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5601474 No.5601474 [Reply] [Original]

This game made me feel stupid when I realized 3/4 of all the bosses could be defeated by spamming attack at them with no concern for dodging.

>> No.5601617

in before people bitching there's n 8 directional whipping in Touhouvania

>> No.5601626

Oh really ? I can't beat Sakuya in the clock tower. I think the controls of this game are spoiling everything. They are neither like castlevania nor are they adapted to dodging bullets.

>> No.5601648

Lol, I figured that out from playing other castlevania games. The games are about as deep as a puddle.

>> No.5601652

Classic castlevania, not so good

Metroidvania in the SDM, please.

>> No.5601674

It's been a while since I last played it, but you need to
stay on the ground before she teleports near you and start that spreading blade attack. Place a Cirno or Marisa (can't remember which one worked the best against her) where she is and quickly fly up in the air in the opposite direction. It's a lot easier to dodge her knives that way. Once you avoid them you can land near her and whip her ass a couple of times.

>> No.5601697

This. Make it happen Frontier AJA

>> No.5601707

Throw in the RPG elements too.

>> No.5601708
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Fuck Metroidvania. Just make it a Metroid game. Starring Sanae, of course.

>> No.5601724
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You could always suggest it to them through email. I mean, they made a English translation for us retarded gaijin iirc.

On a related note; the soundtrack, so good.

>> No.5601728

>they even made a french translation. I'm very pleased by that.

>> No.5601730


Metroidvania is the cancer that killed Castlevania.

Touhouvania is closer to an ideal Castlevania game than any Metroidvania could hope to be. Really, if they just fine-tuned the controls so that danmaku play is more feasible, make it so enemies don't attack you so suddenly from off-screen, and perhaps expanded Reimu's attack options, it would be perhaps the best Castlevania game that's not Castlevania.

>> No.5601737

I never said that.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5601740

I agree with you which is why I'd rather have a Metroid game.

>> No.5601741


>Metroidvania is the cancer that killed Castlevania.

The cancer that killed a pretty-much-dead-after-rondo series?

>> No.5601745

Fuck you SotN, Aria of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia were great.

>> No.5601747

The soundtrack is indeed awesome. It's more towards Castlevania arrangement than Touhou

I only manage to catch a few that sounds similar to the CV counterparts. Like Divine Bloodlines for stage 3, Bloody Tears for stage 7 and Stage 1 song sounds like Theme of Simon Belmont a little.

>> No.5601753

Touhouvania is a lot more like ghouls and ghosts than castlevania

>> No.5601754

Sorry I just green text by accident (maj touch next to ">" touch).

>> No.5601755


I honestly think Castlevania did the style way better than Metroid ever did, even if it was first. Not a fan of Metroid.

>> No.5601776

I can understand how you'd think that if you aren't a fan of metroid.

>> No.5601778

Uh, yeah, pretty much after Bloodlines, even, since that's when Symphony came in. Castlevania died a quick death and became a sad shell of its former self.
Actually a step in the right direction. The difficulty makes it more like a Castlevania game. But it still fell to Metroidvania pitfalls in the end.
No way, bro. You have much more freedom to move in Touhouvania.

>> No.5601784

>ghouls and ghosts
A Ghouls and ghost orientated Touhou game would be kind of neat.

>> No.5601790

Would it involve Reimu losing her clothes?

>> No.5601794

Fuck Yu yuko

>> No.5601803

Fuck I wasn't even thinking of that.

Who do I have to fund to make this happen?

>> No.5601821

Whaaaaaat ?
Best art
Best OST
Longest Castlevania
Best gameplay
Best story
Best heroes (I include Richter and Maria)

As much as I like Super Castlevania IV, stop nostalgiagoogling for God's sake !

>> No.5601822

I spent hours trying to make the game work.

>> No.5601829

>Best gameplay
You call raping the series irrepairably best gameplay? Fuck you.

>> No.5601832

To be fair there IS cheesy VA in the english version though.

>> No.5601855

>implying that you can't like old games because it would only be nostalgia

>> No.5601860

I love how you're claiming nostalgiagoggles for calling SotN overrated, when every Metroidvania after SotN has not only done what it did, but better, and without having to flip the entire fucking game map upside down just to extend playtime. Not to mention the completely unmemorable ambiance music, broken difficulty to the point where not even the final and secret bosses are any challenge if you possess one of two weapons, and the boring, uninspired level design, especially when compared to later Metroidvanias.

Even then, the Metroidvania franchise is getting stale. Games like Dracula X Chronicles and Rebirth are a glorious breath of fresh air, and remind us of how good Castlevania used to be before SotN royally fucked it up to the point where no classic CVs had been produced until Rebirth. And that only took what, 14 years?

>> No.5601864

You must be a fan of rape to talk so highly about it.

>> No.5601865
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Is that so ?

>> No.5601866

Symphony of the Night had by far the best story.

>> No.5601876

>hasn't played the newer Metroidvania games
Okay... so instead of flipping the world, we'll just create a shadow version of it. That's the same thing and you know it.

>> No.5601896

The only one that is really guilty of that in recent times is Portrait of Ruin, and that only reused level themes (ye olde city, mansion, big top circus from hell, etc) for 4 post-fake-final-boss levels. The level designs themselves were different from the original levels. And Ecclesia didn't even do anything like that.

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.5601897

I wanna get eaten by that Rumia so badly.

>> No.5601906

> Harmony of Dissonance did that too.

>> No.5601924

And that was 7 years ago. I said recent.

There have been 6 - 7 games in between then and now. And that's not even counting spinoff shit like Judgement and the arcade game.

>> No.5601952

>Dracula X Chronicles
>a glorious breath of fresh air
You know that it is a (shitty) 3D remake of a 90's game ?

>> No.5601981

And it was still more fun than SotN~

You probably hated it because of the difficulty (even though it's way easier than Rondo was) or how it was true to the original control scheme, weren't you?

>> No.5601996

I didn't hate it but 2D >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3D.
If you don't agree leave /jp/.

>> No.5602007

3D platformers are vastly superior to 2D.

>> No.5602021

>Best art
Like, what? Concept art? I kind of like Ecclesia's better. The spritework in Symphony was pretty nice, but it's nothing too special - Rondo still had me from hello in that department.
>Best OST
Yeeuch. No. Rondo still has it beat in that department. The music quality is pretty nice, but what tunes do you really remember off the top of your head? For me, not many.
>Longest Castlevania
>Best gameplay
No. Screw the Metroidvania gameplay. First off, some generals. The RPG stats. What are they really good for? What impact do they have? You never, I repeat, NEVER need to pay attention to your stats. The action-game Castlevania is still here, and it still serves just the same purpose: attack things, don't get hit yourself (and preferably not beyond the threshold of your health), and you will likely get to your goals just fine. So why introduce some elements that serve nothing but to distract from this? Sure, you need to buy weapons and armor to keep up with a general trend, like common RPGs, BUT WHY IN A CASTLEVANIA GAME? It doesn't actually serve a purpose, it's only there to make you think it does. It's a distinction without efficacy! The fact that other games have a built-in hard mode, that essentially nulls the stats benefit altogether, proves that the games themselves are balanced to the point where you don't actually need the "RPG" statistics! It's fluff! FLUFF!

Second, why is the Metroid style so highly praised, anyhow? It's fun, it's only ever so slightly different, but it's layered linearity. I won't go so far as to say it's recycling areas, but you're still just going from a point A to a point B. What's the hook? Just an illusion; another distinction without efficacy, so it seems to me. (Though, is it perhaps the consistent world vibe? Isn't that a tad irrelevant?)

>> No.5602024

Third, a specific. Alucard's repetoire of attacks is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. You have familiars and summons, fighting-style spells, equipment (including the oh-so-broken shield rod), and subweapons. AND WHY DO YOU NEED ALL OF THIS? You can get by with basic equipment management and platforming skills. I've never seriously used a spell in Symphony.
>Best story
No better than any of the other Metroidvanias.
>Best heroes (I include Richter and Maria)
Richter, yeah. Alucard, nah. Maria, eh.

>> No.5602059

Smells like trolls here but :
2D Mario > 3D Mario
2D Sonic > 3D Sonic
2D Castlevania > 3D Castlevania
2D Megaman > 3D Megaman

There is only Metroid that I find as appealing in 3D (slightly).

>> No.5602070

But the remake was only 2.5D.

>> No.5602104


Butthurt classic castlevania fan.

>> No.5602121

WAIT. Does that mean it's bad?
If not, then why are you posting this?
Moreover, what does the fact that it's popular as fuck have to do with it being a good game or not?

>> No.5602208
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>Dracula X Chronicles

>> No.5602212

Don't be so aggressive ! You like Rondo better I get it.

Still think SotN has the best art (looks like Yoshitaka Amano stuff), don't start the debate with the animu style.

>The music quality is pretty nice, but what tunes do you really remember off the top of your head?
Almost everyones. Lost Painting, Tragic Prince, Castle Entrance, etc.


>Sure, you need to buy weapons and armor to keep up with a general trend, like common RPGs, BUT WHY IN A CASTLEVANIA GAME?
Deepening the experience I think. Customize things is fun, it's make your game experience more personal.
Kinda like Mario Golf / Tennis handhelds. You didn't NEED it but it's more fun that way.
Same with the Metroid style. Exploring is fun (discovering hidden stuff and all).

I liked the story of SotN best. It has one that isn't just a pitch, and not overwhelming either. It's also the most original imo.

I think there are many who find Alucard more charismatic than Richter but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.5602217

The 3D part is.

>> No.5602233

And what does this change exactly ? The gameplay is the same. And the sprites of the characters in the dialogues are in 2D. What, are you going to say you can't play a game if there is any 3D inside ?

>> No.5602255

No. Just that it is a rather ugly and useless 3D.

>> No.5602301

>no mention of Circle of the Moon
Y'all don' know shit.

>> No.5602305
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I must say this is classy.

>> No.5602338
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>> No.5602341

Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2 are better than every 2D Mario game.

>> No.5602362
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>> No.5602374
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>> No.5602388
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>> No.5602395
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>> No.5602510

Why the fuck would I play classic Castlevania when I can play Ghosts 'n Goblins? VASTLY SUPERIOR GAME

>> No.5602682
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>> No.5602706

Besides the art that game sucked.

I really really really wanted to love it too. ;_;

If anyone needs me I'm going to load up the genesis and play some bloodlines to replace the sadness with rage.

>> No.5602716


have fun living in the past broseph

>> No.5602722

I will.


>> No.5602737


Ghosts 'n Goblins over Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, really? Nostalgia googles at full force.

>> No.5602739
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>> No.5602743


>> No.5602775

That's weird, I absolutely loved it. The art style, the music, even the gameplay. It was hands down the best fan game that I've played last year. I've finished it over 20 times before the Flandre patch and English translation came out.

>> No.5602796

Oh the music was good too but gameplay was really strenuous if you're a hardcore sidescroller player. They might have made it better in a later patch but the original version was like playing a slow floating death.

>> No.5602814

Welcome to Castlevania/Castlevania remakes/Castlevania-like games.

>> No.5602825


>> No.5604205

Seconded. I still wonder why did this game get so many hate. The 2D sprite moves very smooth and responsive. It's a well made Touhou doujin game compared to many others

>> No.5604442

>animu style
I didn't care for that style, either, so don't worry, Symphonyfriend.
>Almost everyones. Lost Painting, Tragic Prince, Castle Entrance, etc.
Lost Painting's the only good one you mentioned.
Length is entirely irrelevant.
>Deepening the experience I think. Customize things is fun, it's make your game experience more personal.
Kinda like Mario Golf / Tennis handhelds. You didn't NEED it but it's more fun that way.

Ah, so it IS entirely irrelevant. They sacrificed Castlevanias action gameplay for something totally useless. WONDERFUL.

>Same with the Metroid style. Exploring is fun (discovering hidden stuff and all).

No, it's not. There's nothing to explore. There is no fun in exploring when there's nothing to explore. The "exploration" is, again, an illusion, dispelled when you realize that everything in the castle is exactly predetermined upon each playthrough. Tell me, what exactly is the value of exploration? It involves the unknown. If there were any value in the game's exploration, it would subsist in its own virtue rather than the player's ignorance. This is where a roguelike shines: everything is random. You don't know where everything is. It's a thrill to see what lies beyond the corridors.

>I liked the story of SotN best. It has one that isn't just a pitch, and not overwhelming either. It's also the most original imo.

Order of Ecclesia's not original?

>I think there are many who find Alucard more charismatic than Richter but maybe I'm wrong.

You are.

>> No.5604584

Exploring stuff is fun. I actually enjoyed the upside castle. It was confusing, nauseating, and very interesting to see how a lot of the part so of the castle actually work upside-down. It was a joy to get a new power, like double-jump, and go "Oh yeah, now I can get back to that one place". I don't like randomly generated exploration, mostly because I like obsessively mapping. Not that I can't tell the fun of not knowing where you're going, but I prefer to have a destination, and the knowledge that I will (eventually) know my way around. Yeah, it means it's not as fun the second time around, but it is very fun the first time.

Another point is that it's also fun just because of Alucard's vast array of weapons and how customizable he is. Are some of the swords broken? Yes, but the fact that I can use those or change around how I wanna play completely is wonderful. I don't see how they really "sacrificed" anything, sure, you don't need to pay attention to the stats, but they don't harm anything by being there. I really doubt there was a point where someone said "This would be an awesome level but if we put it in people can't see how much LK they have". If there was, however, fuck them.

Length is NOT irrelevant, especially when it comes to a game where a lot of the fun is building your arsenal and exploring.

>> No.5605166

>Exploring stuff is fun. I actually enjoyed the upside castle. It was confusing, nauseating, and very interesting to see how a lot of the part so of the castle actually work upside-down. It was a joy to get a new power, like double-jump, and go "Oh yeah, now I can get back to that one place". I don't like randomly generated exploration, mostly because I like obsessively mapping. Not that I can't tell the fun of not knowing where you're going, but I prefer to have a destination, and the knowledge that I will (eventually) know my way around. Yeah, it means it's not as fun the second time around, but it is very fun the first time.

But there is no distinct explorative element in Symphony. No more than breaking seemingly-random walls in older Castlevanias, discovering different paths in Rondo or III, no more than getting to a new level in Mario Bros.! It subsists on your ignorance rather than genuinely rewarding you for your curiosity or risk-taking. The new ability gimmick would nearly be mere arbitration (no more than seperating the castle into old-school "levels"), if it didn't put new mechanics at the player's disposal (but again, how often do they come into practical play?).

Also, the inverted castle? Really? That's "exploring", to you? Wouldn't it already be diminished inherently? Granted, I've never seen upside down, but I still roughly make out where everything is.

>> No.5605171

>Another point is that it's also fun just because of Alucard's vast array of weapons and how customizable he is. Are some of the swords broken? Yes, but the fact that I can use those or change around how I wanna play completely is wonderful. I don't see how they really "sacrificed" anything, sure, you don't need to pay attention to the stats, but they don't harm anything by being there. I really doubt there was a point where someone said "This would be an awesome level but if we put it in people can't see how much LK they have". If there was, however, fuck them.

When the game breaks itself by handing so much power to the player, I have to question the design of the game. Dying is part of a video game experience. You make mistakes, you get better. Symphony merely slaps you on the wrist half of the time, and effectively negates any thought or effort that might go into your character's preparation. Tell me this, when do I need Alucard's Hellfire attack spell? When does it ever come into practical play? In fact, why do I even need a scroll from the Librarian that tells me spells when I can merely look them up and perform them outright? Why? Why should I use the Alucard Sword once I get the Crissaegrim or Shield Rod + Alucard Shield? What inclination should I have? So you can "customize" your character to "change how you want to play"? ...Really? How? Clarify how much of an impact this alleged "customization" has. Why is it important?

>Length is NOT irrelevant, especially when it comes to a game where a lot of the fun is building your arsenal and exploring.

So it's just like Sakuya's chest - a whole lot of padding. Give me challenges instead of a chore, please.

>> No.5605203

Play Holdout if you want Metroid-esque game with no lasers and drowning girls.

>> No.5605219


Off the top of my head, Patchouli, Sakuya II, Remilia and Flandre will all eat you alive if you do this, as will Suika to a lesser extent.

>2D Megaman > 3D Megaman

Legends > other MegaMen

X7 I will certainly grant, though, even though Flame Hyenard would have made that game terrible in any number of dimensions.



>> No.5605241

>Legends > other MegaMen

>> No.5605257

A proper Metroid game shouldn't tell you where to go.

Left to your own devices, you should spend most of your time exploring, finding new powerups as you go, and then using your own memory to think "Oh hey, That place back there had a wall I couldn't get past, I bet I can get past it now!"

Anyone using a guide is playing it wrong.

>> No.5605263
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>So it's just like Sakuya's chest - a whole lot of padding.

Now thats just mean.

>Legends > other MegaMen

There will never be another legends game.

>> No.5605278

rockman dash is the best rockman
search your heart you know it to be true

>> No.5605293

A real Metroid game doesn't tell you where you need to go because the structuring of powerups already makes it terribly obvious. Just the like dungeons and their main treasure in The Legend of Zelda.

>> No.5605294


>Legends > 2d megamen

No. That game is overrated to high hell and the gameplay is the equivalent of holding square while occasionally jumping.

>> No.5605300

Not really sure what you mean by the explorative element then, I'm talking as if it's your first playthrough. Mapping out to fill the castle feels like an achievement, and I, for one, don't like walking in the total dark. I do agree that fear of the unknown in games is a very wonderful atmosphere, but there is also a delightful feeling of accomplishment in knowing the way of the land.

The inverted castle, is as I explained, nauseating and confusing, and I loved it. You can tell where everything pretty much is? Yes, but there's a whole feeling there, a sort of "Okay, so the library should be up ahead, or if it's behind me, then blah should be here..." it's just the pleasure of being in a familiar place suddenly turned unfamiliar, like spending the entirety of the game memorizing the way of the land, only to have yourself tested. I loved it.

As for the ability, I used the double job and mist often, actually. Yeah, you could pretty much go through the whole game never touching Wolf morph, so yes, it is basically a gimmick to replace the "locked door to new area, need key" mechanic, but it's what beyond that area, and the satisfaction of opening that door which is exciting

>> No.5605310

Dying sends you back to a save point, seems fine to me, but if you don't consider that enough of a challenge, I can't particularly say anything about it.
No, those spells were usually, I think I only ever used the blood one to dick around with.
I never said it's a perfect game, and I said some of the weapons are overpowered, however, please bear in mind there are a huge variety of weapons in game, you can through a playthrough and never even GET the Crissaegrim, you can also simply drop swords altogether and use a whip, or a great sword, a lance, or a knife. You're complaining about having too many weapon options in a game, which is understandable, but more weapon styles increase style of gameplay, if you just want to use the broken weapons, go ahead, or don't. Those weapons are more of a problem with Symphony than Metroidvania in general.

>So it's just like Sakuya's chest - a whole lot of padding. Give me challenges instead of a chore, please.
I laughed, but seriously, I get much more enjoyment out of extra areas, then, say, a Boss Rush mode or something. The ability to raise the difficulty would be better, though, so I do agree with you on this part.

>> No.5605620

>Deepening the experience I think. Customize things is fun, it's make your game experience more personal. Kinda like Mario Golf / Tennis handhelds. You didn't NEED it but it's more fun that way.

>Ah, so it IS entirely irrelevant. They sacrificed Castlevanias action gameplay for something totally useless. WONDERFUL.

Play Mario Golf (or Tennis) on console and then on handheld and you will now what I mean.

>> No.5605650

I think the epitome of autism in this thread is the faggot that said Mario Galaxy is better than the classic Mario games.

You really can't make this shit up, apparently.

Need a new 2D Metroid that doesn't follow Fusion.

>> No.5605675

Pardon? You talk'n shit about Fusion, son?

>> No.5605682

Fusion had quite a lot of problems with it, the story doesn't have anywhere good to go after its conclusion, and the Fusion suit looks fucking retarded.

>> No.5605692


That would be epitome of nomral casualfaggotry, actually. I bet 9/10 normalfags would prefer new Mario games for various reasons.
On the other hand, I can assure you that, without a doubt, 10 out of 10 autistic gamers would be into old Mario games instead.

>> No.5605695

Shouldn't you be in your special ed classes, broseph?

>> No.5605706

Take off your fucking nostalgia goggles. I'd rather play Galaxy than SMB 1.

>> No.5605715

The only problem with Fusion was the lack of flexability in where you can go and lack of sequence breaking and whatnot. That's it, although I'll admit it IS a big problem.

>> No.5605719


>> No.5605735

I'm not going to watch that long enough to see why it's relevent.

>> No.5605752

It must be nice to be 12.

Lack of general difficulty, lack of customization of acquired powers, lack of depth, having to listen to Adam talk incessantly, hunting down data rooms instead of finding hidden Chozo artifacts (why is the Federation able to recreate Chozo suit data, but not build their own to Samus' specifications, suddenly?), SA-X is a fucking moron and is almost MIA the entire game without a sufficiently satisfactory fight a la Prime, and the plot is schizophrenic.

It was rushed out and you could tell.

>> No.5605762

Remi keeps fucking raping me. And then I have to fight through the four-battle boss rush to get back to that point after every continue. The worst part is that bosses take weirdly long to load in for me... my PC isn't great, but it's not *that* shit.

I love the art and soundtrack, I just wish the actual gameplay would be gentler with my tight virgin ass.

>> No.5605772
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I want another 2D Metroid now...

>> No.5605777

>Remi keeps fucking raping me.
I don't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.5605790

She definitely looks better in the Zero suit, although I don't like the fact that they seem to keep increasing her breast size with every iteration. Samus doesn't have huge knockers.

>> No.5605801

Yes. Yes she does. She is still a growing girl, what with having extra organs, implants, and metroids inside of her.

Wait, how old is Samus anyway.

>> No.5605810
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Hey, I wouldn't be complaining if losing lead to actual game over rape.

>> No.5605813

Isn't Samus ridiculously tall too ? Like 6'5" or something.

>> No.5605832

She doesn't have massive breasts. She looked just fine in Zero Mission, for instance, but Brawl made her look like she's tugging around bowling balls.

Large breasts are accurate, but I dislike the fact that it looks like she's had implants between Super Metroid and her most recent appearance.

>> No.5605842

>Lack of general difficulty
It's in line with other Metroid games.
>lack of customization of acquired powers
See above, business as usual.
>lack of depth
I'd say again to see above, but depth is a broad term. Elaborate.
>having to listen to Adam talk incessantly
...well, you're certainly right about that.
>hunting down data rooms instead of finding hidden Chozo artifacts
Sounds like the same shit to me. The Feds can make/reverse-engineer Samus upgrades and powers because they checked out her suit during her surgery. And they DID make something new; the diffusion missiles.
> SA-X is a fucking moron and is almost MIA the entire game without a sufficiently satisfactory fight a la Prime
Game's supposed to be creppy. If you saw SA-X in every other room, it'd be less creppy. I'll admit the SA-X fight sucked when you realized how to kill it, but a big epic battle with it wouldn't have suited it, if you ask me.
>and the plot is schizophrenic

>> No.5605844

I am not reading all this shit. Let me say, though, that classic Castlevania is pure sluggish shit up until RoB (and that's good mainly thanks to Maria). The only challenge from the earlier games comes from horrible control.

SotN is an extremely easy game, but the castle is at least kind of fun to explore and the weapon variety does, in fact, make the game more fun for a lot of people! Crazy as that may seem. The controls are also a shitload better than they were in any game previous. And if you want a game that's actually legit challenging, OoE is excellent and trumps all the 'classics' in everything except, I guess, platforming, seeing as it doesn't really have any.

SotN's soundtrack is great, but in a different way from other games in the series. If you can't see that then I'm not gonna bother arguing.

Fucking Castlevania nostalgiafags are the worst.

>> No.5605847

Just play on easy with 20 lives.

>> No.5605849


A man can dream.


They seemed fine in Prime 2. Nothing special.

Maybe I'm misremembering them.

>> No.5605861

What's it like to judge games not based on merits, but on whether you are old enough to have been mouthbreathing at the time it came out?

>> No.5605865

>It was rushed out and you could tell.

I'd take a hundred more of those over sitting here waiting on nothing. Does the DS even have a metroid yet? And it is like 5 years old.

>> No.5605867

I don't even like Galaxy but I think you sound like a complete jackass.

>> No.5605870

Still, the level of detail in CSotN was a beautiful thing. From the background to the deaths of the enemies, it was a work of art, and one of the most memorable games I had the joy to play.

>> No.5605894

She's 6'3" in the suit, although she's a bit shorter out of it. She's pretty tall, though, so that's okay.

Fusion was easy, but I'm operating under having played the other games before it, and nostalgia goggles may apply. I've heard others say it was easy, though, in comparison, so anecdotal comments are all I can apply. You can't turn off any abilities, such as you could in Super Metroid, or even shift beams, like in the Prime series. I guess they didn't want the glitch beams to come back? Depth would be in reference to the general blandness of the various station zones in comparison to Zebes. There's just nothing going on. The Federation can suddenly do everything regarding her suit, so why the hell do they care about the SA-X? They can just build their own suits, apparently.

SA-X was lacking, as you hear it described as the worst enemy she's ever encountered, herself at full power, yet it acts like an idiot in every encounter and there's no trick to losing it. Hide behind a wall for a minute and it loses interest. There's nothing creepy about that.

>> No.5605909

Feels good to not be 12 and think that 3D is the best thing since cell texting.

>> No.5605918
File: 75 KB, 604x453, TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has Metroid Prime Hunters

>> No.5605929


Metroid Prime Pinball

>> No.5605966

I think this thread looks to much like /v/.
Speaking of Metroid, remember Holdover ?

>> No.5605995

>Let me say, though, that classic Castlevania is pure sluggish shit up until RoB
Someone's forgetting about Super IV, which easily has the best gameplay in the series.

>The only challenge from the earlier games comes from horrible control.
And batshit crazy level design, like the underground level of Dracula's Curse.

>(and that's good mainly thanks to Maria).
>needs Maria to not suck at Rondo
Oh wow.

>> No.5606027

What you pointed out is how you tell you're dealing with PROS, here.

>> No.5606044


What if you enjoy 3D games for reasons other than because they're 3D, such as the Prime series?

>> No.5606053

Then you are a completely respectable gentleman gamer. I also enjoyed the Prime series (to a certain degree, as the third one was sort of disappointing) for reasons unrelated to solely 3D graphics.

>> No.5606095

My gamecube won't read my Metroid Prime 2 anymore...
Feels horrible

>> No.5606118

I'm no pro, hell, I still choke up on the last few stages of CV3 and CV1 sort of gives me trouble, but surely someone can't fail that badly. Not only that, but blaming it on the games as well? That's just petty.

>> No.5606178

It harks back to earlier days, when people used to blame their shitty D pad for their own failure, right before they smashed said controller against a wall.

It's considered more in vogue to just blame the game or system.

My only advice is to not get the Wii version.
