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5371172 No.5371172 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me a quick and efficient way to end myself.

>> No.5371174

cyanide tablets

>> No.5371175

Get drunk, and hang yourself from a tree

>> No.5371181

Sleep in a small closet with a fan on

>> No.5371183


>> No.5371189

wait what

>> No.5371191

It's a Korean superstition.

>> No.5371193

Go find Archer.

Mmm . . . Overdoses are unpredictable. Slitting your wrists is an easy way to go, just hurts like hell. Ah, gunshot to the brain. Or if you know any diabetics take all of their insulin. Proceed to go into a diabetic coma and die.

>> No.5371194

I heard it cuts up air molecules and you suffocate
Something like that

>> No.5371200
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>> No.5371209
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>> No.5371218

it's not just superstition
I've proven it effective twice now

honestly OP just sleep with a fan on, like right up against your face

there will be like a 20% chance that you never wake up again

this will make going to sleep kind of fun, sort of like a lottery where you sometimes win 5$ and go "fuck yeah"

>> No.5371221 [DELETED] 

Recipe for death:
2-4x surgical tubing.
2-4x decent gauge needle
(like for giving blood/insulin shots)
2-4x water-safe medical tape.
1x Local anesthetic disinfectant wipes or spray.
(some first aid kits have them)

Get in bathtub, make the water comfortable.
Apply local anesthetic, then carefully place needle connected to surgical tubing. If 2, apply to both arms.
If 4, apply to both legs first, then both arms. Make sure to try and get a main vein. Fasten tubing and needle with medical tape (like an IV)

The surgical tubing should flow to the bathtub, into the water. (or sterile containers if you're feeling generous and are expecting to be found within a few hours after you end.)

Play some music, sit back and relax.
If you're afraid you may get uneasy, take something to dim your conscious, like benadryl or similar.

>> No.5371244

Except instead of being a bit better off than you were before you chanced it, you're just not dead.

Weird adrenaline junkies.

>> No.5371248

Chill in a garage with the car on. Eventually you'll just pass out and then you'll die. Unless someone finds you.

Painless and effective.

>> No.5371304

Actually I tried this
I got a massive fucking headache and had to stop

>> No.5371309


>> No.5371313

that's when you have to tough it out bro

try it again, but this time take the pain like a champ and before you know it you'll lose consciousness and never wake up

>> No.5371327

that happens. If you waited for a little more you would die.

>> No.5371330


That's no good. Needs more blaze of glory.
You know, some sort of final stand at the end of an epic journey. Use your imagination.

>> No.5371335

Take four or so Tylenol before you try. You'll literaly just get dozy and fall asleep.

>> No.5371350

>Implying everyone's a special snowflake
I somewhat agree though, if you're going to kill yourself at least go massacre a bunch of people

>> No.5371355
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So many people killing themselves recently. I blame the summer heat. Oh well.

The only true method is by hanging yourself to death. It might be painful, but you'll probably feel the mortal terror more than the pain.

>> No.5371380

Nah, hanging's supposed to kill you by snapping your neck when you hit the abrupt stop. Not enough space to do that indoors, so you just end up suffocating to death. Not fun.

>> No.5371391

Keep living on. Old age kills people 100% of the time.

>> No.5371409


That won't do. It'd just be pathetic - especially since the whole psychology behind murder-suicide rampages are that you feel a need to damn yourself irreversibly before you find the courage to kill yourself, in which case you're better off just keeping on living anyway.

Just go out and wrestle a bear or something.

>> No.5371423

Most efficient? Dunno, you'd some way to stop thinking because the brain keeps reminding you that all your petty and insignificant problems can be solved in a less-idiotic way.

>> No.5371433

This never happens in winter
But Summer's are always really depressing, especially at night

>> No.5371442

This thread looks very familiar!

>> No.5371451

>Just go out and wrestle a bear or something.
But what if I win?

>> No.5371452

Benzos. Lots of them. Hit up multiple psychiatrists over a period of time until you get enough. Then down them all back-to-back, unplug your phone(s), lock your door(s), drink a fuckton of alcohol and lie in a full, warm bathtub.

>> No.5371464

Then you don't need to kill yourself anymore.

>> No.5371476



>> No.5371487

Enjoy your life with debilitating injuries, disfigurations, lost limbs etc.

You may win but it won't be a flawless victory, that's for sure.

>> No.5371488

The catalytic converters on newer cars are so efficient that the idling in the garage method takes too long.

>> No.5371490

> but it won't be a flawless victory
Is that a challenge?

>> No.5371492

Yeah, but you'll get a bunch of bear minions.

>> No.5371498

Yes. Make me proud anon. Be sure to film the whole thing or it didn't happen.

>> No.5371499

Ride a bike into a truck on the highway.

Ten bucks says you won't feel a thing.
The trucker will confirm your suicide and enjoy your guts on his windshield.

>> No.5371503

I'll try to find one, but living on an island it might be difficult.

>> No.5371508
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>> No.5371519

Jump into an active volcano. If the fall doesn't kill you, hitting the lava will. Molten rock inside an active volcano is about 1,200 °C so I'm pretty sure that would dissolve your body faster than your mind could even process pain.
