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5078929 No.5078929 [Reply] [Original]

You will never have a translated SubaHibi ;_;

>> No.5078936

That's OK because I can just read it in moonspeak. If you're gonna NEET and just read VNs and watch anime all day, you might as well spend a little time learning the fuckin language so you can do it properly.

>> No.5078943

I'm ok with no translations at all.

>> No.5078946

That requires effort. True NEETs don't expend effort, so you should get out of /jp/.

>> No.5078954

I'm okay with this.

>> No.5078963

Nah, it'll get a translation. Maybe a Chinese one, or a Korean one.

>> No.5078983

My mind is very capable of learning languages and my original language is very compatible with japanese.

All I need to do is to build up the determination and eventually I'll be able to read it untranslated.

Problem solved.

>> No.5078985

I finished reading it yesterday. I made this thread only to spite the peole you mentioned.

>> No.5078990

It'll get a Chinese translation. EVERY VN has a Chinese translation. No exceptions.

>> No.5079083

That's because all they have to do is rearrange the letters because the languages arr rook same

>> No.5079091

Maybe NNL will start translating it after they release the demo.

If, you know, there's enough demand.

Otherwise, we can bug Moogy until he actually does it.

>> No.5079097

Good, I'm fluent in Chinese.

>> No.5079196

Seems like they're recruiting for a J>C translation.

>> No.5079245

Fun Fact: The only reason people want this translated is for yuri, they keep making excuses like 'OH BUT IT'S POPULAR AND REALLY GOOD' when you know after it get released /jp/ will be all like 'SHITBARASHITKI HIBITICH'

>> No.5079271


Definitely not why I'm playing it.

>> No.5079294

You probably said the same thing about sono hanabira

>> No.5079334

The only thing I've seen is people saying the story is good. Is it all about yuri or is there normal relationships too? I've only heard a little about the yuri parts so I assumed it had yuri as a "side dish".

>> No.5079356

>hello i am sion i cannot read but i like to criticize visual novels

>> No.5079359

There isn't much yuri stuff in the game. The main relationship is between one of the male protagonists and his sister.

>> No.5080320

>Little sister
brb buying 10 copies and hiring translator

>> No.5080704

oh stfu. The yuri is a perfectly valid reason for wanting to play. Hell, it's what made me buy the game.

>> No.5080719

Shit game

>> No.5080728

It's "Subpar Ass Shitty Herpes"

>> No.5081264


I'm not

>> No.5082515

I know some earlier posters were joking about the Chinese translations, but in my opinion they should be taken into serious consideration. It's starting to look fairly clear that nobody in the English scene is going to translate this (no I don't believe in NNL's shitty trolling), but I bet there are a fair amount of people who know Chinese in the scene (like those guys who did the first J>C>E stuff for G-Senjou). If/when this game is soon translated into Chinese, a J>C>E translation would be better than nothing.

>> No.5082531

just wait goddamn half year to year and I'm sure that there will be translation starting. It's way too popular not to get translation, well you could say that about many things, but still you guys are overreacting. it's been out for like month? it will be translated one day just give it bit more time.

>> No.5082542

Bloody hell guys, don't be such a spoiled brats, the game only just came out less than two months ago. Just be patient or learn japanese.

>> No.5082564

TNA et al is still working on g-senjou, just be patient.

>> No.5082599

While there is definately no problem with a J>C>E translation, you will always have elitist faggots who will claim that there will be too much meaning/context lost in the 3 passes of translation. Notice how the current G-senjou staff have basically called the C>E part of the translation shit? Albeit in a nicer way by claiming they need some heavy TLC

>> No.5082616

Moogy-dono translating it to spite NNL?

>> No.5082625

>Sunflower Road

Fuck this game

>> No.5082638

You hate sunflowers?

>> No.5082646

Are J>C>E translations really that bad? I mean most of the stuff on baka-tsuki are from Chinese translations, but they're still readable.

>> No.5082669

Some of the translations on that site doesn't make sense. Try reading the Index LN for one.

>> No.5082678

some lines from G-Sen

C->E: Obtain a large amount of money and enough power to make everyone bow down before me.
TLCed: Obtain a large amount of money and enough power so I will no longer have to bow my head without reason to anyone else again.

C->E: It's not a lie! You looked so happy. You bathed with Hiroaki. Lies can't be understood by children!
TLCed: It's not a lie! You looked so happy. You bathed with Hiroaki. Lies like that wouldn't work on children!

C->E: After all, besides money, there's nothing in my life worth sincere effort and dedication.
TLCed: The only thing I have to show for myself is money anyway. I lived a worthless life with nothing else to lose.

browse TLWiki for plenty more

>> No.5082679

Just as planned.

>> No.5082692


Haha oh wow.

>> No.5082699

Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria is also butchered. There's no English grammar there.

>> No.5082701

Oh, but we DESERVE to have a translation of everything right away. Fuck the translators who can't get this shit done.

>> No.5082704


>> No.5082711

>Moogy: if they start translating it i'm going to start translating it
>poll for Swells vs. Herrliche Tage goes up
>Swells wins, but NNL claims they will translate the demo for Herrliche Tage anyway.
>Moogy puts up Subahibi project page
I loled.

>> No.5082718

in b4 some genius send an email to subahibi's maker about the translation and it gets c&d off tlwiki

>> No.5082729

Scripts are hosted off site to avoid that.

>> No.5082750

Quick question, how long is the demo for those who played it?

>> No.5082768

>Respecting author's wishes

>> No.5082770

If the demo is just the prologue, as I suspect, it seems to have just taken me a few hours, though ymmv depending on your japanese level. But pretty much anyone who has played it will tell you that the demo is basically extremely misleading. The real story doesn't become apparent until afterwards.

>> No.5082771

Oh okay..?

Let's see what they will say when I send them some emails...

>> No.5082786

Moogy doesn't give a damn beyond legal problems. Hell, he's for translation commissions.

>> No.5082797


If you manage to get it C&D'd, I will hunt you down.

I will hunt you down and punch you in the face. I swear it.

>> No.5082811

Even if it happens the C&D would have no legal backing against TLWiki.

>> No.5082813
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do it y/n

>> No.5082822

Do it.

>> No.5082829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5082827


>> No.5082836 [DELETED] 

do it

>> No.5082842 [DELETED] 

So how do I get around all my posts being deleted instantly? I guess I'll just get a new trip.

>> No.5082854
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>> No.5082869 [DELETED] 

They are being deleted automatically, this has been happening for like 7 hours now which is why you havn't seen any posts from me.

I didn't think there was a way to block someone from posting without banning them. But this is pretty smart, I guess. I can't imagine janitor is sitting there watching me for hours now and deleting everything I post within seconds.

>> No.5082874

I get about 5 seconds, but if I remove my trip it doesn't happen.

>> No.5082871 [DELETED] 


>> No.5082878

at least I think it doesn't.

>> No.5082880

>They are being deleted automatically, this has been happening for like 7 hours now which is why you havn't seen any posts from me.

I didn't think there was a way to block someone from posting without banning them. But this is pretty smart, I guess. I can't imagine janitor is sitting there watching me for hours now and deleting everything I post within seconds.

Oh okay. The same thing happened to Mugen I think. What will you do if it's permanent?

>> No.5082881

I could read it in Japanese. But I don't even want to read it.

>> No.5082886


see what I mean? It has to be a filter, but I really don't feel like getting a new trip.

I wonder why that mod is so buttangry, his ass is always bleeding all over the floor.

>> No.5082897

Dunno, get a new trip I guess - but I'm sure that ass pained mod will just ban me for that or do it again, so I'm not sure.

If you aren't anti-currybutt i can always tell you how to contact me elsewhere.

Aside from that a new trip is all I can think of...but lots of people could fake being me so that'd be a problem, especially with people like jones/kog spamming as 'me' already.

And yeah, I never heard of it either but it's pretty fucking annoying.

>> No.5082900

Too bad, so sad. Maybe you shouldn't have been a shitposter.

>> No.5082904

You could wait for progress to reach a certain milestone before sending that e-mail, for maximum trolling effect.

>> No.5082909

And be nicer to your fellow anons.

>> No.5082907 [DELETED] 

And maybe you shouldn't be such a fuck up that you're on /jp/ at 06:24

You can't really talk about shitposts when you're making one by saying that, your ass is so fucking red from hurt it's amazing, better get some ice for it.

>> No.5082920

I am nice to anon, just not on the weekends.

>> No.5082921

I have this feeling that all the anons complaining about shitposts are the same person.

>> No.5082924

>If you aren't anti-currybutt i can always tell you how to contact me elsewhere.
Sure, I like you CurryButt. I'd say most of the userbase could probably differentiate you from imposters pretty well though, even if you got a new trip. Mods need to take it easy.

>> No.5082925

You probably noticed all the blood and tears dripping out of their butt

>> No.5082941

I'd assume as much too except even when kog/jones has their spam bot on with my trip as their name people fall for it - so i can't imagine they'd be able to tell with me not being the same me.

Though with a new trip it wouldn't be so hard. But I know there's something that decodes some, my current one doesn't have that happen and I like that. So even if i go in that direction I'll have to spend awhile finding something good and checking it and stuff.

>> No.5082945

I forgot but yeah, there's also the possibility of being banned or simply i guess 'muted' again too.

>> No.5082958

I feel like wringing the neck of that anon who called people criticizing such translations elitist faggots.

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.5082969

Delicious currybutthurt itt. Good work mods.

>> No.5082976

The first and third lines sound suspiciously like something the protag of sharin no kuni himawari no shoujo said

>> No.5082977

bump to mak ur ass bleed harder lyk always hope ur tears dont make it in2 diahrea instead 4 u

>> No.5082978

It's only 3:40.

>> No.5082982

Cry more, retard.

>> No.5082983

Learn to 4chan time, asspained. It's only 3:40 for me too, it's not the point. better get some kleenex though cuz ur butt's drippin

>> No.5082985

ur gonna leave a blood stain on the flooor if u keep bein so butthurt

>> No.5082990


samefag with the same anal tearing issue

>> No.5082997

goin 2 bed cuz ur tears an ass blood are brwin ^ a storm an i dont wanna get wet from ur massive cryin butt

>> No.5083002
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Hey I'm not in this but my ass bleeds when I shit too hard. It's not funny.

>> No.5083005

You were talking civilly before, now you're just an outright redneck.
Currybutt, when will you ever learn.

>> No.5083011

Holy shit, Yayoi can defeat walls?

>> No.5083013 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 307x371, idontknowwhattocallthisface3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5083018

I don't talk civilly to weekender faggots, they showed up, so I turned to Sion-mode which Sion taught me well.

>> No.5083024

This. It's kinda hilarious when you do it once in a blue moon, but see where it got you when you abused it?

>> No.5083034
File: 68 KB, 640x472, Sion Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No wonder he changes trips frequently.

>> No.5083035

Making real posts got me replies from some butthurt samefag, so why bother making replies to him that are anything worth reading?

I only shitpost when anonymous is being so shitty that I could never be worse.

>> No.5083064


Great, we all know how good Moogy/Fungi are at translating games. Baldr Force to confirm.

>> No.5083093

The chances of that are not that great, actually. To cite the anon from the last thread:
>Minor observation: Subahibi's website has no gaijin block, the game doesn't require you to be on japanese windows unlike ef and Mashiroiro, and is easily accessible to get everywhere (heck you can even get it via jlist).

>> No.5083129

Can be easily changed.
Just report their game to Equality Now for promoting violence and abuse against women.

>> No.5083179

When Fungi was translating Baldr Force it progressed on actually pretty decent speed. What's your point?

>> No.5083181

If SubaHibi on english get to radical's hands that would be real fucking problem for eroge industry.
You no, real incest with loli, many violence scenes etc.
So people must think and stop the translation.

>> No.5083240

2chから来た方はようこそ! 何者かを襲う気のでありましたらぜひこの >>5082813 と言うゴミ虫野郎を遅って下さいませ。 ね?

>> No.5083242


>> No.5083260

It would be easy if there will be no translation of SubaHibi at all. If we futher wanna play eroge other than slice of life comedy with 18 years old. Might of keroq stuff for stopping underground translation is under the big question.

>> No.5083270

Looks like a shit game.

>> No.5083272

>>real incest with loli
Suddenly, this eroge interests me.

>> No.5083274
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>> No.5083280

Nobody cares and we have yet games to see translation off like FHA, Baldr series, Hello World, GSS, G-senjou, YnS and Ayakashibito.

Also fags here hyped C+C and everybody should know what a disappointment that game was

>> No.5083284

>>Also fags here hyped C+C and everybody should know what a disappointment that game was
By disappointment, you mean how fucking awesome this game was.

Your taste just fucking sucks, go back to your FSN powerlevel threads and wait for FHA forever.

>> No.5083286

I was disappointed with C+C but loving Subahibi.

>> No.5083290

Never trust hype, but because stuff is hyped doesn't mean they're bad either. Sharin is disappointment, but C+C is awesome.

>> No.5083291

Not him but WAY to ignore the rest of the titles.

>> No.5083292

Look someone claiming his taste > your taste on the internet

>> No.5083294

The complete opposite. Sharin could deliver because the games does have quality after all and interesting themes. C+C is just a bore galore with humor for retards.

>> No.5083295

Because he didn't play them, he would probably hate Hello, World and Ayakashibito though.
Gore Screaming Show would be right up his alley.

>> No.5083296

You see that a lot on the threads where people complain about the game they like being not translated.

>> No.5083300

Except the one complaining is the other faggot.

>> No.5083301

Look someone's playing Internet Nazi

>> No.5083313

Sharin doesn't deliver because lol long long roundabout route with Kenichi being spineless faggot, not taking action until everything blows up/getting scolded by Houzuki. Game ends with stupid rockclimbing/shonen friendship trope passion bullshit.

C+C is plays comedy and insanity really well and delivers the theme about connecting with people perfectly.

>> No.5083314

Comedy? If you like movies like Dumb and Dumber with penis jokes in between. Sorry but that's not funny.

>> No.5083316

I'm playing the game right now.
Looks like ATLAS can translate the game fine.

>> No.5083324

Be a bit less blatant please, and maybe be a bit more realistic in your examples.

>> No.5083329

This "comedy" is part of Taichi's character and actually helps with his characterization a lot.
The way the author weaved the comedy and insane moments was seriously masterful, it really helped into making Taichi seems like he was always on "edge", ready to fall one side or the other.

Oh and I'm not the same guy as the previous poster, but Cross Channel is great for those who look at it as a character study.
I also like Sharin a lots though.

>> No.5083330

>Cross Channel

>> No.5083348

Topic is already shitty enough, don't need people shitting it up with trolling of unrelated games thank you

>> No.5083354
File: 211 KB, 1200x720, 100508 Bad-asses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more bad-ass protagonists.

>> No.5083367

who is on left?

>> No.5083368

>The way the author weaved the comedy and insane moments was seriously masterful, it really helped into making Taichi seems like he was always on "edge", ready to fall one side or the other.
I didn't see any of this. Maybe it's because I played the translated version?

>character study
For what? All the characters in the game are crazies. There's not a single normal person in the game.

>> No.5083374

...Oh boy/

>> No.5083381

Looks like the protagonist from Curtain Call.

>> No.5083384

What's the fun in studying normal person?!

Honda Souta, retard protag from Kira Kira Curtain Call.

>> No.5083399
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>> No.5083408

Each character has an exaggerated human flaw.
Touko has dependence issues.
Miki has egotistical problems.
Kiri has problems trusting people.
Youko is obsessive over one thing.
Mimimi-sempai is a slut.
Sakuraba is impotent.
Slow Down is a pussy.
Taichi is all sorts of fucked up.

Every human has experienced at least one of these flaws.

>> No.5083422

You should go back to the shithole you came from.
Probably /b/ or /v/, same shit either way.

>> No.5083435

I thought Miki just has no natural grasp of morals.
Kiri believes too strongly on her sense of justice, of what is right and wrong, and see people who don't believe otherwise as monsters.
Youko twists her guilt of failing Taichi into convenient excuse for obsession.
Mimi-sempai refuses reality in order to see everything in positive way.
Slow Down is siscon.
Sakuraba is Sakuraba.
Taichi is like Flandre.

>> No.5083445

Make me, shithead.

>> No.5083451

He just gave you a suggestion.
Don't get uppity.

>> No.5083465

ほおーぅ 認めたな!

>> No.5083479

Ok let's get it strait:

1. I want all chinks out of this board. Now.
2. All butthurt fags who say the game should be translated to english s triat from japanese, get the fuck out now.
3. Would someone PLEASE help Moogy with the translation? Most people really want to play this game.

>> No.5083492

Now all we'd need here is that slut/pure girl/virginity argument again and this thread would be on an entire new level.

>> No.5083493

I doubt Moogy wants help, seems to be a fan of the "one translator per game" policy.

>> No.5083497

2. "s triat" loltypo get the fuck out now.
3. They already got full staff: http://www.tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Subarashiki_Hibi

>> No.5083499

2 and 3 are kind of in conflict there, man

>> No.5083566

you mad :3

>> No.5083571

There shouldn't have been an argument in the first place.
There's nothing wrong with preferring pure girls over sluts. The fact that there are people that thinks it's wrong shows how much our society has fallen to hedonism.

>> No.5083575

The problem isn't the people that prefer pure girls over sluts, it's the people that think a girl having sex with more than one person makes them a slut

>> No.5083596

What does July 20th, 2012 - 終ノ空 means?

>> No.5083601 [DELETED] 

worlds end data.

>> No.5083599

C+C is complete and utter fucking dildos. I tried so hard to like that shit, but it's such a fucking snoozefest. Apparently it picked up in week 3, but hey ho, FUCK ALL HAPPENED. I sure love all this fucking hours of comedy between characters that NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND because it's fucking Japanese pop culture references... how do you faggots like C+C, it's fucking horrendous, art looks like shit, it isn't funny, shitty pacing that bores the shit out of you, shitty characters (lol every1 has to be loli) and a generally shitty story (ever1 is dead or something lol play for 30 housr to understand wtfi s going on cool pacing, game).

>> No.5083608

The end of the world. It's a reference to Subahibi. Get rikaikun so you can read runes partially, even without requiring Japanese knowledge.

>> No.5083606 [DELETED] 

world's end data.

>> No.5083609

2012 is supposed to be the end of the world for the Mayans.
終ノ空 aka Tsui no Sora aka "the last sky" can be interpreted as the end of the world.

>> No.5083615
File: 100 KB, 549x766, 15881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art looks like shit
Return to /b/ and learn to write proper English before returning to this board. You might want to go to /lit/ to increase your literariness.

>> No.5083626

Cool retort, chucklefuck. Did you ever consider that English isn't my mother tongue? And the art does look like shit. Characters look bland and shitty, backgrounds look bland and shitty, everything looks bland and shitty.

>> No.5083641
File: 217 KB, 850x1214, 185525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're so bland and shitty.

>> No.5083650

If this is by the same artist as C+C, at least these don't look complete dildos. The major problem for me is the fucking colouring, everything just looks horribly coloured.

>> No.5083654

ITT: Same fag with bad taste defending his favorite shitty game.

>> No.5083655

>English isn't my mother tongue

Oh yeah!

>> No.5083658

Just started playing, damn this yuri shit is starting to bore me, when do things turn 'REAL DEAL'?

>> No.5083666

You obviously meant "samefag with shit taste attacking a game for no reason except his own stupidity".

>> No.5083668

nobody cares if english is your mother tongue
this is an english board so if you can't speak english properly gtfo

>> No.5083671

Finish the rabbit hole.

>> No.5083677

don't kiss anybody, that'll finish the prologue quicker, and after the prologue select "rabbit hole 1", that's the beginning of the real story

>> No.5083679

When you'll see a talking bear.

>> No.5083684

Try make your trolling attempts less obvious next time, hmm?
That post wasn't made by me. It seems the amount of people with good taste (dislike C+C) outweighs the amount of people with shit taste. (You)

>> No.5083688

rabbit mb?

>> No.5083704

Thanks. How long is this prologue? I'm at scene at the rooftop with Kagami and Tsukasa.

>> No.5083705

nah the rabbit just says some nonsense, the bear appears with the sky train that you may have seen other people posting screens of

but hell they appear within like 50 lines of each other probably

>> No.5083707

I'm not even the one defending it.
But Cross Channel is one of the most critically acclaimed eroge if you want to go the way of the "number of people like it" shit.
Even your god, Nasu, think that Cross Channel is the best thing ever.

>> No.5083717


If it's the scene where kagami is all giving you a tsundere bento box then you've barely started - if you've been taking note of the dates that appear whenever the date changes, the talking stuffed animals appear minutes before it changes to july 20, you're probably still on like july 16 or whatever

but the days aren't as long as like, f/sn's days, so don't worry too much. Don't kiss anyone when you get a choice to kiss people, that'll skip the yuri stuff... for now, anyway, I haven't played that far myself

>> No.5083722

I tried to fucking like it, but I can't fucking like it. So I've made it my mission to hate it in every thread possible. I'm sorry.

>> No.5083725

How minutes/hours to reach that?
I'm not really into yuri, I'm seriously contemplating fastforwarding this...

>> No.5083728

How playable is SubaHibi with Atlas and AGTH? I've never actually tried this method of playing an untranslated novel, but I would expect that the horrible translation would make everything hard as fuck to understand, am I right?

>> No.5083737

>>I'm seriously contemplating fastforwarding this..
Don't, seriously don't.
What you are seeing right now is filled with foreshadowing, even if it may not seem that way.
Savor every moment, you'll understand why later.

>> No.5083738

Start with something easier, really, also get a good dictionary for ATLAS.
If you are used to anime RAWs, at least you'll be better at the voiced lines.

>> No.5083739

If you don't like it, don't waste your energy by throwing the hate. Let people enjoy things they like since people do have different tastes than yours. If you dislike Type-Moon or Touhou would you throw shit around as well? That's just cheap trolling.

3D and tripfagging and floorshitting is okay to bash though. I hate those crap.

>> No.5083742

Don't get us wrong. The intro is important, storywise - there's a lot of foreshadowing, apparently. People say you should replay the intro immediately after you full-clear the game, and you'll see a lot of stuff that just went by you the first time around.

The actual H-scenes probably aren't important, but since I chose not to kiss anyone I can't be sure.

>> No.5083757

AGTH works, use the command line switch /HAC@423390 to get proper text hooking.

Apparently even applocale works, but you have to do something a bit different, here's how:

1) copy the contents of the DVD to your hard drive
2) applocale BHVC.exe to fix the encoding of the setup
3) applocale the setup to install the game
5) applocale BGI.exe to play the game

(I haven't tried this, just read it on hongfire)

ATLAS is never that great, and actually subahibi uses a lot of weird or sort of old-fashioned words and phrasings. That's not to say it's hard to understand. The grammar is generally not difficult so far, except when zakuro or someone starts talking about aerodynamic engineering or something but those parts aren't supposed to make a whole lot of sense anyway, I guess.

>> No.5083758
File: 435 KB, 800x600, doushita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as you meet this guy.

Playing it that way, so far, so good.

>> No.5083763

Skippable H-scenes. Oh wow, that's pretty spiffy.

>> No.5083771

Btw, nnl confirmed for subahibi too, also criticizing Moogy.

>> No.5083773


Oh just to clarify, the "BGI.exe" referred to here means the one in the install directory, not wherever you copied the DVD to.

BTW I'm using Lingoes ( ttp://www.lingoes.net/ ) as a popup dictionary on AGTH. Guaranteed to give you better idea of what's actually happening than relying on ATLAS will, though of course it will be slower, especially if your vocabulary is tiny and you're looking up more than 50% of the words.

>> No.5083777

It's probably not all of them. Apparently there's rape in this game, and it would pretty stupid plotwise if that were skippable.

>> No.5083784

Are you sure? The site only says they're doing the demo. because gipface has only played the demo lulz

>> No.5083800

Damn it.

>> No.5083805

Lol. More reason to say fuck with nnl.

>> No.5083822


Do you think they're gonna stop at that?
They love being attentionwhores.

>> No.5083829

As much I'd love to see Subahibi translated, I don't want NNL to do it.

>> No.5083898
File: 1.92 MB, 2965x4047, moe%20126550%20cleavage%20erect_nipples%20kagome%20keroq%20minakami_yuki%20pantsu%20seifuku%20smoking%20subarashiki_hibi%20thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the artbook gets scanned.

>> No.5083916

Nor do I. But apparently Moogy is also doing it, so that's cool.

>> No.5083927

Lol, she's reading http://f.hatena.ne.jp/YUYUKOALA/20080922234530

>> No.5083931

処女率 43%

高島ざくろ (不良にレイプされて、そのネタで何度も脅迫されてる。自殺済み)

>> No.5083935

That spoiler is an actual spoiler, for anyone reading this thread.

>> No.5083947
File: 662 KB, 782x2139, moe 128991 extraction karory keroq mamiya_hasaki subarashiki_hibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasaki's cuteness is a miracle in the universe.

>> No.5083949

thank you

>> No.5083966

Shame I can't read fucking runes, so that spoiler means NOTTTTTTTHING.

But apparently virgin percentage is 43%...? Whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.5083997
File: 295 KB, 696x1000, moe 123529 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat rabbit.

>> No.5083998

It means that 43% of the cast? heroines? capturable char? (I'm not sure which) are virgins.
And you don't want that spoiler to get translated. Trust me.

>> No.5084004

>It means that 43% of the cast? heroines? capturable char?
Um, what? That's kind of an obscure percentage. There must be a dickload of characters then...

>> No.5084015

uh... that's approximately 3/7
learn math

>> No.5084035

I think he means that for such accurate percentage to exist, there must be a lot of characters in the game. Otherwise, it probably wouldn't end with 3.

>> No.5084039

Well if as >>5084015 says it is really supposed to be 3/7, it's probably female characters - the config page has nine portraits, five of them are girls that have appeared so far, two are question marks, one is a guy, and one is "other characters"

>> No.5084043

Yeah. But I never thought of 3/7.

>> No.5084045

3/7 = 0.428571429...
"43%" is obviously 3/7, rounded

>> No.5084056

/jp/ - Maths Discussion

>> No.5084066

Yeah unrelated but we should have more of it since
Can't understand basic math to get the joke.

>> No.5084077

It's not the matter of understanding, it's just that 3/7 certainly wasn't the first thing I thought about that percentage. Well, whatever, I have nothing against refreshing my maths.

And actually, I see nothing wrong with discussing maths in a SubaHibi thread, especially if you consider the range of subjects in it.

>> No.5084086
File: 653 KB, 1000x1000, 10197761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Ayana had a bit more moe scenes in Subahibi, she was my favorite character in Tsui no Sora.

>> No.5084122

Well, just remember that "37.6176%" is no more "accurate" than "half", because "half" is the same as "50.0000%". You only know how accurate a measurement is when that accuracy is stated along with the measurement - you should never assume that "rounder" numbers are necessarily somehow less "accurate".

>there must be a lot of characters in the game. Otherwise, it probably wouldn't end with 3.

Like this. This is bullshit. Suppose there were 100 characters. You could have 43 of them be virgins, and >>5084035 would think "whoa, there's like 100 characters". Or you could have 35 of them be virgins, and that would look to >>5084035 like there were less characters. Or you could have 50 of them be virgins, and then >>5084035 might think there were only two characters. But all three of those numbers are just arbitrary numbers between 0 and 100.

I can never understand why people have no intuition for this kind of stuff...

>> No.5084206

>I can never understand why people have no intuition for this kind of stuff...
That simply depends on the person, and there's nothing wrong with that. Not to mention that some people don't need it that badly.

>> No.5084294

So let me get this strait: Moogy said earlier that he won't work on it in a while cause he wants to improve his Japanese. Does he still follow that line or does he working on it right now?

>> No.5084306

Well, they made a project page and announced that they're doing it, so I would presume he's translating it now, I don't think they would make a page, then wait till next year before they actually do anything. But I don't know shit.

>> No.5084307

You guys have been hyping it like it's the best thing ever.
Is it really that good?

>> No.5084309

He is doing it. He's waiting for Fungi to play it, after which he'll be able translate quickly using Fungi as a reference since Fungi is bilingual. But in the meantime he's translating the ending scenes first (as the sharin team did on sharin - not sure the reasoning behind that though).

>> No.5084310

>Also, don't expect much progress until Fungi plays the game; I'm just getting preliminary stuff and bits that are difficult to translate out of the way first. Someone please translate the ero for me. Please.

>> No.5084319

Why can't he translate the ero scenes? Is there something hard to translate in them? Do they write in some magic form of runes when having sex?

>> No.5084321

Japan hypes it, and the art and music are flawless.

>> No.5084322

Easily the best game of this year.

>> No.5084327

No, Steins;Gate wins that award, cunt.

>> No.5084330

The art is pretty good, but I wouldn't call it flawless. I agree with the music though. It's so damn good.

>> No.5084345

I don't consider it as the best VN ever but it's the sort of game where it's very hard to find a flaw, the narrative is flawless and it does what it tries to do perfectly.
Otherwise taste and all I guess.

But yeah it's contender for best this year, Steins;Gate and maybe Rewrite will be the challengers.
If this continue, 2010 will be as awesome as 2009.

>> No.5084348

I don't think S;G counts, being a port and all. But yeah, I have great hopes for it.

>> No.5084351

What a bunch of faggots and still haven't done BALDR FORCE.

>> No.5084354

I suppose. But I still look forward to it as much as Subahibi, probably more due to how much I enjoyed C;H.

>> No.5084358

Probably because H-scenes in most games are gay to even read, let alone carefully translate - try translating one and you'll fucking see. It's a horrible experience. Most TLs just kind of skim over them, and so do most TLCs and most editors, which is why we QCers tend to find a lot more errors in h-scenes than anywhere else...

>> No.5084359

>If this continue, 2010 will be as awesome as 2009.
What was released in 2009 that was good? I've only been reading VNs since the start of 2010, pretty much, but most of what I've read hasn't been from 2009.

>> No.5084365

The ero scenes in Subahibi are pretty short, well except for one in particular.

>> No.5084371
File: 726 KB, 1024x768, wp_kageaki_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. For me, it was enough to consider 2009 a great year for VNs.

>> No.5084375
File: 111 KB, 800x601, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah. I suppose translating this, and translating slurps doing blowjobs must be pretty fucking horrendous. How do voice actors do blowjob scenes anyways? Dem noises are motherfucking erotic.

>> No.5084380

Is that by any chance the rape that I've heard about?

>> No.5084382

Read Koe de Oshigoto, it's basically VN Development: The Manga.

>> No.5084384

ef has ero scenes? Fukk yeah

>> No.5084391

Quite a lot, actually. The vndb page says that the sex scenes are late, but this is completely untrue. They are pretty fucking frequent.

>> No.5084402

Just in case you didn't now: The team moogy & fungi is a troll club. Look at the Baldr Force EXE project.

>> No.5084403

>Koe De Oshigoto is a story about Aoyagi Kanna, a 16 year-old girl who was asked to become an eroge seiyū on her 16th birthday by her 28 year-old sister at her eroge company. She disagreed at first, but after she thought about all the things her sister did for her she finally agreed. But being a high school student and knowing nothing about eroge can she do the job properly?
Who the fuck thinks of this shit?

>> No.5084414


>> No.5084423

Muramasa, that is my personal number 1 in every categories, simply amazing
Baldr Sky Dive 1 and 2
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai
Natsuyume Nagisa
Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo
Hateshinaku aoi, kono sora no shita de (rerelease of a 2000 title with voice, very good)
Atori no Sora to Shinchuu no Tsuki (sequel of Hateshinaku, pretty good as well)
Hoshizora no Memoria

Are titles I personally consider top tier, some other titles like Himegari, Natsu no Ame, Shinigami no Kiss and some others I forgot were pretty good as well.

Fucking awesome year.

>> No.5084424

Fucking Japan.

>> No.5084485

>Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo
Isn't it considered pretty sub-par, especially for a Propeller title?

>> No.5084487
File: 154 KB, 1143x1600, VN_translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't put it past Moogy-dono.

>> No.5084498

No, it was downvoted by a bunch of faggots because it's a single route VN with only one true ero scene and 2-3 cocktease scenes.
Nobody attacked the story, the art or the soundtrack, it's actually a very good eroge with a great story.

>> No.5084507

Good, I guess I should give it a try then. I was pretty confused by all the hate, myself.

>> No.5084520

nnl has 'abandoned' the demo project, because they 'trolled' moogy into translating it.

>> No.5084525

Sorry, as much as I love BFE more than anything and would really (honestly!) love to do it, I have another dire obligation that I have to take care of. I guess I'm just making excuses for myself here, but the intention isn't to fool anyone.

>> No.5084535

>Herrliche Tage demo scrapped. Mission successful. All it took was us to translate one line to force someone else to do it. We know they'll do such a gr8 job. Right? Right?! *exhales* Man, you know!

We've seen this all before, with Guy Sex School claiming eden*. They acted all high and mighty, but of course they chickened out.

>We're finally progressing on Swells again after being sidetracked with the ef Lite release and all. Project page launch in a few days. Yay~


>> No.5084536

Weren't people calling that a landmine?
I vaguely remember when that was released.

>> No.5084541

Sigh, kids these days.

>> No.5084547

Fuck off you depressing cunt.

>> No.5084550


Speaking of masat01... http://thejot.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/my-virginity-is-gone/


>> No.5084563

>0 comments on every single blog post
Why does he even bother?

>> No.5084571


He thinks people care that he paid someone for sex.

>> No.5084574

If that would make you sleep better at night, I was talking about NNL, not >>5084535 .

>> No.5084577
File: 29 KB, 409x386, naruto_with_a_goatee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5084582

That makes me much happier. But I did find the NNL post genuinely hilarious, the constant stream on trolling pleases me.

>> No.5084692

there is one now

>> No.5084714

I guess all the TL drama is now in this thread >>5084475 , while we can discuss the game itself here.

So, what is your best book that SubaHibi introduced you to? For me, it's probably Flatland: I had no idea that such awesome concept could be turned into a book. And no, I've never heard about it before reading SubaHibi.

>> No.5084746

by Edwin Abbott Abbott?

Have you full list of books introduced in SubaHibi?

>> No.5084767

Yeah, that's the guy. And no, I don't have the list, actually, I'm still reading it.

>> No.5084794

Ha Ha You Never Heard Of Flatland

go read "Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter, it'll blow your mind

>> No.5084804

>Ha Ha You Never Heard Of Flatland
Thanks for the obligatory comment, pal. And yeah, I'll check that out, thanks.

>> No.5084915
File: 37 KB, 250x350, yuito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurking about Tsui no Sora a bit. What's the deal with Yukito's posture?

>> No.5084954


>> No.5084979

When this shit named It's my own Intention ends, July 20, compared to others? Chapter bores me to death already on July 15.
Fucking retarded long.
And I already hate Takuji.

>> No.5084983 [DELETED] 

G O T o h t T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / f O R m o R E i n F O r M a t i O n o N T h I s S u B j e c T

>> No.5085031

It's my own invention is fucking great.
That's what is annoying when things start to get hyped, idiots start to play the games.

>> No.5085108

>It's my own invention is fucking great.
Can you substantiate this?

>> No.5085134

-Lots of great scenes.
-Takuji is fucking entertaining and it's awesome to see in his crazy mind.
-Chapter that really put the DENPA into the game, Subahibi is supposed to be a denpa eroge after all.

>> No.5085226

>-Lots of great scenes.
For example? Foreseeable boring to death scenes except the horror scene with Zakuro. So far to July 15.
>-Takuji is fucking entertaining and it's awesome to see in his crazy mind.
He has retard's mind and looked much more awesome in Yuuki's view.
Are you a fag?

>> No.5086243

You can blame the official website, after all, I got the image there.

>> No.5088234


What the fuck you talking about? NEET doesn't mean you are a lazy sack of shit about everything. I expend effort for the things I love. I just don't have a job or study or anything.

>> No.5088446 [DELETED] 

R E M O V E y O U r i L l e g A L c L o N E o F a T c H r i s T O p H E R p O O l e h t t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / I s t h E o R i G i n a l F A G g O t

>> No.5088870

NEET means you are a lazy sack of shit about everything that actually matters

>> No.5089873 [DELETED] 

g O T o H t t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / F O R m o R E I N F O r M A t I O N O n t H i s S u B j e C t

>> No.5089889 [DELETED] 

Will be looking forward to the list. I'm reading Flatland right now and it's awesome. Also damnit lots of misogynist concept.


>> No.5089897
File: 120 KB, 802x600, 1270981560901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be looking forward to the full book list. I'm reading Flatland right now and it's awesome. Also damnit lots of misogynist concept.

Just in case.

>> No.5090360 [DELETED] 

bumpan for book

>> No.5091023

Evey ebook of GEBEGB I've been able to find is OCR'd, and full of errors (except, like, the Chinese translation of it, which I doubt is useful here). I'll bet you can find it in your local library, which would be a better option.

>> No.5091074

According to the comments on the page linked, it's a scanned DJVU, so should probably be fine. But there's some stupid shenanigans like the first part of the book scanned 1-up and the second part scanned 2-up

>> No.5091218

Wow, so much anger up in here.

Is anyone else just happy that we get a decent translation of a great game?

>> No.5091245

Just one nnl guy being an attentionwhore, the usual.

>> No.5091268

I've seen lots of peple here calling NNLs translations shit, but is there any actual evidence of this? I'd like to see an instance where a line by NNL is incorrect in Ef, instead of the usual faggots bringing up the case with their approach with Wind, and their usage of the word "SUPAH".

>> No.5091279 [DELETED] 

Wind- a breath of the heart.
They ommitted 1/4 of the total lines beacuse they were 'repetitive and the author has no idea'.

>> No.5091283

Since we are complaining about nnl's translations, you can't just rule out the wind case, that was horrible.

>> No.5091295

Nah, Wind was always shit. Cutting out the useless stuff just made it less shit.

>> No.5091316

Yeah, let's cut boring lines from VNs!

>> No.5091586

That's not a bad idea at all.

>> No.5091691
File: 126 KB, 798x598, 9524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Flatland. It's like 1984 with humorous beginning, multidimensional fun second half journey, closed with conclusive but dreary tone. Moogy knows his physics and lits as well, so all the more reason to look forward for Subahibi translation, now.

I'll have to reread Alice next.

I don't live at USA/EU, so no relying on library.

Any software recommendation to open .djvu?

>> No.5091983

I use DjView (windows).

>> No.5093612
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 1251953826651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Flatterland any good?

>> No.5093630

h A V e y o u H E a R d T H E N e w S ? t I n y c H A N I S a n I l l e g a l c l O N E o f A N o n t A l K b b s H T t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5093637

T H i s i S c o P y P A S t A i F O u n D i T H e R E : H T t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5096382


>> No.5098493 [DELETED] 

h o w c O M E Y o U S T E a l W e b S i T e s m r . p o o l e ? H O w c O M E Y o U D o N T K n o w h O W t O m a k e y o U r o W n O R i g I N a L s T u f f ? U s H U d t r y i t l u l Z h T t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5098539

Are you saying the misogyny makes it awesome? Because I hope not.

That shit is literally pre-Victorian in its retarded worldview.

>> No.5099878
File: 91 KB, 750x600, table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to find a place for it,
saw a subahibi thread,

>> No.5099893

reported for motorvator

>> No.5100312
File: 93 KB, 800x600, 1271341960194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the misogyny helps easing the supposedly-infodump about the flatland's world. It eases the way to the second half in similar way to Cross Channel's comedy before it tackle the srsbsnss.

Godel, Escher, Bach on the other hand is fucking hard to get into since I'm not familiar with musical/art/math terms. I just watched the youtube first MIT free lecture video. Don't know if I want to keep going soon.

>> No.5100411

Ehh, don't be a pansy. I read GEBEGB when I was 10 years old. Sure, I didn't understand it all that well, but I sat down and read all of it. And the Achilles and the Tortoise segments between chapters ruled (and I could mostly understand them). One of the jokes in one of those segments taught me what ribose was. Ah, memories.

>> No.5100581

BTW thanks for alerting me to the fact that MIT OCW did video lectures based on GEBEBG. Fantastic!

>> No.5100603
File: 238 KB, 612x459, cg17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I found it here following the Wikipedia link, only to find .rm bullshit.
What a surprise to find them readily accessible at youtube.

Anyway here's Bach, "Little" Fugue (G minor). Fucking recurrence is so hard to keep track but damn addictive.

>> No.5100677

Yeah fugues are awesome. As it happens I just uploaded some jazzy fugues to megaupload the other day, enjoy if you like. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W5TLN6AG Check out the fugues in E minor, A minor, and F major, those are my favorites so far

Also check out the Musanim program that youtube video was made with. It's great if you have a MIDI keyboard - it has like circle of fifths visualizations and stuff, pretty fucking awesome (not just this boring little scrollfest shown in the video).

>> No.5101473

Again, I must plug this site for fugue lovers: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~tas3/wtc.html
A very cool interactive analysis of the fugue segments for both books of Bach's WTC. Only slightly annoying thing is you need to download Shockwave Plugin, but it's well worth the effort.

>> No.5101570

HCG where

>> No.5101791

Cool, thanks.

>> No.5105431


>> No.5106568

Full CG set:
megaupload dawt com/?d=ZQA3G9EN

RAR Password:

That's the entire CG set, with HGC included along with all the normal CG.

Haven't played the game but there's some pretty disturbing shit in the CG's.

>> No.5107049
File: 809 KB, 800x1200, heavenorhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven or Hell, /jp/?

>> No.5107170

I've read テレビの消えた日 (one of KeroQ's previous games) so this should be nothing.

>> No.5107241

But they're written by different people, I don't think you should compare them just because they're made by one studio.
