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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5279317 No.5279317 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5279327

not this shit again

>> No.5279326

op even if u do all of that u will always be a virgin nerd lmao

>> No.5279340


>> No.5279352

Thanks OP I did this right after I read it and it rerally worked!

>> No.5279359

>find a random chick
but I don't want to be a manwhore.

>> No.5279364

You're not Derek so I can't trust you.

>> No.5279379

Perhaps there's some truth in that awful comic, but it's just not worth the effort.

>> No.5279381

I'm the real deal dude

>> No.5279400

But you're not Derek. And don't even try to pretend you're him. We can tell if it's really him or not.

>> No.5279411

>find a chick and spend a ludicrous amount of money on a gift
Can't believe some dumbass spent that much time typing that shit out, AND IT'S NOT EVEN GOOD ADVICE.

>> No.5279417

Exatly, I'm not Derek. That was my point man.

>> No.5279423

We only trust Derek around here, notDerek.

>> No.5279463
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Whoever made that comic must have been really, REALLY mad.

>> No.5279475

>whoever made that comic must have been 19 years old

>> No.5279491

Fucking great logic, op. Try telling someone who has actually had social anxiety and depression to a point where they physically can't leave the house due to fear, feeling ill, and panic attacks that DEPRESSION IS NOT A REAL ILLNESS. They'd probably an hero. Which is not what getting over said illnesses and disorders is all about.

tldr: OP thinks he's SO CASH and has never lived a day of NEET life, let alone 2 years of it due to economic downturn.

>> No.5279503


deal with it nerd or kill yourself, your no use to society. your simply suck up resources from water to bandwidth to food to money. overcome your your problems through introspection, don't act like a whiny bitch trying to blame it on something.

>> No.5279512



>> No.5279513

>your no use to society. your simply suck up resources from water to bandwidth to food to money. overcome your your problems through introspection, don't act like a whiny bitch trying to blame it on something
Hey now, don't be like that. Just kick back and relax. On /jp/ we like to take it easy.

>> No.5279526
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You're just a weak little bitch.

>> No.5279537

Nope, i'm just showing that people can't just turn round and write off serious problems as 'nonexistant'. People can selfdiagnose depression and aspergers and whatever. They're the real wastes.

And I wasn't even suggesting any of this was me with the whole not being able to leave the house thing. I've just been NEET for a while and get what it's like. I leave the house enough and at least try to work in volunteer roles in the community.

>> No.5279544
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>> No.5279560


i don't care if you're diagnosed with depression or social phobia or aspergers, every man and woman with a bit of pride and strength overcomes their dilemmas and learns to either overcome or live with it. hiding in your house calling yourself a "NEET" on an otaku internet image board is pretty fucking pathetic. grow up.

>> No.5279564

No guy on /jp/ will ever date a 7 or an 8. True fact.

>> No.5279568

Depression is illness and you can cure it. And strong depressions when you really can't go out is very rare and they have decent reasons. And you don't have one.

>> No.5279571
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>or live with it
But that's what we're doing.

>> No.5279578
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Why all the hate on /jp/ suddenly? What happend?

>> No.5279605

Decent advices except girlfrined shit.

>> No.5279614
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Agreed, the /b/ mentality has no place here. Maybe in the depths of my NEETdom I was kinda hopeless but I did get out of it enough to try and be somewhat useful.

Also getting girls isn't what life is all about, seriously. Being happy is.

>> No.5279616

newfriends don't know about our taking it easy

>> No.5279624

Jesus Christ. What is up with /jp/ lately? So much unnecessary violence, why can't we all just get along?

>> No.5279637

The best thing about this is the fact that there are people who are stupid enough to follow it.

>> No.5279646

...And that is why I sell drugs.
Getting $30 and/or pussy in exchange for a bag of crack every few hours is far more superior to getting a job.

>> No.5279650

Being happy and doing your own thing is also an excellent way to get a girlfriend. Sitting on 4chan and hating women while simultaneously obsessing about them is an excellent way of never getting a girlfriend.

>> No.5279663


I saw drugs and figured you were going to sell marijuana (I sell this stuff in Canada), but crack? What the fuck man? That's some dirty shit and isn't even good money. Why would you want to fuck crack head pussy anyway? That's disgusting man, I've known some crack whores that fuck for crack and they're disease ridden bags of trash.

Stick to the green and shrooms man.

>> No.5279667

Why do I have to have a girlfriend?

I don't want one, stop being a faggot and take it easy.

>> No.5279675

I for one don't hate women, since in my childhood years the only people I ever got along with [read: cared about me] were female.
But I'm also happy by sitting in my room all day browsing the internet, learning new languages [working on Spanish and Mandarin now], playing shmups and visual novels, reading manga, etcetera etcetera.
As I said earlier: take it easy, kick back and relax.

>> No.5279685

swim used to grow/sell shrooms and weed. it was great times.

>> No.5279687

People who think life has an objective or something of the sort make me laugh

You don't unlock achievements for being a nice guy or having a girlfriend or some shit like that

There's no point in life, just do whatever you want, it is that simple

>> No.5279690


>> No.5279705

Suigin, why aren't you posting on world4ch?

>> No.5279706

That sounds more like doing your on thing than hating and obsessing over women.

>> No.5279710

I do obsess over women, though they are usually of the two dimensional variety.
I just don't have it in me to hold irrational grudges.

>> No.5279717
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>> No.5279723

I do not see this statment making sense.

>> No.5279746

I'd rather die from VD than be a retard who actually gets a job and still can't get laid.

>> No.5279747

Spot on. I was probably wrong using the NEET term, even though it's used in the UK and other places, too, but I still think that people who have actually been properly diagnosed by professionals can say that they have depression/anxiety related symptoms that hold them back from stuff. And of course they're not just gonna sit and accept they will always be held back from those things, either. That's what proper mental health treatment's for. Some people do get social anxiety stuff as bad as I posted about. And I care about people like that enough to want to help them.

Accepting you're a NEET or a hikki and that's the way your life is always going to be is bad. But like most situations in life, there're ways forward.

Doesn't stop OP being a SO CASH, GOTTA GET THE WIMMENZ trollfest, though.

>> No.5279749

I will never understand why people who enjoy "being an alpha male and getting all the chicks" seem to think they they need to "reform" people who are quite happy as beta males.

>> No.5279750

I love how this comic tells you to get rid of everything you love, replace it with things you hate, and then "pretend you're not miserable".

There is just something so quintessentially normalfag about that.

>> No.5279777

Problem with saying "hurp depression is just you, go outside and fix it" is that it takes WILLPOWER to fix it, and depression typically involves a lack of willpower.

It's like telling broke people to invest. Sure you can make money investing but you need some money already to start with.

>> No.5279785

Thanks, you opened my eyes. I'm going to rape girls and rob shops because this is my life and I don't need to do anything to get what I need from people, laws, rights and achievements it's illuson made by stupid people.

>> No.5279792

misery loves company

>> No.5279796

A lonely soul was I without direction
I didn't know which way that I had to go
I sought the clues to life's unanswered questions
My mind's heart had to know

I heard you call while wandering through the darkness
I'd walk a million miles to find that endless voice
That speaks to me when I am in temptation
Echoing my choice

Then you said, "Seek and ye shall find
I've been with you through all time"

"And if you're thirsty I will quench you
With my love
And if you're hungry I will feed you
With my word
And all I ask of you is that you love as I do

You should know it's time for the world to
(Try Jah Love)
The only love that can bring peace is
(Jah, Jah Love)
So won't you try-y-y-y-y
try Jah Love

>> No.5279826

People who say "hurp depression is just you, go outside and fix it" have never been clinically depressed.

>> No.5279827

Being a rampant criminal is dumb, though, because other people will interfere. You have to weigh up "I want to rape this girl" against "I want to be out of prison".

>> No.5279828

I like how this comic implies that all you basically need to do to get a job is walk into a place and, ta-dah, you're instantly employed! I mean, it's not like we're dragging ourselves out of a recession right now or anything.

>> No.5279835

Well, the comic is quite old. Really old.

>> No.5279838

How to not be a total douche:
Step 1. Stop being a total douche.

>> No.5279862

Jesus fucking christ why is this even on /jp/. I know summer's meant to be bad but good god.

>> No.5279901

/jp/ is the home of hikkis who never leave the house, never want to leave the house, and live in a world of 2d super kawaii lolis. Someone wants to troll them, oh my! How can this be?

Pretty much why, I guess!

>> No.5279904


i myself have and it was to the point where i was hallucinating. i fixed it through self analyzing myself and figuring out what was wrong. life is good now. i'm not a normalfag at all (no job or girl) but at least i'm not depressed. once you learn to simply love life for what it is, meaning whatever you do to make yourself happy, then everything makes sense

>> No.5279909

Yeah, sure. More people here have jobs than you think. They're just hiding.

>> No.5279917

What a goddamn pathetic waste of space that person must be to want to make NEETs unhappy in order to feel good about themselves.

>> No.5279923

Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.5279924
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>> No.5279934

while i don't particularly believe that advice it was hilarious

>> No.5279937

Most normalfags get off on making people feel bad. It boosts their egos and makes them feel like they're superior, so they do it quite often. Just ignore them.

>> No.5279968

Despite this thread I am still taking it easy.

