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5010632 No.5010632 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. I'm thinking of trying this out, but am told the patch is incomplete. Having had a look at the forum, it's very unclear just HOW incomplete it is. Is it in a playable form? Will my experience be ruined if I play what is translated right now?

>> No.5010648

If I remember correctly, one of the routes is completely translated.
So yes, playable through one route, although you might encounter some untranslated dialogue here and there depending on which characters you recruit.

>> No.5010656


Do you have any idea which route that would be? I can't find any real info like that on the translation page.

>> No.5010661


furry route, sadly

>> No.5010673


The superior one, of course. Kunagi's route. Just defeat Ren Iadagawa during teh dristict chapter.

Also, try to clear as many characters as possible.

>> No.5010694

Are you implying that Kunagi is anything short of completely awesome?

>> No.5010699



She's not even 10% most of the time, and occasionally transforms into a real animal. She's also by far the most interesting and useful in battle.

>> No.5010980

Holy crap just started it and the main character is awesome

>> No.5011044

Is it normal for most of the interface to not be translated in this? I can get by, but it makes understanding combat etc quite difficult.

>> No.5011068


Yea, but most of the untranslated interface should be obvious. combat is very easy to understand.

>> No.5011076

Question here for a BBA/general thread.
How the fuck do you capture that white ninja?
Also, I'm some time into the national chapter and everyone is attacking me, how do I tell them to stop bitching?

>> No.5011087

Eh, she's nice, but she pales in every way when compared to Senna. Sure Kunagi's speedier, but Senna has more oomph in her attacks and can dodge as well.

I'd say Senna is tailor made for battle.

>> No.5011096

why does it keep exiting to the main menu everytime i save?
it's just so goddamn tedious to click that bottom button every single time

>> No.5011097

The white ninja is captured the same as any other unit. Give the Button you got from the PGG to Hibiki and it should be easier. He takes 8-9 attempts to recruit though.

PGG automatically declares war around turn 10, Nightmare Eyes on turn 20ish, Academy on turn 40ish, Kyuushu (depends on route) on 65ish. If you don't visit Kaen when she summons you, everybody declares war on you around turn 12, so it's probably that. There's no way to make a truce, but while their units do get stronger, all factions have a limited number. It's easy to see against the PGG since they'll start sending out dogs eventually. I've seen it happen with the Academy once too, but only because I was dicking around with them for a long time.

>> No.5011121

>Senna can dodge
Senna has 0 base evade and no type advantages. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5011163


No, they both have their advantages but kunagi is the better of the two.

>> No.5011167

I'm having problems installing the damn game. Couldn't install MuvLuv the other day either.

I didn't have any problems installing Rance VI or VII, damnit.

>> No.5011179


Items. Senna needs something like the second button or the gloomy mask in order to be useful. The second button gives her light and dark advantages and most people are probably giving her that. Without the button, she would be killed in 1-3 shots from her final enemy types.

>> No.5011278

everyones failing to mention that Senna although can't dodge recovers all her health each turn. So she's always ready for action every turn.

>> No.5011286

The last boss is a special case for both of them. Senna still doesn't get much use out of items since she has a very high counter already and recovers all her HP every turn anyway. She's almost never going to take over 100 damage anyway, so why does she need all the extra HP? It's better put on Burai or Daigo or someone like that who takes damage like a bitch in the late game.

>> No.5011306

Hoping I can get some help with getting this game running.

I downloaded it off of

Unzipped that whole batch, unzipped the .ngr, then what? When I run System40.exe, it complains about some file missing or something.
JAB File I·(KANJI).ain, if I understood correctly.


>> No.5011483

How do you capture units in this normally?

>> No.5011580

Alternatively, where did you get your copy?

>> No.5011618

You drop their health to low levels and hopefully capture them at the end of the battle (blue or gold kanji may indicate this. Correct me if I'm wrong). Don't let their health reach 0 or they just die.

>> No.5011646

The formula is given in the (untranslated) FAQs. It's 100% at 1 HP, -10% for every HP above that. IE, 5 HP = 60% to capture. Can't capture enemies with greyed out backgrounds. Francine/Misugi's skill adds 10% per number given. Use Hibiki to capture (her skill can't kill).

>> No.5011657

Capturing also doesn't start until District.

>> No.5011819

Well for the people having problems with installing and playing the game.

First, you CANNOT change the last name of the game directory, it HAVE to be that one by default, you can put it under any drive or even under any sub directory but the directory MUST be the default one, 大番長.

Second, your OS regional settings MUST be set to Japanese ... AppLocale is not going to cut when it comes to RUN the game, you can install it using AppLolcate but that is about as far as it goes.

>> No.5011832

They haven't translated the user interface yet ;_;

>> No.5011845

Applocale work with BBA (vanilla) for me
I do not know about this english patch if it is the same

>> No.5011851

I love alicesoft so much.

>> No.5011860


Did not worked for me, just like Sengoku Rance before the English "fixed" that.

I think its a System40 issue.

>> No.5011873


She can't fight two consecutives fights, though. That also means she is useless during dungeon and Hell Hole fights.

>> No.5011904
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My error seems a bit odd, though.

Perhaps it has the name of the file it's supposed to find wrong? I figure that maybe it really wants 大番長.ain, but due to settings etc., it gets 大番長 wrong and ends up with... that.

What settings would I need to change other than default language for non-Unicode stuff?

>> No.5011920

Huh. Looks like I was right.

Checked the .ini and replaced all instances of that garbled shit I got an error about with 大番長 and suddenly it works just fine. Gonna try changing my system settings back and see if it works with just AppLocale as well.

Thanks for the earlier input on the matter.

>> No.5011978

so the loli route is translated? what else do you need?

>> No.5011984

glad to hear
but you INSTALL bba WITH applocale, correct?

>> No.5011997

can't fight consecutively? what are you talking about

>> No.5012020

what does one have to do exactly to go get the translated route?

>> No.5012027

go after the blond guy in the district chapter, the territories on the right side

>> No.5012047


I should install with it, you just end up needing to set your system to Japanese to run the game.

>> No.5012055

Is it possible to beat the two gangs at the same time during District Chapter?

>> No.5012092

No. You can only enter Kunagi's route on the combat phase (attack or defense) and Senna's during the exploration phase.

>> No.5012278

So, ehm.

How do I heal people?

>> No.5012293

Take them out of your active roster and place them on reserve. They will heal over time.

>> No.5012294

Don't station them in areas, they'll heal over time.

>> No.5012318

...I was putting them in conquered areas that weren't in danger of attack, thinking they might heal from that. Pretty stupid not to think of NOT placing them.

>> No.5012395

also grab the exclusive nurse in the national chapter, it'll improve the healing rate to 70%

>> No.5012866


Senna needs items to survive in hard mode. The elites on her route are all ranged and do a whopping 60 damage ea. Without items, she'll be killed in 2-3 hits which means she's only good for 1-2 battles. Kunagi on the other hand can still kill almost everything except the final enemies on her own route.
