not through murder. We will get the one possible world where no one has to die on Rokkenjima that day. The Gameboard was created based on lies. Big Lies. The only way out of this situation is for the family and the servants to come clean and confess.

That's where you're wrong. Umineko isn't like Higurashi. There is only one real truth, there aren't alternate worlds. All the episodes are retelling of the same story. The same people will die no matter what. Nothing can stop this, and if R07 pulls some stupid shit like that, then he's trolling us more than we expect him to be.

>> No.5620481

Because if Shannon = Kanon, that means the third person to enter the guest room Battler and Kanon were in couldn't have been Shannon, which means someone besides Shannon and Kanon was going around killing people in Episode 6. The most likely candidates are Genji and Jessica.

>> No.5620482

Ironic how all the people who don't like EP6 contradict each other. First, we hear that Shkanon could never work and there's no point even talking about it. Then, we hear that Ryuukishi's explaining Shkanontrice in too much detail. Meanwhile, the people who have been discussing Shkanontrice for the last six months now complain that it's way too obvious in EP6. Of course it's obvious if you've already read the back of the book first.

>> No.5620486

It was one that was explained to Erika and she accepts it.

And I think its entirely fair of us to say that Erika is not real. She is a character too absurd to have actually existed. So I want to get a recap of the logic that proved, to Erica's satisfaction, that she was not there.

>> No.5620489

And you know this how?

>> No.5620492

Well, the ending is supposed to be bittersweet, not sad, so I don't hink that there will be many death

>> No.5620495

So despite the fact that they know where the gold is and own it, (solving the epitaph is required to be Beatrice), they obviously don't care about it at all. You'd think both Jessica and Shannon would care about that gold, Beatrice personality or not, would care. This doesn't tilt the scales to either one's end.

>> No.5620498

And if the person was Erika...?

>> No.5620506

Then we're left wondering what the hell Erika meant about the "truth about herself".

...Unless the truth is that Erika is actually piece Beatrice and the pony theory was right all along.

>> No.5620507

That's a good argument.

But it does also emphasize that the multiple murderers have different motives.

Some are doing this for financial gain, but whoever set that boiler room/bomb/landslide/whatever up, is doing this for revenge.

>> No.5620510

Erika being not real has much less evidence to it than Shkanontrice does. Erika not being real was originally proposed as a solution to that closed room, but the answer Beato would gain from watching the duel was obvious Shkanon(trice) which she used. There is no need for Erika to not be real. She can exist as a piece for those two gameboards just nicely.

>> No.5620511

But the Pony Theory had piece Beatrice NOT being the culprit....

>> No.5620518

It could be that Erika doesn't exist in the real world.
Or, if we actually listen to what Dlanor says earlier, it means that Erika has only a tiny chance of existing in the real world, and is dead before EP1-4 begin.

>> No.5620537

Something can be REALLY heavily foreshadowed without being actually true or possible, so if you take it in the general sense , it would not be "ironic"

Be yeah, I agree that Shkannon is special.
The thing is that Shkannon is impossible in a mystery, DID and personnality swap don't work this way, and all of that.
But slowly, Shkannon became "realistic" in the mind of everyone, even people who don't believe in Shkannon, because it have been say sountless times.

Well, at least that's how I am seeing it.

>> No.5620549

Battler told Beatrice that people will complain it isn't a mystery because of the trick she used. So... yeah.

>> No.5620554

> Or, if we actually listen to what Dlanor says earlier, it means that Erika has only a tiny chance of existing in the real world, and is dead before EP1-4 begin.
But that contradicts with the way Kinzo was handled. Even though we're shown him in Episodes 1-4, he couldn't have done anything we saw him do, which means the same thing applies to Erika.

>> No.5620559

Again, when the murderer didn't exist is ep 1-4, there is really a problem.

I think we should also think about Battler in ep 1-4. He was the detective so he should not have killed anyone, but Erika have given up her detective authority quite easily.

>> No.5620564

Just finished and I'm a little confused on two parts, I'll spoiler just in case.

What happened to long hair Beato once short hair Beato got her memories back?

How did Beato get her memories back in the first place? That just felt really random. I'm running with Kanon..then OMG I REMEMBER EVERYTHING, kind of awkward.

otherwise, great finale but all that love-love talk kinda dragged.

>> No.5620573

...This actually baffled me as well. What happened to her at the end?

>> No.5620576

I am okay with Shannon and Kanon being the same person.

However, what I like more, and what I think hints to Jessica being the actual culprit is:

Acknowledged: Battler, Kanon, and Erika add up to three people/bodies.

Battler, if there are two Battlers, can add up to two people and then we just toss in Kanon.

In this theory Battler refers to both:

Battler 1. The guy we've known the whole time.

Battler 2. Jessica. The child of Asumu, given to Natsuhi who was unable to conceive.

Rudolf promised Kyrie that her child would be treated as legitimate. To accomplish this, he gives one of the babies to Natsuhi and one he raises as his own. The one he raises as his own son is Battler 1. The one given to Natsuhi is Battler 2.

So Jessica is Battler's half-sister.

>> No.5620577

So does Erika decapitate anyone in EP6?

>> No.5620582

I got the impression that the truth was that she never really made it to the island and just drowned. I guess that doesn't explain how she could murder people though, right?

>> No.5620583


Also, her memories aren't back. All that happened is that she got her personality back.

>> No.5620588

When she realizes the core of the mystery involving her own identity, her two selves merge and become complete.

How it involves her identity is unclear-- but basically, she finds herself through that conversation and thus creates the closed room.

I did like Kanon's commentary a lot-- Battler and Moetrice spend the whole episode trying to figure out the rationale of how a human can make the closed room-- rather than "Gee, how can we keep trolling for as long as possible".

>> No.5620593

Correction: Not the actual culprit but the actual Piece Beatrice.

>> No.5620597

I think so. Not there yet in the game, if it does happen.

>> No.5620599

It's weird. When you look in the TIPS after the game, you see all the portraits of people Erika "killed" halved. It later says something that because she had no detective authority, it can't be proven..

>> No.5620606
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>> No.5620609

Let's be realistic here, people. Hasn't anyone considered the consequences of Erika secretly being just an avatar of someone else?
One person, Erika, killed:
That's five people who can't be the killer.
Battler was stuck in his room all the time. That's 6 people.
Kanon is not Erika. That's 7 people.
Krauss, Rudolf, Hideyoshi and Gohda weren't involved in the murders. That's 11 people.
Kanon was in the room with Erika, and he isn't Erika. That's 12 people.
George, Kumasawa, Shannon, and Nanjo had their locations confirmed where Erika was not.

So the culprit capable of killing 5 people, by this theory, is already confirmed to be Jessica or Genji. And yet, in the entire first game, Genji didn't kill at all.
>Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo are not killers.
And when everyone in episode 3 had died except Eva, Battler and Jessica, Jessica still hadn't killed anyone
>Ushiromiya Jessica has not committed murder

Isn't that a little ridiculous?

>> No.5620612

Yeah, which is weird, because that should mean she's covered in blood afterwards.

>> No.5620614

Push Execute twice on each person.

>> No.5620620

Episode 3 has some oddities to it that make it possible.

Plus the "has not committed murder" refers to one game.

The hard part is, she can be an accomplice.

>> No.5620622

..I'm accidentally counting Kanon twice, but it's still the same result.

>> No.5620625

Have you ever stopped to think that, if DID doesn't work that way, maybe it isn't DID? For some reason, everyone says that Shkanon=DID. Did Ange have DID? No. So why does Shkanon have to be that?

>> No.5620626

It gets explained. She uses trashbags as she runs around doing it to block blood spatter.

>> No.5620629

Yet that would require someone who single-handedly killed 5 people in one game to sit back and be an accomplice/string puller in other games.

>> No.5620632


>> No.5620634

Doesnt change the fact that EP3 is an anomaly

>> No.5620641

> Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo are not killers.
> Ushiromiya Jessica has not committed murder
Neither states that they do not become killers or commit murder later on.

>> No.5620643


I don't think that any first twilight is done with the involvement of less than 2 people.

Maybe Ep2. Maybe. With poison.

But I think in large part its clear that there's a good many murderers involved.

Also in many of the murders, someone is believed to be dead who is not (ep3).

>> No.5620660

Plastic bags around the heads and knife!

>> No.5620685

I also fail to see how Erika can be Jessica when they're so contradictory, and Genji too is absurd. Genji convinces the group that the male servants are suspicious but then sneaks around the mansion? Krauss would actually let Jessica out of his sight during this time? To accept this theory, you pretty much have to throw out the whole episode in it's entirety, not just fantasy scenes, but the whole lot, and say whatever you want happened with only the red.

>> No.5620692

Krauss knew it was all an act so of course he would.

>> No.5620699


Well, think about this:

When we first see Erika, the family loves her.

Unlike Jessica, she's elegant.
Unlike Jessica, she's demonstrating intelligence.
Unlike Jessica, she's in command of social situations.

She's a lot of the things that would please her family-- Jessica is jealous of Erika at dinner.

Jessica, as one of my theories goes, is a creator of fictions (see my spoiler image above). She creates personalities for convenience and to escape from bad realities. So Erika is this version of herself that has what she lacks.

>> No.5620701

You know, that's a good point, but that just makes even less sense. What or who was this act supposed to be for now when Erika never came to the island and never bragged about what a great detective she was? Episode 5 probably has a similar circumstance. You'd think it'd be for Battler, but then, both times, Battler played a crucial role in the act, even being one of the actors himself. This just makes less and less sense the more I think about it.

>> No.5620712

We already have Shannon creating personalities like that.

>> No.5620730


Agreed. But see the image.
A lot of the characters lie or create fictions.
A lot of the characters have alternate versions of themselves.

Adding Jessica, who always talks about the burdens of being an heiress, who has that theatrical presence, and who does feel jealous and you get a desire for her to be someone else.

I like Shannon playing that role too. But I am also cool with Jessica.

I think that may be the difference between episode 7 and episode 8-- who we are lead to believe is the Piece Beatrice.

>> No.5620742

Holy hell, what's the halfway point on this thing?

>> No.5620747
File: 41 KB, 704x400, auau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess nobody likes the Featherine = true Rika theory

>> No.5620755

If anything, this episode has ensured me even more Jessica is innocent.

George, on the other hand...

>> No.5620762

I don't think there will be an episode 8. Also what image are you talking about?

>> No.5620766
File: 108 KB, 356x472, geo_majimea5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If loving Sayo makes me a culprit then call me a culprit. I don't care. I'll kill you.

>> No.5620767

How about Featherine = Hanyuu, but Hachijou Touya = Rika?

>> No.5620772
File: 39 KB, 300x840, 10602634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on the conversation Bern and Featherine have though, and their apperances

>> No.5620780

I'd say once you get to Shannon and Kanon becoming an hero, you're halfway through. It really is a long episode.

>> No.5620785

Featherine just screams Hanyuu, how could she be anybody else?

the whole kanji meaning "feather in" and the Au Au, the way she calls humans "child of man" I recall Hanyuu saying that at some point.

who else could she be

>> No.5620793

She screams Hanyuu with her name and her relationship with Bern, but while you can see Bern actually becoming what she is in Umineko, I can't really see Hanyuu like that. Unless one is Bern and the other one is imitating Bern, calling herself Bern.

>> No.5620804

well in Higurashi Hanyuu says that she is only in her childish form for Rika's sake. When she isn't babbling on like a two year old, she does speak noble like and fearsome.

>> No.5620807

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.5620811

I think by the time Kanon dies it's more like 3/4.

>> No.5620821

It's a long game.

>> No.5620830

Good point. I realize it's way more likely she's Hanyuu and it's the generally accepted theory, I was just wondering if the fact that Featherine said Bern was calling herself Bern as if it was unusual, and Bern also said she was imitating Featherine. You could just say that Featherine expected her to give up that name and she was only imitating her nature in that she was her underling.

>> No.5620837

No, I'm pretty sure Kanon dying was near the end. The last eighth of the game, at the very least.

>> No.5620842

Last eighth is stretching it I think. There's still the wedding crashing and the tea party and ????.

>> No.5620856

Erika is Kinzo's jealous wife and Battler is young Kinzo. The whole thing alludes to Kinzo's past. Take away the magic and look with the eyes of love and you'll see the truth.

>> No.5620868




>> No.5620870

See a spoiler image in one of my earlier posts.

Also, I think I get what happened with Kanon's disappearance and it is a wordplay. Man, need to sleep and then... umineko repeat.

>> No.5620877

I'm taking my sweet time and will probably finish in about 5 days, if not more.

>> No.5620889

I had hoped to finish it tonight, but it's already 3 AM and Lambdadelta just said in red that she made impartial judgments.

>> No.5620898

Just a stupid question: who is the detective in this episode?

>> No.5620905

You should read it quickly, but carefully. Let all the information it gives be up in your head at once.

>> No.5620911

Same, and I just got to the beginning of the trial of love. I thought I could finish in 8 or 9 hours, but that's clearly not going to happen.

Well, looks like I've got a long day of reading ahead for me tomorrow.

>> No.5620914

Nobody. But apparently, Battler wasn't really a "detective" in episodes 1-4 in the Erika episode 5 sense. So episode 5 is the only episode we've had a "detective" and that didn't do us much good.

>> No.5620916

There is no detective if there is no mystery.

This episode did not have hints.

They were all confessions.

>> No.5620919
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seems to be ignoring the most important question in this episode:

Who has the penis?

>> No.5620921

I find it sad that Kanon will let Shanon win because she doesn't want Jessica to be a lesbian outlaw.

Yuri never finds good end.

>> No.5620922

We'll never know. It's Schrodinger's Penis.

>> No.5620926

It's always the one with longer hair. Also, Zepar preys on little boys, rather than training them like Furfur does.

>> No.5620928

Well, the point of a trap is that it's a guy, but he speaks and acts like a girl... so it can't be the girl using the masculine pronouns (she'd be a tomboy/bokuko/whatever).

>> No.5620930

Furfur calls Zepar "she" at some point. Whether that's witch-hunt's fuck up or not I don't know.

>> No.5620934

Japanese pronouns are tricky like that. It was probably a fuckup.

>> No.5620935

I enjoy Umineko too much not to savor it. This shitty VN is worse than cheesecake.

>> No.5620940

Find out in EP7

WH messed up. No gender-specific pronoun was really used in original. Both Furfur and Zepar spoke identically.

>> No.5620952

It could also be W-H fucking with us so as to let us think for ourselves as to who's the trap.

>> No.5620958

why is the brooch one gigantic metaphor for shannon's split personality

>> No.5620961

> Both Furfur and Zepar spoke identically.
Wrong. one uses "watashi", the other uses "boku". Can't remember which, though.

>> No.5620970


>> No.5620996

Poor Erika ;_;

>> No.5621002

I'd gladly have my penis forced into Erika's thorn-filled vagina.

>> No.5621016

Pretty sure it was Zepar who used boku.

>> No.5621024

So many questions...

Where did Kanon go? Seriously how did he escape that closed room after he let Battler out.

What was Lambda's logic error?

Again we hear about Rudolf's secret, was it as simple as the fact that Kyrie is Battler's mom?

Kyrie believed it was a miracle that Asumu died so she didn't have to get her hands dirty. Judging from what we know about miracles this is highly peculiar too.

Also, what was up with Ange's escort being all suspicious at the very end? Something about killing the Sumaderas and Ange being necessary for keeping the peace? What?

>> No.5621054

Kanon died
>Also, what was up with Ange's escort being all suspicious at the very end? Something about killing the Sumaderas and Ange being necessary for keeping the peace? What?
Didn't he even say world peace? And that the Sumadera head gave approval to kill Sumadera Kasumi, but isn't Kasumi the head?

>> No.5621074

George sounds like Chris-chan during the confession scene.

>> No.5621077


Oh I see. So Kanon died after entering the room? Yeah I guess that makes sense.

And yeah they did use the term world peace...that's extremely strange...

>> No.5621099


I got the impression Kasumi was next in line to be the successor, possibly not the head yet though.

>> No.5621119


Here's the full line:

"...I realize that Ange-chan is a child to be pitied. ...Still all she had to do was play the part of a secluded young lady. When we joined forces after Eva-san's death, we reached an agreement. This little portable shrine of ours is important, but she's also a liability. We're talking about world peace here, right?"

>> No.5621141

This makes me worry that the answer is going to be something on Higurashi level, and Shkanontrice will look good compared to the rest of it. World interests shouldn't really be involved, it's just a little island and a little family that gets murdered for what should be more personal reasons. Now it sounds like a huge conspiracy.

>> No.5621146

This is confirmed by the manga - she tells the guy who told her Ange got away that mother would be angry if she came back without Ange. So Kyrie and Kasumi's mother is still alive.

>> No.5621151

And she wants her daughter offed?

>> No.5621155

Pretty sure that a family as wealthy and influential as the Ushiromiyas would be the targets of other wealthy/influential families and groups anyway.

>> No.5621160

It still seems kind of cheap for them to be involved.

>> No.5621182

Theory on the Closed Room Solution

1. Battler is in the Closed Room. (Battler is defined as Battler1, The son of Rudolph and Kyrie and Battler2, the daughter of Rudolph and Asumu, Jessica.) Thus there are two people in the room.

2. Kanon's real and actual name is shared or can be read using the same characters as one of the other victims of the first twilight. (There are tons of different spellings for the names. It's possible some permutation of the name Kanon offered is the same as some permutation of the name of one of the victim).

What is material is: By this trick, Kanon is allowed to be inside the mansion already. He can be outside of the room and in one of the other victims rooms without violating anything said in red.

3. Erika is either Not An Actual Person or a Personality of Jessica (Battler2).

Thus, Erika = 0 people (body) Kanon=1 person (body) Battler = 2 people (bodies).

So we get.

Two people are in the room to begin with:
Kanon enters the room and breaks the chain.
Battler1 and Kanon leave the room.
Battler2 resets the chain and hides somewhere that is not the closet.

Thus Kanon disappears by "magic" and is no longer in the room. Neither is one of the Battlers. Jessica(Battler2) remains in the room, Trollface set to Maximum.


>> No.5621198

>2. Kanon's real and actual name is shared or can be read using the same characters as one of the other victims of the first twilight.
Isn't this supposed to have been denied, along with a lot of other silly things involving names.

>> No.5621203

Explain how watching the duel helped Beatrice reach this solution.

>> No.5621254

About Kanon somehow being in the mansion.
>The six victims of the first twilight are where they were discovered. Natsuhi is in her room, Eva in the honored guest room, Kyrie in Krauss's study, Rosa and Maria in the parlor, and you in the guest room!
Six victims. No extra Kanon in there.
>Request: Those who are in the neighboring room are Hideyoshi, George, Shannon, Kumasawa, and Nanjo!
>I acknowledge that all other people are in the cousins' room.
Kanon can't have slipped into the the list since it's only six people, unless he was one of the six victims themselves, in which case Erika killed him and he could save nobody. Also I think Beatrice's red pretty much denied saying "Kanon's real name is actually X so when X is used in the red it can refer to Kanon"

>> No.5621411

Confession is often the moment where the strangest shit happens.
I remember one Agatha Christie novel with the guy who confessed he had Alzheimer(which you were supposed to get through the story) and that he actually could be the killer and completely unaware of it, yet still, he was proven wrong.

>> No.5622091

Just finished, rather liked it. Not as much as 2-4, but loads better than 5.

I'd mostly avoided Umineko threads since I wanted to avoid any chance at ep 6 spoilers, but I'd heard of Shakannon or whatever and thought it was a pretty stupid ass idea. After reading 6 I can, of course, totally see where it's coming from though. Still not entirely convinced that it'd apply to all the other episodes, though. It makes great sense for 2 and 4, but while they're very rarely seen together, it does definitely happen. The parlor in 5, if nothing else. And 1 they'd need a fake corpse. 3 wouldn't work if anybody not an accomplice checked both of their crime scenes.

While I enjoyed it, though, I was a little disappointed by the mysteries specific to this game. It was obvious Erika was the culprit from the moment she didn't declare herself the detective, and I saw most of the ways they tried breaking the guest room before coming before they came up.

Honestly the only things to surprise me were EVA-Beatrice's appearance and Terminator-Jessica in the first night, non-meta Ange revealing that Featherine was written into the non-meta manuscript, and Amakusa's phone call at the end.
