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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5163020 No.5163020 [Reply] [Original]


Seriously, what the shit, /jp/?

I might have to vacate /jp/ just for being associated with this utter faggotry. inb4 "good"

>> No.5163028

>In the "Rubber Room" episode, Lupo and Bernard are assigned to investigate a rogue Web site run by an anonymous blogger named "Moot," who's apparently armed to the teeth and threatening to blow a city school to smithereens.


This is some sort of joke, right?

>> No.5163032

But will there be exploding vans?

>> No.5163039

Pretty sure that's a requirement for anything involving 4chan.

>> No.5163044
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>> No.5163051

What does moot think about this?

>> No.5163090

He's counting the $625,000 they paid him so they could write the story.

>> No.5163235

"Lupo and Bernard then interview several rubber-room teachers who seem to fit the profile of those targeted on Moot's site -- including a science teacher, now exiled to Suffolk County, who received a four-month suspension for allegedly "branding kids with crosses" -- when in fact he merely ran a coil over their arms during a class lesson on electric energy.

Another rubber-room teacher tearfully tells the detectives that his 30-year career was destroyed after he was charged with hitting a student -- when all he did was swipe at the kid's gelled hair to get him to pay attention.

"I barely touched him," he sobs.

A third teacher says he was accused of child molestation after trying to stop a student from urinating in a classroom trash can. "

What the hell? Seriously... charged with molesting when he tried to stop urination? Branding kids with crosses? Who smoked what to come up with this?

Fucking liberals. Kids these days are so fucking stupid, spoiled, and apparently they can lock an innocent teacher up for touching their hair. What a fucked up society we live in.

>> No.5163323

That's how it's everywhere, for anyone who works with brats. Most parents are the most selfish goddamn creatures ever, they would never accuse their snot machines of doing something fucking stupid.

I giggled.

>> No.5163332

Don't you mean CONSERVATIVES?

Fucking conservatives, they think everything is child molestation and that 2D drawings are child pornography.

>> No.5163367

Both are just has bad.

>> No.5163478


Lol. You used to be able to whack kids upside the head with no consequences. Now what egalitarian shitheads went and changed that? Remember that conservatives understand the value of spanking kids when they get out of hand, whereas libs are all "Oh noes, that's child abuse and molestation!"

Also, feminists haet lolis and think that men are evil.
Feminists = liberals.

[X] Told
[ ] Not Told

>> No.5163514

Moot isn't that petty.

>> No.5163521

Two sides of the same coin.

A pox on all of them.

>> No.5163522

>make very loose connections between groups
>speak like you're typing a fucking text message
>horrible grammar

You don't have the credentials to "tell" anyone.

>> No.5163528

Does PETA represent all animal rights groups? Fuck no. Same with feminists and liberals.

Both groups have their faults. Get over yourself.

>> No.5163560
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>> No.5163562


Lol. You used to be able to whack kids upside the head with no consequences

Durr except the whole "your kid fearing you" thing. You stupid autistic shit. Go back to gaia.

>> No.5163580


Horrible grammar? Where? My usage of the world "Lol" or misspelling "hate"?

Also, it's obvious you haven't seen many text messages.


"Your kid fearing you?" No, that's called having a healthy respect for authority. Of course, people like you like to counter by taking things to extremes. Physical discipline is not the same as beating your kid and locking them up in a closet.

>> No.5163587


No, that's called being an autistic stone age caveman who controls others with violence, sort of like an abusive spouse, actually.

Newsflash old man: the world doesn't work like that anymore. Shut your fucking mouth and accept you can no longer beat children for satisfication and get away with it. People like you should be killed.

>> No.5163594
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>> No.5163595

the whole "cult-like" aspect of 4chan (and its media coverage) has always been a complete fucking gruesome game of abortion-ball played amongst idiots, ogres and trolls

you should have been informed of this already (or fucking figured it out after the first week, it's not difficult)

goes along with the apparent rule that ALL popular sites or other net "places" must double as thoroughly negative youth social phenomena

>> No.5163599

your mom

>> No.5163629


Okay, kid, you need to stop misusing and overusing words you saw for the first time on Wikipedia.

>> No.5163637
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I'm 20 and probably older than you, you stupid degenerate fuck.

I bet you flunked out of college, didn't you?

>> No.5163651
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>> No.5163653

Autistic- conditions that can cause severe and pervasive impairment in thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others.

I have none of those things. But it sounds like you do. See, instead of trying to communicate in a civilized fashion you degrade to telling me that I should be killed. Why are you people always such hypocrites?

>Newsflash old man: the world doesn't work like that anymore. Shut your fucking mouth and accept you can no longer beat children for satisfication and get away with it. People like you should be killed.

Wait wait wait.. since when does spanking children when they have done a major transgression equate to beating children to satisfaction? Once again, overreacting and countering with extremes.

>> No.5163659

20 is still a kid, kid.

>> No.5163664



Now that's what I would be like if I was autistic like you.

>> No.5163681


tl;dr, summary please


Why haven't you comprehended that I am a far better person than you are and will ever be?

You're shit. Your mother is a slut. You were mistake.

But me? I am so fucking perfect it irritates me when other, inferior and subsequently sub-people disagree with my correct opinions.

You can understand my anger right, babycakes?

>> No.5163700


>> No.5163719

Oh, and this show is propaganda, in case you hadn't figured that out either.

Nobody's really in doubt as to what the correct level of and kinds of discipline are appropriate in schools. Why this ep has come up is because people are contesting some overly-broad rules regarding teachers' "right to privacy" in a few states. And yes, it apparently has to do more with molestation than with discipline, but the teachers' union etc. hates this.

>> No.5163745

You watch 3DPD shows? How pitiful.

>> No.5163778

I'm autistic, but you guys surely are in a more advanced stage than me.

>> No.5163812 [DELETED] 


No, I am perfect, honey bun. YOU are an idiot who can't read less than sentences and claims superiority. Come back when you're not a lazy, illiterate, autistic retard.

>> No.5163821



Oh boy. Is that the only word you know, you retard?

Go back to your dad raping you.

>> No.5163824


No, I am perfect, honey bun. YOU are an idiot who can't read less than ten sentences and claims superiority. Come back when you're not a lazy, illiterate, autistic retard.

>> No.5163829

Yes says the faggot who had to delete his message because his keyboard was apparently coated with dog cum and cheetos.

>> No.5163835


Apparently it's the only word YOU know.

>> No.5163843


Says the faggot who can't be bothered to read more than a couple sentences.

>> No.5163859

You autistic fucking virgin nerd retards.

Take it easy guys.
And get the fuck out.

>> No.5163876


Shut it up with your "take it easy" faggotry. /jp/ never has and never will take it easy. I don't care if it's a rule. It's all a lie you use to create an illusion of you all being chill or mature, when you're all just retarded manchildren.

>> No.5163888


This, that you?

>> No.5163909

It sure got politics /k/ up in hurr.

>> No.5163929

You just haven't been here long enough, that's all.

>> No.5164046
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>dog cum
That's a spanking. BRB, where the fuck'd I leave my nun's habit?

>> No.5164240
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Just re-read this thread
>blah blah autistic blah blah blah
More like a chatbot replying to itself. Reported as spam.

>> No.5164271

This thread is bad and you should all feel bad.

Also, -100 points for responding to that shifty fag from another board.

>> No.5164286

What the fuck does this even have to do with 4chan? The person who wrote the script for that episode probably just heard about 4chan from some mainstream news site and decided, "Tee hee, I'll use the name Moot (sic, note the capital M) for my secret underground blogger (blogger?) character, oh my I'm so up on the times and youth culture and all that jazz" or something like that, amirite... I've never even heard stuff like the subject matter of this episode being discussed on 4chan.

Also, this has shit to do with
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.5164370

and the chatbot owner shows up in person to "save the day"
'sup, whine hen?

>> No.5164401

>Wait wait wait.. since when does spanking children when they have done a major transgression equate to beating children to satisfaction
if you allow spanking/beating children, it will end up with many adults beating them for their own satisfaction. or out of rage, which isnt good either.
also Im pretty sure most "professionals" see beating children as a bad thing, psychology and such should be seen as an important thing when making laws nowadays

>> No.5164406

>the chatbot owner


>> No.5164422

Most of /jp/ is liberal without realizing it.

>> No.5164457

the universal cry of all trolls when they finally get called on their shit: "What?" "what" or "wut"

>> No.5164462

No, I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

What chatbot am I supposed to be running when I'm not even on IRC?

>> No.5164468
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>That entire synopsis
pic related, where wrong is also equal to stupid.

>> No.5164487

okay, or "postbot," whatever. You're one of these kids that thinks 4chan isn't a forum, because you think the word "forum" means "phpbb," right? Or you're just trolling me.

It's against the rules on here to run an automated or unattended posting script that pretends it's a person, just like it's rude or strange on IRC or AOL or wherever.

>> No.5164506

I think you're confusing me with Jones or Russian Federation. I don't run anything on my computer. Hell, I don't even have any 4chan extensions installed since I reinstalled Windows.

Or, you're some idiot that thinks people using my tripcode are me, which would mean that you've been on /jp/ for all of one month.

>> No.5164504

4chan is already dead.

Moot is giving lectures at NYU.

Just be glad /jp/ is so shitty no one with a sense of self-respect would ever visit it.

>> No.5164507
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>He thinks I'm a bot
>He thinks I'm that White Ren queer

Oh, never change you touhou obsessed retards. I could eat pizza and stay here all day to get entertainment.

>> No.5164510

>In the "Rubber Room" episode, Lupo and Bernard are assigned to investigate a rogue Web site run by an >anonymous blogger named "Moot," who's apparently >armed to the teeth and threatening to blow a city school to smithereens.

What the fucking hell?
That's bullshit.

>> No.5164524

No, see, if you were me, you'd be a respectable member of /jp/, instead of the /b/-reject foreigner that you are.

The difference is not subtle at all.

>> No.5164532

>I could eat pizza

not too much scandaroon-chan you want to watch your weight ^__________^

>> No.5164537 [DELETED] 

Actually, usually it does stop people from being faggots, but apparently, you're so much of an asshole that you're immune to people telling you to calm the fuck down.

>> No.5164551



Fuck you, buddy. I'm just very vocal about my feelings. I've never set foot in /b/.

>> No.5164555

Yes, I'm sure.

>> No.5164565

Why don't you GTFO then nigger?

>> No.5164567

lol this thread is gay masturbation dildoes

>> No.5164592

Eat New York Post, Fuck Law and Order, Rape moot.

>> No.5164607
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>> No.5164610

I raged. Then I read
>a rogue Web site
>an anonymous blogger named "Moot,"
and laughed heartily.

>> No.5164648

How does it feel to be a part of the elite underground?

>> No.5164665


u aw all gay azzses

>> No.5164694
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