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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 1456x851, homeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5069413 No.5069413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hold me, /jp/. ;_;

>> No.5069419

Get out normalfag.

>> No.5069422
File: 119 KB, 421x265, laughin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5069431

Appeal or change your major then.

No big deal. It's fine to mess up once.

>> No.5069429

That pinchers by campus has amazing food.

>> No.5069426
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 2 laughing pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"haha. he failed University."

>> No.5069425

This isn't your blog, and we don't care about you. Kill yourself.

>> No.5069427

maybe you should have actually studied.

>> No.5069434

That's like fat people expecting sympathy because they're fat.

>> No.5069440

I may hate having to work, but I'm pretty proud of my grades here.

Best of luck, OP.

>> No.5069441

biology is shit anyways

i just graduated btw. feels good, man.

>> No.5069444

Ashley Sowell huh? Thanks for the info.

>> No.5069446
File: 19 KB, 205x194, 1273009260605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thought failing through his classes would get him a degree

Good job not trying nor putting effort in to earn things and then being surprised when you don't get them, loser.

>> No.5069457
File: 17 KB, 293x360, chandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can't find contact info and names of all staff at a university on the official university website.

>he's still in high school

>> No.5069455

What classes did you fail anyways? They better actually be good and difficult ones.

>> No.5069454

Thats what you get for being a weeaboo

>> No.5069452

/jp/ - your personal blog/"give me attention" space

>> No.5069447
File: 51 KB, 327x365, 1265415428504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor OP...

Maybe you should have stop browsing /jp/...

>> No.5069460

Thanks, /jp/.


>> No.5069461


Not your blog. A lot of people here are college dropouts too. Some have it worse by being unemployed and without steady support on top of that too. But this isn't the place to talk about that, got it? Don't think the world revolves around you.

>> No.5069483
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1180661021237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5069486

That's where I got my teaching Degree, I loved there rec room. all 30 of them.

No really they had a lot of stuff

>> No.5069487

>Some have it worse by being unemployed and without steady support on top of that too.

lol no

I have it worse. Read the filename.

I have $200 left in my bank account, my loans/scholarships were cut off due to this letter, and I have no family to move in with. I'm as good as dead.

>> No.5069493

Fucking normalfags.

>> No.5069496

Well if you failed because you didn't study enough, it means you weren't motivated enough for that major anyway. Anyway you must have seen it coming for a while, so why didn't you just study more?

>> No.5069500

You deserve it for not putting in any effort and expecting life to give you things for free.

>> No.5069519


Says the guy living on govt cheese.

>> No.5069517

Holy shit other schools use blackboard for their online dealings? I thought it was just my community college.

>> No.5069515

Nobody has no family. And even then there's always homeless shelters.

>> No.5069511

Well goes to show that a even with an English degree we can make mistakes.

>> No.5069509

Reported for /a/ shit.

>> No.5069514

This means a lot coming from some fag on disability.

>> No.5069520

You have these two options:

a) Go earn your living by respectably working on a construction yard, like a man.

b)Welcome to /jp/

>> No.5069522

That's harsh. But then again I shouldn't be surprised to see you be so insensitive, seeing as you're the guy who thinks Aeka deserved to be bullied.

>> No.5069523

I did study more, I'm just dumb I guess.

>> No.5069527

Oh /jp/, why are you so cold?
Don't mind it, OP. If you failed that hard, that probably means you didn't even want to study that in the first place. Just find something you actually WANT to study, and change your major to that. If you're on /jp/ you probably know better then trying to be successful member of the society, so it's okay to study based on your feelings instead of career opportunities.
Best of luck to you, university drop-out signing out.

>> No.5069532

Hey, at least your school sent you an email.

Mine was like "Oh, you can't enroll in any courses? Oh let's see here, hurf durf you were expelled over the summer semester."

Cunting fucks.

Polite sage, as well.

>> No.5069534

You fucked up again, you ignorant piece of shit.

I got on it for real reasons - not because I'm lazy and unmotivated, so it's different. OP is a failure by choice yet complains about it and expects a free ride - my head is fucked up and not in my control at all and I only take the free money because they are willing to give it.

>> No.5069537

My university uses it too.

>> No.5069538

Failing out of uni is anime and manga now?

>> No.5069539

>This means a lot coming from some fag on disability.
>Says the guy living on govt cheese.

Not crossing a bridge is a preferable alternative to burning it.

>> No.5069540


Get the fuck out.

>> No.5069543

I'm an Ex-Foster child. I have NO family. Feels bad man.
By family, I mean people who love and recognize you as ken. There are a lot of foster children in the same situation.

It really pisses me the fuck off when all these people go and adopt some kid from a third world nation when children in America could use loving homes as well.

>> No.5069545

/a/-level shit.

>> No.5069554

>no family to move in with
/jp/'s not in the verge of death my freind.

>> No.5069557
File: 132 KB, 878x1200, 1266385860698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5069559

Black board is software that most lazy/cheap colleges use. It is not all the same though.

>> No.5069562

Oh, I didn't read that, oops. Well, I guess life on the street can be cool in a way too, so don't give up! And if you can, seriously get a job in construction, not much worse than studying, easy, and should pay enough.

>> No.5069565

That's what you get for being a fucktard.

Study for once in your life, faggot. Fucking do it.

>> No.5069568


How do you become an ex-foster child? Did your parents dropped you off at the sideroads or something,?

>> No.5069571

You have no mother or father? Fuck you, trip.

>> No.5069573

Well, I'm sure you know what to do...

>> No.5069576

I'd get rid of him too if he majored in English and is this horrible at it.

>> No.5069577

>my head is fucked up

That explains a lot.

>> No.5069579
File: 27 KB, 465x550, 1187424627537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5069580

I aged out. You turn 18, If you are not in a scholarship program then they point you in the direction of the nearest homeless shelter. I shit you not.

I'm gone now.

>> No.5069581

>my head is fucked up and not in my control at all
Haha keep telling yourself that you wannabe emo piece of shit. 'BAWWW I'm mentally retarded gief monies ;_;'. Man the fuck up and either get a job or kill yourself already because you are of no use.
