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File: 157 KB, 800x600, aeka-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51885 No.51885 [Reply] [Original]

So uh...I just finished the bullying case in Yume Miru Kusuri (the finale end, she doesn't jump) and...

Jesus fucking christ.

I can handle dark stuff like in Tsukihime, as there's a sense of detachment with the extraordinary circumstances, but this just seemed to fucking real.


Also: picture was so fucking satisfying.

>> No.51895
File: 93 KB, 1200x597, 1203750143118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeka is the best route.

>> No.51996 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1203750901940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Aeka's route, but Nekoko's definitely had the best ending

>> No.51997
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>> No.52012
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>> No.52036
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>> No.52040
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>> No.52082
File: 63 KB, 807x636, 1203751679234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clench your fists tightly!

(Isn't she from the Harlock/Herlock universe?)

>> No.52085
File: 445 KB, 812x629, 1203751700028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the game is sort of self-aware.

Pic related.

>> No.52087
File: 49 KB, 800x600, 1203751735675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I have never wanted to kill someone more than this bitch in my entire life, it was a feeling beyond rage

>> No.52100
File: 80 KB, 810x629, 1203751852153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52115
File: 38 KB, 300x425, 1203752012839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Isn't she from the Harlock/Herlock universe?)

She's one of the leads in Galaxy Express 999.

>> No.52116
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>> No.52136
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>> No.52170
File: 71 KB, 798x600, 1203752546608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls say it sucks compared to the REAL eroge that we non-fluent simpletons will never see. Don't listen to that shit, it's great. The scenarios are creative and the writer has a good sense of humor.

>> No.52178
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>> No.52184
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>> No.52199
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>> No.52203
File: 6 KB, 174x231, 1203752805673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could hate you bald.

>> No.52276
File: 85 KB, 800x600, 1203753305370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the hottest fucking scene in YMK. It's the only one I would fap to.

>> No.52293
File: 12 KB, 168x168, 1203753466181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Candidates for the asylum.

Extremely erotic.

>> No.52323 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 806x632, 1203753637739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this after-school special bullshit? She isn't a pitiful misunderstood soul who needs more hugs, she's a fucking monster. If true evil exists in this world, you're looking at it right here.

>> No.52387 [SPOILER] 
File: 396 KB, 944x2955, 1203754167105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52563
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1203756371676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53026
File: 31 KB, 154x147, 1203761001214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51914

I suppose it's somewhat sad that the story made me react so emotionally. Or maybe it just means I'm naturally empathetic.

Either way, that was some intense fucking catharsis.

>> No.51931

Are the other routes as dark?

I was hoping the "fairy" one would be a little more lighthearted.

>> No.51936

you played the darkest, but the best route in that game

>> No.51939

They are probably not "as dark", but all three have a dark side to them.

>> No.51941


>> No.51945

Nekoko's route is a lot more lighthearted but it's bittersweet because Aeka tries to kill if you aren't playing her route. And the protagonist just kind of shrugs it off. ;_;

>> No.51948


Wait what happens?

>> No.51951


>> No.51957

Nekoko's route is a lot more lighthearted than the other routes but it's bittersweet because Aeka tries to kill herself if you aren't playing her route. And the protagonist just kind of shrugs it off. ;_;

>> No.51966

true, it hurt so much to play the other routes, i had to force myself to ignore aeka

>> No.51967

But Aeka is just so inviting. It's hard to turn her down the first try...

>> No.51970

Is there any way to evade this event?

>> No.51975

It's kinda hard to really express what happens, as you don't really get the emotions with a synopsis.

Suffice to say that after everything the bitch in the OP picture does, >>51895 's picture is spot fucking on. At that point you're practically begging them to kill her ass.

>> No.51977


>> No.51984

aeka's route is the only other route that matters.

>> No.51991

Even if I had known how jarring her route truly was I don't know that I'd be able to pick another.

>> No.51999


>> No.52002

that is so true, i was grinning like a psycho when that was going on. that game really made me want to choke her

>> No.52006


>> No.52019

It is rather freeing to have such open homicidal feeling though. I'll be honest, it felt good.

>> No.52022


>> No.52023

Fuck this bitch, I hate her.

>> No.52060

So does the train have any significance in this route? The train and the fighting woman seemed completely nonsensical to me in this path's context.

Am I right in assuming it's a more integral part of one of the other paths?

>> No.52073

I think the train is just a joke about the "routes " in h-games

>> No.52076

It's just a reference to the Galaxy Express animu. It plays no part in the game.

>> No.52091


>> No.52106


I agree whole heartedly. I never thought I would get so pissed at a character from a Hgame.

>> No.52119

Shit, well I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt so strongly.

>> No.52120


Fuck. That's Maetel. Just noticed.

Cannot unsee.

>> No.52124


Eroge worth playing? How does it hold up compared to other eroges/visual novels?

>> No.52129

I liked Antoinette. She wasn't a helpless, weak puppy like Aeka. People like irritate me like a rash.
Not even the rashes where it's a little comforting to scratch.
More like those little ones that you feel complete apathy for.

>> No.52133

Pretty well. It's what got me into VNs and such.

>> No.52139


How many other v/n's let you choke a bitch?

>> No.52141

That's what makes this one of my favorite games of all time. I might never experience that feeling again, and I hope I'm never in a real situation where it would happen. But it was FUCKING INCREDIBLE.

>> No.52145

I was prepared to go into full fucking shitstorm, but calling her Antoinette tipped me off.


>> No.52158

If you're asking how good the story is, well, read all the posts about genuine homicidal urges.

Also, I skipped through every H-scene after the second one in this route so I could get back to the story.

>> No.52164

I really REALLY wanted an Antoinette route. Sure, she is a big fucking brutal bitch, a horrible person that goes way too far in her little nonsensical grudge. But goddamnit, she was perfect for this game. All the routes were "crazy broken girl" why didn't Antoinette get a route then? She was quite clearly broken even if she tried to mask it with popularity and social ability. I mean, she had the biggest asshole for a boyfriend who she seemed to really hate even if she was protective and jealous of anyone that got near him. I think she was just lonely and desperate, that's why she saw something in Kouhei, she saw a possibility out of her shitty relationship and was desperately hoping.

Plus, you would be able to bully the shit out of Aeka with her. It could be a way of showing your love for eachother, raping Aeka together, a way of letting your relationship grow. The good end could be eventually in the future getting out of the weak schoolbully gang and moving into the real stuff side-by-side and carving a chunk of the city out for your own.

>> No.52167

I just saved at each H scene, but thumbed through all of the AHHHH's and KOHEI-KUUUUUUN~!'s to see if they exchanged and dialog worth reading.

>> No.52190


If she were to have a route, it better involve torture and rape.

Lots of rape.

>> No.52200

No it should be Kouhei DV-ing her up and down the street for doing something stupid. I would fap to that.

>> No.52211

First time I played through the game sans-walkthrough, I really thought she was one of the routes, I did feel a bit of sympathy for her, (I took Aeka's path last,) She really is the most broken of these 'damaged goods.' Then came the choking. The choking was much more worthwhile.

>> No.52216


>> No.52260

I thought that maybe she was a route until her actual personality started showing through.

Though after glancing at an FAQ I'm disappointed to see that there are only the three obvious routes and no hidden ones.

>> No.52267

Oh yeah, and what the fuck was the groping of Aya in Aeka's route about? It came out of fucking nowhere and was never referred back to again...

>> No.52270

The game was making fun of you.

>> No.52272

>All the routes were "crazy broken girl" why didn't Antoinette get a route then?

Fucking exactly! She had her own issues, but she wasn't fucking near batshit insane like the others.

If anything, she was the confused, lonely type I'd think most people would relate to, but no.
People want the clingy, impractical girls that are clearly perfect candidates to enlist into an asylum.

>> No.52313

It wasn't like Aya was YOUR REAL SISTER, so wtf?

such a waste of an opportunity

>> No.52307

She wanted her boyfriend to rape a girl because she didn't like her.

Yeah, she's the textbook fucking definition of sane alright. She's also someone I personally would love to have a relationship with!

>> No.52326

GODDAMN I HATE THIS BULLSHIT SO FUCKING MUCH! "You're adopted, so it's okay to fuck your sister!" Brilliant fucking logic there Japan.

>> No.52328



Great, now that whole fucking arc is ruined because I know who it is.

>> No.52317

She was the best character. I loved that crazy druggedup timid librarian.

>> No.52337

True evil always needs a good choking.

>> No.52342

>Brilliant fucking logic there Japan.

Remember, this is the country where they tell girls their breasts will grow if someone gropes them long enough.

>> No.52346

It was pretty damn obvious mid-way through the arc.

2 and 2, you know?

>> No.52361

I haven't started that arc, I only just finished Aeka's. You run into the librarian twice.


>> No.52382

Get out of here before somebody spoils the end of Mizuki's route.

>> No.52410

Alright asshole, you've finally done it.
I want this VA.

So, is there a good place to get it?

>> No.52418

Alright asshole, you've finally done it.
I want this VN.

So, is there a good place to get it?

>> No.52436


>> No.52439


The internet!

Serious-but-not-very-helpful-answer: Google it

>> No.52444

Wait, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm gonna post a new Thread, so you can thank me there.

>> No.52449

I got it from a torrent in /rs/


Still seeding too.

>> No.52491



>> No.52497

Does this come in English, or do I have to find a patch?

>> No.52518

All of the endings are good. great game.

>> No.52526

Is english

>> No.52542

Yes, it's in English. It's been fully translated by Peach Princess, no patching required.

>> No.52577

The other two routes bored the shit out of me, but Aeka's route was brilliant... And yes, the OP scene was so incredibly satisfying...

>> No.52605

I played Aekas route first too because I am/was bullied at school so she was pretty likeable character and she was so cute too n_n<3
And I really didn't want to play the other routes because I knew Aeka was going to kill herself, but I'm at Nekoko's case now

>> No.52607

the only thing this game needs was an older nekoko
(hiroki?) fuck scene in the ferris wheel.

that would have been awesome

>> No.52647

To be fair, she never successfully kills herself.

>> No.52686


Yeah and that hurts me even more to know that she's at hospital fighting for her life because I ignored her.

>> No.52711

You'd prefer her to be fucking dead?

>> No.52726

She's not real.

>> No.52749


Being in a coma for rest for your life or death? (Aren't related to this thou)
And I think death is less painful than getting your every bone ribbed.

>> No.52764

When the hell did anyone say she's in a coma?

>> No.52824


When did I say I meant Aeka? It was just an example of where death would be probably better.>

>> No.52870

There should be an ending where you could save them all, it's too sad to save one and let the others die alone in abuse and pain.

>> No.52882

Mizuki's endings still make me bawwwww.

Both the good AND bad one.

>> No.52902

What I want to know is: Where can I find another game like this one? Is there even another game that can match this one's pure win?

>> No.52917

Yeah, I stopped playing once I'd finished Aeka's "good" route. Can't bring myself to ignore her ;_;.

>> No.52927

From what I hear, this one's actually considered fairly average by VN standards. Well, the story-driven ones anyway.

>> No.52940

Fuck. Her bad end RUINED me for 3 days. After that I followed the walkthrough for the other routes.

>> No.52950


Her entire route fucked with my had, especially the bad end.

In a way, I actually felt for her the most out of the everyone....she really felt she had nothing to live for and kept going out of her way to do crazy ass shit. The hotel scene REALLY freaked me out.

>> No.52965

This was average!?

>> No.52985


It was average because while Aeka's route was amazing, the other two were fairly disinteresting and weren't nearly as emotional.

Other than Arihiko though, Hirofumi is my favourite "guy friend" character in a VN.

>> No.53004

>Gay friend

Jokes aside I see what you mean totally.

>> No.53014

I hate when people say that. I liked the other two routes. It would have been boring if all the characters were bullied. It added variety.

>> No.53029

>>It would have been boring if all the characters were bullied.

That has nothing to do with it. The other two were just less interesting (and certainly less believeable) stories.

>> No.53049


The only thing I didn't like about Mizuki's was that the good end was too unbelievable (everything worked out TOO perfectly) and the bad end was, well, tear-inducing.

>> No.53070

Less believable? So it was believable that a girl would be bullied to such an extent without anyone saying anything? Life isn't an emo angst fest you know.

>> No.53086


>> No.53114


>> No.53150


More believeable than a shy bookworm who does drugs and dresses up as a catgirl, running around the city and picking fights with gangsters, or some nympho student council president who kidnaps her boyfriend, wins lots of money at a casino and then survives a however-many-floor-fall into a swimming pool after taking god knows how many drugs.

Also, Japan.

>> No.53403

Believe it!
