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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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542617 No.542617 [Reply] [Original]

Let's cumulatively work out a rough idea of how much we have cost the Japanese economy with our downloading?

I currently have on my HDD and External HDD:

- 47 Anime series.
- 11 Anime films.
- 53 Manga.
- 13 Light Novels.
- 4 Touhou games.
- 10 normal Japanese films.
- 5 VN’s.

I don't know how much Touhou games cost, so let's say $10 each + about a $6 average for each manga volume + $40 for each anime series + $15 for each film (normal and animated) + $10 for each Light Novel + $15 for each VN and soooo....

$315 for the Films + $40 for Touhou + $4500 for the Manga volumes (I estimate around 750) + $1180 for the anime + $75 for each VN + $130 for the Light Novels =



Now you /jp/ totals up their numbers and we put them all together at the end to see how much we cost the Jap economy.

>> No.542623

I've got a bit more than that so I'd estimate roughly around $9,000 (US).

>> No.542627


which ones specifically?

>> No.542628


I wouldn't have bought any of this shit either way.

>> No.542625

Your prices are ridiculously cheap.

>> No.542634

Bump the number of manga volumes up to 1000, that's about $1500 more.

lol, when you think about it, we really have 'stolen' a shit-ton of stuff. We should buy more, in all honesty here.

>> No.542644

23 anime series (though I've probably downloaded and watched 3 times as much).
18 anime films.
80 manga.
0 LNs.
3 Touhou games.
8 VNs.

>> No.542645

is right. If it weren't free, we wouldn't have gotten into this shit in the first place. Along those same veins, we wouldn't have consumed so much Japanese media (via downloading) if it weren't free.

>> No.542646


>> No.542650

Enjoy it while it lasts guys, because the new DRM stuff they are planning is basically foolproof, of course piracy will still exist, but it will be stunted forever after that.

We are living in a golden age, so remember to enjoy it and download as much as possible now.

>> No.542652

Today I downloaded Tsuyokiss 2.

This game retails on Getchu at 9,240 yen, which converts to $US88 or $AU93.

Would I have bought this game legally if I didn't download it? Fuck no.

Sage for ground covered thousands of times before. Piracy costs are as easy to deduce as the OP thinks.

>> No.542655

Actually, so long as /jp/ is conscientious and actually buys the stuff that's good and worth buying (or the studios/doujin groups that need the support) we're actually helping it. There's no way I would have just bought MoF, PoFV, and the new Swing Holic cd from White Canvas if it weren't for downlaodin'.

>> No.542654
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Today I downloaded Tsuyokiss 2.

This game retails on Getchu at 9,240 yen, which converts to $US88 or $AU93.

Would I have bought this game legally if I didn't download it? Fuck no.

Sage for ground covered thousands of times before. Piracy costs are not as easy to deduce as the OP thinks.

>> No.542663


I've been hearing this "palladium, palladium" business, but isn't DRM a sham? like the DVD-region thing, it's just a joke and an obstacle to international trade, if piraters have gotten over every single hurdle so far imposed, what's going to stop them from doing the same with the new DRM?

>> No.542671


Who are "they", and why do you think DRM is still the way to go forward?

At this point in time a lot of companies have already come to realize that DRM works against their bottom-line by alienating their customers and encroaching upon their rights to certain valid uses for copying and such. Also, DRM will never stop piracy, simply because it only takes one leak, one person per product, to start the whole avalanche of sharing without cost.

tl,dr; there are valid business models that work without DRM.

>> No.542673


I would buy a shitload more doujin music if circles started selling mp3s online a la Radiohead.

>> No.542681


It's the same rehashed idea, and it's not going to work due to all the equipment that is not DRM compatible. Even strong DRM doesn't work due to a simple fact, in order for the consumer to use said product with DRM they must have the key for playback. Thus, the consumer has both the key and the encrypted product. And the encrypted product only has to be cracked once.

>> No.542683


Like not screwing over your customers and not pricing yourself out of the market?

>> No.542692

When I'm out of college I'll start buying stuff. In amerikka some kids actually have to pay for their own college. Goddamn lucky japs.

>> No.542999

We must have cost them a lot. lol.

>> No.543017

So every download = a buy?

>> No.543012


It is quite funny.

I must have download so much.

But who cares?

It is uploaded.

I download and have fun.

No need to give money.

>> No.543036


The distributors think so.

>> No.543042

I buy whatever I think is good, or at least that's how I justify downloading all this shit.

>> No.543050


As far as music is concerned, have you ever heard of Magnatune? Basically it has been doing what Radiohead did recently for some time already, only with a large collection of independent artists. The near CD quality full preview is always free and streamable and you pay what you find reasonably for FLAC, WAV, OGG, MP3 or even a CD (with some added distribution costs). This service takes 50% of that sum for the bandwidth and the service, and the artist gets the rest. This seems pretty fair to me considering the huge bandwidth hit the site must take, but if another service could do it for a better price, nothing stops the artist from moving his stuff there.

Americans shouldn't feel too guilty about downloading stuff created in other, economically stronger countries. With your plummeting dollar the world must seem pretty expensive compared to home.

Not a single ¥ I would wager. If anything, we are hurting our own economies by not buying locally produced films, music and games. A lot of the stuff we download would never even be considered for release abroad unless some interest already existed (brought on by downloading and subsequently consuming it that way). A lot of stuff won't get released abroad regardless, or only in America or another country not your own.

>> No.543046


someone once did a report on this after one of the anime company posted numbers of how many billions of downloads there were from torrent sites considering them "lost sales" but in reality, most people wont buy 98% of the shit they download, the drop in anime sales is a combination of Pirates and just plain shitty content, theres only 1-2 series a year that are really anything of quality and vision.

110 series on my harddrive atm.. some of thats this seasons stuff so its only a few epps.... so like $2k?

>> No.543057
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Fuck buying jap shit.

>> No.543060

Going roughly because I can't be arsed looking around for a definite check:
20 anime series
3 movies
100 mangas
8 Touhou games
2 Jap movies
10 VNs

So using OP's prices: $800 + $45 + $600 + $80 + $30 + $150 =

>> No.543061

Between all the rare games I have like Tsukihime, a 340 disc case of burned anime at 3/4 capacity, all my manga, digital copies of books, my music, and now Blu-Ray rips, I'm pretty sure my piracy has exceeded the $25,000 mark.

>> No.543063

I think we'd reach $100,000 if we all totalled our stuff up together.

>> No.543064


>> No.543071


Lot more than that.

at five thousand bucks a /jp/er with around 270 /jp/sies....

>> No.543068

Thanks, slowpoke.

>> No.543074

Don't forget soundtracks, they're not cheap.

>> No.543114


>> No.543145

we're not making them lose shit. especially when you consider non of us would buy this shit even if piracy wasn't an option. lern some economics

>> No.543148

I'm Chinese so I pirate all their stuff. LOL.

>> No.543161


There are 10 /jp/ers in total.

>> No.543187
File: 14 KB, 457x132, 1209634690811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

253 Anime series on 3 HDDs and about 250 DVDs
26 Animu Films.
189 Manga series.
4 Light Novels.
12 VNs.
20 Japanese games for PS2 and PC.

And this a retarded way to calculate because i wouldn't buy 1/256 of what i have. Also imposible to calculate the price since some manga have like a bilion volumes and i'm in no mood to count.

>> No.543194

I salute you.

>> No.543231

- 64 Anime series.
- 7 Anime films.
- 23 Manga.
- 0 Light Novels.
- 3 Touhou games.
- 1 normal Japanese films.
- 1 VN’s.

my power level isn't that high, and I haven't even seen all the stuff on my HDD.

>> No.543247

someone did a cumulative study back in 06, gathering activity on usenet, ebay, irc, torrent, & direct downloads. (of course they couldn't track direct peer to peer OR burnt copies)

The results were higher than the sale of anime in japan that year.

>> No.543266


thats insane.

>> No.543275

thinking about how many fans there are outside of Japan, I think it's quite reasonable.

How much money did non-Japanese spend on anime/manga in total?
More or less than the Japanese?

>> No.543296

As I said to the whiny nip in the other thread right now, you cant expect us to wait 2 fucking years for some shitty dub. Aint going to happen.

>> No.544023
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I'm a good little boy that buys stuff.

Touhou is my only download, and I will be buying them eventually.

>> No.544036

Fucking newfags.

>> No.544045
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You guys seriously now..

>> No.544052

your downloads make Russia proud comrade!

>> No.544053

I come form a former communist state. So it's natural.

>> No.544080

Just counting the anime I'd say around $1740.

>> No.544085

I've been to Japan, so I feel it is my right as an american to download as much of their stuff as I feel like.

>> No.544095
File: 60 KB, 555x609, 1209655446389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piracy is cool. Stalin agreed.

>> No.544100

As a dirty GNU/hippie, I believe restricting sharing of information is morally wrong. So $0, as I wouldn't pay anyway.

>> No.544105

somewhere well over $25, 000 I can't be bothered to go check the external hard drives.

>>543247 link or gtfo

>> No.544138

I would be interested by a link too.

>> No.544177

If I hadn't downloaded it, I wouldn't have bought it.

>> No.544206

In Amerikka your parents didn't want to pay more taxes so they don't even have universal healthcare.

I don't even know how many cost the jp the past 10 years.
And I only bought 5 manga in my entire life. Even stole some manga at the bookstore. Around 30 maybe.

>> No.544226

I cost the Japanese economy nothing at all, since the few things I would've bought without piracy would've been R1 DVDs.

Though the total value of everything I've "stolen" would be fucking astronomical.

>> No.544244


>> No.544271

I wouldn't have bought this anyways but... 10 gb of /h/ /d/ and /e/

>> No.544293

Those poor japanese and their struggling economy.

>> No.544315

I own more series then I pirated.
