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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4982525 No.4982525 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4982540

And now we're starting to see more of the cons of having open projects. Sad.

>> No.4982541

At least the C&D letter is polite, unlike Minori's smugness.

>> No.4982544

See no problem with it.

>> No.4982552

>Staff are advised to back up any files hosted on TLWiki as soon as possible so that they may be taken offline in compliance with the request.
>back up any files
So they're removing it from the wiki. So what? Doesn't mean they're gonna stop working on it. Right?

>> No.4982553

I approve of this. Fanslators have too much pride and like waving their dicks around for publicity. Maybe now people will keep their projects private and only release them when they are done.

>> No.4982557


>> No.4982560

But they are attention whores so yeh.

>> No.4982569

Just to clear up a few things ahead of time:

Files are backed up; no progress will be lost if the translators decide to continue.

The email is legitimate. Here are the headers, if you're interested: http://privatepaste.com/d62259b565

Also, I received a fake email asking us to delete the Kara no Shoujo page and files earlier. Don't do this, because we won't fall for it.

>> No.4982580

If they didn't say shit until it was finished, then wouldn't multiple groups waste time translating the same shit, without even knowing it? (Or, potentially anyway.)

Also, having status updates is nice... I get the feeling after all this, groups will be hesitant to use TLwiki as much, though.

>> No.4982588

Real moogy?

Well we should go back underground if we want to translate, thats all I can say.

>> No.4982590

With the general shortage of VN translations It would be pretty rare for that to happen.

>> No.4982595

Well, it seems they're kind of picking up lately. So it could become more of a concern, and considering the time it takes to do one, it would be a waste if a group realized 6 months in that they'd been working on something that just got released by another group.

>> No.4982598

No, clearly I am some guy with access to Moogy's email account so I can post headers of random emails he received. In any case, I suppose I'll use this trip from now on.

>> No.4982601

BTW moogy.
You better remove off site ongoing project links so it wont bother other individual groups.

>> No.4982606

Why is everything so fucking centralized again?



Taking bets on when Hongfire's next.

>> No.4982609

If they try to take down hongfire they'll just send that insane Brazilian to rape their wives.

>> No.4982610

Everything needs to become an underground secret club again. It's the only way to fight the oppressor.

>> No.4982611

There are others media like IRC or gemot, if the translator truly willing, I don't think minor setback like this will stop them

>> No.4982616

A lot of people (who were obviously wrong) assumed that the companies making the stuff wouldn't care, or would be glad to get the increased business that an available translation project might bring.

Since that has been proven to be not the case, I expect the practice will end very soon.

>> No.4982618
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Fight the machine, Anon.

>> No.4982624


I don' think so, Tim.
Look at anime fansubs.

>> No.4982635

Why doesn't the tlwiki just tell them to fuck off? Afraid of losing their hosting or something?

>> No.4982646

Because they have every right to do so? Beside prolonging useless quarrel will just draw unwanted attention

>> No.4982647

maybe tlwiki don't want to look like cunts?

>> No.4982659

If that's the case then they should fire moogy.

>> No.4982661

I'm perfectly fine if they tell minori to fuck off.
But Cuffs actually responded nicely.

>> No.4982663

Is the end of tlwiki ;_;

>> No.4982668

Maybe cuffs has some other plans about yosuga (mangagamer?).

>> No.4982673

Or maybe they just afraid blood related incest will draw controversy

>> No.4982688

Somewhat different. With an anime fansub, you're distributing the episode of anime along with the translation. I haven't seen that many sub groups that only distribute sub files. (Not that I doubt that such a thing exists, but it's far from standard practice.) With a VN translation, it's useless without the product itself. (Unless you go NNL's route, but that is not exactly standard practice these days either.)

>> No.4982693

Or maybe their just exercising their copy rights on their intellectual property.

>> No.4982697

>implying some poor Japanese company can do shit
Maybe you guys should grow a fucking spine.

>> No.4982699

>Maybe they're stopping the car because of the stop sign.
>Maybe they just put their foot on the brake pedal and the car stopped.
Pretty much what you said. Yes, that is what they are doing, but that doesn't mean they can't have another reason for doing so.

>> No.4982701

Moogy it seems a nasty coicidense that Yosuga no Sora should receive a C&D so soon after the fiasco with minori. What's the bet minori decided to contact fellow visual novel / eroge companies about TLWiki projects. I can see this turning into a bigger problem than anticipated.

>> No.4982702

Maybe they should stop attention whoring and not have a shitty public page with progress (or lack of progress) updates.

>> No.4982704

But isn't what NNL is doing by standalone release exactly comparable to anime fansubs?

>> No.4982705

Replace "minori" with "some troll from /jp/" and you have the likely scenario.

>> No.4982707

If this keeps up the list of visual novels projects is going to decline rapidly...

>> No.4982709

Well moogy could just move the site, like what happen to kureha.

>> No.4982710

Yes, it is. But like I said, that is far from standard practice.

>> No.4982712

Or maybe since they saw how minori fucked tlwiki in the ass without any difficulties, they thought "Why not do the same?" although in a more proper way. Expect most, if not all companies to do the same for every project there very soon.

>> No.4982713

Probably nbkz (minori manager/the one who is responsible for vandalizing the wiki) talked to CUFF's staff IRL.

>> No.4982714

This could also be 2chans doing

>> No.4982716

Let's raid 2chan! How dare they fuck with us!

>> No.4982720

Unlikely judging by the minori 2ch thread.

>> No.4982724

Maybe they should close this open wiki and make a new underground website to avoid any more of this shit.

>> No.4982728

Well I think the idea of centralizing it is flawed to begin with. It doesn't even really have to be a website. As long as a group has an IRC or something to keep people updated on, it should be good enough.

>> No.4982731

Yes, exactly.

>> No.4982747

It's called respecting the author's wishes.

I wouldn't put it behind them to do something like that.

>> No.4982754


well on the other hand, having open site could be a way to garner support which could be an incentive to the staff in itself

>> No.4982756

I bet we'll see an open letter next signed by multiple eroge companies asking people not to translate their stuff without permission.

>> No.4982760

Thanks anon, i'll be having a nightmare of that tonight.

>> No.4982763

Yeah, I guess. I don't really see any problem with it, but groups should stick to more disposable sites that they aren't worried about being taken down. Like a blogspot thing or something. Can easily just remake it if there's trouble.

>> No.4982800

What's with all the cease-and-desist letters lately? I think this is like the third one I've seen in less than two weeks.

>> No.4982816

>wouldn't multiple groups waste time translating the same shit
see: /a/. Knowledge never stopped anyone from translating anything multiple times.

>implying even one group will translate most games, let alone multiple

>> No.4982823

Japan is scared we'll take their loli and rape. They want to keep it away from people so they won't be harassed.

>> No.4982825

Well, at most they just ask for the projects to be removed, as long as they continue without announce...

>> No.4982827


>> No.4982856

Why don't you idiots just ban Japanese IP addresses...?

>> No.4982863


This. This this this.

If cunts like minori are going to block non-Japanese IPs, you block them in return.

Besides, it'll stop other eroge companies from deciding to shut more projects down.

>> No.4982867

Because tlwiki has Japanese translators.

>> No.4982876

why are the pages blank? i understand the removal of the infringing material, but information about the game, its story and who is translating it would not cause any trouble.

>> No.4982880

There are only several cunts that block foreign IP address.
And Illusion's blocking is justified so yeh.

>> No.4982890

The companies are probably using machine translation to read the site, and who knows what weird ideas they might get from the project pages themselves. minori's email told us to take the project page down specifically, too.

Better safe than sorry sort of thing.

>> No.4982904


Then they can use a proxy.

>> No.4982905

Holy fucking shit I was so friggin hyped up for this project very unlike all others. In fact I don't care about other projects (that haven't 100% completition in translation).

>> No.4982906

Well, whether or not there’ll be legal repercussions for not stopping a project isn’t the only issue here. Put yourselves in the shoes of someone working on a translation project for a moment. If the company that made the game you loved enough to translate clearly doesn’t like what you’re doing and wants you to stop, what choice do you have? Sure, you could move to a different website and take the project underground, but it just wouldn’t feel right as a fan of the game and the company that made it.

As a volunteer of an ongoing project hosted on TLWiki, I’m afraid the project I’m working on may be next. But I also think this is a good wake up call for the English translation community. Until now, we’ve just quietly assumed that companies didn’t care about us or that they’ve quietly gave us our blessings for spreading their work, but I think it’s clear that’s not the case.

Minori cast the first stone, and we’ll inevitably see many more follow suit.

>> No.4982907


Why not just take down the whole site then? TLwiki is just a magnet for stupid shit like this.

>> No.4982908

So are you against the idea of blocking Japanese IPs?

>> No.4982916

Obviously. This isn't a war.

There is people who actually care about the industry, you know.

>> No.4982921

Because it will totally solve the problem right? Beside it would seems like tlwiki is gathering of criminal scum that afraid getting their asses sued by japs

>> No.4982922

And how are this people related to tlwiki?

>> No.4982930

Enjoy having half of ongoing projects abandoned halfway.

>> No.4982931

IMO don't block Japanese IP. Just don't link to or host translation projects and files that may infringe copyrights.
Make TLwiki just an information site.

>> No.4982935

I briefly entertained the idea of blocking JP IPs, but it's a fairly dickish move and would indeed not be a very fine expression of good faith, IMO.

Plus, it's simply avoiding the issue, rather than trying to deal with it.

We're going to speak further with CUFFS about this and see what their reasoning was, if we can work anything out, etc.

>> No.4982937

So what did 2ch say to the minori incident? baka stealing gaijin?

>> No.4982939

fine expression of good faith?
to who?

>> No.4982941

Moogy, do this.

Yes, pretty much.

>> No.4982944

See, thing is.

This is about the only way for Westerners to play these games, period, outside of spending ten years learning Japanese. If all these projects are shut down, not only is all the work many people put into these games wasted, but you also have a lot of people being very disappointed.

And this isn't going to stop. They are going to receive C&Ds for every game on that site if something isn't done quickly.

Either move hosts or block Japanese IPs. Fuck their international rights, they're just doing this because they're blaming us for the RapeLay fiasco. FIGHT BACK. Actually let us have good things for once.

This is on top of all the moral faggotry that's been thrown around recently. Pretty soon everything we know and love will be gone and we won't have done anything.


>> No.4982945

Go underground.
Problem solved.

>> No.4982946

I think it's still a bit too soon to take drastic measures. However, if things continue in this vein, I agree that your idea seems to be a sound course of action.

>> No.4982947


Pretty much this. As long as we show ourselves to be spineless pussies, they'll treat us like spineless pussies. The only way to change things is to change how we react.

>> No.4982949


Or just do this. We can ask for the translation patches here when we know the project is finished.

They can't shut down 4chan.

>> No.4982950
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no one posted this in the thread over there yet.

>> No.4982951

No people, see.

We CANT justify ourselves by doing fan translation.
Same shit why anime companies sends C&D to fansubs. It's purely about copyrights.

The minori case is different because they were being dicks to begin with. Don't apply that attitude to every other companies or we'll be just like minori.

>> No.4982952

Japanese otaku are much worse 'thieves'. Seen this many times. Why don't VN companies chase them first before they go after baka gaijin?

>> No.4982953


Then post it. Shoot the irony into their mouth and have it ooze out their nose.

>> No.4982954

>Why don't VN companies chase them first before they go after baka gaijin?
They do, thats why there are fakes and viruses in Share.

>> No.4982955



So why not engage in some cognitive restructuring and act like it?

>> No.4982956

You don't have to stop just because of that. There are plenty of ways to use yet.

>> No.4982957 [DELETED] 

I don't think the Japanese or anyone for that matter are that stupid to download shit from Share.

>> No.4982958

The 2ch minori thread :

>> No.4982960

I don't think the Japanese or anyone for that matter are that stupid to download shit from Share.

Also, what do they get from spreading viruses anyway? People will still pirate shit even if they do that.

>> No.4982964

I'm all for this if Cuff couldn't provide decent reasoning like Minodick, I doubt one baka gaijin site blocked means anything to them

>> No.4982965

Just transform tlwiki to a public information status service and let the projects themselves go underground and manage themselves. It's not so hard to setup some private wiki system at home.

>> No.4982967

Same reason why game devs put DRM shit even it'll be cracked anyways.

>> No.4982980

I downloaded a virus from share years ago, a blatant executable.

I thought to myself, 'what the fuck lets see what it will do'.

Every file in my computer was turned into a jpg with a whole bunch of anti-p2p shit written all over it. Well, I didn't lose everything. I found it quite funny though.

>> No.4982986

If everyone bought the games and then ran the patches fantranslation probably wouldn't be an issue. But obviously very few people are going to do that.

When companies don't want their shit translated for free you can't really blame them.

Lets say they did want to license in English, generally anything that we would even want has already been translated and putting money into bring it over legally would be a huge waste of time and resources.

It's a really fucked up industry for non-jap fans ;_;

>> No.4982990


And it wouldn't be so bad if they DID want to release in English. But minori obviously doesn't, and I doubt any company following their example wants to either.

This is just blatantly taking out their frustrations at what is happening to their industry on them stupid white folks what translate illegally.

They have no real reason to do this. They weren't going to make money off of us anyway. In fact, minori won't even sell outside Japan, as I recall.

So why should we give them the time of day?

>> No.4982993

can someone open a better tlwiki? moogy shithead is a fucking loser and freakens the fuck out if someone wants shit deleted.

>> No.4983001

He should open one in a Spanish server, good laws for this.

>> No.4983003

Why don't you guys do the same thing as the chinese and korean translator?
Meaning, stop giving a shit.
What you are doing is illegal anyways.

>> No.4983006


This is pretty much it

We just don't need the entire industry hating on us and since this is only the beginning who knows how far this will go. Everything either needs to be taken underground immediately.

There really is no way to fight it other then that.

>> No.4983009

Moogy and co:

Stop being pussy little shits, who the fuck cares about their "wishes?" They clearly didn't intend to distribute their crap overseas to begin with, and with you pulling down your shit like a little pansy, no one outside of moonland would ever be able to enjoy VN's and shit ever again.

We're not asking you to "fight back," only that you fucking "pretend" you're complying with their requests. After that, take everything with you under-fucking-ground.

Is that really hard to do?

You already got people on your side, and if you wish to have more staff, then simply use the site and "subtlety" announce you need some help with "some things."

>> No.4983015

Clam down folks, I hate minori as much as you.
But CUFF doesn't block foreigner from visiting their site.

And they werent being dicks by vandalizing the wiki but sent moogy a letter instead.

>> No.4983017


This. Stop being so, well... Japanese. You don't need to care about what these people think since I highly doubt they're going to go through the trouble to declare legal action.

>> No.4983022

>only that you fucking "pretend" you're complying with their requests. After that, take everything with you under-fucking-ground.

But that's what we was discussing earlier.

>> No.4983025

where can i dl the latest patch from yosuga no sora atleast?

>> No.4983028


I still doubt they really care about the international market.

If they cared, they would have gone the way of Nitroplus and licensed their shit already.

>> No.4983040

>We hope that you will do the right thing, as fans of Yosuga no Sora.

what fucking niggers they are

>> No.4983042

Well yeh probably because nobody cared enough to obtain their license. It's not like Nitro+ ran to MangaGamer and ask them to please buy their license.

>> No.4983043

Bah, if the authors don't want their works translated, then stop. Move on and translate another one. Why force yourself to them?
It's not like there's a shortage of eroge to translate.

>> No.4983045

I'm beginning to think that the people in TLWiki are fucking attention whores, just like every other group.

Koreans and Chinks have went through this as well, but all they simply did was ignore the fuck out of them, or simply went underground.

Quit being faggots, if the gooks can do it, so can you.

>> No.4983050


But if people want it translated, then who gives a fuck about the authors? It's their fucking fault for not spreading their market outside Japan.

>> No.4983051

>people in TLWiki are fucking attention whores

>> No.4983053

Breaking news, it still doesn't excuse them from being faggots that bend over for Japanese companies that can't do shit.

>> No.4983055


I wonder how much money/effort it takes to obtain licenses.

I been looking for career change

>> No.4983060

If MangaGamer can do it, it's probably not that expensive. I mean that one guy is always bitching about how poorly their games sell.

>> No.4983061

You probably would have to meet them in person though, so it could be a bit difficult if you don't live in Japan, or know someone there who can do it for you.

>> No.4983064

>If they didn't say shit until it was finished, then wouldn't multiple groups waste time translating the same shit, without even knowing it?
Why should we give a shit?

>> No.4983069

Faggots, the lot of you.

Obviously tlwiki doesn't have the balls. how fucking pathetic, bending over to some japs

>> No.4983071

Someone please get a site similar to TLWiki in Spain or Sweden or somewhere else that doesn't give a shit about takedowns.

>> No.4983073

Maybe because the group that wasted their time could have been translating something else instead?

>> No.4983074

I'd do it in Spain, but takes money.

>> No.4983076

This is true, but I don't think VNs are popular enough yet to really even run into this problem.

>> No.4983077


It could be a possible I suppose.

Basically do what Mangagamer does and bring them over seas legally.

Hm.. Maybe I'll seriously look into this someday if I hit a midlife crisis or something

>> No.4983080

Spain bought off their socialist minions and they are pretty fascist now against copyright stuff.

>> No.4983082

OUR copyright stuff, we don't give a shit about foreign copyright, just like before.

>> No.4983085

VN translation faggots could learn a thing from t3h sc3n3 faggots about being internet pirates.

>> No.4983087

But your spanish socialist morons are trying to sell the EU on a stricter copyright agenda with the focus on the internet, besides ACTA that is.

>> No.4983088

I can only read one thing at a time and I'm pretty patient. I had to wait for F/S N's installer after all

>> No.4983089

No no no, we no pirates we provide translation patches with no-cd cracks legally xD

>> No.4983090

the scene : elitist faggots
vn fansubs : faggots

oh boy

>> No.4983092

I know about taht, still the new law is just going to apply to webs hosting spanish-copyrighted stuff, they at most can cut off other webs, but that's it.

>> No.4983110

I don't think you have a chance, unless you know someone in the industry.

Mangagamer is a joint venture by a couple of Japanese companies hoping to jump into international markets.
Remember Circus' CEO is the one that spoke for mangagamer on a con.

Even JAST USA started as a subsidiary of a defunct eroge company JAST.
G-Collections was a subsidiary of the eroge company CD-Bros.

The odds are stacked against you.

>> No.4983116

Look, at least try put yourself in Moogy's shoe, I know being an anon, in 4chan no less, pretty much entitled you to cuss without any fear of repercussion

In Tlwiki case, however, I doubt acting like random gook and dissing those Japs is the best solution, like some anon said before this could be very well a small fire that given time could smolder many things, if this was not handled carefully, things could very well be worse.

At least for formality sake, why don't we wait until those Japs give their response?

>> No.4983122

I am not the richest fag around but I think i can contribute maybe about $1000 if you guys really want to start up a VN translation company. However judging from those minori faggots, the licensing probably cost upward of 100k/game.

Fucking nip faggots.

>> No.4983127

This would only lead to a bunch of manchildish fatties to get the money and go MIA forever.

>> No.4983130

/jp/ doing something productive? I'm okay with this?

>> No.4983133

We could start a cooperative.

>> No.4983137

>Look, at least try put yourself in Moogy's shoe
Who knows, he might end up selling us all out like that Crunchyshit dude. What's his name again?

>> No.4983139

Then I'll finally get my lazy ass to work for once as a translator.

>> No.4983156

can someone please provide a dl link for the latest yosuga patch? Please I beg you ;_;

>> No.4983192

Sure thing Anon.

>> No.4983197


Maybe after a bit more japanese study I'll try my luck at it.

Then the "do what you love for a living" thing everyone says could actually come true.

>> No.4983198

thank you so much!
One question though, does common route include twin sister?

>> No.4983206

I've heard from a lot of people that doing what you love for a living can be a bad idea... Because you'll just start to hate it after a while. Better to do something you don't mind terribly, but don't love all that much either.

>> No.4983209

Plus you won't become a workaholic that way and you can enjoy things besides your job.

>> No.4983214

I dont know but seriously this might be profitable. This medium is superior to book. You just have to make them come out about the same time as their japanese counterpart. I think mangagamers are doing the right thing in releasing dear drops almost the same time as the nips.

Remember how people laugh at video games in the 80s? Just look at it now.

>> No.4983217

But it's not profitable for MangaGamer... Or, if we're to believe what that kouryuu guy says it's not.

>> No.4983222

You shouldn't block Japanese IPs. Just redirect them to a buffer page, written in Japanese, that better explains what TLWiki is about. I think that if somebody could write a truly articulate piece, companies would respond positively. It seems to me like a lot of companies are confused as to what TLWiki actually is or what it hosts. Some of them seem to think actual game files beyond just the scripts are being hosted. As was said, they are reading using a machine translation. The first step to solving the dispute is clearing up any confusion about what is actually being said/done.

Anybody agree?

>> No.4983226

Yeah. Something like this, maybe?

TLwiki official website.
This website cannot be browsed from Japan.

Some Japanese companies seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE translations.
Therefore, We prohibited the access from overseas to defend our culture.
Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a overseas.

TLwiki Inc.

>> No.4983227

Unfortunately no. Was also looking forward to the incest route, but it looks like that is out of the question now.

>> No.4983229

There's an easier way for this.
TAke the scripts from the public and only allow registered staff members of that certain project to see them, for normal viewers, just the basic info+stats.

>> No.4983232
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>This medium is superior to book

Yeah, no.

>> No.4983236

The authors will still probably send a notice, and since TLwiki's policy is to take down regardless of the actual validity of the notice, it wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.4983237

>As was said, they are reading using a machine translation.
Are they really doing that? I thought English is being taught at Japanese schools?

Even if they can't write in English, they should be literate.

>> No.4983240

From what I've heard, the way they teach it is pretty shitty, and most people over there still don't have a particularly good grasp of the language, unless they have a good reason to.

>> No.4983242

Common route is before the route split. Only the tsundere (Kazuha) route is "done". Seriously, the patch's scripts weren't even proofread, and I typo like a bitch.

>> No.4983243

A notice about something that isn't there?

>> No.4983246

All of those Engrish signs everywhere should tell you that they're in no way literate.

>> No.4983252

god no, I really wanted to read the twin sister story ;_;


I was really looking forward to it, man this makes me sos sad.

>> No.4983254

Nothing's stopping them. Moogy would still take it down even if they were obviously being idiots.

>> No.4983256


>> No.4983260


I meant something nicer, not blocking them from the site but merely a page they get before going to the main site. Something talking about how TLWiki doesn't actually host the files for a game, only its translation and how we're all part of a global otaku community, and at the end of the day they're only hurting that community and their sales by pursuing the takedown of translations. Coupled with the fact that the translations will just continue on underground anyway, which will make it even more difficult for those companies to keep any eye on them. Basically, explaining to them that the RapeLay thing was the result of a few ignorant people that don't represent the entire English-speaking community and that what they're doing is not beneficial at all and is just hurting them.

>> No.4983262

You guys are still continuing the project? I can help proofread it for you.

>> No.4983263

Aren't English teachers there gaijins on JET?

>> No.4983268


Profit wouldn't exactly be in mind. And CONSOLE video games are big, PC gets little love from most companies now just because of pirating.

I guarantee you majority of the people here pirated mangagamers stuff, and love them or hate them they're doing a great thing.

>> No.4983278

Err...proofreading after me is impossible. I once had "sister" typed in instead of "city". In any case, I'll decide what to do once Moogy tells me negotiations are over. TL's stalled for another 5 weeks or so anyway.

>> No.4983289

Oh well, it's not like any progress was being made. Someone should report Hatsukoi and the retrans website.

>> No.4983297


Fuck you.

>> No.4983340

Hatsukoi and Editorashi are the future. Small, unassuming site, essentially disposable hosting, if it goes down another one can be brought up quickly and with a minimum amount of effort.

>> No.4983370

Stop plugging your shit, Cudder.

>> No.4983375

The cost price of translating a VN/eroge don't really cost that much if the nips didnt ask for ridiculous amount of money for licensing fees.
Lets say we can hire a translator for around $3000/month for him to work 40hours/week. Typical translation will take about 2-3months to finish.
We sell the game at $20each. We can probably make more profit if we can strike a deal with figs company to bundle in the main heroine fig and sell limited edition at $60each.
Probably can make back the profits by selling 5000copies. Too bad none of this will happen since mega corporations are greedy assholes.

>> No.4983407

>Typical translation will take about 2-3months to finish.
Not really. If you work full time (5-6 hours a day), it should only take around 2 weeks to finish translating.

Not counting proofreading and shit.
I used to translate one volume of a lite novel, took me 3 days.

>> No.4983408

If you can sell those 5000 copies. Chances are 90% of people would just pirate it, at least.

>> No.4983417

>>I used to translate one volume of a lite novel, took me 3 days.
Now this is bullshit.

>> No.4983423

I can read a volume of a novel in 1.5 hours.
How can't I translate it in 3 days?

>> No.4983425

We keep backups and can move at a moment's notice. It's a turnkey, drop-and-run solution. We're like the shanzhai of VN translations.

I bet Moogy received the same reply when TLwiki was formed. I haven't been in the industry long enough to know what came before.

>> No.4983435

I pulled this number from mangagamers sales.

By selling/marketing it this way, we can probably make more sales compare to mangagamers. People will buy cheaper, physical copy and limited shit.

>> No.4983436

If Ted Woolsey could translate entire games in days while working out of a closet and with his bosses screaming at him over the phone every day, why can't you?

>> No.4983448

You're like a vulture waiting for TLWiki to die to pick at it's corpses.

>> No.4983449

>I can read a volume of a novel in 1.5 hours.
Now that's bullshit.

>> No.4983460


>> No.4983468

MangaGamer would be really happy if they could move 5000 copies of one game. They haven't been selling that much.

>> No.4983470

Not really, actually. I've known people who are able to plow through full sized novels (~400 pages) in a couple of hours tops.

>> No.4983473

I wonder how many copies of their games have been pirated.

>> No.4983484

Mangagamer's translations are so bad anyway. I understand why most people wouldn't want to buy this shit at such a high price.

>> No.4983490

Though even as their translations have improved, sales have remained poor. Not giving them much incentive there, I'm afraid.

>> No.4983499

Here we go again.

>> No.4983500

Like I said, you won't make any profit if you still treat the pirates as your consumers. Pirates will always be pirates.

>> No.4983502

They're too expensive, especially for a dl only version.

You either appeal to the mass market and drop your prices or you appeal to the hardcore fans, include trinkets and jack-up your price. You can't stay in the middle.

>> No.4983575

>They're too expensive, especially for a dl only version.

No, you're just cheap as fuck.

>> No.4983582

Don't think so.
Look at direct2drive, steam and other online game distributors and compare the prices.

>> No.4983587

I personally think $25 is the ideal price for DL only version.

>> No.4983605

Then higurashi answer arcs are perfect for you, 25$ each.

>> No.4983606


They have to go though a lot of shit to get these over here, and chances are if most of the games were cheaper people will still bitch about the price. The few that actually willing pay for it, are more then willing to pay the price tag. Have to minimize their loses.

Although I seriously doubt they'll ever get out of the red

>> No.4983619


hey guys
the nips are trying to blame us for pirating, but ignoring the fact that 95% of the peers in eroge torrents are Japanese.

let's fuck their shit up

>> No.4983649
File: 703 KB, 2982x728, kiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maximum trolling picture

>> No.4983687

I don't get it

>> No.4983692

>on /jp/
>can't read Japanese
gtfo newfag

>> No.4983703

wwwww did you made that?

>> No.4983705

the big red text in the middle basically says
"dirty gaijin pirates (haha oh wow"

>> No.4983706

Did a filthy gaijin make this? It is most possibly be the work of one.

>> No.4983707

Problem, fag?

>> No.4983716

where is the joke?

>> No.4983720

Goddammit. I have to ask though, do the 2chers regularly troll themselves like /jp/ does?

>> No.4983808

just ban all japanese IP. problem solved.

>> No.4983835

Theres no joke.
The trolling is that it is the truth that nips pirate more eroge than the entire world combined.

>> No.4983838

Considering starting my own TLWiki to host all dead projects so far, since the current TLWiki is a place full of faggots now. If enough interest is shown, I'll be hosting this in Germany.

>> No.4984024

Can somebody post this in the 2ch thread?

Do it bro.

>> No.4984032


Go for it bro. It's not such a smart idea to have a whole bunch of translation projects in one site anyways.

>> No.4984037

I'm on it, I'll make a new thread once I have everything in place.

>> No.4984048

lol'd about hosting anything of value in Germany; have fun being either raided or get your material deleted within days

>> No.4984054

Too bad that courts will laugh about a case of claiming C&D on non commercial translated text.

>> No.4984056

They will get your ass either for child prono or for hosting copyright material.

>> No.4984058

Better host it in some country with as little copyright shit as possible (Ecuador, maybe?).

>> No.4984059

Additionally, all Japanese IP ranges will be banned. Japanese translators will need to use a custom proxy to access the wiki.

>> No.4984066

The Himekishi Lilia translator plans to put his website on something owned by the Pirate Bay guys to be immune to DMCA notices.

>> No.4984090

That guy is a troll in my opinion.

>> No.4984096

Fuck, why are those TLwiki guys such assholes? They let all their efforts go to waste just because some big companies try to scare them? That's so pathetic. You don't care about the games at all, you just do this for the attention.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. Good thing there will still be a few good translation groups around when you guys disappear.

>> No.4984102

We rise again in the faces
of our children
We rise again in the voices of our song
We rise again in the waves out on the ocean
And then we rise again

>> No.4984112


this is a better troll

>> No.4984116

Nothing is lost apart of motivation you silly.

>> No.4984118

Make sure to use >>4983226 as the 403 message.

>> No.4984120
File: 50 KB, 507x371, Keep_on_trollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4984122

They do it simply because the wish to, for whatever reason.
No need to get in any actual trouble, big or small over that.
Don't act like they are fighting for a worthy cause and they have no right to back down, or whatever.

>> No.4984126

>Too bad that courts will laugh about a case of claiming C&D on non commercial translated text.

I hope you're not an American, as translations are derivative works. Pretty sure "fair use" goes out the door when you go from the world of small snippets used for illustrative purposes to the world of "oh hai i the entire text".

>> No.4984127

>TLwiki official website.
>This website cannot be browsed from Japan.

>Some Japanese companies seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE translations.
>Therefore, We prohibited the access from overseas to defend our culture.
>Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a Japan. Maybe you can try visiting Yurop or Amerika. I heard they have good burgers and you can download our translated games at hongfire.

TLwiki Inc.

>> No.4984133

Just a reminder about Eden, there wasn't a single edit to the SVN since mid March. Jaka wouldn't have stopped has he gave a shit about it, but he lost interest about 2 weeks in. Lets see what the Yosuga no Sora guys plan to do beforce mentioning that, as it isn't too hard to move elsewhere if they wish to continue.

>> No.4984142

All the guys have to do is get a new name and continue the project in private until it's done.

I see no real reason why the Eden project can't continue, really.

>> No.4984143

I bet more than 95% of eroge players are Japanese too! *shock*

>> No.4984148

way to completely miss the point, dumbfuck

>> No.4984151

Way to miss the point.

>> No.4984152

Were you trying to make some sort of point?

>> No.4984154

Bah, what horrible news to wake up to.

... Might as well ask here, though, anyone have the Yosuga no Sora manga?

>> No.4984157

>I see no real reason why the Eden project can't continue, really.

Because no one was motivated to work before the take down request, why would they now be motivated?

>> No.4984171


>> No.4984183

If you want to contribute to a less shitty tlwiki, share your thoughts in #serioustlwiki@irc.rizon.net. For now, I only have one server in Austria.

>> No.4984210

so ronery

>> No.4984213 [DELETED] 


Shut up, impostor.

>> No.4984214

Probably just repeating what has been said, cba to read whole thread.

I don't really understand what Japanese companies are actually losing from this. Translations to English should just improve their sales and make the game more popular. While it may not be much, it's still something considering that most VN sales aren't too big anyway.
For example, http://www.erogeshop.com/index.php is quite popular with foreign people and has F/SN as bestseller, probably because it's translated.

I'd somewhat understand companies worries if the game was about questionable content like rape, gore etc. but afaik, minori and cuffs games are not centered on stuff like that. At the moment it just feels like they are embarrassed to have their games go worldwide or want to avoid any unnecessary attention.

Somebody should go tell Japanese companies that they have damn awesome games out there and they should be proud of them and that someone is translating them for free.

>> No.4984218

summary of this thread ;

- at least they're not dicks like minori
- we should go underground
- we might start a more dark tl wiki

>> No.4984273

Why the fuck should TL groups hold back because of this? Seriously, do they think that a special copyright force will invade their homes and beat them up?

>> No.4984284

I, for once, welcome the end of fan translators, so i can love mai waifus without someone random troll in /jp/ calling them sluts.

>> No.4984288

You just answered your own question.

>> No.4984290

Someone who knows Japanese please email Akabeesoft2 about the Sharin translation

>> No.4984300

Should I, /jp/?


>> No.4984305
File: 45 KB, 250x217, trollface 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do eeeeet!

>> No.4984319

I already did, I e-mailed every company that has eroge for which there are TL projects going on. So far only CUFFS have made a move.

>> No.4984324

But Sharin translation was done.
Do you really think they will continue to translate the fandisk ero scenes?

>> No.4984331

I'm sure half of them would regard your email as spam, the other half won't understand what the fuck you are trying to say in your email.

>> No.4984333


>> No.4984334


Why are such an ass?

>> No.4984346
File: 82 KB, 292x302, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4984355



>> No.4984356
File: 106 KB, 557x442, whatever 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if these translation projects can be taken down so easily they shouldn't have bothered starting them in the first place.

>> No.4984363

That makes little sense.

>> No.4984374

That's because your brain lacks the capacity to understand it.

>> No.4984387


More like your brain has retarded logic.

>> No.4984396

I'm sorry.

Are you frustrated?

>> No.4984398

He seems quite calm on his observations.

>> No.4984404

Ok, so let's suppose that you really did e-mailed them, just to get into the joke.

Even while I understand your logic I still get no games. So what do I win after this? I was getting a game and now I got nothing. Don't looks like a very good deal there.

>> No.4984414

Shit and giggles, I guess?

>> No.4984419

Not my problem if you are too stupid to get it.

>> No.4984432

You usually explain actual reasoning and expand on it, not assume other people cannot grasp your train of thought.
Especially on the matter of being a snitch about porn game translations, that's just silly.

>> No.4984442

Maybe he can read Japanese so he doesnt give a shit about translation project?
Maybe he is translator that is committed to do translation only to realize it is boring and needed a reason to drop the translation project?
Maybe he just want to troll /jp/?
Maybe she is a slut that think eroge depict women/girls as sex object and want it stop?

>> No.4984471

If he did not give a shit and could read, bothering to send emails would be contradictory.
Every other translator that drops dead just does so, so no sense.
He does not troll /jp/ as much as he trolls TLWIKI. If you want to troll /jp/ much less effort is needed. And he is an Anonymous lacks proof of his actions, so easy to ignore and forget.
Finally, eroge come out either way by official channels, and localized too. So pointless.

>> No.4984481

The fact that both Jast, G-Collections and Mangagamer are japanese show that nobody is the west is willing to take the risks of licensing eroges to sell to the western market.
Just look at this thread, everyone here is making plans of how to pirate the next translation. Of course, there are a lot of japanese pirates too, but at least in Japan they still can sell their stuff. You fags will die without paying any shit to them while putting the blame for your lack of morals on the human nature.
Do you think that 100k is a lot to pay? The guy that made the VN probably borrowed 10 times this value to put it in the market. But you're right. 100k is a value very higher than everyone here together will pay for. Blame pirate gaijin civilization who won't pay for anything digital because "they are not weeaboos".

I feel sorry for those who really buy official translations.

>> No.4984486


>> No.4984489

You do not pirate a translation.

>> No.4984497

An unofficial translation is pirate stuff.
Just as fansubs are.

>> No.4984505

You still do not pirate 'pirate stuff'.

>> No.4984514

100k in yen is about $100 bro.

>> No.4984521

I meant $100,000

>> No.4984522


hypocrite much?

>> No.4984527

>100k is a lot to pay?
Why do you need to pay 100k to extend your market base when you can just hire a translator for about few thousands and then sell the games?
You are implying that 100% of the western community would not buy the game which is ridiculous. They would have made back their money if 1% of 100000 buy the game.

>> No.4984530
File: 53 KB, 300x562, what5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying the production cost of a single eroge is $1m?

>> No.4984531

>The fact that both Jast, G-Collections and Mangagamer are Japanese ...


Peter Payne owns JAST USA/G-Collections as Mangagamer is European (dutch to be more exact) as their prices being in Euros kinda indicates that.

No idea why the fuck would you think they are Japanese companies.

>> No.4984536

Stop picking on the grammar, you know what i am talking about.

I actually buy around 10 VNs every year.

>> No.4984538

Another thing to add. They are probably more than 100000weaboos in the market now considering how popular youtube/cruncyroll streaming are now.

>> No.4984561

Mangagamer is likely located in the Netherlands for the reason that they have the laxest laws against child pornography. It's still Japanese-owned.

>> No.4984566

This is not about grammar.
It's about making sense.

>> No.4984570

This. MG is BASED there, but backed by japanese companies (like Circus).

>> No.4984576

I think ef costed that much...

>> No.4984579

How about I shit on your face?

>> No.4984582

JAST USA and G-collections was started by Japanese companies.

>> No.4984584

So... No one has the manga?

>> No.4984589



Oh right, you have none ...

>> No.4984590

>An unofficial translation is pirate stuff.
Only if you distribute it commercially, we had this numerous times in the past threads, don't get me started on this shit again.

>> No.4984593

The only thing i know is that the manga is in the 8th volume and it's really loyal to the VN.

>> No.4984596

... wat

Eight volumes? That's seven more volumes than I expected.

Well, if it's loyal to the VN, then that's all well and good.

>> No.4984602

The volumes are kinda short, if what i read is right.

>> No.4984605


Somehow I think its more due to fiscal reasons.

>> No.4984613

I see.

Well, in any case, are the raws available anywhere? I haven't had much luck finding them.

>> No.4984693

Was it in the other minori threads? I'll go archive them if so (but I still think you're wrong, a translation is a derivative work and thus subject to copyright, regardless of whether you sell it or distribute it for free).

>> No.4984860


Post by a MangaGamer translator

>> No.4984978


>> No.4984989

He doesn't seem to realize that most eroge companies doesn't give a shit about the west.

>> No.4985022

In the end you guys should just learn Japanese. I mean, this is fucking Otaku Culture. I'm surprised not more people here are fluent.

>> No.4985032


The problem is most people in the English community are indifferent about supporting the industry and whatnot. Most of them are content with pirating games and getting free patches from translation groups.

>> No.4985125

The same could be said about people anywhere.

>> No.4985173

I think the greater problem isn't TLWiki, but that the actual translators might not want to work on a project anymore if it has been C&D'd. We'll probably see a shift in perspective similar to how fansubs have dealt with C&D's, and in the process lose translators.

>> No.4985248

Why eroge companies can't be more like Nitro+ or 07th Expansion? They respect their fans whether they're from.

>> No.4985270


>> No.4985281

Then please enlighten me as to the point of the comment. If it is simply that the vast majority of people pirating Japanese games are Japanese people, then I don't see how that can be of any surprise or importance at all. Just because someone in Japan pirates a game doesn't make another person telling foreigners to stop pirating the same game a hypocrite unless that person also pirates the game or claims it's okay for the Japanese to pirate.

>> No.4985296


>> No.4985333

Until the day comes that when a big title is released in Japan and has a high chance of being released overseas, fan translations have a place.

>> No.4985352


>> No.4985374


>> No.4987250

So, did anyone open a brazilian clone of TLWiki already?

>> No.4987377


>> No.4987644

Dammit, how do I get my Sora Kasugano fix now?
