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5335162 No.5335162 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't understand where all the comments about Jessica being a lesbian come from. I've only played through each episode 1 time, and all I can see is her being a rape victim. Are the lesbian comments a joke or did I miss something?

>> No.5335164

Episodes? Take this shit back to /a/.

>> No.5335253

They assume that Shkannon is true, therefore Kanon is a girl. And because Jessica couldn't possibly not to notice them switching, living on the same island the whole time, that makes her a lesbian or a troll. What a great theory it is.

Each game is called an episode, retard.

>> No.5335272
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>Rape victim

>> No.5335275



>> No.5335340

And your points on her being a rape victim are?

Because I just see Beatrice's adversion of love, which can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. For absurd, even as a jealousy for George because he can be with Shannon.

>> No.5335367

>Maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't understand where all the comments about Jessica being a lesbian come from.
no, you are smart
most of the umineko fanbase is fucking retarded

>> No.5335386

Let's see..
Jessica's love hints (regardless if she is referring to erself, to shannon or whatever. We will reflect together):

- she hints to Battler that someone could love him, or at least insists on asking him if he has a girlfriend.
She says him that promises gotta be kept.

- she is believed to love Kanon, at least by George first, and by Battler too, later.
However, no one of the servants and the family seems to recognize this, except Shannon and Kanon (assuming he exists).

- her parents don't know anything.

- her love for Kanon develops from the opinion that everyone should be himself, and not to act as something else, like furniture.

- she believes in love more than anything, as showed by her fight against Ronove.

-she is supposed to be the meta Beatrice who talks to Battler in ep.4
She keeps insisting on a certain promise.

Now she can: be in love with Battler, and he promised her something.
To be in love with Shannon. She could help her wth Battler or become crazy and jealous of their relationship. In this case, Kanon is almost certainly a fiction.
To be in love with Kanon. In this case he should exists, unless R07 bullshits, and she could do what she does to help her friend Shannon.
Something else?

>> No.5335392
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Maybe he's assuming Jessitrice and this scene, for example.

>> No.5335400

Could a different suspect be Beatrice in each episode of the game?

>> No.5335420

Then there must be several of them. There's a damsel waiting for Battler and she exists in all episodes. And, in case they're not the same, other 'Beatrice', that is embodiment of all the world's rules, such as the culprits, accomplices, bomb etc.

>> No.5335424

The strange thing is that this "relationship" between Shannon and Kanon is one of the few things that really develops from one ep to another.

George usually proposes himself to Shannon and she accepts the ring.
Parents always argue about the money.
Maria always believe in the witch. Battler always disbelieves the witch. And Gohda can't really show his ability because something happens.

While for Jessica and Kanon, at first it doesn't even seem that she feels something for him (ep 1 at first made me think she was into her cousin Battler), and the "relationship" isn't even really showed.
In ep.2 she invites him (assuming that he was Kanon) to school, declares her love but he refuses her.
In ep3 he seems to love her.
In ep4 he is more busy talking with Shannon about previous life experiences and cutting iron bars than remembering Jessica.
Something's strange.

>> No.5335433

The only really constant thing about Kanon is his hate for Beatrice, and love for Shannon.
"I am furniture"? Not always. Jessica? Sometimes. Kinzo? He usually his loyal and sometimes hates his job.

>> No.5335439

I kinda just assumed Jessica had or knew something to make Kanon do whatever she wants and he does it, and hates her. Blackmail.

>> No.5335455

We already saw them together.

This theory is fucking stupid.

>> No.5335481

>While for Jessica and Kanon, at first it doesn't even seem that she feels something for him (ep 1 at first made me think she was into her cousin Battler), and the "relationship" isn't even really showed.
What? She covers for him during their arrival, rages and cries for a long time after his death and finally Battler mentions that George told him about their relationship.
You can and will, of course, interpret it other way, but it's still there.
>In ep.2 she invites him (assuming that he was Kanon) to school, declares her love but he refuses her.
He refuses her not because he doesn't like her, but because he thinks he can't love.
>In ep4 he is more busy talking with Shannon about previous life experiences and cutting iron bars than remembering Jessica.
Like a true samu...furniture. And yet there is:
>"......Virgilia-sama. ......There is no reason for Milady to throw away her life. ......Please kill me. Please change it to the second choice. ......That way, everything should resolve itself."

>> No.5335634

They won't stop pushing that theory till it's over.

>> No.5335638

Shannon and Kanon=Shion and Mion
1 is good the other is evil

>> No.5335799


The last thing that happens in Episode 6 is a denial of Shkanon through a denial of Erika.

It's over, goddamn it.

...unless Pony.


>> No.5338238


And your points on her being a rape victim are?

No, really, I want to know. It's the first time I've heard of this stupidity.

>> No.5338278

Then you probably weren't with us for long.

>> No.5338292


Excuuuse me, princess, for not coming to /jp/ on a daily basis.

>> No.5338344

Your own damn fault.

Now get the fuck out.

>> No.5338374

They don't care.
"Battler wasn't the detective".
Yes, but then Erika must be REALLY retarded, because she is supposed to know that then, there is a problem with these two ( if Shkannon is true, of course), and she didn't think one second that it is something which could be interesting.

Anyway, how EVERY Shkannonfag don't care avec the last monologue of Erika, and the " As the witch of truth, I should..."is pretty funny.

>> No.5338455

Erika is retarded. Natsuhi, just for tell you one.
Evidences about Jessica being lesbian are quite bad, and involve>>5335392 for the rape part
and the fact that she could love Shannon because what she said about ep1 (she liking someone) isn't really specific about the person.
Also, if Kanon is, like most of us believe, a mischievous act of the evil meido, and Jessica shlicks to Kanon, pretend he is her boyfriend to her classmates..
Ryukishi, please make her a lesbian.
Her homosexual feelings will heal Shannon grieving heart, making her forgot about Battler, the fat one or whatever, and will save the family from a horrible massacre.
The final ep. will be about Battler doing cupid for her cousin and stopping his mom from planning the death of everyone.

>> No.5338616

I don't think the relationships in Umineko are actually real. Shannon and George are assumed to be 'in love' but they're never showing it in front of the detective(I'm personally feeling this is a sort of Tomitake/Takano thing going on) and Jessica and Kanon's 'relationship' is only one sided from what the detectve has seen(I.E only Jessica 'showing' love to him

The one thing that actually interests me is Episode 4's (in)famous phone call from Jessica, in the essence that Kumasawa and Gohda also say they saw the "magic" scene in the dining room, does that mean they're in cahoots with the culprit or are the culprits?

>> No.5338633

Umineko has enough lesbians, no more

>> No.5338660

Well George's feelings should be real.
Shannon, on the other hand...
There a scene, in ep.2 about this lovely couple in the garden. George finally gives her the ring, and she before putting it in, gaze over Geroge shoulder, while seeming to regret something.
That's the scene that made me think that she is acting all along, or is trying to console herself with someone else.

>> No.5338859

If Jessica is a lesbian then I'm afraid I am going to need to see some photographic evidence.

>> No.5338876

Ryukishi will not have his protagonist not get with someone when love is shoved into our faces every other sentence. Jessica is not a muff diver.

>> No.5338883

the ring george gave to shannon is the B0MB

>> No.5338894

>when love is shoved into our faces
You've read ep6 right?
real love=/=Ryu's love

>> No.5339197

>And your points on her being a rape victim are?
Beatrice says several times that she has had sex with Kinzo and that Kinzo was rough with her, sure she plays it up like she enjoyed it, but that's obviously not true.

>> No.5341727
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Be afraid, anonymous. Be very, very afraid.
