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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5425246 No.5425246 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, have any of you told your parents about your waifu? I don't usually discuss this stuff with my parents, but I accidentally let it slip when my mother was asking me about when I plan on ever getting a girlfriend.

>> No.5425259

>when my mother was asking me about when I plan on ever getting a girlfriend.
I hate that so much.
No, I just shrug it off and try to ignore it.

>> No.5425265

I don't talk to my parents.

>> No.5425284


>> No.5425296

i told all of my friends. one of them even confessed he had a waifu.

>> No.5425314

My mother knows, and she's okay with it. She said as long as I'm happy, she doesn't mind. She saw some CNN video about the dude who married his Dakimakura and offered to help pay for something like that. I told her that marrying a dakimakura or DS is stupid, because it's not the pillow or the game system I love, it's the girl that it represents.

>> No.5425309
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My parents don't even ask me that anymore, and when they used to do I would get butt ranged and say things like "it's not my fault if you made an ugly child" or things like that. But no, I never told them anything; I find being a weeaboo embarrassing enough, let alone having a waifu. And on a side note we share the same waifu.

>> No.5425328
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>my friends

>> No.5425333

How do you let something like that just slip out? Jesus, guys.

Really, the waifu is just a representation of your ideal woman anyway.

>> No.5425334

He means /jp/

>> No.5425353

Makes sense.

>> No.5425354

my mom always asks me. But I've always told her the same thing "I only like 2-D girls and chances are I'll never meet one so NO" she still thinks that's just a word young people use

>> No.5425357

No, she IS my ideal woman.

>> No.5425388

nuh uh.. he was a irl friend... that browsed /jp/

>> No.5425406

My mom thinks I'm gay because I was girly growing up
My dad thinks I'm gay because I refuse to stare at women's asses in public

Neither of them really care

>> No.5425417

you're gay. that means you have a husbando.

>> No.5425483

Hey OP, we have the same waifu. More to the point, keep your dirty hands off my waifu.

>> No.5425553

Sucks to be you.
I haven't seen my parents in two years.

>> No.5425573
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My parents almost never asked, only the occasional "how does a good looking guy like you not have a girlfriend?"
It's not like I don't have the social skills or haven't had opportunities to get laid, I just forego them because I really honestly have zero interest in a girlfriend.

And why would I? I'm very happily married already.

>> No.5425581 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.5425626

fucking retarded thread

>> No.5425636

You jealous?

>> No.5425670

>when I plan on ever getting a girlfriend.

It's when I stop being short and weird and unable to connect with anyone on any level YOU FAT FUCKING COW! FUCK YOU MOM, EAT SHIT!

>> No.5425709

Exactly as this man says, we even have the same waifu?

>> No.5425719

I'd be willing to pay a girl quite a bit of money (in the 500$ range) just to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my mother. I wouldn't even expect a kiss or a hug or anything (in fact I'd probably refuse even she was ok with it), just 'hey I'm anon's girlfriend nice to meet you'.

I just want to make my mother drop the 'isn't it about time you found someone, you should try a bit harder' rethoric. I know she means good and that's exactly why I don't want to shut her down with a dumbfuck 'NO MOM I ONLY LIKE LITTLE DRAWN GIRLS (PREFFERABLY BEING VIOLATED BY 20 INCH COCKS) AS I AM A SICK PEDOPHILE FUCK' line.

>> No.5425722

... Become polygamist.
Have lots and lots of waifu.

>> No.5425783

I don't have a waifu. ;_;

>> No.5425795

I don't get why your parents care so much about your getting girlfriends.
In 20 years, I've never been asked the question.

>> No.5425816

Everyone thinks you're weird if you're not in a relationship with anybody for too long. Not just your parents but your coworkers and shit too. I mean, that's just what I've heard. I've always been in a relationship.

>> No.5425825

Same here

>> No.5425827

I don't really see why coworkers would ask me that.
I'm there to work, not talk about relationships.

>> No.5425832

You know, actually getting out of your basement and finding someone you can be in an enjoyable relationship would cost a lot less money and effort. I mean jesus christ.

>> No.5425847

Bro, 500 bucks seems like a steal for a pretend girlfriend.
You get to not seem socially awkward while not having to waste time talking, eating together and whatnot.

>> No.5425848

It is a matter of where you live I guess, a cultural thing.
I cant understand what is the problem that americans have with living with their parents after a certain age.

>> No.5425858

Well you know I don't either really. I certainly never ask people about that shit. But, you know most normal people care about making conversation and stuff. And they want to know about the people they are working with. Both for gossip's sake and so they can be comfortable around you. I think that's the underlying principle. I mean you can't spend every day with a small group of people for a long enough period of time and not have them be interested in your business.

>> No.5425876

But it's my life...
There should be some kind of policy against asking people about their private lives at work.

>> No.5425878
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>So, /jp/, have any of you told your parents about your waifu?

No, and I never will.

>> No.5425896

I guess there should be, but there isn't. I've even heard that sometimes bosses will not consider a person for promotions after a certain point if he's not married, or that co-workers will start to assume bad things about you if you always show up single to the company functions.

>> No.5425901

Has it occured to you that maybe I just don't give a damn about having a girlfriend? I'd do this just so my mother stops worrying about me, not because I'm SO RONERY ;_; And it's a lot of money that I'd only pay if I was convinced the person knew how to put up an act and didn't do this half-heartedly. That means being able to keep a conversation going for an hour or so and make up believable bullshit about our would-be relationship.

>> No.5425903

>Actual relationship
>Less than $500

>> No.5425909

That part about bosses is wrong.
I have a relative who owns a few businesses. He barely knows the people and makes personnel decisions based on their productivity.
If I were a manager, I wouldn't care about someone's relationships, either.

>> No.5425920

>makes personnel decisions based on their productivity.
He's a good boss then. I'm going to hope that you're right and that that's the standard. However, I don't have enough faith in humanity to think that most people out there aren't still making decisions based on things other than merit.

>> No.5425924

Businesses are in the business of making money.
I think we can be relatively sure that the most productive person usually gets promoted.

>> No.5425933

Of course, just like the person with the best qualifications always gets the job, right? It never has anything to do with, say, personal connections, fraternity affiliations, charisma, or anything like that right? That'd just be silly to think. Why'd we even need all those non-discriminatory laws for employers in the first place?

>> No.5425942

There's a difference between getting the job and getting the promotion.
With the job, you can't know performance a priori.
Promotions are based on performance, not qualifications

>> No.5425993

Oh, alright. Well okay. I take back everything I said, I guess. It's not like I've ever worked a corporate job in my life anyway.

>> No.5426033

Most of the time I hope so. Because you do get your occasional favouritism, or whatnot.

>> No.5428546
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Holy shit are you people being serious?

>> No.5428549
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>> No.5428576

I was, yeah.

>> No.5428571


Pretty much this.

>> No.5428598

Fuck off.

>> No.5428609

No, seriously. As an outside observer this kind of blows my mind. I'm not being offensive, you being angry just shows how displeased you are with your current situation.

>> No.5428629

What part particularly? Might as well site specific examples, if you're intent on rocking the boat.

>> No.5428657

What the fuck? Since when your parents ask you something like that? Unlike the obligatory questions about when the heck wlll you lazy retard leave our basement and why so lazy son?

>> No.5428666

It seems to me that having a girlfriend-like obsession with an anime character, going so far as to realize you actually invest emotional bonds with something you can't interact with just seems strange. Treating it as anything more than fapworthy seems like a cliche you'd see in an offensive generalization but is actually fairly rare (IE: Horrendously obese people (350+ pounds) making up 90% of players of MMORPGs).

>> No.5428679

I think some of them are

>> No.5428707

My mother's a dumb whore I'm 1 second from stabbing, and my old man is dead.

Fuck family.

>> No.5428708
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It isn't any stranger than people obsessing over stars, models or idols despite never meeting or talking with them. While I consider both things abnormal I also realize that part of being human is having abnormal quirks that range on different parts of the scale and as long as it doesn't affect me or anyone else in an overt negative way I'm not going to really give a shit.

Honestly I find anyone who gets disturbed that easily by stuff like this really needs to get out more.

>> No.5428772

I told my mom. She doesn't really care, although at the time I had to threaten her to make sure she didn't do anything because I don't trust her. Now she just occassionally asks why I don't have a girlfriend and I have to explain that there are no 3d girls with the right personality for me to have a relationship with.

>> No.5428868

No, he's angry because saying, "ZOMG U SRSLY LUV 2D??? WTF?!?!" just shows that you're a disgusting summerfag that has never even been on /jp/ for more than a day, yet feels the need to post and shit up this place more, despite the spam we already get.

I'm angry for the same reason. Go back to /b/ and stay there with the rest of your underage friends.

>> No.5428940

ITT: Fragile beta-male egos and self-delusion.

Enjoy never being loved and dying alone.

>> No.5428967

That we will.
Thank you.

>> No.5428969

I wouldn't ever tell my parents.
I don't even like the thought of talking with my therapist about it.

>> No.5428976
File: 26 KB, 500x396, Look at me I'm so angtsy and cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not beta males
We're lone wolves
It isn't really self-delusional since we all know none of this shit is real

>> No.5428989
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_I_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5428994

I do not have a waifu as I am not deluded

>> No.5428997

As cool as lone wolves may be, they're not particularly more succesful over their pack counterparts.

I'd say we're more like bears or something.

>> No.5429004

Fuck yeah!
I'm now a bear.

>> No.5429005

>Enjoy never being loved and dying alone.

I actually might not dislike this. I have come to a certain self realization where I feel that I only need a certain amount of love to feel well and able. Whether my coworkers' friendship is fake or real, I feel pretty fulfilled on a daily basis working alongside them.

My waifu, like my general circumstance, is also secure in my mind and my parents don't mind that I'm not seeing anyone. I hardly ever see them as I live a decent distance away and can fully support myself.

>> No.5429014

Thread ended on a decent note last night, I thought we had successfully diverted from this shit topic. But you just couldn't let sleeping dogs lie, could you /jp/.

>> No.5429066
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>> No.5429085
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>> No.5429107

AAAAH Motherland.

>> No.5429098

That made me feel all warm inside.
It reminds me that my anniversary is coming up soon.

>> No.5429140

Get that /a/ shit out of here.

>> No.5429641
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>> No.5429739

I don't mind. I can love her from afar. It doesn't need to be mutual for me to be happy... I just wish her happiness...

>> No.5429749


I did that twice, and fuck you.

>> No.5429760

The same can be applied to our 2D waifus as well.

>> No.5429764

I'm in an intravenous marriage.

>> No.5429808
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As a stupid summerfag who does not have a waifu...

I honestly think that this sort of behavior can actually be considered healthy.

I mean, its like having this ideal woman that does not cheat, lie, break your heart, or anything that could possibly cause one unhappiness.

Sure, there is no physical intimacy, but is it really that much different from having an internet relationship? There is no voice, no physical warmth, yet there can be words and images attached. Seems completely sane to me.

>> No.5429816

>As a stupid sum
Stopped reading there.

>> No.5429822
File: 184 KB, 600x892, 2df3cb2c7d6fc42d98e66d3ea09259a5855281d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, /jp/, have any of you told your parents about your waifu?

What makes you think I would do that? No one needs to know about my relationship with Gemini Sunrise.

>> No.5429871


I'm defending you, fag

>> No.5429886
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x4835, Merry Christmas 4chan09 final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn it, stop using that version. It's the one just before the final, yet not the finished one. Can't remember exactly how many, just that there were a few doubles still in that one. This is the finished one.

>> No.5429894

I get you OP, have a fight with my mom 2 days ago about the same shit.

We were having dinner together, something that doesn't happen often cause of her work and my college hours and she asked me something like:

"And how are your friends doing?"

"Well, I guess; you know that we don't see each other like we used before"

"You should invite them home, and some girls too if you want" (With a funny tone in that last line)

"Here we go again, I don't want to bring them here, and you also know that I haven't got any girl as a friend in this 19 years of life. Please don't try to console me or something like that like you always do, I'm sick of this conversations"

feels bad man, not only she expects me to be a "social" person, but she expects me to get a girl...

I don't have a waifu right now, but recently weeks were so depressing that I might need to get one ;__;

>> No.5429923
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>> No.5430327

I told my mom about Patchouli, mai waifu, before. I think she just thought I was joking.

>> No.5430357

my mom always tells me "you need to get some pussy"
true story

>> No.5430376
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>> No.5430397 [DELETED] 

satan feeling strange guys, i've got a baaad feeling about this

>> No.5430408

Ask her if she can provide.

>> No.5430414

LOL i didnt notice that LOL
such a neet get ^_______________^

>> No.5430442

god dammit i live this forum

>> No.5430464

i'm too picky.
it's hard being good looking, clever and studying in medschool.

>> No.5430479

keep telling that to yourself

>> No.5430520
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This thread is officially depressing now.

>> No.5430557

>Implying everyone on /jp/ is outcast loser.
